Into Darwin’s Dark Night

Guest Post by Fred Reed

We Had a Good Run

June 23, 2014

I’m being a pain in the ass again. My chilodhood makes me do it. When I was eleven, we boy kids in Alabama liked to shoot a wasp’s nest with BB guns and run like hell. I guess it stuck.

In this column I will explain why the Caucasian race will shortly be extinct, and why it is a good idea. This conclusion flows ineluctably from evolutionary considerations and studies of racial IQ. It is simple biology.


The Evolutionary-IQ Perspective

As Race Realists have argued at length, IQ is a reliable measure of intelligence, and is primarily genetic. Twin studies, in which identical twins have been raised apart in differing environments, show that 80% of IQ is of genetic provenance. So far as I know, these studies seem to be correct.

Thke Realists frequently publish curves of IQ distributions indicating that American blacks have mean IQs of 85, Mexicans of 87, and white Americans of 98. (IQs tend to wander according to the argument one is making. For national averages I mostly use the figures in the table of IQ and the Wealth of Nations, regarded as canonical by Race Realists.) The authors who have discovered the superiority of whites, curiously enough, are white. As a rule, Realists attribute almost every instance of intelligence to to genetics and, usually, to white blood.

The accuracy is doubtful. In particular, they omit distributions of groups superior to plain vanilla whites (PVWs). For example, the slant-eyed Asians—Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans. Their IQ, 105 to 108, is greatly superior to that of PVWs. Note that these Asian smake up the first five countries by IQ in IQ and the Wealth.(China, mysteriously, is put at 100 but, since Singapore, genetically identical, is given as 108, this would seem the best figure for developed Chinese societies. There are well over a billion of such Asians.

This is no statistical fluke. They are so overwhelmingly dominant in high-end universities (CalTech, 40%) that Ivy schools have quietly imposed quotas to protect PVWs—i.e., affirmative action for the non-competitive. In high-end laboratories and universities, they are way overrepresented. They have larger brains, which probably explains their superior intelligence.

In short, these Asians are genetically superior. (And they know it. An acquaintance with access to the Asian community of California quoted them as describing whites as “lazy and stupid.”) By inevitable natural selection, they are beginning to replace PVWs in evolutionary niches requiring intelligence, as Cro-Magnons replaced Neanderthals.

Think I’m kidding? United States Math Olympiad winners. The near-monopoly of Chinese names strogly suggests that the true Chinese IQ is well ahead of that of PVWs. Asians are something like 6% of the US population. Uncle Darwin is calling bed time.

Another group even more genetically superior to plain vanilla whites consists of the Ashkenazi Jews, mean IQ 111, 13 points ahed of PVWs. That is, the gap between the Ashkenazim and PVWs (which means, for most readers, us) is greater than the eleven-point difference between PVWs and Mexicans. Because of the workings of a normal distribution, the consequences of those 13 points are great. For example, Nicolas Wade, a genetic determinist, points out in A Troublesome Inheritance Genes, Race and Human History that proportionally these Jews produce about six times as many people above IQ 140 than do PVWs. The ratios grow at higher IQs.

This is huge. If you look at intellectual achievement, Ashjews are way, way ahead of PVWs—Nobel prizes, chess champions, hugely major scientists. By comparison, plain vanilla whites are just, well…how to put it? Not very bright. Careful examination shows that an imposing part of what we think of as white European achievement is actually Jewish achievement.

Into the Darwinian night. We whites had a good run. The reality of IQ shows that the world is moving on.


Other Asians outperform whites. Thirteen of the last seventeen winnrs of the Scripps National Spelling Bee have been Indian, who are a tiny fraction of the US. Indians, says IQ and the Wealth, have a mean IQ of 81. Sure, and I’m Sophia of Anhalt-Zerbst. A common response of Realists is that only very bright Indians come to the US. Yes, but all the very bright American kids are already here, no?

A Non-IQist Perspective

There is no biological reason to believe that one genetic group cannot be more intelligent than another. There is a great deal of reason to wonder whether IQ is a good measure of intelligence between disparate groups, and whether IQ—the answer on the test—is genetic.

Many people are quite sure of the answers, but often have little grasp of the material.  I spent years on Steve Sailer’s human-biodiversity list, a conclave of very powerful and equally inelastic minds concerned with IQ and evolution, and was astonished at their capacity to ignore unwanted evidence, abandon logic, and find pat genetic explanations for everything, probably to include sun spots.  Contradictions abound like picnic ants on a half-eaten sandwici, as for example the many large differences in IQs of genetically identical groups. (Readers wanting a detailed analysis should read this, by Ron Unz.)

