So far this July 120 people have been shot and at least 26 killed in Chicago, And the month is not even halfway through. But they have a message for the worst president in the history of our nation….Enjoy…..

Chicago Inner City Blacks GO OFF on Obama Over Illegal Immigration “Worst President Ever”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, July 12, 2014

So much for Hope and Change–

Chicago southside African-Americans GO OFF on President Obama.

Rebel Pundit interviewed the community this week about Barack Obama’s open border policies and his spending on the illegal immigrant community. Let’s just say – they are NOT HAPPY.

One local resident even says, “Barack Obama will go down as the worst president ever elected.”

The Chicago resident below says:

“With the president setting aside all these funds for immigrants and forsaken African-American community and African-American families, I think that’s a disgrace. And Barack is from the heart of 55th in the City of Chicago… He will probably go down as the worst president ever elected. Bill Clinton was the African-American president.“

And this Chicago woman goes off on Barack Obama.

“Mr. President, we’re asking for you. You’re spending billions of dollars in Texas but we got a problem here in Chicago. We will not stand by this here and keep letting this senseless killing and shooting happening in our community.”

They have had enough!
“He will probably go down as the worst president ever!”

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July 14, 2014 2:15 pm

Awww, you mean now…..NOW, he’s no good? Funny, I can’t tell if these shitheads are more pissed about the actual issue, or just because they’re losing their self proclaimed ‘most fucked over’ title to a lighter shade of dark.

July 14, 2014 6:21 pm

A black man was chosen to be president so that he’d get a longer honeymoon, a pass as things went to hell.

Next choice will be a woman for the same reasons, Hilarity Clinton comes to mind. Or maybe that other chick,, the one from Alaska,,, what was her name,,,, oh yeah, Tina Fey,,, ya has a nice ring to it.

From there, will be a dwarf with one good eye and a peg leg.

For 2030 will be a Reptilian from Zeta Reticuli or maybe a tall grey from the Andromeda galaxy. Ya.

July 14, 2014 7:41 pm

Watch your wallet – they want to steal and spend even more money.
Well we have to take care of the citizens and the illegals.
Productive people keep working for the benefit of others. Or else the gubmint will take your life.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
July 14, 2014 7:47 pm

They want “funds” and presidential assistance to deal with the problems in their own communities. Maybe their communities should heal themselves, starting at home. Like, maybe instead of getting knocked up by gangbangers, they should choose responsible, employed men to have children with. AFTER marrying them. And then STAY married to them.

If men realized they had to be productive and intelligent in order to get laid, they’d probably start being productive and intelligent.

Not that I’m saying we should squander the nation’s resources on illegals, either.

July 14, 2014 8:12 pm

Let me paraphrase – “Dem Mexicans are taking dat free shit dat we wants. Give dat free shit to us, not dem, and toss dem spic bitches back over dat fence”.

July 14, 2014 8:13 pm

“If men realized they had to be productive and intelligent in order to get laid, they’d probably start being productive and intelligent.”

Or gay.

July 14, 2014 8:26 pm

Pirate Jo

Good comment.

July 14, 2014 9:06 pm

Hate to tell ya, but men have never had to be productive or intelligent to get laid. But, of course, it’s a lot easier to get an illiterate, unsupervised 13-year-old in the rack than it is a grown woman who sees through your bullshit the first time you open your mouth because she’s met a hundred blowhards and fakes just like you.

Fierce community condemnation of 21 year old losers who get their dates by hanging around school yards, plus vigorous prosecution for statutory rape and corruption of the morals of a minor might reduce the teen birth rate substantially in these poor communities. And, of course, rigorous parental supervision of girls and boys alike would result in lower birth rates AND far fewer shootings and far fewer boys being recruited into gangs.

Back when I was a teen, in the Jurraisic Age or thereabouts, girls 17 and under were commonly referred to as “jailbait”. The 14-year-old sister of my boyfriend ran off to another state with a 21-year-old loser she’d met at a rock concert, and her lawyer dad had a posse of FBI agents awaiting the lovesick couple when they alighted from their plane in another city. Young men totally did not mess with baby girls back in those days without facing serious consequences.

Also, when I was a teen, the youth curfew was also vigorously enforced, and teens were subject to heightened scrutiny at all hours of the day. I grew up in a white blue-collar nabe, and remember that any congregation of teens, no matter what their race or condition, in a public place, especially on the street, was quickly broken up, and the kids made to break down into pairs- people were extremely suspicious of any large group of teens wandering around or loitering in a public place. Store detectives were on high alert when we entered local department stores, for good reason, because kids of all socio-economic groups including the highest, were robbing the stores blind whenever they had the opportunity.

Parents did not permit their kids to attend unchaperoned (what an old-fashioned word!) social gatherings, and would call and check to make sure their kids were where they said they were going to be. Disobedience, and prohibited behaviors brought swift punishment, which was usually the revocation of privileges such as access to the family car, which was my mother’s favorite method of control- it was rare for kids to have their own cars then, or being “grounded” for a give period of time.

