Statecraft or Witchcraft?

Guest Post by Dmitry Orlov

What has the US State Department been doing in Ukraine? It has been busy, and has succeeded in pushing the hapless nation, left destitute by 22 years of freedom and democracy oligarchy, to the brink of civil war. (Keep in mind, Russia came close to collapsing altogether after just nine years of freedom and democracy oligarchy.

Instead of offering you a rational and reasoned (and boring) geopolitical analysis, allow me to temporarily leave the modern world behind and retreat into the mindset of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth rock. Why don’t we have us a good old-fasioned witch-hunt! After all, the people who have been pushing Ukraine in the direction of civil war while risking a nuclear confrontation with Russia are clearly doing the Devil’s work, and so that makes them witches, correct? To find out who these witches are, we have to become expert witch-sniffers. (It’s easy; you’ll see.) Then we can make effigies of them and burn them at the stake. (No actual witches will be harmed in the process, of course.)

There are three witches, the story goes, three weird sisters. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” the weird sisters croak in unison, as they hover through the fog and filthy air. Eventually they settle down around the steaming cauldron:


First Witch  

Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison’d entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter’d venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Second Witch  

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Third Witch

Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Silver’d in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk and Tartar’s lips,
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver’d by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Second Witch  

Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

And then the three witches reach into the bubbling cauldron, and out of the rancid muck they mould a figure.

They hold it up, cristen it “Yatsenyuk,” place a crown on its head, and pronounce it Prime Minister of Ukraine.

And here is Yatsenyuk in real life; see the uncanny resemblance?

Who might these three witches in real life. The first, of course, is Victoria Nuland of the US State Department.

She is the one who, in a now famous leaked telephone conversation, dictated that Yatsenyuk should head up the Kiev junta. She also dropped an f-bomb on the EU. She bragged publicly about the $5 billion of taxpayer money she dumped into the steaming cauldron of Ukrainian politics, from which Yatsenyuk and the rest of the junta eventually emerged.

The second witch is Hillary Clinton, who appointed Nuland. I hope that this choice is uncontroversial. By the way, she compared Putin to Hitler, and this alone tells us that her mind has snapped.

And the third witch? Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the UN, perhaps?

She once called Clinton a “monster,” but later apologized, perhaps realizing that she herself is a monster. She certainly behaves like one. One one recent occasion she accosted Russia’s UN Ambassador, spraying him with saliva while screeching like a woman possessed. One of the funnier things she spewed forth: she is insulted by Russia’s nuclear deterrent. (What else might she find insulting? The tilt of the Earth’s axis, maybe?) She had to be taken by the elbow and escorted to her seat.

Witch-sniffing is easy, you see. Witches are hard to spot while they are casting their spell, but as soon as they realize that their spell is broken they begin to look very, very ugly. All of that demonic energy rises to the surface for all to see. A witch whose spell has been broken is invariably a hissing, screeching, spitting witch.

Mind you, not everyone involved is a witch. President Obama, for instance, is just a claymation figure that reads from a teleprompter, while the Secretary of State John Kerry was at some point replaced with a cardboard cut-out of himself, and, sadly, nobody even noticed. Nor are all the witches female; it’s a gender-neutral pursuit.

There are even some Russian witches: Gary Kasparov, for instance. He is in the Putin=Hitler camp, but, paradoxically, also a poster-child for Russian freedoms, being able to come to the US, openly talk about overthrowing the Russian government, and then fly back to Russia without any problems. If an American were to do the same, he would be charged with terrorism and left to rot in indefinite detention. There is also the wannabe politician Alexei Navalny, who recently committed political suicide by doing the Putin=Hitler thing—on Ukrainian state television, no less.

How was the spell broken? Nothing stings quite as well as a resounding defeat on the international stage. Those who thought they were in control have just suffered a major defeat. On Ukraine so far, it’s Russia 1, US Oligarchy 0: Crimea is once again Russian, the transfer of sovereignty happened peacefully and in accordance with the internationally recognized principle of self-determination, and this defeat is so embarrassing that nobody even wants to talk about Crimea any more. It’s a done deal.