In 1972, a massive test of the Irish put them at IQ 87. Recently they have scored at about 100 (which is exactly what you would expect of a population of Eurowhite PVWs). The only way this difference could be accomplished genetically would be by killing off most of Ireland, an event which one would expect to have made the newspapers. But maybe they were distracted by the World cup or whatever Paris Hilton was doing at the time.

Now, if twin studies prove conclusively that 80% of IQ is genetic, and the Irish example proves conclusively that it isn’t, only one explanation is possible: IQ tests are not measuring what we think they are measuring. QED. I would expect this to cause cognitive dissonance in IQists, but they seem not to be cognitive enough to notice the dissonance.

Again, when a thirteen-point gap vanishes in  a very few generations, the change isn’t genetic. Further, note that all of the gap disappeared, showing that none of it was genetic.

Now we come to Mexico which, by chance, is alleged to have exactly the 87 IQ of the Irish, apparently based on one study (see the table) in 1961 of 520 Mexicans. what could be more convincing? But before proceeding, a minor zoological excustion.


Confidently Vacuous Experts

When I mention Mexico, I invariably get mail instructing me on the nature of the county and its inhabitants. Everybody seems to know more about Mexico than those of us who live here. I am not talking about the high-wattage Race Realists, such as Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire, and Jared Taylor, who are very intelligent and thoughtful. Rather, I advert to the nitwit pack of howlers and Me-Tarzan-you-Jane chest-beaters who post thunderous comments.

I imagine the following conversation with these Confidently Vacuous Experts:

Me: “You have, I don’t doubt, lived in Mexico?” Confidently Vacuous Expert: “Uh, well, uh….” “But certainly you have traveled extensively, business trips to Mexico City, visits with Mexican friends?” “Uh, well, uh….” ”You do speak Spanish?”  “Uh, well, uh….” “A man of your cultivation cannot have failed to read Latin-American authors—Borges, Juan Rulfo, Vargas LLosa, Benedetti, Neruda, Perez-Reverte, Octavio Paz, Carolos Fuentes, Carlos Monsivais?”  “Uh, well, uh….” “You can tell me whether Guanajuato is the capital of Toluca, an ethnic dish made with nopales, the language of the Marimacha Indians of Sinaloa, or the name of Peña Nieto’s dog?” “Uh, well, uh….” “Yes, I see. Quite. Your mastery commands my astonishment. Now do tell me about Mexico.”

This is not is not the only question I might raise with these geographic virgins if I were rude, which I decidedly am not. I might ask, “Among IQ tests, can you cite the three major methodological differences between Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Rockwell’s Libertarian Matrices?” Or “You are familiar with the concept of standard deviation? You can calculate one? Take the mean, the differences from the mean, square them, and so on?”

Just wondering.
Durango-class patrol craft, designed and built in Mexico. Engineers in Mexico count on their figners and toes. It’s a digital age, after all.

I do so enjoy posting things about Mexico becausse it gets Confidently Vacuous Experts into an uproar. I confess to being a troublemaker.

Headline, Wall Street Journal: Hispanics Gain at California CollegesUniversity System Admits More Latinos Than Whites for First Time

Isn’t this fun?

Average bookstore in Guadalajara, though smaller than most. I don’t know whicdyh one, as I did a Google search rather than drive forty-five minutes to photograph the half-dozen I know. Typically they have sections on systems analysis, electrical engineering, cardiology, and such, though with far less schlock on self-help and the Wisdom of Oprah.


European woman, probably Danish, consoling typical Mexican for his sins and defects. Here we see the physiological basis of Mexican inferiority: A combination of microcephaly and jaundice. However they have broad shoulders and can do simple work if supervised by their betters.

Hey, I’m having fun. Sort of a last fling, before going extinct.

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June 23, 2014 5:05 pm

Fred has lived in Mex-e-e-e-co too long. He’s losing it.

