“Although low inflation is generally good, inflation that is too low can pose risks to the economy – especially when the economy is struggling.” Ben Bernanke

“The true measure of a career is to be able to be content, even proud, that you succeeded through your own endeavors without leaving a trail of casualties in your wake.”Alan Greenspan

There you have it – the wisdom of two Ivy League educated economists who are primarily liable for the death of the American middle class. They now receive $250,000 per speaking engagement from the crooked financial parties their monetary policies benefited; write books to try and whitewash their legacies of failure, fraud, and hubris; and bask in the glow of the corporate mainstream media propaganda storyline of them saving the world from financial Armageddon. Never have two men done so much damage to so many people, so quickly, and are not in a prison cell or swinging from a lamppost. Their crimes make Madoff look like a two bit marijuana dealer.

The self-proclaimed Great Depression “expert” Ben Bernanke peddles pabulum about inflation being too low and posing dire risk to the economy, but is blasé that swelling the Federal Reserve balance sheet debt from $900 billion in 2008 to $4.4 trillion today with his digital printing press poses any systematic risk to the country and its citizens. Either his years in academia have blinded him to the reality of his actions upon the lives of real people living in the real world, or his real constituents have not been the American people, but the Wall Street bankers that pulled his puppet strings over the last eight years.

Now that he has passed the Control-P button to Yellen, he is reaping the rewards of bailing out Wall Street and further enriching them with QEfinity. Ben earned a whopping $200,000 per year as Federal Reserve chairman. He now rakes in $250,000 per speech from the very financial interests who benefited from his traitorous monetary machinations. I don’t think he will be invited to speak at any little league banquets by formerly middle class parents whose standard of living has been declining since the 1980s. Is it a requirement that every Federal Reserve chairperson lie, obfuscate, misinform, hide the truth, and do the exact opposite of what they say they will do?

“It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve – nor would it be appropriate – to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions.” – Ben Bernanke – October 2007

Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen have always been worried about deflation, while even the government suppressed CPI calculation reveals that inflation has risen by 108% since the day Greenspan assumed office in August 1987. The dollar has lost 52% of its purchasing power in the last 27 years of Fed induced bubbles and busts. And these scholarly academic bozos have been worried about deflation the entire time. Since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 and unleashed the two headed inflation loving gargoyle of debt issuing bankers and feckless self-serving politicians upon the American people, the dollar has lost 83% of its purchasing power (even using the bastardized BLS figures).

Any critical thinking person with their eyes open knows the official inflation figures have been systematically understated since the 1980’s by at least 3% per year. Should the average American be more worried about deflation or inflation, based upon what has occurred during the 100 years of the Federal Reserve controlling our currency?

I’m sure Greenspan is content and proud, as he succeeded through his own endeavors in rewarding, encouraging and propagating excessive risk taking by the Wall Street cabal during his 19 year reign of error. He exited stage left as the biggest bubble in history, created by his excessively low interest rate policy, blew up and destroyed the 401ks and home values of the middle class. This was the second bubble under his monetary guidance to burst. The third bubble created by these Keynesian acolytes of easy money will burst in the near future, further impoverishing what remains of the middle class and hopefully igniting a long overdue revolution.

Greenspan’s pathetic excuse for a career has benefitted those who owned him, while leaving a trail of casualties that circles the globe. His inflationary dogma, Wall Street enriching doctrine and Keynesian motivated schemes have drained the savings and confiscated the wealth of the middle class through persistent and devastating inflation. And it was done by a man who knew exactly what he was doing.

“Under the gold standard, a free banking system stands as the protector of an economy’s stability and balanced growth… The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit… In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation” – Alan Greenspan – 1966

The abandonment of the gold standard in 1971 set in motion four decades of consumer debt accumulation on an epic scale, currency debauchment, and real wage stagnation. The consumer debt accumulation was a consequence of the American middle class being lured into debt by the Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks and their corporate media propaganda machine, as a fallacious response to stagnating real wages when their jobs were shipped to China by mega-corporations using wage arbitrage to boost quarterly profits, their stock prices, and executive bonuses.

The bottom four quintiles have made no progress over the last four decades on an inflation adjusted basis. The middle quintile, representing the middle class, has seen their real household income grow by less than 20% over the last 43 years. And this is using the understated CPI. In reality, even with two spouses working today versus one in 1971, real household income is lower today than it was in 1971.