More defeats follow, as the boomerang effect of sanctions imposed on Russia. The US will not be able to withdraw from Afghanistan via the safe northern route that runs through Russia; instead, the endless convoys will have to run the gauntlet through Pakistan where the locals, incensed by endless drone attacks on their weddings and funerals, will do their best to blow them up. The US will not be able to launch military satellites, because the Atlas V rockets won’t fly without the Russian-built RD-180 engines, for which there is no replacement. Nor is it likely that, as things escalate, US astronauts will still be able to get up to the International Space Station, since that requires a trip on the Russian Soyuz.

Not that the Russians have a lot of time for this nonsense. They are busy negotiating deals, like the oil barter deal with Iran which neatly circumvents the sanctions; like the long-term natural gas supply deal with China; and quite a few others. For example, Russia and China agreed to build a canal through Nicaragua, which will supplant the Pentagon-controlled Panama canal. Nicaragua will also get a GLONASS ground station (Russian-Indian replacement for the Pentagon-controlled GPS system), plus a Russian military base, to make sure that the US doesn’t decide that it can do something about any of this. Nearby, Russia forgave $90 billion of Soviet-era Cuban debt, reestablishing close relations between Russia and Cuba and opening up Cuba to large-scale Russian investment. Russian companies will be developing Cuba’s offshore oil and gas fields.

No doubt, the US would love to counter these moves, but it can’t because it doesn’t have the talent. Most of the experienced, professional diplomats quit in disgust during Bush Jr.’s reign, when they were forced to continually lie to the whole world about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the diplomatic corps is loaded with incompetents whose only credentials are that they raised lots of money for Obama’s election campaigns. At the next changing of the guard they will be replaced with the next crop of amateurs. It is little wonder that they are losing.

But these people are unaccustomed to being defeated, and defeat makes them livid and hysterical, and then they go and wax apoplectic in public, yelling and screeching and spraying saliva. You can tell that their minds have snapped when they start comparing everyone to Adolf Hitler. And you can see it all right on television. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the population in the US is perplexed. Except for the Lost Plane Channel formerly known as CNN, commentators on all the major news channels, even the super-blockheaded Fox News, are wondering aloud: “What the hell are we doing in Ukraine?” Well, we are trying to safeguard the interests of the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds, to be sure, but how does knowing that help you?

“How well is that going?” you might ask. Well by now all of eastern and southern Ukraine is in open revolt against the US-appointed junta in Kiev. The neo-Nazi “Right Sector” initially supported the junta and helped with the putsch that overthrew the democratically elected government. But then one of the “Right Sector” leaders, Sashko Bily got shot, most likely for opposing a plan to import a trainload of nuclear waste from the EU and dump it on the ground near Chernobyl. That train is still stuck on the Ukrainian border. Now the junta leaders are shaking in their boots because the “Right Sector” could stage another coup, this time against them.

How does the US react? It sends CIA Director Brennan to Kiev. Brenner orders the junta to attack their own citizens in the east, in an “anti-terrorist” operation.

“Kill them! Kill them all!” says Brenner, but Ukrainian soldiers refuse to fire on their own people and defect in droves.

Next, the US sends in their secret weapon, VP Joe Biden.

“Kill them! Kill them all!” says Biden, with similar results. What is the US to do? I think that only one choice remains: send in Senator John McCain.

If there is anyone who can scare the Ukrainians into fighting a fratricidal war, it’s McCain. But what if that too fails?

Well, then the people in eastern and southern Ukraine may get their way. They are just some Russians—millions of them—who got stuck on the wrong side of the Russian border for over two decades. They aren’t sure about everything—such as whether they want to join Russia. (They probably do simply because the pay is so much better on the Russian side.) But they are sure about one thing: they don’t want to live under a foreign occupation run by a US-appointed junta for the benefit of a bunch of oligarchs.