June 23, 2014 5:25 pm

Not losing it. Too much of this sort of crap:

“Me: “You have, I don’t doubt, lived in Mexico?” Confidently Vacuous Expert: “Uh, well, uh….” “But certainly you have traveled extensively, business trips to Mexico City, visits with Mexican friends?” “Uh, well, uh….” ”You do speak Spanish?” “Uh, well, uh….” “A man of your cultivation cannot have failed to read Latin-American authors—Borges, Juan Rulfo, Vargas LLosa, Benedetti, Neruda, Perez-Reverte, Octavio Paz, Carolos Fuentes, Carlos Monsivais?” “Uh, well, uh….” “You can tell me whether Guanajuato is the capital of Toluca, an ethnic dish made with nopales, the language of the Marimacha Indians of Sinaloa, or the name of Peña Nieto’s dog?” “Uh, well, uh….” “Yes, I see. Quite. Your mastery commands my astonishment. Now do tell me about Mexico.”

During my thirty years of living close to the Rio Grande, I’ve gone through enough similar stuff that I know how he feels. 🙂

June 23, 2014 5:29 pm

All dem super race asians busting themselves to get into pvw institutions.

What a blow hard.

June 23, 2014 6:01 pm

Desertrat: “Now do tell me about Mexico..”

Me: “It’s full of Mexicans. Currently a failed narco-state. Every few generations they get sick of being “oppressed” by the corrupt ruling class white Iberians and Castilians, adopt a retarded form of socialism/communism (see: Zapatistas) have a civil war, kill a bunch ‘o motherfuckers, then realize they can’t run the fucking country worth a shit, and then put the corrupt ruling class whites back in charge. ”

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Also, it appears that every Mexican wants to be HERE. But they don’t understand that if the 3rd world comes HERE, all you will get is more 3rd world. Their shit is fucked up. They think that if the people that fucked it up all come HERE, then that will somehow be “better”… it might be “better” in relative terms… for awhile… until the Free Shit runs out… then what?

Fred needs to climb back into his bottle of hooch that he brags is 9 cents a trainload or whatever… and stay there.

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June 23, 2014 6:15 pm

Regardless how Fred truly feels about Mexico , he couldn’t very well publicly diss the county or it’s people else he become one of the those dearly departed that don’t leave a forwarding address…so I take this article with a grain of salt.

June 23, 2014 6:18 pm

just like US.

Thousands of Mothers in Mexico March for Their Missing Loved Ones

By Alasdair Baverstock
May 11, 2014 |

When Gregoria Ortiz made her way from Chihuahua State to Mexico City to mark Mother’s Day, she went by herself. Her only son Gustavo has now been missing for seven years.

In solidarity with a thousand others whose spouses, siblings and children have disappeared without trace throughout Mexico in recent years, she marched for the third year at the nation’s capital this weekend.

“Child, hear us” she chanted as the Mothers of the Missing advanced down the city’s main thoroughfare, “your mother is fighting for you.”

“He was 12 when he disappeared. Seven years have passed and we haven’t heard anything,” she told VICE News. “And from the day he disappeared until now the authorities have done nothing.”

“At this point I just want someone to confirm that he’s dead, so I can be at peace,” she said

June 23, 2014 6:23 pm

I’ve been to Mexico a plenty of times, even lived very near the border for awhile , but due the the massive expansion of psychopathic crime, won’t be going back…..ever.


While official figures put the number of individuals that have disappeared throughout Mexico at 27,000 between 2007 and 2013, other non-governmental organizations as Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos en México (FUUNDEM) put the number at more than 40,000.

Mexico’s military might have to stop torturing people. Read more here.

The Mothers of the Missing organization is demanding that the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto to establish a commission on disappeared persons — dedicated to resolving disappearances and bringing their culprits to justice.

“These women are living a daily hell from the uncertainty of what has happened to their children,”said Santiago Corcuera, a member of the UN’s Committee on the Disappeared. “The simple truth is that for all the many hundreds of bodies that enter our morgues every month, there is very little information.”

June 23, 2014 6:23 pm

Well, I guess that the only hope for us PVWs is our history of viciousness that transcends all other groups regardless of race.

I mean, really, we’re the ones with 18 Ohio class subs, any one of which can fry an entire continent. And that includes China and its neighbors to the south.

Gotta know your place in the scheme of things.

June 23, 2014 6:30 pm

We have laws to keep the fucking worthless welfare and food stamp and free medical care Mexicans out of this country, but that doesn’t seem to fucking matter to the criminals running this country, or the criminals in charge of our legal system. Mexico is a filthy, dangerous, deadly shithole where people are decapitated and dumped on the side of the road. They produce nothing but beans and squalor, and babies, millions of spawn that are now entering this country that taxpayers are going to have to support for the rest of their lives. The fucking anchor babies, then their entire extended family gets a free ride, welfare for life, fast track to disability. Cloward Priven us to death, as quick as possible, all so Obama can hand out more free shit, go deeper in debt, bankrupt this country, and let the fucking Mexican and black gangs run the streets and shill drugs and dope. Fuck Mexico and the fucking Mexicans illegally invading this country like a bunch of worthless Huns. We’re doomed. Impeach Obama now, before it’s too late.