Click to View

The more recent data, during the Greenspan/Bernanke inflationary era, is even more disconcerting and destructive. Real median household income has grown at an annualized rate of less than 0.5% over the last thirty years. During the bubblicious years from 2000 through 2014, while Wall Street used control fraud and virtually free money provided by the Fed to siphon off hundreds of billions of ill-gotten profits from the economy, the average middle class family saw their income drop and their debt load soar. This is crony capitalism success at its finest.

The oligarchs count on the fact math challenged, iGadget distracted, Facebook focused, public school educated morons will never understand the impact of inflation on their daily lives. The pliant co-conspirators in the dying legacy media regurgitate nominal government reported income figures which show median household income growing by 30% over the last fourteen years. In reality, the real median household income has FALLEN by 7% since 2000 and 7.5% since its 2008 peak. Again, using a true inflation figure would yield declines exceeding 15%.

Greenspan and Bernanke’s monetary policies loaded the gun; Wall Street bankers cocked the trigger with their no doc negative amortization mortgages, $0 down – 0% interest – 7 year subprime auto loans, introducing the home equity line ATM, and $20,000 lines on dozens of credit cards; the media mouthpieces parroted the stocks for the long run and home prices never fall bullshit storyline, encouraging Americans to pull the trigger; government apparatchiks and bought off politicians and their deficit expanding fiscal policies, pointed the gun; and the American people pulled the trigger by believing this nonsense, blowing their brains all over the fine Corinthian leather interior of their leased BMWs sitting in the driveway in front of their underwater McMansions.

Median household income in the United States peaked in 1999. The internet boom, housing boom and now QE boom have done nothing beneficial for middle class Americans. They have been left with lower real income, less home equity, no savings, and no hope for a better tomorrow. Most states saw their median household income peak over a decade ago, with more than half the states experiencing double digit declines and ten states experiencing declines of 19% or higher. It’s clear who has benefitted from the fiscal policies of spendthrift politicians and the spineless inhabitants of the Mariner Eccles Building in the squalid swamplands of Washington D.C. – the pond scum inhabiting that town. The median household income in D.C. stands at an all-time high. Winning!!!!

A former inhabitant of Washington D.C. spoke the truth about inflation and the men who benefit from it in the 1870’s. He was later assassinated.

“Who so ever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.” James Garfield

The Federal Reserve, a private bank representing the interests of its Wall Street owners, has been in existence for 100 years. It has managed to diminish the purchasing power of the dollar by 95%, while causing depressions, enabling never ending warfare, allowing politicians to expand the welfare state to immense unsustainable proportions, and enriched its true constituents on Wall Street beyond the comprehension of average Americans. In 2002 Ben Bernanke made his famous helicopter speech where he promised to drop dollars from helicopters to fight off the ever dangerous deflation. After the Fed created 2008 worldwide financial collapse he fired up his helicopters, but dropped trillions of dollars on only one street in America – Wall Street. He dropped turkeys on Main Street, and we all know from Les Nesman what happens when you drop turkeys from helicopters.

Les Nesman: Oh, they’re crashing to the earth right in front of our eyes! One just went through the windshield of a parked car! This is terrible! Everyone’s running around pushing each other. Oh my goodness! Oh, the humanity! People are running about. The turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement! Folks, I don’t know how much longer… The crowd is running for their lives.

Arthur Carlson: As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

The intellectual turkeys running this treacherous institution create a new and larger crisis with each successively desperate gambit to keep their Ponzi scheme alive. Even though Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen are highly educated, they are incapable or unwilling to focus on the practical long-term implications of their short-term measures to keep this perverted financial scheme from imploding. Denigrating savings and capital investment, while urging debt financed spending on foreign produced trinkets and gadgets passes for economic wisdom in the waning days of our empire. Courageous and truthful leaders are nowhere to be found as the country circles the drain. Farewell middle class. It was nice knowing you.

“There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic salvation; and when anyone points to what the consequences of these policies will be in the long run, they reply flippantly, as might the prodigal son of a warning father: “In the long run we are all dead.” And such shallow wisecracks pass as devastating epigrams and the ripest wisdom.” – Henry Hazlitt – Economics in One Lesson


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May 18, 2014 10:19 pm

First, I want to comment about the chart re household income by quintile and top five percent.