And I bet neither would you. Maybe you can’t help yourselves, the US not being a democracy and all, but maybe you can still do something to help the Ukrainians, by subjecting these warmongering witches to public ridicule. This ought to degrade their effectiveness by a notch or two. As I said, witch-hunting is easy. All you have to do is turn on the TV and see who else today is hissing, screeching, pounding the table, spewing vitriole and dropping the name “Hitler” gratuitously. Then you can go, get a bonfire permit, and burn them in effigy. That automatically makes for good visuals. All you have to do is add some interviews and commentary, and next thing you know you got yourself your own very popular witch-hunting Youtube channel!

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May 10, 2014 8:40 am

The big bad Russian bogeyman Vladimir Putin just doesn’t know when to stop, today he is shoving that burr up of the ass of our vainglorious leader Obama with a broomstick.

Visiting Crimea, that now annexed chunk of Ukrainian corporate booty that was promised to the high finance parasites by Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland and friends to celebrate Victory Day. The celebration is one of the commemoration of the crushing of the Nazis and Mr. Putin’s visit has a certain building at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue filled with the sound of puckering assholes. The botched and historically stupid operation to hijack Ukraine while Putin was distracted by the Sochi Winter Olympics and which is now disintegrating by the day is a constant sore spot with the king of the narcissists Barack H. Obama.

As the echoes from the fluttering spincters bounce off of the walls in the White House, El Presidentes silly little twit of a paid liar Jay Carney popped off in an interview with Democratic party propaganda mill MSNBC that – “Any effort that he engages in that further destabilizes the situation in the rest of Ukraine, including in the east and the south, is very unhelpful.”

Carney didn’t mention (nor was he asked) about the destabilization of the region by US backed neo-Nazi militias and assorted fascist death squads like the ones responsible for that horrifying atrocity that occurred last Friday at that trade union building in Odessa where an untold number of federalists were butchered by Obama’s wonderful freedom fighters. The US backed murders continue today as the illegally installed by coup junta government of “Yats”and his fascists with military vehicles and forces sent after civilians in the city of Mariupol. Maybe Obama can get together with his fawning sycophants in the media again tomorrow night and tell jokes while he presides over the murdering of civilians in Ukraine. Just another day in the Empire.

Putin’s trip to Crimea was not only a big fuck you to the Obama regime but also a reminder that Russia was the key ally during the hallowed “Good War” that chopped up Hitler’s war machine in Stalingrad and elsewhere, softening up the Nazis for the kill for which the Anglo-American Empire continues to falsely hog the credit for.

Carney should show more gratitude, were it not for the Russians he would be speaking German today. There is nothing quite like the a Russian, particularly one like Putin bringing up the inconvenient truth that the sacrifices by the people of that land – by most accounts over 25 million dead – spared our god-kissed, exceptional nation tens of thousands of dead Americans who would have been sent home to mother in body bags were the Nazis not decimated on the eastern front.

This is the truth, not that bullshit revisionist history that is strained through John Wayne’s boxer shorts and spoonfed to the inhabitants of the star-spangled lemming colony. Perhaps the greatest sin of all concerning Putin was that spot on editorial in the New York Times on September 11th of 2013 where he let it rip.

In the column the Russian leader dared to invoke the forbidden history that during World War II that his country was an ally of the U.S. and Britain and helped to defeat the Nazis. It is arguable that Russian fighting against the Germans at Stalingrad, one of the bloodiest battles in the history of mankind turned the tide and allowed for the allies to win the war. The Russians chewed up the Nazis in that brutal winter mosh pit of misery that caused the lunatic Adolf Hitler to arrogantly lose a good chunk of his military power while delivering a crushing blow to German resolve.