June 23, 2014 7:20 pm

Balzytch, a marvelously succinct comment. Direct and to the point.

June 23, 2014 7:34 pm

Lemme ‘splain something to you guys…

Speaking of Messico, I did a bit of research awhile back, specifically about the Zapatistas. Got a threat briefing on these guys, along with FARC and a couple others… Here, you can read a bit about these fun guys yourself if you want…

Short version: A bunch of indigenous folks with massive butthurt and guns hunker down in Chiapas – they adopt a bizarre ideological mix of Mayan nationalism, Marxism, anarchism and some other shit thrown in. Big fans of El Che, Emilio Zapata, Marx, etc. They actually take up arms against the Mexican goobermint, but eventually give up on that. They’re still active politically, though.

So anyways, the Messican goobermint tries to co-opt these guys. A guy with a job and at least SOME money to support his family is less likely to bitch and become a Marxist revolutionary. So they bus these guys by the score up to the Maquiladora zone hard up against the US/Messico border and give them jobs making shit for the Americans. When corporations figured out they could pay Hadji less than they are paying Juan and Maria to make the same shit, a lot of them pulled stumps and folks lost their jobs.

Which leaves our Marxist revolutionaries high and dry… they can either head directly to El Norte and all that that implies, or they can head back to Chiapas and getting picked on by the Messican Goobermint. Easy choice, right?

So they come here. These guys are ALREADY hardcore free-shitters when they get here. Their ideology is intact. They didn’t show up and then get soft soaped by the Progs, they were already de facto members of the FSA. The Repukes and NeoCons don’t know who they’re fucking with… they cannot sweet talk these guys off the Free Shit train… not a hope in hell. They’re ideological zealots, and nothing – not reason or logic or anything short of a bullet – will get through to a zealot.

Best part is, with our borders now nonexistent, we can look forward to more of these guys showing up here and agitating… so we got that going for us…

June 23, 2014 7:34 pm

It is really very simple. For a nation to protect its borders, it needs to protect its borders.

Every nation has the total right to secure its borders by ANY means necessary. So why is it not done?

Gotta have that cheap labor. That is why. And now it is too late – the demographics have changed.

Too bad the Injuns didn’t have access to M2s when the Mayflower landed. Things might have been different. Just sayin’.

June 23, 2014 7:42 pm

Balzytch – you need to be a bit more realistic. It is never going to happen. Never. The Mexicans have won. The war is over. All that remains is to sign the unconditional surrender.

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The pink border shows that Mexicans are the largest group along the border. They control the US border, make no mistake. In 2050 Hispanics will make up 30% of the population, blacks 15%, Asians almost 10%. Uh-oh. That is not very far off. And nothing is going to change that.

June 23, 2014 8:15 pm

Not that I give a shit about that faggy thumbs up or down shit, but those of you who gave thumbs down to the truth about the Zapatistas… well, just cause you don’t like what I wrote don’t make it not true.


Wait till the economy goes China Syndrome and the free shit starts to dry up… the US won’t look anything like it does now in the aftermath, but the “war” is far from over. Saying it’s over is defeatist.

And I have a genuine question for you. No snark, no ulterior motives, no nothing… just curiosity.

If the American Indians had no concept of private property, were migratory and thought of each other’s groups as individual “nations”, then how is it that the whites “stole your land”? If you have no concept of property rights, and therefore nobody owns anything, how is it “yours”?

I’ve always wanted to know the answer to that.

June 23, 2014 8:46 pm

Billy – Indians were not migratory – they inhabited distinct areas.

Re private property, I believe that it was a complex issue, but the Indians absolutely had property rights. Some things were considered communal, other things not. The following link has a lot of info re that. But needless to say, Indians held distinct areas of the country, segregated by tribe, etc. It is a common misconception that Indians did not understand or have private property. It was just somewhat different than the European culture.

I do not think I have said that the land was stolen, save in the instances of broken treaty, when it was indeed stolen. Otherwise it was conquered. The stolen land happened when there were treaties, which then often turned into genocidal purges of the Indian when white men decided that they wanted those lands, too. It was cowardly and wrong in all ways. It is akin to defeating the Japanese or Germans, accepting the surrender, and then slaughtering the majority of the population anyway. It is a blight on the history of the US, and ranks up there with any evil deed ever perpetrated by mankind. Far too little of it is mentioned during history study.