Let us assume that income very broadly and basically tracks intelligence – which it does to a significant extent.

The bottom quintile of income earners would have an IQ of 86 and under. The bottom 40% would have an IQ of 96 and under, the bottom 60% would have an IQ of 104 and under, the bottom 80% would have an IQ of 114 and under, and the bottom 95% would have an IQ of 127 and under. In other words, the top 5% would have IQs over 127.

So basically, what that chart shows, when you translate earnings = intelligence is that folks with IQs of 114 and above have seen their real wages increase, and those with IQs below that, particularly below 104, have seen their earnings stagnate.

Wow, now there is a fucking surprise.

Guess what has happened in the world? Technology is king. Most folks with IQs below 100 simply are not capable of value adding in a high tech world. Those folks, by and large, are capable of manual labor, and not much more. Those folks in the bottom quintile are largely incapable of even that. And manual labor jobs are becoming fewer and fewer. Manufacturing is automating. Construction is automating. Farming is automating.

What is left for the folks in the bottom 60% then? Service jobs, that’s what.

Even those folks in the 60-80% quintile will struggle, as they are very much at risk from global competition. The Chinese and Indians will do their mid-level jobs cheap.

And what about the ones in the top 5% – those with IQs over 127? Well, golly, those folks are smart, and by and large they are really well educated. Fact is, US education for those types of folks is still, if not the best, among the world’s best. And fact is, you cannot outsource EVERYTHING, so those folks will remain in demand.

There is no middle class work available for the bottom 60 percent. They simply are not smart enough to thrive in the current economy, their educations are too poor, and they have poor work ethic.

The top 5 or 10 percent will do well. The rest better do something to lift their game, or they are screwed.

May 18, 2014 10:26 pm

I do not mean to disparage the point re inflation – it is everything the Admin says and then some.

However, inflation is just one factor destroying the middle class. Another is what I have pointed out – that the current economy is no longer founded on manual labor, and is rather tech driven. You have to be reasonably smart to do those jobs. If you are not, then you have problems. You will be forced into service industries, as jobs that can be outsourced to low cost areas will be outsourced to low cost areas.

But even if outsourcing did not happen, the days of the bottom 60% living middle class lives were coming to a rapid end. Those folks simply cannot value add in a high tech economy. Outsourcing sped up the process, but the process is inevitable nonetheless.

May 18, 2014 10:33 pm

DC has had no change to income level. Wonder how that is? Ummm, maybe it is because of all the government drones? You betcha.

May 18, 2014 10:39 pm


Let ‘s not assume income basically tracks intelligence. I recall your many exhortations that success is due to a strong work ethic and other sterling character qualities. Besides, Admin just put in a fair amount of effort to explain that Greenspan and Bernanke are highly-compensated idiots. Or, perhaps evil masquerades as stupidity. Anyway, I suggest you are way oversimplifying a complex and convoluted situation.

May 18, 2014 10:49 pm

Gayle – income tracks intelligence. There is no doubt about it. Education tracks intelligence as well. There are many, many examples where folks do very well indeed with just ordinary intelligence, but as a truism the smarter the cohort, the more money the cohort makes. Some very smart folks drop down to lower levels of income, and some middling folks move up.

However, it is very difficult indeed for a person in the bottom quintile of intelligence to make a decent living.

Do not let a desire to blame every ill on the government/Fed prevent you from seeing the truth that the world has changed so substantially as to make it nearly impossible for less bright folks to make a good living. Technology has changed the world.

May 18, 2014 10:55 pm

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Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 10:56 pm

Let us assume that income very broadly and basically tracks intelligence – which it does to a significant extent.

The bottom quintile of income earners would have an IQ of 86 and under. The bottom 40% would have an IQ of 96 and under, the bottom 60% would have an IQ of 104 and under, the bottom 80% would have an IQ of 114 and under, and the bottom 95% would have an IQ of 127 and under. In other words, the top 5% would have IQs over 127.

So basically, what that chart shows, when you translate earnings = intelligence is that folks with IQs of 114 and above have seen their real wages increase, and those with IQs below that, particularly below 104, have seen their earnings stagnate. -llpoh

I am going to have to disagree. My IQ changes by the IQ test I take. From 120-160.

