Into Darwin’s Dark Night

Guest Post by Fred Reed

We Had a Good Run

June 23, 2014

I’m being a pain in the ass again. My chilodhood makes me do it. When I was eleven, we boy kids in Alabama liked to shoot a wasp’s nest with BB guns and run like hell. I guess it stuck.

In this column I will explain why the Caucasian race will shortly be extinct, and why it is a good idea. This conclusion flows ineluctably from evolutionary considerations and studies of racial IQ. It is simple biology.


The Evolutionary-IQ Perspective

As Race Realists have argued at length, IQ is a reliable measure of intelligence, and is primarily genetic. Twin studies, in which identical twins have been raised apart in differing environments, show that 80% of IQ is of genetic provenance. So far as I know, these studies seem to be correct.

Thke Realists frequently publish curves of IQ distributions indicating that American blacks have mean IQs of 85, Mexicans of 87, and white Americans of 98. (IQs tend to wander according to the argument one is making. For national averages I mostly use the figures in the table of IQ and the Wealth of Nations, regarded as canonical by Race Realists.) The authors who have discovered the superiority of whites, curiously enough, are white. As a rule, Realists attribute almost every instance of intelligence to to genetics and, usually, to white blood.

The accuracy is doubtful. In particular, they omit distributions of groups superior to plain vanilla whites (PVWs). For example, the slant-eyed Asians—Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans. Their IQ, 105 to 108, is greatly superior to that of PVWs. Note that these Asian smake up the first five countries by IQ in IQ and the Wealth.(China, mysteriously, is put at 100 but, since Singapore, genetically identical, is given as 108, this would seem the best figure for developed Chinese societies. There are well over a billion of such Asians.

This is no statistical fluke. They are so overwhelmingly dominant in high-end universities (CalTech, 40%) that Ivy schools have quietly imposed quotas to protect PVWs—i.e., affirmative action for the non-competitive. In high-end laboratories and universities, they are way overrepresented. They have larger brains, which probably explains their superior intelligence.

In short, these Asians are genetically superior. (And they know it. An acquaintance with access to the Asian community of California quoted them as describing whites as “lazy and stupid.”) By inevitable natural selection, they are beginning to replace PVWs in evolutionary niches requiring intelligence, as Cro-Magnons replaced Neanderthals.

Think I’m kidding? United States Math Olympiad winners. The near-monopoly of Chinese names strogly suggests that the true Chinese IQ is well ahead of that of PVWs. Asians are something like 6% of the US population. Uncle Darwin is calling bed time.

Another group even more genetically superior to plain vanilla whites consists of the Ashkenazi Jews, mean IQ 111, 13 points ahed of PVWs. That is, the gap between the Ashkenazim and PVWs (which means, for most readers, us) is greater than the eleven-point difference between PVWs and Mexicans. Because of the workings of a normal distribution, the consequences of those 13 points are great. For example, Nicolas Wade, a genetic determinist, points out in A Troublesome Inheritance Genes, Race and Human History that proportionally these Jews produce about six times as many people above IQ 140 than do PVWs. The ratios grow at higher IQs.

This is huge. If you look at intellectual achievement, Ashjews are way, way ahead of PVWs—Nobel prizes, chess champions, hugely major scientists. By comparison, plain vanilla whites are just, well…how to put it? Not very bright. Careful examination shows that an imposing part of what we think of as white European achievement is actually Jewish achievement.

Into the Darwinian night. We whites had a good run. The reality of IQ shows that the world is moving on.


Other Asians outperform whites. Thirteen of the last seventeen winnrs of the Scripps National Spelling Bee have been Indian, who are a tiny fraction of the US. Indians, says IQ and the Wealth, have a mean IQ of 81. Sure, and I’m Sophia of Anhalt-Zerbst. A common response of Realists is that only very bright Indians come to the US. Yes, but all the very bright American kids are already here, no?

A Non-IQist Perspective

There is no biological reason to believe that one genetic group cannot be more intelligent than another. There is a great deal of reason to wonder whether IQ is a good measure of intelligence between disparate groups, and whether IQ—the answer on the test—is genetic.

Many people are quite sure of the answers, but often have little grasp of the material.  I spent years on Steve Sailer’s human-biodiversity list, a conclave of very powerful and equally inelastic minds concerned with IQ and evolution, and was astonished at their capacity to ignore unwanted evidence, abandon logic, and find pat genetic explanations for everything, probably to include sun spots.  Contradictions abound like picnic ants on a half-eaten sandwici, as for example the many large differences in IQs of genetically identical groups. (Readers wanting a detailed analysis should read this, by Ron Unz.)

In 1972, a massive test of the Irish put them at IQ 87. Recently they have scored at about 100 (which is exactly what you would expect of a population of Eurowhite PVWs). The only way this difference could be accomplished genetically would be by killing off most of Ireland, an event which one would expect to have made the newspapers. But maybe they were distracted by the World cup or whatever Paris Hilton was doing at the time.