A good example is the Nez Perce wars, mentioned by IS yesterday I think, which occurred after gold was found on the Nez rez, which resulted in the white man stealing 90% of the rez and butchering many Nez Perce.

Other examples are littered through history – the Trail of Tears, where the Choctaw, and then the Cherokee, were evicted and slaughtered on the trail. (for some reason it is generally believed it was only the Cherokee that was affected by the Trail, when in reality the Choctaw were the people that were originally forced on the trail.)

Please understand that I am not a knowledge vault of all things Indian.

June 23, 2014 8:48 pm

Billy – the Mexicans will do well in any seriously bad economic times. They are used to living on much less, and are also used to manual labor. Black folk will I think do poorly.

June 23, 2014 9:02 pm

Indians being migratory.

If the animals they hunted moved around, then they followed them. That was a food source. That’s what I was getting at. I wasn’t drawing a comparison between Indians and Canadian Geese.

I am aware that most inhabited certain areas, but since no maps existed, wasn’t it more like “everything on this side of the big tree is yours, everything on the other side is ours”?

“It is akin to defeating the Japanese or Germans, accepting the surrender, and then slaughtering the majority of the population anyway.”

Yeah, you guys aren’t alone there. Germany was defeated in WWI, got blamed for everything and their fate was decided without them being at the table. After WWII, with Germany again in defeat, over 2 million Germans were liquidated – just executed – after the war was over. Nobody said shit. Still a touchy subject to this day…

I know you’re not an encyclopedia of everything Indian… but thanks for the answer and the link. It’s more than I had to go on before.

June 23, 2014 9:15 pm

It’s not a matter of whether the mestizos would or would not manage to get by in hard economic times. Once the free shit dries up, folks are going to start looking for a scapegoat. Guess who they’re going to hand that particular sign on?

And they would deserve it to some extent – they are drawn here by the free shit and suck up massive amounts of resources that could be utilized elsewhere. I’m sure that someone will successfully argue that if there were no mestizo illegals squatting in the US, there would have been more resources available for others… so it’s not the hard economic times, it’s the blowback afterwards…

The blacks will founder, then get mad, then get violent. They have forgotten how to get by on their own. Lots of whites, too.

Change gears – I find it interesting that this whole “Aztlan” bullshit didn’t show up here in the US until the 1990’s – the whole Mayan nationalist thing… at least, I don’t remember hearing about it before then anyways. This squares with the Zapatista’s going active somewhere in 94, I think, and their subsequent gradual invasion of the southwest over the following years… makes sense to me anyway. They start down there and agitate, then eventually show up in the Southwest a few years later. The more that show up, the more and louder they agitate… I find it also interesting that when whites followed Manifest Destiny, well, that’s regarded as evil these days. But now that the whites are being dispossessed, driven off, kicked out and preyed upon, somehow that’s “okay” – even encouraged by psychotic, self-hating whites

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 9:18 pm

My early years in Cali, the secretary asked me why Mexican women let their leg hair grow long. I had seen that, long hairs under nylons, very disturbing. They were recent arrivals to America from central America. Like me in those days, all you see is brown peeps you call Mexicans. I could not answer Fred’s questions about Mexico, it is a foreign country to me. I mention this to say that I believed the Zapatistas are Indigenas, that is to say, Indians. I believe Zapata himself was Indian.

Finally, it is pretty short sighted to make a generalization about the Mexican nature based on a cursory reading on the Zapatistas. It would not fly anywhere if I made a similar assessment of the Gringo character based on a small group from Kentucky.

June 23, 2014 9:18 pm

Indians did a lot of farming, too. Not just hunter gatherers. Depended on the tribe and the location. They adapted to their areas. Yes, your analogy re what delineated territory is accurate.

Interestingly, that is one of the reasons for current issue re Mexican immigration. The lines of a map have served to separate people from lands where they are genetically suited to live. Ie. Mexicans/Hispanics/ whatever term you want to use are much more suited to the SW, lower Calif., etc. than is the white man. Thus keeping people suited from the lands to which they naturally belong is always going to be difficult.

I was unaware so many Germans were killed after the war. If Russia had anything to do with it I am sure that is the case, as they hated the Germans for sure, but I am surprised. I will have to look it up.