Intelligence doesnt automatically equal wealth. I became licensed to work on aircraft because I enjoyed them and the outdoors, Working in a office makes me a tad crazy.

And as to those ‘trained economists’ such as Bernanke, he is just spouting rote trained BS IMO.

What do you suppose would happen if I handed Donald Trump a set of wrenches and told him to rig the flight controls of that 767, over there, on the ramp?

He has more money than me, certainly, but can he do the actual job of making that thing fly right, if he such a genius? BTW, I cannot do what he does either, I dont have the desire of high finance. But I would think he is no more intelligent than me or I him and the amount in your bank account is surely no indication of ones intelligence quotient.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:00 pm

Income does not track intelligence, if that were so Madoff would take Einsteins theory apart and we would be going super-luminal thru space-time.

Yet Madoff is in prison and Einstein has, so far, been correct.

May 18, 2014 11:07 pm

Hang ’em HIGH!

May 18, 2014 11:13 pm

Could the chart be skewed because a certain percentage of smart people have access to salaries that are not only above average but far above average (doctors, lawyers)? Admittedly, someone with an IQ of 114 can’t access those fields. But what of the PhDs waiting tables and driving taxis? They are not in that predicament because they can’t handle technology. If technology is to blame, isn’t it because of the jobs it has made irrelevant?

May 18, 2014 11:22 pm

Gayle – folks tend to make high salaries as a result of their ability to do what others cannot. This is generally true, but there are many many exceptions.

For instance, many managers can do 95% of my job. Few can do the other 5%. I make my money and thrive on that 5%.

May 18, 2014 11:24 pm

KB – I post a chart that establishes without question that income does indeed track IQ, and yet you dispute it? Seriously?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:30 pm

IQ tests are flawed.

There are people out there with an athletic ability, which is a form of IQ, or lawyers that can create all kinds of wordsmithdom, than can beat me all day long, yet they cannot fix plumbing in their own home and plumbers are dumbasses.

Who here has not called a dumbass to their home to fix the plumbing or repair the air condtioner? What lawyer repairs his own car? What housewife fixes her own washing machine? And where the hell do I find this ‘codification of society’ that says those who do what you can’t are automatically stupid?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:32 pm

KB – I post a chart that establishes without question that income does indeed track IQ, and yet you dispute it? Seriously? -llpoh

I dunno, llpoh, perhaps because I have worked on lear jets and other things, that it would be dangerous to put a screwdriver in their hands.

Besides, just because you posted a chart doesnt mean you know how it was weighted or calculated?

May 18, 2014 11:33 pm

Your claims certainly hold true in professional sports: those guys can do things others can’t. But I wonder what their collective average IQ is?

Now I’ll stop arguing with you because you are probably on to something. But there sure are a lot of highly compensated morons running this country. Sadly.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:33 pm

Yet, llpoh, as I recall, you make sensors and what not, so you are mechanically inclined, so I ask, how many of the ceos of the companies that you sell to could do what you do?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:36 pm

Your claims certainly hold true in professional sports: those guys can do things others can’t. But I wonder what their collective average IQ is?

Now I’ll stop arguing with you because you are probably on to something. But there sure are a lot of highly compensated morons running this country. Sadly. -Gayle

Well, I wont argue with you Gayle, I will discuss things with you, but, as for me, intelligence comes in many forms, athletic, artistic and how the heck does a savant do what they do?

My point is that we, as humans, treat intelligence more towards answering questions correctly when often the facts behind the question are themselves questionable.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:39 pm

Llpoh cites BLS chart as being factual, when many oither charts show that BLS, the way that it calculates, or weights the data is in question.

Lie, damn lies and statistics -Mark Twain.

May 18, 2014 11:41 pm

KB – seriously?

This is about a huge cohort of tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of folks. Any individual person’s IQ is subject to serious error in calculation.

But the 10 million folks in the top decile of IQs is undoubtedly smarter overall than the 10 million in the next million down. And those top 10 million folks make A LOT more money than the next ten million.

And so, GENERALLY SPEAKING, smarter people make more money than those less smart. And the bigger the gap, the greater the difference in income.

