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July 1, 2014 5:22 pm

I bet Jimmy Carter is sooooo happy right now. He’s saying “You folks thought I was the most fucked up President in the last 100 years and you idiots elected him twice ” !

I keep hearing on the MSM that Obozo is a Constitutional scholar…..but no one has seen one word of his legal briefs or opinions from law school . I bet without someone to tell him what to write (ala’ a teleprompter ) he couldn’t put together shit !

July 1, 2014 5:37 pm

Anybody see that there is growing evidence that the border immigration mess was actually instigated by the Government, perhaps in connection with the UN, in an effort to destabilize our communities?

July 1, 2014 5:58 pm

No one has ever seen his grades at any of those universities he supposedly attended. No one remembers him being at Columbia but he’s got a degree. Obama will turn out to be the biggest conman /fraud in US history.

July 1, 2014 7:10 pm

Obama is a criminal (an Illinois community organizer politician), it’s that simple. People that ignore the law, are petty despot tyrants seizing whatever power they can wrest from their affiliations with blacks and women and unions, the corruption and deceit is mind boggling to behold. Obama must be impeached, despite all the naysayers. We can’t handle 2 1/2 more years of this idiot. He’s destroying this country wholesale. The fucking liberal progressive democrats are going down with Obama, good riddance. The republicans as well, asleep at the wheel as the Obama megalomaniac runs riot over the constitution and the law. Dark days for our country.

Losing Faith? Democrat Confidence In The Economy Tumbles To 2014 Lows
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2014 – 18:06

It appears the faithful are losing belief… Gallup reports that Democrats economic confidence has faded to its lowest since January (less than half the levels of confidence when President Obama unleashed his 2nd term). Despite exuberance conference board (government sponsored) surveys of confidence (and seasonally adjusted happiness in PMIs and ISMs), Gallup notes U.S. Economic Confidence Index remained flat in June having hovered at this lower level for most of the year (with no post-weather rebound). The outlook also remains dismal – hovering at its lowest since Dec 2013 with only 39% of Americans saying the economy is getting better and 56% saying it is getting worse.

July 1, 2014 8:04 pm

Obama is a plant. Promised riches beyond his belief to do the bidding of TPTB. He is the perfect shill President. He is an imposter and charlatan par excellance!

July 1, 2014 8:51 pm

And more on the “immigration” crisis (AWD, you’re going to love this one):

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest

A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say.

In spite of the threat, several former camp workers broke their confidentiality agreements and shared exclusive details about the dangerous conditions at the camp. They said taxpayers deserve to know about the contagious diseases and the risks the children pose to Americans.

My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.

“There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested,” a psychiatric counselor told me. “We were under orders not to say anything.”

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 1, 2014 9:04 pm

Every president expands the power of the oval office thru findings or executive orders.


I have lived in Texas, even worked in San Antonio, El Paso and and also New Mexico, even in San Diego where the Feds loaded illegals onto planes nightly to fly them back to Mexico.

Never caught any illness. FNES.

July 1, 2014 9:21 pm

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Setbacks Cast Cloud Over Obama’s Second Term

Supreme Court Decisions, Immigration-Reform Roadblock Hobble White House

July 1, 2014

WASHINGTON—The demise of immigration legislation for the year and a Supreme Court decision creating a religious exception to the health-care law are just the latest setbacks casting clouds over President Barack Obama’s agenda.

The developments leave the administration with limited options and boost the likelihood the White House will continue to use the controversial tactic of relying on executive actions to advance its policy goals.

This week, Mr. Obama conceded that his top second-term priority—overhauling immigration laws—is dead for now. And on Monday, the Supreme Court whittled away part of the president’s signature health-care law, allowing closely held companies to invoke religious objections to opt out of covering contraception.

These disappointments for the White House add to a list of recent domestic and foreign policy dilemmas. The roadblocks make an improvement in the economy and the fate of the Democrats’ quest to hold their Senate majority all the more important to the success of Mr. Obama’s second term.

In the last several days, Mr. Obama moved the U.S. back into Iraq after championing the end of the unpopular war there. He also committed to new U.S. involvement in a Syrian civil war he has avoided.

