What woke YOU up???

“Perhaps a study on what/how/when others “woke up” – and why they continue even in the face of social seclusion – is in order.” ——-Olga, in “Totalitarianism Part 2” thread

Awesome idea. It would be great if ALL our regulars participated. I will keep my own story brief.


My journey first started with a few key books in my early years (before I turned 25);

—– Some book about The German Expulsion after WWII ended. I was in my teens when my dad brought it home. I don’t even remember the title. I read about the millions of Germans who were displaced from their native countries … people like my parents … and how thousands upon thousands died. It was the first time I asked myself, “How come I’ve never heard about this before?”

—- “Population Bomb”. I know a lot of people discredit Paul Ehrlich, even here, but it made a big impact on me. It was the first time I thought about too-many-people not-enough-resources. And here we are 40 years later and I’m worried about Peak Oil, Peak Water, Peak Food, Peak Ice, and even Peak Beryllium. Ehrlich was right, after all.

—- “None Dare Call It Treason”. From the introduction — “The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty. This book may have the effect of changing your life. After reading this book you will never look at national and world events in the same way again.”  They were correct, I never did look at national events in the same way again. It was my very first intro to Evil Banksters.

—- “Ugly American”. Required reading in high school. I remember I greatly enjoyed the book. Maybe I should read it again (it would be just my second reading) to see how I feel 40 years later. But this book opened my eyes for the first time to the idea that “Hey, our government is fucked up.”

—- “Flight TWA 800”. This is THE book that cemented forever in my mind that government does not exist for the people, that government is made up of liars, and that all they really ever care about is keeping themselves in a position of power & privilege. I’ve not looked back or changed my mind since.



Aside from books, there are two other key events.


1)- The “Service Economy”, somewhere around the early 1990’s. I was a Software Engineer for Hewlettt-Packard. My territory was all of Northern Indiana. 90% of my accounts were MANUFACTURERS; —- US Steel in Gary, BF Goodrich, several auto and auto-parts manufacturers, RV and manufactured-homes businesses in the Elkhart area, two large GE plants (Specialty Transformers and Jet Engine, both in Fort Wayne), a grain silo manufacturer in Holland, Steelcase Office Furniture, and several others. Here’s what happened over the course of just a few years. One by one our software contracts dried up … either because the company went out of business, relocated elsewhere, or simply cut back monies cuz they couldn’t afford it.

You see, to cover the loss of manufacturing jobs, governmentfuks invented the catch phrase “service economy”. This is the totally fucking idiotic notion that we don’t need to actually sell manufactured products!! Screw that shit, citizen! Trust us … we can grow and prosper our nation by doing each other’s laundry for a fee. Furthermore, we’ll legislate into existence thousands upon thousands of useless paper-shuffling jobs, and government “jobs” out the ass. And if you can’t get one of those jobs … don’t worry about it … WE’LL TAKE CARE OF YOU … FREE!!! Service economy my fat ass … at that point I knew we were fucked.

2)- The Burning Platform opened my eyes. Seriously. That’s not me just blowing smoke up Admin’s ass. I recall my very first month here. I posted something. Admin called me a “neocon”. (Really). I asked him, in all sincerity, “What the fuck is a neocon?”. (Really, I had no idea). My, oh my, how far I have come … thanks to Admin and so many of you.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 1, 2014 2:27 pm

My AHA moment was watching the evening news one night back in the 80’s when George Bush (the elder) was on tv and he was surprised that grocery stores used scanners to check out your items – my first reaction was WTF, this A-hole has no clue what goes on in the daily lives of the little
people. I changed my voting status to INDEPENDENT the next day.

Most sheeple see the Left Right paradigm as being opposite each other, when in reality the Dem’s and Repub’s are the 2 sides of a coin (protecting each other’s backs) surrounded on both sides by the normal population with moderate but varying degrees of conservative and/or liberal ideology.

All politicians are crooks, especially those affliated with either major party.

No critical thinking intelligent person could be anything other than an INDEPENDENT!

The FOURTH TURNING was a second wake up call for me, and Ayn Rand had it right with ATLAS SHRUGGED.

Time to seriously think about “Going Galt”.

I just don’t want to play anymore!