Now, if twin studies prove conclusively that 80% of IQ is genetic, and the Irish example proves conclusively that it isn’t, only one explanation is possible: IQ tests are not measuring what we think they are measuring. QED. I would expect this to cause cognitive dissonance in IQists, but they seem not to be cognitive enough to notice the dissonance.

Again, when a thirteen-point gap vanishes in  a very few generations, the change isn’t genetic. Further, note that all of the gap disappeared, showing that none of it was genetic.

Now we come to Mexico which, by chance, is alleged to have exactly the 87 IQ of the Irish, apparently based on one study (see the table) in 1961 of 520 Mexicans. what could be more convincing? But before proceeding, a minor zoological excustion.


Confidently Vacuous Experts

When I mention Mexico, I invariably get mail instructing me on the nature of the county and its inhabitants. Everybody seems to know more about Mexico than those of us who live here. I am not talking about the high-wattage Race Realists, such as Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire, and Jared Taylor, who are very intelligent and thoughtful. Rather, I advert to the nitwit pack of howlers and Me-Tarzan-you-Jane chest-beaters who post thunderous comments.

I imagine the following conversation with these Confidently Vacuous Experts:

Me: “You have, I don’t doubt, lived in Mexico?” Confidently Vacuous Expert: “Uh, well, uh….” “But certainly you have traveled extensively, business trips to Mexico City, visits with Mexican friends?” “Uh, well, uh….” ”You do speak Spanish?”  “Uh, well, uh….” “A man of your cultivation cannot have failed to read Latin-American authors—Borges, Juan Rulfo, Vargas LLosa, Benedetti, Neruda, Perez-Reverte, Octavio Paz, Carolos Fuentes, Carlos Monsivais?”  “Uh, well, uh….” “You can tell me whether Guanajuato is the capital of Toluca, an ethnic dish made with nopales, the language of the Marimacha Indians of Sinaloa, or the name of Peña Nieto’s dog?” “Uh, well, uh….” “Yes, I see. Quite. Your mastery commands my astonishment. Now do tell me about Mexico.”

This is not is not the only question I might raise with these geographic virgins if I were rude, which I decidedly am not. I might ask, “Among IQ tests, can you cite the three major methodological differences between Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Rockwell’s Libertarian Matrices?” Or “You are familiar with the concept of standard deviation? You can calculate one? Take the mean, the differences from the mean, square them, and so on?”

Just wondering.
Durango-class patrol craft, designed and built in Mexico. Engineers in Mexico count on their figners and toes. It’s a digital age, after all.

I do so enjoy posting things about Mexico becausse it gets Confidently Vacuous Experts into an uproar. I confess to being a troublemaker.

Headline, Wall Street Journal: Hispanics Gain at California CollegesUniversity System Admits More Latinos Than Whites for First Time

Isn’t this fun?

Average bookstore in Guadalajara, though smaller than most. I don’t know whicdyh one, as I did a Google search rather than drive forty-five minutes to photograph the half-dozen I know. Typically they have sections on systems analysis, electrical engineering, cardiology, and such, though with far less schlock on self-help and the Wisdom of Oprah.


European woman, probably Danish, consoling typical Mexican for his sins and defects. Here we see the physiological basis of Mexican inferiority: A combination of microcephaly and jaundice. However they have broad shoulders and can do simple work if supervised by their betters.

Hey, I’m having fun. Sort of a last fling, before going extinct.

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June 24, 2014 6:28 am

Billy, Mexico is a shit hole because they got ass raped by the global banking cartel, who refused to “bail” them out when the peso collapsed during of a manufactured crisis back in 1994.

The mexicans don’t own their own banks anymore. That would be like the chinese owning US banks. How far do you think that would fly. The mexican government are just propped up bureaucrats who get paid for favoritism. What chance does an ordinary citizen have? So they flee.

We in the US have no where to go, even if we were willing.

June 24, 2014 6:34 am

LL, your graphic, after I right clicked it and opened in a new tab, doesn’t aggregate Europeans but makes a distinction between the various countries.

I suppose if the point of the graphic is to show which areas have the highest population of ancestory AFTER EUROPEANS, then the data is relevant, which, I suppose, has some interest.

It’s just those damn Europeans getting in the way, all the time. That is, unless you’ve renounced your European heritage, and gone Arab, like Z.

June 24, 2014 6:57 am

Interesting discussion last night, sorry I missed it. LL, Billy, and El Shishkabob, oh my!

I’ve been reading about some wave of new immigration from the South. First, they came north, then came the global financial crisis, then they went south, now they’re coming north, again?

LL, put down your bourbon, it’s not cheap labor, this time it’s cheap votes. Aw, snap!

