You thought this would be a post about the economy, or a rocket? Nope, it’s about schools; D.C. schools to be exact. They spend almost $30,000 per student, and can’t even teach the students proficiency in reading and math.

I’d call that a catastrophic system failure. D.C. has been run by democrats forever, and the corrupt teachers unions suck ever more money out of the system while utterly failing to educate kids. Only the government could screw something this bad while spending a fortune. Another complete disgrace, like most teachers unions. How can they continue to get away with this fraud? Oh yea, they pay off politicians, who continue to raise taxes to fund this farce.


DC Schools: $29,349 Per Pupil, 83% Not Proficient in Reading

May 14, 2014 By Terence P. Jeffrey

The public schools in Washington, D.C., spent $29,349 per pupil in the 2010-2011 school year, according to the latest data from National Center for Education Statistics, but in 2013 fully 83 percent of the eighth graders in these schools were not “proficient” in reading and 81 percent were not “proficient” in math.

These are the government schools in our nation’s capital city — where for decades politicians of both parties have obstreperously pushed for more federal involvement in education and more federal spending on education.

Government has manifestly failed the families who must send their children to these schools, and the children who must attend them.

Under the auspices of the National Center for Education Statistics, the federal government periodically tests elementary and high school students in various subjects, including reading and math. These National Assessment of Educational Progress tests are scored on a scale of 500, and student achievement levels are rated as “basic,” “proficient” and “advanced.”


In 2013, students nationwide took NAEP reading and math tests. When the NCES listed the scores of public-school eighth graders in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, D.C. came in last in both subjects.

D.C. eighth graders scored an average of 248 out of 500 in reading, and Mississippi finished next to last with an average of 253.

Only 17 percent of D.C. 8th graders rated “proficient” or better in reading. In Mississippi, it was 20 percent.

In math, D.C. public-school eighth graders scored an average of 265 out of 500, and only 19 percent were rated “proficient” or better. Alabama placed next to last with an average math score of 269, with 20 percent rated “proficient” or better.

Some might argue it is unfair to compare, Washington, D.C., a single city, with an entire state. However, D.C. also does not compete well against other big cities.

The Department of Education’s Trial Urban District Assessments program compares the test results in 21 large-city school districts, including Washington, D.C.

In these assessments, the scores of students from charter schools were removed and the average reading score for D.C. public school eighth-graders dropped to 245. That was below the national large-city average of 258, and tied D.C. with Fresno for seventeenth place among the 21 big cities in the TUDA.

In math, minus the charter school students, D.C. public-school eighth graders earned an average score of 260. That was below the national large-city average of 276, and put D.C. in a tie for sixteenth place, this time with Fresno and Baltimore.

The NCES database indicates that in the 2010-2011 school year, Washington, D.C. public schools spent a total of $29,349 per pupil, ranking No. 1 in spending per pupil among the 21 large cities in the TUDA.

New York City Public Schools ranked second among these large cities, spending $23,996 per pupil. That was $5,353 — or about 18 percent — less than the $29,349 the D.C. public schools spent.

Table 236.75 from the NCES’s Digest of Education Statistics compares per pupil spending among the states and the District of Columbia. It indicates that D.C. spent a little bit less per pupil — $28,403 — who enrolled in the fall in 2010-2011 school year. But that still ranks D.C. as No. 1, out-spending all the states.

How did the D.C. public schools spend $28,403 per student?

Among other things, they spent $10,584 per pupil on “instruction,” which “encompasses all activities dealing directly with the interaction between teachers and students.”

Then they spent $5,487 on “capital outlays,” which includes “the acquisition of land and buildings; building construction, remodeling,” etc.

Then they spent $2,321 on “operation and maintenance,” which includes “salary, benefits, supplies, and contractual fees for supervision of operations and maintenance,” etc.

Then they spent $2,124 on “interest on school debt.”

Then they spent $1,613 on “instructional staff,” $1,546 on “school administration,” $1,404 on “student transportation,” $1,208 on “student support,” $866 on “general administration,” $761 on “food services,” $450 on “other support services.”

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May 15, 2014 1:03 pm

Wow, just wow.

Given that at least 50% of the kids in these systems don’t even graduate, or if they do, they are functionally illiterate, the taxpayers are paying top dollar for what is essentially BABY SITTING.