The extreme violence and devastation on the Eastern front were critical in allowing the Americans to successfully invade Europe and then roll over the Nazis as they roared towards Berlin. The Russians don’t get enough credit here while the sainted Sir Winston Churchill gets too much of it but such is standard western hypocrisy that we are constantly fed. Especially though when one of those hypocrisies was throwing in with the despotic Joseph Stalin who was right up there with Hitler when it comes to crimes against humanity but he was our kind of bastard at just the right time.

The leadership of this country has quite an impressive track record when it comes to supporting ruthless scum who torture and murder their own people so that western business interests can open new markets and plunder resources. For a great history of American meddling, murder and regime change – at least up to when it was published – there is no better resource than William Blum’s classic book “Killing Hope”.

Ironic that today on Victory Day that Obama and his filthy criminal infested administration have chosen to not only lie about history but through their actions in supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine are doing their damned level best to resurrect the Third Reich.

May 10, 2014 8:50 am

Nothing says Hillary The Witch like the picture below. The picture of Hillary is NOT photo-shopped …. actual picture of her ducking recently when a show was thrown at he.

My, God! What a hag!!
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About two months ago I started some “low level” activity researching alternatives to leaving this shit-hole. I even wrote to the Austrian embassy regarding specifics on citizenship. Nothing will likely happen as I have family here …. then again, my parents left behind what was left of their family, so there’s that precedent. Anyway, if Hillary becomes President — and I place those odds at over 50% — I’m just not sure I can take it. If there’s anyone who can turn into a “Hitler” … it’s her …. don’t kid yourself otherwise.

May 10, 2014 8:51 am

Really glad to see the voting plug-in. Even happier that I can now vote for myself!

May 10, 2014 9:26 am

You must ask yourself this question; Is our Mulatto In Chief aware that the Ukraine government is murdering innocent Russians, as shown below? Of course, the answer must be a resounding ‘yes!’. Then ask, “What kind of president do we have?” There are many answers to that, not the least of which is, Pure Evil.


“For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians has been filmed by many people from many different angles and perspectives while it was happening, and is documented in extraordinary detail in “real time,” the perpetrators having no fear of any negative consequences from their endeavor, and even cheering and celebrating the tortures and deaths as they were being imposed upon the helpless victims. The perpetrators were unconcerned, because what they were doing was what the government (which the U.S. had imposed upon their country and which U.S. taxpayers had spent more than 5 billion dollars to bring about there) had wanted them to do, and had helped to organize them to carry out. These people were just having fun, like a party to them, nothing really serious at all. Sort of like Stanley Kubrick’s movie A Clockwork Orange”

The rest of the story with all the disturbing you-tube video is here —–>

Videos and Photos of the Odessan Massacre


A couple of Ukie chicks, casually making a bomb, casually walking down the street on their way to casually murdering a few of their countrymen. Hey! Girls just gotta have fun!
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May 10, 2014 9:34 am

**** fyi, CAUTION!!!! *****

Write your long posts in a Word doc and then copy and paste. Twice today I have gotten a “Slow Down You Are Posting Too Fast” message …… 5+ minutes between posts??! ……… and the entire post just disappears.

May 10, 2014 10:09 am


They were comments.

May 10, 2014 10:24 am

[imgcomment image?resize=480%2C342[/img]

May 10, 2014 10:33 am

Great article. There is so much evil around us, it’s amazing. All under the reign of the last anti-christ (of three). What happens when you build a country and economy based on religious values, morals and ethics, then let minorities and women take over. The gates of hell are open and all the demons are walking the earth….

Satanists to stage ‘black Mass’ at Harvard

Satanists to stage ‘black Mass’ at Harvard

One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist, survey says


May 10, 2014 10:56 am

“The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, “This procession has got to go on.” So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn’t there at all.”

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May 10, 2014 10:57 am

Really AWD, women and minorities?

You still sticking to that shit in the face of millions of words proving it’s a few rich men and mega-national corporations?

This is how they are fucking winning, keep us divided and pointing fingers at each other while they grow their wealth by stripping it from us, including the obese, minority and women.