August 1, 2014 4:14 pm

David Icke’s book CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX awakened me, in around the Summer of 2002. (Nothing I’d ever read prior to that, CONNECTED the most important details of our reality, as that book did, to such an extent, that for the first time, I was literally seeing the world AS IT REALLY IS, and not, as “they” would wish that I see it). Thank you, David Icke. For some strange reason, though, I did not FULLY awaken, until around 2007/2008, because I remember “voting” for John Kerry, in the 2004 “election” vs. G.W. Bush. I have not “voted” since. I was wide awake, before Obama came on the scene. I remember telling people in DECEMBER of 2008, that there would be NO CHANGE! That Obama’s promises were nothing but LIES! In 2007/2008, more or less “fully” awakened, I began to think about SOLUTIONS, to overcome the onslaught of “collectivism” that is funded/promoted by the Western International Central Bankers (1%), in their quest for a ONE-WORLD SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT, with themselves at the helm. I have literally been doing EVERYTHING that I can think of since about 2004, if not earlier, to awaken everyone I know, to the truth. I have abandoned former Friends, and been abandoned by them, because I stand on PRINCIPLE. Some of those former Friends were old Army buddies. At least two or three of them indicated that I must be “angry”, and so, instead of discussing the relative MERIT OF MY HISTORICAL INFORMATION/DATA, AS WELL AS THE MERIT OF MY THOUGHTS regarding said Historical Data – they chose to attack me personally – to make the discussion, about ME, personally. That was the last time I communicated with them. They weren’t interested in a scholarly discussion, between friends, about FACTS AND REALITY. Now, back to David Icke’s book CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX. Obviously, David Icke used the whole “Reptilian” thing, as a literary device, to show the true inner nature, of those at the very top, who will do anything – absolutely ANYTHING – including murdering or assassinating anyone – even sitting U.S. Presidents – to get what they want – complete control over the printing presses, that print the national currency. Once you understand the ECONOMIC History of America, as it relates to the Rothschilds, and the THREE BANKS which they, and their affiliates established in this country, beginning with the first in 1791, then the second in 1816, and finally the third in 1913 (and which continues to this very day) – only then will you begin to understand the depth of the proverbial “rabbit hole”.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 1, 2014 4:15 pm

Should Maggie chose, she could somewhat easily convert that interview tape of the captain of the USS Liberty into an MP3 file–all that’s needed is a microphone and any simple recording software on a PC that has a microphone input. Windows has a built-in program for this to create .wma sound files:

1.Make sure you have an audio input device, such as a microphone, connected to your computer.

2.Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Sound Recorder.

3.Click Start Recording.

4.To stop recording audio, click Stop Recording.

Alternatively, she could contact a number of internet radio shows and I’m sure they would give her air time to some big audiences (Caravan to Midnight/John B Wells, Dave Hodges, Jimmy Church, etc.). But don’t bother with George Snorry of coast-to-coast…

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
August 1, 2014 9:10 pm

Jay Hanson’s dieoff. org back in 1998 at the tender age of 21. Then on to energy resources yahoo group, the oil drum, zero hedge and finally TBP. I am sure I have left out a few. I am in central Missouri if anyone wants to meet up for a beer.

August 2, 2014 12:05 am

“I would be interested in a Dreamland thread about dreams that were precognitive. IMO dreams address overwhelmingly the ‘Dreamer’s’ internal world; thereby is specific to them.”

+10. You are absolutely correct about precognitive dreams being “specific to them.” In the 1960s and 1970s, I had several VERY, VERY strong dreams about someone, either I or someone close to me, dying in the year 2000.

For decades, I thought it was I. No, it was my father.

August 2, 2014 2:56 am

My wakeup came in bursts. Listening to al gore campaigning and thinking ‘whaaat?’ Realized I wasn’t down with the libs anymore. Best, most alarming book ever, pat buchanan’s ‘death of the west’. Watching andy card basically tell john kerry he lost on tv in the wee hours of election night, and seeing a coldness I had never seen in a winner in any sort of thing. Watching bush get rolled and becoming exactly the caricuture the left had painted him as in his second term, a bumbling dumbass. Old mike savage. Watching the repubs nominate john mccain. Hillary or obozo? The old zerohedge. Jim’s article about the vacancy signs. Thirty blocks of squalor. Jeff sessions. It’s a journey

August 2, 2014 4:46 am

I was lucky, for so long as I can remember, I have had an innate distrust in all forms of temporal authority. At age 17 I read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, which opened my eyes to the collectivist mindset. I am old enough that the campus bookstore where I matriculated carried The Freeman, which helped further inoculate me from some of the 1960’s claptrap purveyed the professors of the day. Huxley’s Brave New World pretty much completed the social side. With a taste for mathematics, as soon as I understood the relentless properties of the exponential function, internalized the lunacy of the growing entitlement state, it became clear we were headed for an epic collapse, which I have been awaiting almost 50 years. When I was 18 years old I told people I aspired to living under a dome on Mars by 1995 at a safe distance from the impending collapse. Oops. It is clear I will too darned to the collapse, too close for comfort in my old age.