We shrieked and screamed and raged in protest, but Mom and Dad would just stand there with folded arms and say “20 years from now, you’ll thank us for this.” And it was true, except that we ended up thanking them a lot sooner than that.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
July 14, 2014 9:29 pm


“Hate to tell ya, but men have never had to be productive or intelligent to get laid.”

Ever notice how, with any other species of life on this planet, the females only choose the most capable males to mate with? Only among humans do they pick the dumbest. If you want to enjoy the thrill and excitement of bad boys, use birth control for chrissake. Kids are tiresome and boring anyway, and not suitable for those who crave adventure.

July 14, 2014 10:50 pm

Agree, Pirate Jo. I always like your posts.

Humans are fuckups because they have the same compelling biological urges that other animals do, but long ago lost the developed, complex instincts that animals rely upon and which govern their every behavior to the point where they cannot choose NOT to do what is biologically appropriate for them.

We, however, have these abstracting brains which are unfortunately not quite far enough along in development to make good, rational choices….especially at the tender age at which we have to make those choices. The tail definitely rules the brain, especially among the young and hot.

Humans at they are at this moment seem to me to be a “transitional” species halfway between animals ruled totally by instinct, and fully developed sentient creatures who live by thought, instead of being dominated by primal urges that are strongly felt but dimly understood. I hope we continue to evolve, but I’m afraid we’ll have dealt ourselves into extinction by overpopulation, resource depletion, and terminal war before we develop the ability to think and act beyond the range of the moment.

July 14, 2014 10:57 pm

Jo, kids are also not suitable for those who crave A. Rest B. Peace and quiet; C. Money to spare D. A retirement fund; E. a clean house; F. the use of their own car when they need it; G. freedom from 2AM phone calls from the police telling you they have your son in custody; and H. to preserve the sanctity of their closets and dresser drawers from the depredation of the teen daughter who doesn’t have anything to wear because all her clothes are scattered allover her bedroom floor underneath four layers of empty pizza boxes, dirty dishes; and about 50,000 pieces of junk jewelry, bottles of blue nail polish, and every electronic gadget ever invented.

July 15, 2014 1:23 am

Kids are tiresome and boring anyway, and not suitable for those who crave adventure.—-Pirate Jo

Haa! Have you got another thing comin’! You’ve got no clue, dude! I’ve got three boys ten, seven & 1/2 and six; tiresome yes, at age 57 I’m definitely tired. But I’d be tired if I had no kids. Boring? No way!! Adventure?? Every moment is an adventure. For example, yesterday the boys had an “airsoft” party with a dozen or so buddies. (Google it). I watched from a high vantage point. World cup, Super Bowl, World series??? Ain’t got nuttin’ on a group of pre-adolescents with ‘firearms’. I’ll be laughing my ass off for days. Afterwards they were comparing who had the biggest welts. Never a dull moment.

I’ve had adventures worthy of the title of “thrillseeker”. Nothing compares to fathering three high octane, testosterone-fueled younglings who think they’re indestructible—and prove it daily.

July 15, 2014 6:03 am

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July 15, 2014 6:11 am

Barack Hussein Obama is merely the reflection of the character of a morally and spiritually debilitated American majority.We get what we allow.

July 15, 2014 6:46 am

Let me paraphrase – “Dem Mexicans are taking dat free shit dat we wants. Give dat free shit to us, not dem, and toss dem spic bitches back over dat fence”. – Llpoh

Dude, are you channeling me?

The Chicago contingent of Negro Regiment No. 1 of the Free Shit Army is convinced Obongo is the worst president ever…. because he’s diverting Free Shit funds from the negroes to the Mexicans and other illegals… Free Shit funds they think they are entitled to..

Another representative from Negro Regiment No.1 bemoans the fact that negroes are actually killing each other off faster than they can breed replacements in Chicago… and that Obongo “isn’t doing enough”… how this relates to Free Shit funds is murky at best, but it’s there in the negro mind, so there ya go…

Negro logic at it’s very best: We can’t control ourselves enough to stop killing each other, and you’re not doing enough to solve the problem. How dare you not do anything to fix our violent impulse control?! Plus, gibs muh mo Free Shit.

This would be funny if it wasn’t so damn pathetic…

July 15, 2014 7:32 am

This is some funny shit.

I suppose we’ll see riots over this, and then the administration will come up with $5 or $6 Billion to give to blacks to calm them down and vote for more free shit prior mid terms.
If government really had a plan this could be one way to incite the dem party to get out and vote.

Either way I don’t get mad anymore, I just plod along watching the inevitable collapse and wonder what the fuck to do.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
July 15, 2014 12:16 pm

Ha ha ha! Point well made, Chicago!

When I thought ‘boring’ I was thinking of babies. Taking care of babies involves so much repetition – wiping, changing, more wiping, more changing, and then they get old enough to babble nonsensically, and then when speech arrives they repeat the same thing over and over.

But you are right – when they get older they go from boring to stressful and irritating.

I do LOVE peace and quiet.