So freaking FUBAR, even the enlightened continue to spout the memes that allow our destruction to continue unabated.

Wish I could figure out how, and where, to get off this ride.

May 10, 2014 11:16 am

Administrator says: Stuck Is that a comment or a post?

How do you go about having something posted?

May 10, 2014 11:34 am


Who founded this country?
Who built this country?
Who founded the factories, invented the technology?

Women and minorities? Nope, white males. Sorry, it’s not meme. Then it was all given away.

The war on poverty has resulted in $20 trillion being pissed away
Civil rights, disability rights, women’s rights, gay rights, transgender rights, Large and in-charge rights; entitlements ad infinitum. Aggrieved groups blaming white males for all their problems, and profiting from their guilt.

White men’s rights gone, taken away/given away (been divorced and raped in court, kids taken away, 1/2 your property and money, and 30% tax on your income?)

And the final insult, political correctness, white guilt for “white privilege”, mind control imposed on white males by feminazis and liberal progressives. You can lose your job, your family, your basketball teams for uttering a few words, but only if your a white male. Keep rolling over and taking it up the ass, men, you deserve it.

May 10, 2014 11:34 am

This is a long article … so solly … probably my final post on on this thread. This guy (The Saker) writes a really good analysis regarding the “Nuke War” aspect … as good as an analysis as I’ve seen anywhere so, just had to post it.

——————————————————————————————————– –
OpEdNews 5/8/2014

Hot War with Russia

f anything the past 24 hours have proved, once again, that the US and NATO are opposed to any form of negotiations, confidence-building measures or any other type of negotiations with the Donbass and with Russia. Even though Putin tried really hard to sound accommodating and available for a negotiated solution, the US/NATO policy is clearly to provoke and confront Russia and its allies in every imaginable way.

The same goes, of course, for the junta freaks whose forces have acted with special brutality during repressive operations in the city of Mariupol. As for the AngloZionist Empire, it is organizing all sorts of military maneuvers in Poland, the Baltic states and elsewhere. Logically, many of you are coming to the conclusion that a war is becoming a very real possibility and I therefore want to repeat a few things yet again.

First, there is no military option for the AngloZionists in the Ukraine, at least not against Russia. This is primarily due to three fact things: geography, US overreach and politics. Geography, it is much easier for Russia to move a ground forces to the Ukraine than it is for the US/NATO, especially for heavy (mechanized, motor-rifle, armored, tank) units.

Second, simply too many US forces are committed elsewhere for the US to have a major war in against Russia in eastern Europe.

Third, for the time being the western public is being deceived by the corporate media’s reports about the “Russian paper tiger”, but as soon as the real fighting starts both Europeans and Americans will suddenly wonder if it is worth dying for the Ukraine. Because if a shooting war between the USA and Russia really begins, we will all be at risk (see below).Remember how the very same media promised that the poorly equipped, poorly trained, poorly commanded and poorly motivated Russian military could not crack the “tough nut” represented by the NATO-trained Georgian military?

Second, we have to remember that it is never possible to oppose to forces on paper and say that “A” is stronger than “B”. Afghanistan and Iraq are perfect examples of the kind of misguided conclusions a self-deluding political leadership can reach when it begins to believe its own lies. So without committing the political “crime of crimes” and suggesting that the invincible US military is anything but invincible, let me suggest the following: if the Russian conventional forces were to be defeated you can be absolutely sure that Russia would have to engage its tactical nuclear capabilities at which point the situation would escalate into a well-known Cold War conundrum.