It would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so serious. Since apparently, blacks weren’t breeding fast enough in the sixties, throw in hispanics, and you’ve got quite the voting block, and you can always import more.

Not that Europeans weren’t breeding like rabbits in frontier America, I suppose the oligarchy why grow organically, when you can astro-turf.

One has to give them points for originality, though, it never ceases to amaze what lengths the Devil will go to manipulate the unsuspecting.

I’ll keep my guns, thank you very much.

June 24, 2014 8:34 am

I know the Spanish alphabet has an “i” in it, and it even looks just link an English “i”

So, if Mexicans are so damn smart, how come they can’t say ‘sister’ instead of seester.

Or, any other English word with ‘i” in it, errr, eet.

Jeeebus, after leesteneeng to a World Cup game with those Spanish-speeeking announcers, I feeel like I neeed to reelearn Engleesh.

June 24, 2014 8:49 am

In Spanish “i” is pronounced like a long “e”. That is just the way it is.

It’s too bad I’m not better at speaking spanish than I am considering that I lived in Spain and Spanish is a very easy language to learn. Certainly easier than learning english. Just think, you have “to”, “two”, too……all pronounced the same but with entirely different meanings.

My Spanish friends were cool in that one or two could speak english so they taught me spanish and I taught them english. What used to irritate me is how they ALWAYS a short “e” to words like school. They actually said eschool.

June 24, 2014 9:07 am

Llpoh’s progression —– from neophyte to expert in one thread.

At 9:18 llpoh is not aware of genocide against German civilians, —- “I was unaware so many Germans were killed after the war. I will have to look it up.”

By 10:53 he can conclude what “most” accept and that it’s accurate —— “Most accepted est. of dead around half a million. “

And by 2:19 he’s now an expert with facts ——— “I will state the facts again. Germany lost around 7 million by memory, largely military.”

He’s a fast learner. And, wrong.

June 24, 2014 9:21 am

“That is just the way it is.” ———- llpoh

So, are you saying they don’t have the ABILITY to actually even hear the difference between the two sounds? Or, are they just too lazy to make the effort?

I didn’t learn a lot of Greek while stationed in Greece as so many in Athens spoke English. I learned enough to order food, say ‘hi, how are you’, ‘good, I’m fine too” …. basic conversational stuff. But, my Greek friends told me I spoke it perfectly, without an American accent. Maybe it’s a gift … like perfect pitch in music, only applied to language.

English is NOTORIOUSLY difficult. Was watching a rerun of “Perry Mason” last night and the murder took place in an Orchid Nursery. And, really, I said to Ms. Freud, “How do non-English ever learn this bastardized language?”

Orchid — the flower, “ch’ is pronounced as a “k”
Orchard — where apples grow, the same “ch” is pronounced entirely differently

That’s fucking nuts!!!!!!!

June 24, 2014 9:22 am

Having studied you monkeys for years I understand Llpoh’s modus operandi, it’s very simple.

Assess–> Adapt —> execute

June 24, 2014 9:24 am

oops ….. the quote above is from I_S

June 24, 2014 9:40 am

Most Mexicans are criminals. They have the biggest and most vicious gangs on the planet, and Imam Obama is welcoming the fuckers with open arms. Our prisons are full of Mexicans. The Roman empire expired at the hands of the barbarians, and so will the USSA. They are going to bankrupt this country, along with the indigenous FSA, all 110 million of them. They have no interest in working, the one’s that do work already have jobs in Mexico, where millions of jobs have been shipped. They aren’t coming here to work, they’re coming here to get on welfare, disability, food stamps, and get free medical care; you know, live the good life on somebody else’s dime.

June 24, 2014 3:47 pm

Just got back from the mechanic.. AC working fine. Now the inside temp of the truck won’t be like the surface of the sun when we have to go anywhere…

Was thinking about The El Kabong Conundrum and what to do…. options are:

1. I could contact some friends, they could work their mojo and I’d find out eventually who he is, etc. While doable, this would involve some questionable activities that ultimately I would be responsible for.

2. After that, then what? Am I going to go out of my way and drive clear across the country to whatever shithole he lives in? And then what? Am I going to risk my freedom, family, everything I’ve worked for up till now for some smelly little grub of an insignificant mexcrement?

Then I remembered something – I am orders of magnitude better than, and superior to, this little scrub of a cockroach latrino. Always will be. What he thinks does not, and has never, mattered to me at all. Why should I get worked up over what some greasy brown puny stank assed taco jockey thinks?

That’s like me getting concerned over what maggots or ants think about me if I hose them with bug poison or run over them with a lawnmower….

Bottom line is that I might give a shit if he was an actual human, but El Kabong doesn’t qualify. He’s somewhere between cockroach and those lawn jockeys you see holding a lantern. Actually, he’s not even that useful. Cockroaches and lawn jockey’s at least have uses. He doesn’t.