June 23, 2014 9:21 pm

“After WWII, with Germany again in defeat, over 2 million Germans were liquidated – just executed – after the war was over. Nobody said shit. Still a touchy subject to this day…”

Interesting statement. 2 million? Quite a cover up. And the perps were? I’m guessing the Russians.

June 23, 2014 9:22 pm

Billy – it is not necessarily free shit that draws Mexicans. The US economy, as bad as it is, still is better. Education is better (guess that is free shit), etc.

But make no mistake – they are suited to the area into which they are drawn. That is indeed a powerful pull. They are native to that part of the land. A line on the map will not in and of itself change that. They are naturally meant to inhabit such lands.

June 23, 2014 9:24 pm

SSS – the Russians would be my guess. If it is an accurate number. The Germans committed terrible acts against the Russians. US prisoners of war almost universally survived in the hands of the Germans. Russians had a far different experience.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 9:29 pm

llpoh says:

Billy – the Mexicans will do well in any seriously bad economic times. They are used to living on much less, and are also used to manual labor.

While Mexicans buy into the American dream of shiny gadgets, the folks that come here are people who never had much to begin with, so getting by on less than what Americans call the bare necesities is what makes them competitive. Proving once again that I am not bb, my poor history learning reminds me that Mexican workers were prefered in the early days because they were more tame than the filipino laborers. 300 years of subjugation by Spanish whites kind of bred them for docility. when you speak of Mexicans, keep in mind that they are composed and comprised of different Indian blood regionally. While the Tarahumara was known as a reclusive tribe, the Yaqui and Apache were holy terrors in NW Mexico. Perhaps the descendants of Zapata have the same revolutionary blood in their veins. As a wise man said recently, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

June 23, 2014 9:50 pm

Fact of life. Even a thief knows it is wrong to take his stuff from him.

June 23, 2014 10:02 pm

After much consideration, I believe this Fred Reed essay is “sprinkled with horseshit”.

June 23, 2014 10:09 pm

El Kabong…

Just fucking don’t… ain’t in the mood.

One sentence you say I don’t know shit about the Zapatistas because of only a “cursory reading” about them, then you turn around and say you don’t know shit about all of Mexico because to you it’s a foreign country… but somehow know enough about the Zapatistas to defend them and at least make the mistaken assumption that I think ALL Mexicans are Zapatistas…

Told you I got a threat briefing about those assholes, which prompted me to do independent research… said it in plain English, right up there at 7:34.

You’re being a douche on purpose… I got a headache. For real. NOT in the mood… just back off, k?


Yeah, it was the Russians. I had no idea that shit happened until a few years ago. The West kept quiet about it and eventually it was forgotten. The Germans know, though. That’s how I found out about it. Stalin was dealing on the sly with FDR and planning on attacking Germany anyways, the doublecrossing puke… Germany beat them to it in ’41. As punishment for double-crossing a double-crossing asshole, they killed like 2 million of us as payback. No love lost there.

And “native to that land”? Dude, really? Okay, if they’re from RIGHT OVER THERE on the other side of the border, an argument can be made. But we got folks coming from Chiapas, Campeche, Oaxaca… No way in HELL are “they native to that land”… that’s down there near the Guats and the Hondos… but they’re “Mexicans” all the same…

Not a fan of our sovereign border being referred to as an arbitrary line. No border, no country. And “meant” to inhabit the land? You’re gonna have to explain that last one to me… unless you mean something like us Northern Europeans being bred for cold weather, so we don’t do well in hot weather.. which I think is garbage, since I spent a few years on the equator and did okay… spent time in the desert too, and did okay…

June 23, 2014 10:31 pm


Your sympathy for the illegal invaders is showing.

Coming here illegally because of ‘economic reasons’ is bullshit. If they’re such great workers, then why is their country a failed narco-state shithole? Why not stay there and make it a better place instead of coming here? Economies are grown from the bottom up, not the top down. All Good Things Do Not Floweth Forth From Government. If they don’t like the way things are, then change them. Don’t come here and freeload off of us.

And knocking up your wife and scooting across the border right before she drops is fucked up… they don’t come here for “economic reasons”.. we’re being colonized. And the first thing you do when you colonize someplace is remove who is currently there. And that is happening. We push back, we’re called “WAYCISS!”. We insist our leaders do something, they promise they will, then sell us out. We get pissed off and form independent groups comprised of citizens to patrol the border and we’re called “WAYCISS!” again, excoriated in the press. Then our government selectively enforces the law, turning loose hundreds of thousands of criminal scum on us.