The theory of deterrence suggests that you should reply at the same level, but not above, then your adversary’s first move. So, a Russian tactical nuclear strike in, say, Poland or even the Ukraine would have to be met by a similar US strike. But where? Where is the Russian equivalent of Poland for the USA? Belarus? But that is much more like a Russian strike on Canada – really close to home. Kazakhstan? Ridiculous – too far. Obviously not Armenia. So where would the US retaliate? Against Russian forces in the Donbass, but that is right across the border. Maybe in Russia itself? But that would mean striking at the Russian territory proper. What will Russia do in this case – strike at Poland? Germany? The ‘equivalent’ response would be to strike at the US mainland, of course, but that would be inviting a full-scale US retaliation, which would inevitably be followed by a Russian one. And since neither side can disarm the other in a counter-force disarming strike, we are talking about a nuclear world war a la Dr Strangelove, with nuclear winter and all.

Some might find this kind of reasoning ridiculous, but anybody who has participated in the Cold War will tell you that the best minds in the USA and USSR were busy full time grappling with these issues. Can you guess what they concluded? That a nuclear won cannot be won. But that, in turn, means that no war opposing the USA to Russia can be won because any war of this kind will inevitably turn nuclear before the weaker sides surrenders.

Let me put it to you in a somewhat silly but truthful way: the survival of the USA depends on Russia not losing a war. Yes, that’s right. And the converse is also true: Russia’s survival is contingent on the USA not being defeated either.This is why Foreign Minister Lavrov has been repeating over and over again that no one side can achieve security at the expense of the other and that security has to be collective and even mutual. But was anybody listening to him across the Atlantic?

Of course, for the time being and for the foreseeable future, this will only be true for a war directly opposing Russian and US military forces. Proxy wars are okay, as are covert operations and wars against third parties. But for the time being, only Russia and the USA have the kind of full-spectrum nuclear capabilities to be able to completely destroy the other side “no matter what”. Let me explain.

It has often been said that the Russian and US nuclear forces have to be on high alert and that to avoid being destroyed in a counter-force (counter military) first strike they would have to launch on warning i.e., to launch while the other side’s missiles are incoming and before they hit their targets. The fact is that both countries practice what is called “launched under attack” which is launching while some enemy missiles have already hit.

But the truth is that both the USA and Russia could afford what is called “riding out the attack” completely and still have enough strategic nuclear weapons to destroy all the key population centers of the other side. This is due to their highly redundant strategic nuclear forces. The fact is that even if, say, the USA managed to destroy every single Russian bomber and every single Russia nuclear silo, and every single Russian strategic nuclear missile carrying submarine, even those in port (who can launch right from there if needed), Russia would still have enough road-mobile ICBMs to wipe off the USA a a country.

The exact same can be said of a Russian first strike on the USA which, even if unrealistically successful would still expose Russia to a massive retaliation by USN strategic nuclear missile carrying submarines. And in the real world no first strike is 100% successful. Even 95% successful is not enough if the remaining 5% can still be shot back at you.

Civilians often complain that Russia and the USA have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the planet many times over as it that was a sign of insanity. In reality, it is exactly the opposite: it is because both Russia and the USA have the peacetime ability to destroy the planet several times over that in wartime neither side can have any hopes of achieving a first strike successful enough to avoid a massive retaliation. Yes, in the world of nukes, more is better, at least from the point of view of what is called “first strike stability”.

This what sets Russia and the USA really apart: no other nuclear power has a nuclear force whose first strike survivability is as high as Russia and the USA” for the foreseeable future all other nuclear-weapons possessing powers are susceptible to a disarming first strike.

Let me give one more example of how nuclear warfare is counter-intuitive in many ways. We often hear of alert levels (DEFCONs in the USA) and the assumption is that a lower level of defense alert is better. It is not. In fact, a higher alert level is better from the point of view of first strike stability. Here is why:

In complete peacetime (DEFCON 5), most bombers are sitting on the tarmac, most crews doing their training, most subs are moored in port and most critical personnel busy with normal daily tasks. This is exactly when these forces are the most vulnerable to a disarming first strike. At higher levels of alert, the crews will be recalled to their bases, at even higher levels they will be sitting in their planes with engines running and at the highest threat level the bombers will be airborne in prepared holding positions, submarines will be flushed out to sea, all personnel in wartime command posts and, in the USA, the President has his key aides either in the air in Air Force 1 or deep inside a bunker. In other words, a higher degree of alert means much less vulnerability to a first strike and that, in turns, means more time to negotiate, find out what is really going on, more time to avoid a war.