The little mexcrement can run his cock holster all he wants… it’s not like I give a fuck. I’ll always be an awesome white guy with a gorgeous wife and an awesome life. He’ll always be… well, whatever type of shit mexcrements are made of…

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June 24, 2014 5:26 pm

Stuck – I have a unique ability to look up statistics. Billy said 2 million German civilians were killed after the war. I looked into that. It was not very hard. Some estimates agree with that, but not most. Most suggest the number at 500,000.

War is hell. Declaring a war over does not stop the death toll.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 24, 2014 9:46 pm

Billy says:

“This demands creativity…”

Your a piece of work, Billy. You really are. I was reading Stuck’s post on the German victim’s of WWII. and I see your point now, sorry to hear all that.

SAH’s advice to folks on TBP was to the effect, never get so riled up that you take it seriously. I get worked up sometimes but then I figure, as you did in writing out your thoughts: This is a persona appearing on the internet, it is not a flesh and blood person I have met or know or have seen. For all I know, no one is real on this site and if that is the case, I would be insane to have a real lasting fight with anyone here. I respond to you as I interpret you, your writing is not like your voice and I have to guess at your tone of voice, when you are kidding, when you are pulling my leg, when you are angry for fucking real or when you are just talking smack.

Your image of me is funny sometimes, other times I feel sorry that you think that way.

I will leave you alone if it bothers you so much, witness Stucky writes some pretty hard shit but I can guess where he’s coming from and I can tell he is not as hard as that. I am not sure about you, matter of fact I wrote a little bit, wondering if Billy (not you but your online persona) is a bully, a bullshitter or a psy-ops infiltrator:

OMG, Billy is a Psy-Ops Mole
It is abundantly clear to anybody who reads Billy’s diatribes that he is a psychological operator. He uses various techniques to influence, modify, radically change or reinforce the reader’s ideas. He cajoles, shames, ridicules, commands, makes demands on, denigrates and even threatens his victims until they accept the opinion/truth that he sees as correct or desirable.
He uses obfuscation, omission or outright lies. He pretends innocence or ignorance. He has no compunction about abusing women verbally with curse words or veiled threats. He feigns physical illness to gain sympathy, forgiveness, trust or simply to stall for time.
To really appreciate his performances here, one can imagine the histrionics of Uncle Adolf himself. Billy is by turns outraged, insulted, vengeful, restrained, magnanimous, illuminated, inspired, abandoned, disillusioned, martyred, uplifted, hopeful, self-sacrificing and ultimately very patriotic.
He subscribes to a secret newsletter that warns of the movements of invading hordes; black, brown, Asian or Semite. He then passes spurious information that is purportedly thoroughly researched by impartial scholars at KKK U. on to a few gullible TBP readers for edification.
Billy fancies himself a smooth operator but he is as subtle as a tank. A blowhard more adapted for the tuba, he dreams of playing the flute. Accepting his friendship comes with a high price; a gift from him is most likely an adder. This would-be pied piper of Hamelin will surely lead many to their deaths.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 24, 2014 9:54 pm

C’mon, it was a good joke. No one wants your sister. I should have learned soccer jokes flop, Stucky laid an egg twice on his Awesome post.

I looked up seester because I notice crackers use the word. The def says seester is a funny way to say sister. Damn, no gripe too small or petty for TBPers.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 25, 2014 12:42 am

I said it was a cursory reading because you either didn’t understand what you read or you made up half the shit you wrote. the maquilas are general use installations and they set them up there for the Indians of Chiapas to work their asses off for a pittance. where in the hell does it make sense to you that Indians in revolt against the government, who reject all government aid, whose motto is: the people rule here and the government obeys, where do you get the idea they would submit to a forced march across Mexico to work for a pittance? they are trying to hold on to their land and demand to benefit from it rather than the capitalists raping the land for its water, oil and precious minerals and plants.

Read the history of the enslavement of the Yaqui Indians, Mexico and Guatemala have engaged in their own genocides, Indigenas are but Mexico’s ‘niggers’ if you’ll excuse the term. As I understood in my rather quick read, not as in depth as yours, the Chiapas Indians want autonomy, they do not want anything from the government.

Now that doesn’t mean i am planning on going to live in Chiapas, they are heathens after all and practice a strange form of Catholicism if it can be called that. I just wanted to clear up the confusion I experienced in reading your alarmist comment. I was sure you’d appreciate my input, since you were so intent on getting the info straight in your little pow-wow with LLPOH.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 25, 2014 12:53 am

Billy says:

“Then I remembered something – I am orders of magnitude better than, and superior to, this little scrub of a cockroach latrino.”

I love that line, it’s a hoot! I can’t add to it, it would be like trying to explain a joke. It stands by itself. Love it, love it.

I will leave you alone now, Billy.