Our government has precious few jobs specifically spelled out it must do. MUST do. One of those is to protect our borders from foreign invaders – and not only are they NOT doing that, they are aiding and abetting those who invade us… which is at the very least incompetence and the very most bald-faced treason.

One of our Marines makes a wrong turn and ends up in a fucking prison. He didn’t even WANT to go to Mexico. The illegal invaders come here and are given a sammich, a bed, medical care and a welfare application WRITTEN IN SPANISH.

And that is fucked up beyond all recognition…

June 23, 2014 10:33 pm

I have seen Mexicans rugged up against the cold in110 degree weather. You may have done ok – but they were born to it.

June 23, 2014 10:40 pm

3.3 million Russian POWs died at German hands out of 5.7 million.

Payback is hell.

97% of US POWs survived.

June 23, 2014 10:46 pm

Hey Llpoh,

“It is estimated that between 12 and 15 million ethnic Germans, including children, were systematically expelled, tortured, raped, put in camps, starved, enslaved and executed after World War II from 1944-1948, and later. Their only crime was being German. These actions were many cases government sanctioned and done in full knowledge of the victorious allies. To date, no one has ever been held accountable, and most do not know or do not acknowledge this genocide.”

The article appears to deal mostly with what went on in Yugoslavia, but this was going on all over the place after the war. I have heard estimates that place the dead at a high of 2 million, but nobody really knows… it’s more of an estimate. Families still speak of Die Verloren and Die Vermissten (The Lost and The Missing) to this day. Nobody knows what happened to them.. just “poof”… gone. But in the face of state-sanctioned genocide and ethnic cleansing, someone can make a pretty good guess…

June 23, 2014 10:52 pm

An alternate view from China:
800 Years of Nothing –

June 23, 2014 10:53 pm

Most accepted est. of dead around half a million.

Russia pushed almost all Germans out of Eastern Europe after the war. Around 12 to 14 million, as Billy says.

Not at all surprising Russia did this. Stalin was Stalin, Hitler was Hitler. Life was cheap.

June 23, 2014 10:53 pm


Yeah, and of the 6th Army that surrendered at Stalingrad, only about 5,000 ever made it home. The 6th Army was enormous… and only about 4% of them made it home from captivity.

“Payback”? The ethnic cleansing of women, children? Payback? Dude.. that’s fucked up. Soldiers expect to be treated like shit. But some shit is off limits. What the Russians did was fucked up. Your enemy surrenders, then that’s it. You don’t go out of your way to liquidate the innocent.

Your attitude of “well, they had it coming” – condemning the Germans while giving the Allies a free pass for doing the same shit… that’s just revolting… and you wonder why nobody has ever heard of this before… your attitude is why.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 10:59 pm

Billy says:

El Kabong…

Just fucking don’t… ain’t in the mood.

Your never in the mood. And discourse with you in it is always lopsided, “my way or the highway”. you use colorful language but when i do it, oh my gosh, Billy is not in the mood. Hey Billy, I composed a little story for you, i will just copy and post it for you here, Pipi.

June 23, 2014 11:03 pm

I find it interesting that the most “accepted estimate” is half a million liquidated, but “around” 12 to 14 million were ethnically cleansed.. give or take a few million.. the disparity between those two numbers is pretty glaring.

That “estimate” sounds a bit low to me. And I’d like to know just who it was that “accepted” this “estimate” and why that particular number is given legitimacy when I know for a fact they do not know anything for certain…

June 23, 2014 11:08 pm

El Kabong,

Whining doesn’t become you. Just go away. I’m having a decent, fruitful discussion with Llpoh. You’re just here to stir shit. If you want to get into a shit flinging “Fuck You” contest, get with me tomorrow evening. I have to have the AC serviced on the Blazer and I don’t know how long it’s gonna be.. won’t be home.

I ain’t your kid, don’t work for you and you certainly ain’t my mamma… If I don’t wanna fucking play right now and you don’t like that, then suck it up and go do something else… why not work on your memoirs?

“How I became a whiny little mestizo bitch with a chip on my shoulder” by El Kabong

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 11:30 pm

I regret that I sound like someone with a chip on the shoulder.
I hope you two enjoy your time together.
You are busy trying to hash out whether it was 12 million or half a million victims of ethnic cleansing.
You are so intent on transmitting what you believe is the right information but when I try the same, then you have a headache.