May 15, 2014 1:12 pm

Once again, AWD ranting about everything he doesn’t like, while offering no alternative solutions. It’s easy to criticize and offer nothing for which one might be criticized.


On the other hand, unions are the problem, but a symptom of the nanny state. The US Government is the largest unionized workforce in the world, look it up. Oh yeah, I forgot, some of the are repugnuts, so AWD is bound by his ideology to refrain from criticizing them. Teachers are more likely to be liberal. Good call.

So, AWD, what do you think of the Tea Party? And are you AWD from

You should rename it to Arrogant White Dude, to keep the letters. Maybe no one will notice.

May 15, 2014 1:43 pm

The government has not failed these kids/families, they only created the ability to forego responsibilities for yourself and your families.

We all know it will never matter how much is spent, won’t matter if teachers are unionized or not, nor the flavor of Ivy League Academic, nor child psych doc. Without FAMILIES that care enough to take 15 minutes a day to read to their children, or discuss the night’s homework, it just doesn’t matter.

Sadly, it is not just an urban/minority phenomenon. Shitty parenting knows no color/location.

May 15, 2014 1:46 pm

AWD, I would expect nothing less from you, you arrogant prick.

May 15, 2014 1:55 pm

Boys, boys.

I wonder how much better these kids would do if those monies went to private education in a private or parochial school.

Too bad one of Obongo’s first acts in office was to cancel the DC voucher system for poor kids to get out of the shit hole of DC public schools.

Of course, Sidwell Friends, where the Obongo daughters go, is only a cool $37K PER YEAR, where all the elites send their darling little tykes.

May 15, 2014 2:42 pm

“I wonder how much better these kids would do if those monies went to private education in a private or parochial school.”

I doubt we’ll ever find out the answer as long as the people continually look to the government to solve a problem government created.

Nonanon begs a solution from AWD and not a bitch session?
I guess all crisis situations have a way of solving themselves, but not without a lot of painful learning along the journey. There are no easy or simple solutions, only forced solutions, the lesson will continue until the lesson is learned.

May 15, 2014 3:16 pm

Another quote (approximation) from more than 100 years ago (Sam Clemens, I believe):

“Never let your schooling interfere with your education.”

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
May 15, 2014 3:23 pm

Only the government could spend so much money, fuck up its service so spectacularly, and use its own failure as a rationale for more spending in the future.

Pull your children from this prison-like system. To do otherwise is child abuse. Period.

May 15, 2014 4:20 pm

I find it funny that Abraham Lincoln was taught by his mother and she had nothing but an old bible with which to use. Lincoln went on to teach himself law. Now we can easily spend $300,000 plus dollars to “educate” a child that will graduate unable to read nor comprehend what Abraham Lincoln had to say.

Anyone that sends their child to a public school is guilty of child abuse and child endangerment. It is time to call a spade a spade.

May 15, 2014 4:43 pm

I don`t deny that public schools and teachers unions suck but that is not the problem. If the “student body of DC were put into the best performing school system in the country, the results would be roughly the same. A careful analysis of the student body would tell you why. You can`t turn shit into ice cream.

May 15, 2014 4:52 pm

N A ,don’t worry about AWD.He got his ass beat by neegrows a few years back and he never got over it.Now he is mad at the world.Right AWD?

May 15, 2014 6:43 pm

“Anyone that sends their child to a public school is guilty of child abuse and child endangerment. It is time to call a spade a spade.

The alternative is private school. A minimum of $8,000 per year, per child (that is the cheapest one we could find) – or homeschool and loose the 2nd income on me (since I am the mum) None of these options are affordable to us, the working class.
I am in the process of trying every each way of getting my little girl out. Do you know they no longer teach the traditional algorithm in math (the carry 1 method that is INTERNATIONAL! ). My child is so confused in doing addition and subtraction”.
We who cannot afford private school or home school are dependent on the abuse.

May 15, 2014 7:14 pm

@Darknlovely – They teach it that way so when the kids go up they cannot figure out the real $ amounts the gubbermint is spending and how they are spending it. My child is taught the same way and can hardly add two single digit numbers in his head. So frustrating.

May 15, 2014 9:35 pm

You’ll LOVE this clip (just got sent to me).
This is how we do things down under.
F-wit kids and arrogant arseholes of parents payback time.