What I am trying to illustrate here is that both Russia and the USA have developed a very sophisticated system to make it impossible for the other side to “win” a war. That system is still there today, in fact Putin has just invited the other heads of state of the CSTO to be present during a large-scale test of the Russian strategic deterrence forces (not because of the Ukraine, this exercise was scheduled over a year ago).

In other words, this means that the US/NATO know that they cannot “win” a war against Russia, not a conventional one and not a nuclear one either. Those who claim otherwise have simply no idea what they are talking about.

Which leaves two possible explanations for the current behavior of the West, and neither of them is encouraging.

First, Obama, Merkel & Co. are lunatics, and they are hell-bent into starting WWIII. I frankly cannot imagine that this is true.

Second, Obama, Merkel & Co are playing a reckless game of chicken with Putin hoping that he is bluffing and that Russia will accept a neo-Nazi run Banderastan which would be hysterically russophobic, a member of NATO and generally become an AngloZionist puppet state like Poland or Latvia.

That, my friends, is not going to happen. This is why on March 1st of this year I wrote an article warning that Russia was ready for war. And it has nothing to do with Putin, Russian imperialism or the kind of nonsense the western corporate media is spewing and everything to do with the fact that the US wants to turn the Ukraine into an existential threat to Russia while keeping together by brute violence and terror a fictional country invented by the deranged minds of western Popes and Jesuits which has no existence in reality and which would implode in less than 24 hours if left by itself.

What makes me believe that we are in a crisis potentially much more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis is that at that time both the US and the USSR fully understood how serious the situation was and that the world had to be brought back from the brink of nuclear war.

Today, when I listen to idiots like Obama, Kerry, Psaki & Co. I am struck by how truly stupid and self-deluded these people are. Here they are playing not only with our existence, but even with theirs, and they still are acting as if Putin was some Somali war lord who needed to be frightened into submission. But if that tactic did not work with Somali warlords, why would they think that it will work with Putin?

I will want to force myself to believe that behind all these crazy and ignorant lunatics there are men in uniform who have been educated and trained during the Cold War and who still remember the many hours spent running all kinds of computer models which all came back with the same result over and over again: a victory is impossible and war was simply not an option.

It is also possible that the Empire wants to escalate the situation in the Ukraine enough to force a Russian intervention but not enough to have a shooting war. If so, that is a very risky strategy. I would even call it criminally reckless. It is one thing to engage in all sorts of macho sabre rattling with the DPRK, but quite another to try the same trick on a nuclear superpower. The scary fact is that the bloody Democrats already have such a record of utter recklessness.

Do you remember when in 1995 Clinton sent in two US aircraft carriers into the Strait of Taiwan in a cowboy-like show of macho force? At that time the Chinese wisely decided against responding to a stupid action by a equally stupid reaction, but what if this time around Obama decides to show how tough he really is and what if Putin feels that he is cornered and cannot back down?

It is scary to think that the fact that Russian and Chinese leaders are acting in a responsible way actually entices the US to act even more irresponsibly and recklessly but this does seems to be the case, especially when a Democrat is in the White House.

When is the last time you remember a US President taking upon himself to make a constructive proposal to avoid military action or a way? I honestly cannot recall such an instance.

In conclusion I can only repeat what I said so many times: there is no military option for the US/NATO against Russia. As for whether the AngloZionist plutocracy of the 1% who rule over us has gone completely crazy – your guess is as good as mine.

The Saker


May 10, 2014 11:35 am

That comment was to TE, not Stuck

May 10, 2014 11:41 am

Q: “Who founded this country?” —– AWD
A: Schlamuiel Shinkelstein

Q:”Who built this country?” —– AWD
A: Chinks built the railroads. Neegrows picked the cotton. Irish built Whiskey Factories. Injuns drank it.

