WTF Is a Jumping Meadow Mouse, and Who Gives a Sh*t?

I for one am getting sick and tired of reading this ridiculous crap.  See that surname.  Lucero.  See those given names.  Mike (Miguel), Manuel, and Orlando.  Hispanics.  I bet their ancestors have been in the Santa Fe area a long, long time.  No matter.  A fucking mouse is about to disrupt their livelihood.  Save the trees!  Save the bees!  Save the whales!  Save those snails!“For more than a century, the Lucero family has grazed livestock in the majestic landscape near Fenton Lake in the Santa Fe National Forest. They started with sheep and, in the 1920s, switched to cattle.  But that may all come to an end because of an endangered mouse.“You’re taking a lot of heritage away,” said Mike Lucero, as he looks over the creek that cuts through the meadow. He was accompanied by his brother Manuel and cousin Orlando, who have brought their family’s cattle to this spot since they were children.

Last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species. Now, the U.S. Forest Service, which oversees the Santa Fe National Forest, is considering erecting a series of 8-foot high fences to protect the mouse’s habitat.

(Comment.  What friggin’ species of cow can jump over an 8-foot fence?  The same ones that jump over the moon?)The Luceros, members of the San Diego Cattleman’s Association and holders of grazing permits with the federal government, say the fences will lock out their cattle — as well as those of other permit holders — from ever returning to the meadow where the livestock graze for 20 days in the spring and up to 40 days in the fall.”
—-Rob Nikolewski,, July 3, 2014
Actual photo of a Jumping Meadow Mouse.  Not rare in Australia.  Heh.

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July 3, 2014 11:43 pm


Got wood?

el Coyote
el Coyote
July 4, 2014 12:17 am

I caught one of thos silly mice once when I skipped school to go with my dad on a trip to Silver City. He was delivering a truckload of lumber there. I didn’t know the little fuckers were endangered. I have seen a few since then, that little creature doesn’t seem like something rare like a two headed calf or anything. The endangered creature up here is the burrowing owl. If there is evidence of an owl burrow on your vacant land, your fucked.

el Coyote
el Coyote
July 4, 2014 12:22 am

what is agenda 21, is that the soylent green plan to reserve the open land to the 1 percenters while restricting the hoi polloi to the urban concentration camps?

July 4, 2014 12:27 am

….but if they had found a stray hemp plant growing on the land SSS would be all for the theft of their property.

Maybe they should just declare a war on endangered species.

el Coyote
el Coyote
July 4, 2014 12:37 am

hemp is to marihuana as bell peppers are to jalapeños.

July 4, 2014 4:03 am

Move to Iran. The rural areas are un fenced and there are no regulations. You will find shepherds minding their flock that will take you back 2,000 years. Which country is more free?

July 4, 2014 6:21 am

Z, no one is going to dispute Iran is a beautiful country, but they are also pawns in a global game of risk.

The US is not. Which one is more free?

From your perspective, Iran’s protector, Russia, would be more free. That fits right in with your fucked up views on everything else, you dumb ass.

July 4, 2014 7:42 am

This kind of crap is not limited to plants and animals. On a recent trip to Boise I met and older guy who has been a life long rock collector. (70+ years) He had not heard of Agenda 21 but told me of places where I could legally collect jasper and numerous other rocks and minerals on public lands, places where he had collected them himself but today there is a problem with access. It seems the govt has closed access via roads and motorized vehicles which means you have to walk in, ride a horse or (the only practical way) fly in by helicopter. Many of these places are remote and inhospitable without a car or truck. He’s seen it in ID, MT, UT & NV.

I predict that shortly after the fuckers run out of OPM and their printing presses can no longer keep up with demand, much of this shit will go bye bye. Most of these modern laws and regulations will become like yesterday’s “blue laws” and such.

July 4, 2014 10:37 am

You would be hard pressed to find a more evil and more worthless government agency than the EPA. Go ahead … name one.

The EPA even exceeds the BLS in bullshit-ness. Fact: throughout its entire history the EPA has deliberately distorted actual science to advance its own warped “environmental” agenda.

They are a law unto themselves. They tell us what kind of light bulbs we can use, how much water we have in our toilets, the kind of anti-bacterial soap we use to wash our hands, and even regulate farmers and ranchers on acceptable levels of “particulate coarse matter”— more commonly known as dust.

Last year a task force that including members of TEN state and federal law enforcement agencies descended on a gold mine in the tiny town of Chicken, Alaska …. population 17. A local described the raid —- “Imagine coming up to your diggings, only to see agents swarming over it like ants, wearing full body armor, with jackets that say ‘POLICE’ emblazoned on them, and all packing side arms, …. rifles, handguns, bullet proof vests and heavily armored vehicles. How would you have felt? You would be wondering, ‘My God, what have I done now?’” (These eeevil Alaskans supposedly violated the Clean Water Act.) There are LITERALLY thousands of such raids annually. Pray tell, how are they unlike the Gestapo???

They have their own police force. They make their own laws. They answer to no one, really. They are Judge, Jury, and Executioner. You gotta pity the poor fucker who gets caught in EPA’s crosshairs …. and that could be YOU …. (you do have a water faucet in your home, right?)

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July 4, 2014 10:41 am

@IS, or they double down to “make work” for the millions of gubment workers, and stop us from feeding ourselves, thus forcing us to “volunteer” for the buses to the coasts and camps.

This country has NEVER had a problem sacrificing the ability of a family, or group of families, to make a living.

Look what happened with Prohibition. There were thousands and thousands of small family breweries in America the day before the law took effect. One day later tens of thousands, if not millions, found themselves with worthless “assets,” very real bank debt and no jobs nor ways to feed their families.

So, what is a couple more to save a freaking lice-infested, rabies/plague carrying, rodent?

I hate this country more every single freaking day. Today is nothing but a constant sore reminding me that I am surrounded by sheep that believe this hell is the best there is to get in this life.


July 4, 2014 10:50 am

Stuck, once a year an EPA agent descends on my business to check our two bathroom faucets, couple other sinks in the shop, and our rarely-used automatic watering system.

Now we have to pay an “independent” (yet chosen, approved) contractor to come in and run some dumass tests and turn the forms over to the local gubment.

It won’t be long before it is done in every home.

And yes, I can name more evil ones, the state department of children – whom can steal your kids without a judge – and the USDA/FDA.

It’s a freaking tie, they are all evil and can all ruin your life, destroy your property, kill you and smile in your face as they tell you its all Constitutional.

Happy 4th!