Meantime, the president’s strategy of making policy changes through executive actions to maneuver past gridlock in Congress faces new challenges. House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) threatened to sue him for taking actions without lawmakers’ approval. And the Supreme Court ruled that his decision to install some of his blocked nominees to the National Labor Relations Board was unconstitutional, though it upheld the president’s broader powers to make appointments when Congress is in recess.

On top of this, the White House has been attempting to address the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and Republicans continue to raise concerns about misconduct at the Internal Revenue Service.

“It’s a buzz saw of challenges that have come flying at the White House all at once. So now the question is: How do they handle it?” said Chris Kofinis, a Democratic strategist. “What is their strategy?…They may have one, but they’ve not done a spectacular job communicating it.”

So far, the White House response has been to continue to press forward without congressional buy-in, while taking a more aggressive tack in blaming Republicans for Washington’s gridlock. Mr. Obama repeated Tuesday that his preference would be to work with Congress, but he resolved to act alone when possible.

This confluence of challenges has taken a toll on the president’s popularity, with a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll putting Mr. Obama’s job-approval rating at 41% and approval of his handling of foreign policy hitting a new low, 37%. More than half of those polled said the president wasn’t able “to lead the country and get the job done.”

July 1, 2014 9:23 pm

Fucknuts Obama calls himself crazy, a socialist, and an imperial president in one sentence. Very revealing, he’s losing what’s left of his mind….

Obama on Highway Plan: “It’s Not Crazy, It’s Not Socialism, It’s Not The Imperial Presidency”

It’s not crazy, it’s not socialism. It’s not the imperial presidency — no laws are broken. We’re just building roads and bridges like we’ve been doing for the last, I don’t know, 50, 100 years. But so far, House Republicans have refused to act on this idea. I haven’t heard a good reason why they haven’t acted — it’s not like they’ve been busy with other stuff. No, seriously. I mean, they’re not doing anything. Why don’t they do this?

el Coyote
el Coyote
July 1, 2014 9:43 pm

Kill Bill, orale, hermano. Once you drink the water in Juarez, you have lifetime immunity.

Here is a handy shibboleth to differentiate between a poser (El Muchacho) and a real beaner:
El Muchacho can’t roll his R’s and pronounces ‘orale’ with a D.

Orale is an old ‘calo’ expression with an English equivalent, ‘way to go’.

July 2, 2014 12:22 am

This preplanned crashing of the border with illegals, primarily children, is Clowar-Piven strategy on steroids. Why children? Because the American people are the most generous and caring people in the world and will most likely tolerate giving them a free pass on getting into and staying in the country. But what we’re getting is an array of diseases brought in via mentally unstable and sick people being used as political pawns.
Now, with the Border Patrol busy changing diapers and controlling the multitude of illegals crammed into ever smaller facilities, the cartels are basically free to move all of the drugs, arms and other more dangerous illegal into the country without fear of being caught. Hell of a plan and it’s working extremely well!

El Muchacho
El Muchacho
July 2, 2014 5:34 am

Hey main, scabies been in mi familia a berry long time. I swam across the border back in the day, main. Today I picked 872 heads of lettuce main, now I’m sitting here singing Norteno lullabies to my pet goat. What more could you ask?


July 2, 2014 6:41 am

AWD says: It appears the faithful are losing belief. Losing Faith? Democrat Confidence In The Economy Tumbles

I don’t know about that AWD. Anyone that voted for this low life fucker was brain dead to start with. I’am not buying it. Fuck BHO.

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July 2, 2014 7:21 am

@AWD… Obama on Highway Plan: “It’s Not Crazy, It’s Not Socialism, It’s Not The Imperial Presidency” …

how better to employ the thousands of illegal immigration currently invading the nation than with shovels and sign paving the way for a new world order..Cheap labor, jobs for immigrants and new highways …it’s win , win for US all…eh?

July 2, 2014 3:32 pm

Every single “leader” we’ve had for the last 3 or so decades has been a crony. Perhaps since the creation of the FED. It’s just gotten worse bc they are getting more ridiculous with their bs. They are not incompetent and they are not there as a coincidence. They are there bc some group of people wanted them there. So people can bitch all they want and ridicule or insult them, but it makes no difference. The next one will also be put there. They’ll spew the right bs and propaganda and maybe show signs that they will do the right thing but nothing will change. Or create a crisis, one that gives them support. Once you have power, why let it go? We are at a point where the political system is COMPLETELY manipulated. And change, well…not in sight.