Q: “Who founded the factories, invented the technology?” —– AWD
A: Germans

May 10, 2014 11:47 am

Who founded and built this country? Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, British, French, Danish, Austrians, Irish (white Europeans)

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USA is #1

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May 10, 2014 11:56 am

White males? We don’t need no stinking white males…..

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May 10, 2014 12:07 pm

Another victim of the thought-control PC liberal progressive police

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Benham Brothers and National LGBTQ Religion

I am pleased that our fellow progs exposed those nasty reichwing neanderthals the Benham Brothers, forcing People’s Propaganda Station #9556, aka HGTV, to toss them off.

Helping The Poor™ is not a good enough way to make up for saying things the militant LGBTQ movement finds offensive. Just who do they think they are? Besides, our tolerant and understanding People’s Government™ provides all the crappy, substandard shelter these people will ever need. And, our party helps them figure out for whom they should vote so they don’t have to waste mental energy doing it themselves. Said energy is better used choosing the type of tattoo or even firearm they want to buy using their EBT card.

What these teabillies don’t realize, Comrades, is that if they want access to OUR television networks (not theirs but ours) they better not have said anything or supported anything that was ever offensive to the new National Religion of LGBTQ. If they have, we will find out and we will destroy their careers and prevent them from ever working again.

We believe everyone has a right to free speech as long as they say that with which we agree. I would say violation of this will cause us to blackball them but that would be racist. Sometimes our new politically correct societal religion commandeers the color pink, so maybe we could pinkball them? But then, that too might be racist because some people’s skin color is a bit pink. And then there is Commissarka Pinkie and I don’t want to be whacked with her shovel.

Anyway, I think it is necessary to draw a rainbow line in the sand and let people know once and for all what is allowed and not allowed in society under the Current Truth’s new National LGBTQ Religion. (Yes, I am well aware of a debate in another thread about rainbow vs. red. But remember, red lines in the sand are reserved for Dear Leader when he deals with countries like Russia, Syria, or even Liechtenstein if the latter decides to thumb its nose at the USSA once Dear Leader gets finished degrading improving our defenses.)

We must make it clear to the neanderthals where the rainbow line is in the sand and what happens if they cross it. We need a list of what they can do, what they can’t do, and what the punishments will be. I suspect we need several thousand of these.

So, I ask that each of us come up with items for the list. We can then have a well funded committee (tax the rich to pay for it!) over several years to make the final decision of what is to be included (though we always must be inclusive, Comrades) or not. Then Dear Leader can sign it as an executive decree.

My suggestions:

The various sexual minority groups cannot just survive on only five letters (LGBTQ) especially as their power expands. Give them the rest of the letters. Make up letters for them, even. They deserve this because they were oppressed!

Recognize that LGBTQ people were absolutely the most oppressed group of people in the history of the world and it’s now time to pay the piper. But even so, they are still and always will be the most oppressed victim group in the world. In the entire universe!

The next Dear Leader must be an OPENLY LGBTQ Dear Leader

If you said something in the past or contributed to a candidate or ballot initiative in the past that offends the militant LGBTQ movement, you better pony up the bribe necessary fees to the Commissar of Time to so he can go back and erase it. Failure to do so will result in loss of career and livelihood. A few dozen cases of vodka to the leaders in the militant LGBTQ movement might also do the trick.

I look forward to your most equal ideas, comrades.

May 10, 2014 12:16 pm

Started out as a Ukraine thread.

Turns into a white ho / pimp Neegrow thread.


May 10, 2014 12:22 pm

Thank you sir….

May 10, 2014 1:01 pm


Don’t forget the brothers represent the dreaded white male.

May 10, 2014 1:02 pm

I wish Orlov could have worked in Nancy Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West.

May 10, 2014 7:33 pm


Here’s a skank-a-palooza for ya…

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