And what I said was specifically re managers, not folks in general. If you take my peers – manufacturing managers – there are reasonably few – perhaps one out of hundreds or thousands – of them that can do the 5% of my job that makes me money. A lot of the difference relates to innate intelligence, but there are other factors – experience, education, etc. that play a part as well.

But thee are a lot more plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics out there that can repair my goods than there are folks that can do my job. And hence, as a truism, I make more money than they do.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:43 pm

But what I want to know, why is the Golden Boy Madoff, who ripped off the upper crust, in prison and your plumber isnt?

Madoff the high IQ moron.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:45 pm

This is about a huge cohort of tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of folks. Any individual person’s IQ is subject to serious error in calculation. -llpoh

Does the chart in question actually know my IQ? Or does it just suspect that I am low IQ?

I happen to like working outdoors and with my hands llpoh. It has nothing to do with IQ.

May 18, 2014 11:46 pm

KB – I do not 100% know if the charts are accurate. Supposedly it is simply a table of earnings and IQs.

You can ask the same question of any chart or stat ever posted.

Re your question can CEOs fix a car, etc? Of course not – they lack training and experience. But given that, they generally could do so. However, your average mechanic could not generally do their jobs, no matter how much training and experience they might have or get.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:48 pm

But thee are a lot more plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics out there that can repair my goods than there are folks that can do my job. And hence, as a truism, I make more money than they do. -llpoh

Since when was an ideology, such as money, ever make one smarter than another? There are no studies that support the idea that money is somehow infused to your DNA or that it makes your more intelligent.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:49 pm

Re your question can CEOs fix a car, etc? Of course not – they lack training and experience. -llpoh

But they make, er collect, more money than you do. Are they then more intelligent?

May 18, 2014 11:49 pm

KB – I suspect there is someone with an IQ of 200 making $2000 a year, too, and there is a moron making $20 million a year, too. It does not mean the general correlation is wrong.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:54 pm

Why cannot a man with billions of dollars, if the amount of intelligence they have is directly proportiante to the wealth they have, do not have, naturally, mechanical skills?

So then the amount of wealth is the about the training one pays for?

Did I not discuss previously what rote training was and how it is based on the answer the test giver wants and you will answer, incorrectly, if so deemed, to give the appearance of intelligence?

May 18, 2014 11:55 pm

KB – a lot of them are. Bill Gates is, for instance. CEOs tend to have high IQs. Different experiences, opportunities, skills would be factors – personalities also play a huge role in who moves up to CEO. I was not suited to it.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:56 pm

KB – I suspect there is someone with an IQ of 200 making $2000 a year, too, and there is a moron making $20 million a year, too. It does not mean the general correlation is wrong. -llpoh

Correlation is not causation.

I think you, personally, llpoh, should be making more, because you do not think in terms of greed, but doing what you like, and for that sir, we need more llpohs in this world.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 18, 2014 11:58 pm

I was not suited to it. -llpoh

Nor was I, but I will be damned if Bill Gates wealth defines his actual IQ when the fact is he didnt create the DOS program behind the GUI called ‘Windows’

May 19, 2014 12:02 am

I love the fact that people think that the middle class can be/could have been saved if only govt would/have make/made better decisions. They hold on to the belief of American entitlement, no matter what. They have seen their livelihoods eroded, and need someone to blame. They cannot accept that the reality is that the US rode a once in a century wave of opportunity to middle class affluence, and that that wave of opportunity has dissipated, and that there will be no second wave.

Middle class affluence is over. It is not coming back. It was based on high wages for manual, low skilled jobs. Technology and global competition has killed those jobs. And as Steve Jobs said to Obama’s face and to his disbelief – they are not coming back.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 19, 2014 12:04 am

Suffice it to say, llpoh, I have greater respect for your intelligence, poor or wealthy, than I do for those like Soros.

May 19, 2014 12:05 am

Thanks KB – at least we have this thread off and running. Admin works hard on these, and it is the least we can do.

I suspect I will take flack for my positions. I will then assume I am right and declare victory.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 19, 2014 12:08 am

I love the fact that people think that the middle class can be/could have been saved if only govt would/have make/made better decisions. -llpoh

Govt does not make good decisions, their decisions are the same that has led every nation to empire and ultimate failure no matter how great their IQ, of the and their advisors, is professed to be.