Tomorrow is St John the baptist day, a special day for me and I will be calling my mom to wish her a happy Saint’s Day. Maybe tell her you won’t play with me, although her advice will most likely be that I shouldn’t play with you either. Ha!

June 23, 2014 11:32 pm

13 million Russian civilians died in WW2. Plus 8 million military.

It all sucked. Russia got the worse of it but still won.

German historical society says 600k died post ww2. No one knows but half a million is figure generally accepted. 2 million at high end.

Compare that to Russian loss of civilian life. No comparison.

June 23, 2014 11:33 pm

The 12 million figure relates to Germans evicted, not killed.

June 23, 2014 11:48 pm


Oh, and I suppose the Russians got the short end of the stick from the Herms and NOT their psychotic maniacal dictator for life Uncle Joe? The same Uncle Joe who liquidated millions of Russians in the purges who didn’t do anything other than mind their own business? The same Uncle Joe who didn’t give a shit about how many Russian soldiers died due to his insane tactics or how many civilians died? Mr. Not One Step Back? THAT Uncle Joe?

Uh.. yeah… k. It wasn’t like dude had a raging case of the Stupids and was the cause of most of that mess… totally the fault of the Herms… yep.

June 23, 2014 11:53 pm

El Kabong,

Run off to your mamma then and whine to her… I’m sure she’ll make you some type of food, wipe your nose and your ass, pat you on the head and tell you not to worry about those big old meanies… that you’re not really a whiny little bitch and that everyone picks on you because you’re so smart and handsome and…

Guess we’ll have to set a play date at some point in the future…

Tell yer mamma-‘n-nem I said Hi. Tell her I promise not to smack you around too bad and steal your lunch money…

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 23, 2014 11:59 pm

Hey, asshole, did you really threaten T4C? Are you stupid? I take back the term hognuts, I doubt your nut pouch is occupied at all.

June 24, 2014 12:04 am

I told T4C to mind her fucking business yesterday.

What of it? You gonna try to use that as some sort of justification for attacking me now? Why should you give a flying fuck?

June 24, 2014 12:08 am

El Kabong,

For someone who claims to be a Catholic and a heterosexual, you sure are overly concerned with my nut sack..

Here. I’ll check for ya. Make ya feel better….

Yep, they’re still there… hydraulics work and everything (judging by the positive comments made by my wife last night)…

I’m sure your nut-sack concern is assuaged by this news…

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 24, 2014 12:36 am

your a bullshitter, you make up shit and claim to backstop it. tell me, asshole, when did i claim to be catholic? and as for hetero, i need not claim anything, just bring me your sister and we’ll see if she’s not moaning the Mexican national anthem in no time. maybe she’ll even holler, goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! 3 times.

June 24, 2014 12:55 am

My my my… feeling our oats, are we? Been hitting the Quervo some and feeling that false courage?

Accusing me of being a wife beater AND telling me you’re going to fuck my sister… and on the same night, too… You’re on what? Your second bottle?

I don’t know if I should hunt you down or just laugh at you. I dunno. Should I get worked up over a short, smelly, brown little middle aged bean bag with a fat fucking mouth, no “shut up” filter and homosexual tendencies?

No. Not just yet… but soon.

This demands creativity…

June 24, 2014 12:56 am

Goodnight El Kabong…

Sleep well. I have a war to plan.


June 24, 2014 2:19 am

I will state the facts again.

In WW2, Germany/Germans was responsible for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million Russians. Germans killed around 2/3 of the Russians they captured. Germany lost around 7 million by memory, largely military. germany was responsible for the deaths of probably more than 40 million people in the war all up – the vast majority civilians. Eventually, Russia won the war.

And, lo and behold Russia decided to evict Germans from the area that it now controlled. And they were none to nice about it. Now there is a surprise.

As I said, payback is hell. And make no mistake, the Russians administered payback.

Calling it war did not make what Germany did right. What Russia did in peace was not right, either. But I sure understand it a lot better than I understand what Germany and the Germans did. It s child’s play compared to the actions of the Germans.

Stalin was a nasty piece of work, and the atrocities he perpetrated are a match to any. But we are not discussing that. We are discussing what happened to the Germans. They made their bed, and in the end had to sleep in it. Not all victors are benevolent. Indians know that only too well.

June 24, 2014 3:02 am

Germans and Russians. Mexicans and Indians. Quite a thread.

Glad I’m Swiss (father) and Scots-Irish (mother). Responsible for the Papal Guard, golf, and Guinness.