I posted a gallup poll that showed only 3% of people care or are concerned about racial issues or racism.

So why do Obama, Mooch, and Holder (not to mention Jesse, Al and every talking head on every MSM news show) keep bringing up racism?

Could they be trying to foment a race war? Alienate and victimize white people? Get more free shit? Inquiring minds want to know….



As always, folks like Dear Leader, Mooch and of course, AG Eric Holder play the race card game every single chance they get! I don’t know about all of you…but I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with their 24/7 racial equality BS! – Are they brewing up a race war for discord?

We have never, ever, had in power a more divisive administration than this one when it comes to race relations. They are the real racists…period! They’re always stirring the pot and stoking the fires, doing their best to bring agitation for their racial motivations! At this stage of the game you’d have to be blind not see it by now when it comes to the rhetoric that spews from their evil mouths every opportunity they get…and lord knows, they have plenty of them via the msm, etc. – Their motivation to turn back time has worn that old clock out…and they don’t realize that..yet.

Anyway, we’ll start off with Holder’s racial lunacy via this report:

Attorney General Eric Holder, who has suggested that critics of the Obama administration are motivated by race and referred to America as a “nation of cowards” on race issues while blasting Americans who resist more gun control laws, suggested that those opposed to President Barack Obama’s policy agenda of “fundamental transformation” are quietly prejudiced

In his Saturday commencement address at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Maryland, Holder said that even though there are no more “separate but equal” laws on the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the “vestiges of state-sanctioned discrimination continue to reverberate across the country even today.”


He said America is done a disservice when they “trade the noisy discord of honest, tough, and vigorous debate for the quiet prejudice of inaction – and the cold silence of consent.” To Holder, dialogue is insufficient to address the “hidden” racism in society but is “a necessary first step that must lead to action.”

After comparing Obamacare to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, Holder suggested that those opposed to Obama’s “year of action” are silently displaying their prejudices and suggested that “action” is needed in voting rights, school discipline, and criminal justice reform. He blasted voter ID laws and “zero-tolerance school discipline practices” that “affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.” The Justice Department’s school guideline reforms have been heavily criticized for effectively forcing schools to enact “de facto racial quotas” in school discipline.

Holder also condemned a “criminal justice system that treats groups of people differently – and punishes them unequally” – because it has “a much more negative impact than misguided words that we can reject out of hand.”

Even though there was near universal condemnation for Donald Sterling’s and Cliven Bundy’s comments about black Americans, Holder said that was not good enough because the public outrage merely masks “hidden” racism in society.

“But we ought not find contentment in the fact that these high-profile expressions of outright bigotry seem atypical and were met with such swift condemnation,” he said. “Because if we focus solely on these incidents – on outlandish statements that capture national attention and spark outrage on Facebook and Twitter – we are likely to miss the more hidden, and more troubling, reality behind the headlines.”

Holder said that while these incidents have “rightly been condemned by leaders, commentators, and citizens from all backgrounds and walks of life,” the “policies that disenfranchise specific groups are more pernicious than hateful rants.”


First Lady Obama said:

And that’s really my challenge to all of you today – when you encounter folks who still hold the old prejudices because they’ve only been around folks like themselves, when you meet folks who think they know all the answers because they’ve never heard any other viewpoints, it is up to you to help them see things differently.

And the good news is that you probably won’t have to bring a lawsuit or go all the way to the Supreme Court.

You all can make a difference every day in your own lives simply by teaching others the lessons you’ve learned here in Topeka.

Maybe that starts in your own family, when grandpa tells that awkward joke at Thanksgiving or your aunt says something about “those people,” and you politely inform them that they’re talking about your friends.

Or maybe it’s when you go off to college and you decide to join a sorority or fraternity, and you ask “How can we get more diversity in our next pledge class?”

Or maybe it’s years from now, when you’re at work, and you’re the one who asks, “Do we really have all the voices and viewpoints we need at this table?”

Or maybe it’s when you have kids of your own one day, and you go to your school board meeting and insist on integrating your schools and giving them the resources they need.

No matter what you do, the point is to never be afraid to talk about these issues, particularly the issue of race, because even today, we still struggle to do that. This issue is so sensitive, so complicated, so bound up with a painful history.

And we need your generation to help us break through – we need all of you to ask the hard questions and have the honest conversations because that is the only way we will heal the wounds of the past and move forward to a better future.

Have you had enough of this racial strife, the constant beating of the drum with the intentional prejudice they themselves are inflicting upon this nation? – They’d better look in the mirror long and hard, for they are the real racists…and it shows!

Enough is enough…and I’ve more than had enough of this race war carping


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May 20, 2014 7:24 am

Re: “Attorney General Eric Holder, who has suggested that critics of the Obama administration are motivated by race and referred to America as a “nation of cowards” on race issues while blasting Americans who resist more gun control laws, suggested that those opposed to President Barack Obama’s policy agenda of “fundamental transformation” are quietly prejudiced.”

While Holder spews grievance and victimology insanity, it is he who is the coward. If this were not so, his residence would be somewhere in the L St. SE Neighborhood, Washington, D.C., zip code 20003.

Wonder what Holder thought after Jesse Jackson said this:
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps behind me and to look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

May 20, 2014 9:03 am

Now I know WTF has been wrong wif me for 67 years! Hidden racism! I feel so much better since our Dear Leader, his lovely wife and AG Eric “My People” Holder have set me straight. In fact I feel so good that I just ordered another case of ammo for my Commie rifle. Why did I do this? To get ready for the fucking Govt induced RACE WAR that’s coming!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 20, 2014 10:49 am

Digger, huh? It’s always good to learn a new slur. Thanks. After Obama’s out of office (assuming he leaves) we’ll get Hillary as the second woman president and we’ll have to hear that any opposition to her policies is because she’s a woman. I really thought the GOP slogan in 2012 should have been “Romney – Let’s Give a White Guy a Chance”.

May 20, 2014 11:01 am

Seems to me the new segregation isn’t from whites, but from minorities. For instance, when I was in college, we funded a student union for everyone, and a shadow student union just for blacks, who were a minority, but somehow needed an equal amount of funding to the rest of the student body to meet their needs. The blacks and hispanics and asians tended to stick to themselves, while the whites tended to hang out with everyone.
Also, why do we still have “traditionally black” schools? And when does the NAACP or the UNCF become unnecessary? The resident is black, how much more advancement do they need?

May 20, 2014 12:10 pm

AWD ,you still don’t get it.This race baiting will never end until we have a civil war and remove the mainstream media from the hands of the cultural Marxist who now control it.Cultural Marxism promotes critical race theory and multiculturalism which divides everything by race.Race and gender have replaced class in race theory. It’s all part of Marxist . It will not end as long as these traitors control the media.
I will judge your words and actions but I can’t condemn you.Only GOD can do that.

May 20, 2014 10:25 pm

People in the TBP comments take the bait & run with it too.

Look at how many comments there are when it’s race & how few there are when it’s about the elite crimes. All this race nonsense keeps people from coming together & realizing anyone not in DC is getting royally screwed. There’s a reason they allowed a minority in office after all these years. It drove a nice wedge between everyone while they continue to loot.

Divide & conquer still works well.