‘The Best and Brightest’ have, in our short history, are like the apogee of a rocket, it goes high and then, inevitably, it returns to Earth.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 19, 2014 12:10 am

I will then assume I am right and declare victory. -llpoh

You can always try. Genius has ruled every empire…and they ALL failed.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 19, 2014 12:12 am

Admin works hard on these, and it is the least we can do. -llpoh

That he does, as Stucky is of wont to say “Peace Be Upon Him”

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
May 19, 2014 12:30 am

I’d like to see Ayn Rand put a ball gag in Alan Greenspan’s mouth and give me the spanking he clearly wants/needs.

May 19, 2014 12:37 am

Mike – so you want the spanking Greenspan deserves? Man, that is kinky. Just sayin’.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 19, 2014 12:43 am

I’d like to see Ayn Rand put a ball gag in Alan Greenspan’s mouth and give me the spanking he clearly wants/needs. -Mike

Mike, I know this wasnt a Freudian slip, but LOL.

May 19, 2014 1:35 am

You have to be kidding me. The high IQ people who leave open borders, allow the drug cartels to run amok , free trade with communist China, depend upon Russia for our space program, put people of certain ethnicity in important jobs instead of the most qualified , My nephew is a Dr.. in micro biology and has had to work for me in my construction business his whole life and whom I consider a complete boob with hands on work who has no ability to function as well as I did as a high school kid. I see how the Forest service, police, and other jobs have been completely taken over with complete incompetent morons who are never held accountable as they were 30 years ago. Tell your B,S. to some one else who isn’t old enough to believe your B.S. We are a corrupt banana republic with out freedom or a future . Why do you think we are loosing freedoms everyday. People with high IQ’s would have to actually compete with the so called people of loe IQ’s on an even playing field. We all know that will never happen.

May 19, 2014 2:10 am

Wolfgar – blow me. Your bullshit anecdotes are worthless. Smart people make more money. Deal with it.

What is your point re cops and the forest service? Those fuckers do not fit into the high IQ category – far from it. And if you think police have ever been anything but corrupt motherfuckers, you are an idiot. Cameras everywhere are just making them more visible. Cops have always been assholes.

Corrupt banana republic – probably not far from the truth.

But low IQ folks cannot compete with high IQ folks. Half – or more – of folks have IQs below 100. Good luck with those folks competing in a high tech economy.

The US is getting its ass kicked because other countries sell the labor of smarter, harder working folks at lower rates, and technology has eliminated the jobs that used to pay low skill low IQ people well. Free trade agreements, govt corruption, bad decision making, the Fed, etc. have sped things up, but tech was killing those jobs anyway. It was going to happen, sooner or later. It is now sooner.

Why are we losing freedom every day? Because most people are idiots, and are more concerned about their free shit, their entitlements, their Mansions and their big screen TVs and their vacations to worry about little things like freedom. Security – or perceived security – is preferred to freedom by most folks. They are idiots.

The high IQ folks are winning – and they will continue to win. Smart trumps stupid almost every time. And there is a shitload of stupid out there.

Why do you own a company? Probably because you are smarter than average. Smarter than your workers. Or harder working. Or better experienced. Or more ambitious.

The fittest thrive – that is all there is to it. Humankind is defined by its intelligence. The smarter a person is, the more likely they are to thrive and survive.

May 19, 2014 2:59 am

Your assertion that intelligence quotient is the only contributing factor in cataloging the predominance of people working in a particular field is absolute fucking hogwash. As any clinical psychologist who administers the testing will tell you, IQ is not a baseline for the assessment of general intelligence. Not all tech industry jobs are held by MIT grads, and there are a demonstrably inordinate number of dipshits earning top money in upper management positions. But more importantly, where in the hell do you get off assuming that even a marginal number of top wage earners in any classification of profession, much less IT workers, have all been subjected to an IQ test? Really? Who are you, the amazing Kreskin?

May 19, 2014 3:16 am

What a pointless argument, the one thing you forget is entitlement. those born with a silver spoon will always get a running start over those less affluent. If you are fortunate enough to be born into the right family you more than likely will get the opportunity to attend the better credentialed colleges and therefore have doors opened in front of you. If you are born in a ghetto, no matter what your intelligence you more than likely wont get the opportunities to improve yourself.
IQ, of course plays a part, but opportunity is far more influential. And anyway, what will you do with all that coin when you are dead? With the attitude of llpoh boasting about his salary and IQ while many people suffer, I feel sorry for your soul. Enjoy your wealth it wont last forever.

