He is a lying piece of shit. The system was not burning down. Wall Street oligarchs were going to lose their wealth. The deposits in the banks were safe. David Stockman and other honest men tell the truth. This scumbag continues to perpetuate lies.

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But But But
But But But
May 23, 2014 9:41 am

Of course, you have to lie to get folks to buy snake oil. The system committed seppuku, and it will do it again and more lies by the best and brightest will follow to save the suicidal bastard.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 23, 2014 9:42 am

Me, above.


May 23, 2014 11:24 am

geithner: liar, asshat, half-wit, douche waffle, dickface, and rubin buttboy.

Joseph E Fasciani
Joseph E Fasciani
May 23, 2014 11:25 am

Amen, and ditto the above, the Arrogant Worms of Wall Street.

My friend Dr Tom OBrien, passed last year @ 83, was formerly a financial powerhouse at the old Merril Lynch, where at age 26 he created their commodity trading center, and brought in the first ever Silver contract @ US$ 1.67/oz, from an old English firm now dissolved.

He went on to become the financial advisor to the Hunt brothers, and later to the Clintons. He told me how these creeps really behave and what they do under feral gubbmint cover. Not only is it all as bad as what you have learned or suspect, it’s worse, much worse.

The USSA [not a typo] has been effectively a fascist Imperium since 1900, when JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Biddle, et al., took over the money power from the US Congress and We, the People. The US entered WW1 after Morgan had lent $500,000,000 to the Brits, funds he was about to lose in 1916-17, and went to Wilson about it.

We’re now seeing that shadow government’s long-term plans play out, and if WW3 is the price of their domination, then so be it, as that’s a risk they’re willing for We, the People to pay.

May 23, 2014 11:36 am

I’m no lawyer (thank God), but I hope the statue of limitations doesn’t run out for Geitner, Paulson, Blankfein, Dimon, Buffett and all the rest of the criminals that stole $780 billion from taxpayers (TARP), to cover their gambling losses and keep the SOB’s solvent. But I don’t suppose they’ll be prosecuted until they crash our financial system again, only this time there won’t be a bailout or recovery. They should have been left to twist in the wind and go bankrupt in 2008, not bailout with other people’s money. But they will twist in the wind before it’s all over.

Is Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner legally retarded?

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May 23, 2014 11:40 am

I wonder if Turbo-Tax Timmy ever paid his delinquent tax bill…..

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 23, 2014 12:58 pm

This actually makes my stomach hurt. What more proof do we need that there are two worlds existing simultaneously, with one (the elite and their gubment minions) hell bent on destroying the other (ours)?

These people have no regrets that they are killing us financially, and our very bodies and souls.

May they burn in hell for all eternity. Even though I don’t believe that is what happens to them.

May 23, 2014 2:00 pm

AWD…there isn’t a statute of limitations on a noose and one size fits all too .

May 23, 2014 2:56 pm

1. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it” – George Carlin. But apparently, Timmy and Jonny are, or at least think they are.
2. Body language. Body language. Body language. Both of then are squirming from the get go. Clear as day, of course they know the scoop. At first glance, one would wonder why Timmy would go on air, seemingly he has nothing to gain, and all to lose. But appearances are deceiving as hubris takes over in the end days.
3. Our only friend today is history, which years from now will look back and document (once again) and say – how the f*&^ didn’t the masses see this?

May 23, 2014 3:52 pm

I’m long guillotines!

May 23, 2014 5:31 pm

@TE: That’s the problem! NOTHING happens to them. They want to scrape the very guts out of our bodies so they enjoy the very best of everything, no caring about the bodies left scattered behind them.

Only when it gets bad enough that people get hungry, are attacked or burned out and left homeless thanks to those who will fight rather than starve, then some action will take place.

Unfortunately, the general stupid population will go along day to day until such time arrives that TSHF. Then when the FSA have nothing left to lose, they will lose it. That group will likely include a whole lot of people who were not FSA before the crunch.


May 24, 2014 12:04 pm

Watched a movie last night “The Checkist ” it’s about the Communist purge in 1917 of all of those opposed to the Revolution . Is this the purge that is in store for this country when TSHTF ?