May 19, 2014 3:31 am

Nelson – blow me too. Where did I say that? Actually I said there were many exceptions to the general rule. But if you think morons can be doctors, you are out of your mind.

What I said is that the higher the IQ of the group, the more they earn. That is a fucking fact, you stupid piece of shit. Are you too stupid to understand that? I posted the stats from the Bureau of Stats. You do not like them, tough fucking titty. I did not make them up. Most folks have taken IQ tests in one form or another. Whether they sampled large or small groups, I do not know. Why don’t you find out and let me know? Funny thing, you can extrapolate a lot from sampling. I guess that is too hard a concept for you to understand, you fucking cretin.

Your bullshit anecdotes are worthless. I posted facts. And based on those facts, I proposed possible reasons why those facts exist.

Just what jobs do you think that folks with modest intelligence can do to make good money? I am not talking about rare individuals, but the entire group of people in the bottom half?

Deny reality. That is always a good plan.

May 19, 2014 3:38 am

And by the way, your associating of low skill jobs with low IQ reveals just how out of touch with reality you are. Tell that to anybody who went and got an Ivy league education and cant find work in their chosen field. I know several, including a highly intelligent well educated biologist with two separate degrees who is working at a meat packing facility just to make ends meet because he cant find an employer who doesnt think hes overqualified. I suppose in your arrogance youre going to tell me he shouldve went to ITT Tech instead…

May 19, 2014 3:42 am

Kudegras – it is what it is. Wealth correlates less to intelligence than does earnings, due to inheritance. I did not forget that point. Your comment re opportunity is not supported by fact re earnings. The correlation there is intelligence. Your point re born into affluence is somewhat correct, but not entirely. Poor folks tend to be less intelligent and have offspring that are too. Thus the offspring are generally going to remain poor. Their smarter offspring are disadvantaged a bit, but they can still get out. I can personally attest to that.

I guess you think I should rather have done nothing with my life. Instead I built a business and employ folks and pay taxes and make things.

Not everyone can be a taker. Some folks actually have to make things.

I am not responsible for folks suffering. Not my fault. Quite the contrary. What I have done has given many people the chance to get themselves out of poverty. I provide good paying jobs to modestly skilled people.

How about you? How many people live good lives economically because of what you have done?

Life was never meant to be easy. Good luck with that attitude.

May 19, 2014 3:45 am

Nelson – you dimwit – go look at the charts. The smarter you are, in general, the more you make. Your one example does not change that. There are always exceptions.

Based on your logic, why bother with education, hard work, etc., as it is all chance anyway.

Bullshit. Jam your anecdotes up your ass. We all know exceptions. They are the ones below the median lines in the chart.

May 19, 2014 3:54 am

“Most folks have taken IQ tests in one form or another”…
Now I know youre full of shit. You didnt prove JACK FUCKING SQUAT with such an obviously blanket statement with absolutely no concretization of facts to substantiate it. YOU BLOW ME.
Quick suggestion moron. Google “IQ tests”, who creates them, who administers them, and the literally endless accounts of people whose lives have been destroyed and victimized by the evaluations that have proven baseless in determining an individuals ability to solve real world problems and think outside some university funded analysts tiny, box like view of the universe. I dont mind being heckled, but if youre so unwilling to bend in your views, maybe you shouldve been a politician. And, there you go, yet another well paying job for blithering idiots..

May 19, 2014 4:13 am

Nelson, you are truly stupid.

For instance, SAT scores roughly translate to IQ scores, and can be pretty accurately converted.

Other tests administered throughout school do much the same thing. Plus, members of the military were frequently given tests. The list goes on and on.

So, my statement is accurate. Most people have taken tests that can be used to derive their IQs.

You are not being heckled. You are being ridiculed.

I do not bend. I reflect and change. But I do not bend.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
May 19, 2014 6:14 am

There is a factor that, needs to be added, common sense, show me a common sense test. There are people with high IQ’s that couldn’t change their own tire. And in a SHTF situation common sense will be the deciding factor who survives and who dies.

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