The book that brought home to me that we had been sold down the river long before I was born was a book ostensibly about education, John Taylor Gatto’s excellent book The Underground History of American Education. It is really an expose of the Progressive movement’s importation of Prussian educational methods for the purpose of social control. I had never despised the so-called “robber barons” until I read that book, which revealed the unholy alliance between them and the Progressives to dumb down the public for political ends and private profit.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
August 2, 2014 5:52 am

This is EZ for me.

The Collapse of Bear Stearns in 2008.

Prior to that, I always had a sneaking suspicion that something was really WRONG, particularly after Katrina and the 9-11 bullshit, but I did not really look at the numbers until Bear Stearns went down.

Then it became crystal clear to me, it was a Cascade Failure in action. Ever since then, every single thing I thought would occur as a result of that collapse has occured, though granted not on the timeline I initially thought it would.

In every sense, Collapse is the Gift that Keeps on Giving Now. I never have a shortage of topics to write on OR rant on any day, in fact the hardest thing is to decide which aspect of collapse to focus on any given day.

Tonight, it was more Anti-Dollar Putin stuff.


Probably Jim will drop that on here too when he wakes up. LOL.

Then there is Ebola Virus…California Drought…man, I just can’t keep up with it sometimes. LOL.


August 2, 2014 5:55 am

Ryan asks:
“Anyone else mildly concerned about this Ebola outbreak?”

Funny you should ask, Ryan. Evidently, US government is concerned: July 31, 2014
Executive Order — Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases

Despite Executive order issued yesterday, and the fact that two American Ebola patients from Liberia will be flown to Dobbins Air Base this weekend to special facilities at Emory University Hospital, you should not be concerned. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Get it. Ryan?

If not, pay attention:

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 2, 2014 9:06 am

@RE – “The Collapse of Bear Stearns in 2008.”


August 2, 2014 12:55 pm

Maggie said:
“So, to the folks who are waiting for the big change to happen, I say that the big change is underway happening right before our eyes. And while there may not be a sudden collapse that causes everyone to say “oh, I should have listened” there is definitely a sinister tone to everything I see around me.”

One of the first comments I read on Martenson’s site when I started my descent into Doom Porn was someone who said the best way to document the collapse is to keep a diary or journal because it will be happening in small increments every day rather than all at once. I don’t keep a journal but they were right. If they allow the collapse to happen too quickly it will startle the sheep.

August 2, 2014 1:13 pm

A better understanding of HAARP.

August 2, 2014 2:00 pm

Thanks for this thread. It really brings out a lot of first time posters and produces a prodigious amount of new reading, for which I am grateful.

My awakening has been ongoing since college. In the earl 1980’s when I saw the hellbent delusional liberals at UMass express their inane thoughts. I only then came to realize the brainwashing that our schools were performing so thoughtfully for TPTB, even if they didn’t know it. When I was quite young my mom went back to work selling real estate, she would often come back from showing houses and state as a point of fact that people were really stupid, just plain dumb. At first I thought this was cruel, but I later came to realize just how right she was. It took me quite a bit longer to realize that this was how TPTB wanted it and how our educational system was designed.

Fast forward to 2007- 2008, as things began to unravel I started to dig into reading as many different website and blogs as I had the time to. I stumbled across Financial Sense, Market Ticker, The Daily Reckoning and others. I read Admin’s articles as they popped up along with others. As the stock market tumbled in the fall of 2008, I was speaking to my mother and she mentioned to me that her sisters son had warned her sister the week before the crash to take all of her holdings out of the stock market. He works at an investment bank. It was obvious that the fix was in and the rats were leaving the ship. I knew you had to be connected, but at that point I gave up all hope that there was an inkling of fairness to the game and that we the muppets were there as tools to be played until we were no longer useful. With the complete lack of convictions and jail time it became obvious that the government was equally complicit in the game. As I read more about the banks and the Federal Reserve I moved past my denial and anger stage and became resigned to the fact that this is the system we have, and it will remain until it collapses. All I can do is prepare and pray. Hope is not a good plan.
Thank you Stucky and Admin,

Tango Uniform
Tango Uniform
August 2, 2014 10:33 pm

This is fast becoming my No. 1 daily infusion of relevance and sanity. As much as it seems comical now, Glen Beck used to be on CNN, and he caught my attention by introducing me to many things I’d never heard before, but they seemed plausible, the state of the Republic being what it was (and becoming). Watched Beck until he was zapped off CNN, as his re-appearance on Faux was radically different, and things I began to find elsewhere were getting dismissed by Beck. I realized the web was the only real chance at the truth.

My first dose of snooz-bustin was Grover Norquists “Leave Us Alone” which defined for me the connections between dots that I’d never really understood before. Some of you, maybe many, have had a lifetime of grasping how things didn’t make sense or add up, but I was happily ignorant of far too much until that book focused a lot of fuzzy things. Then, it really started taking on speed. Around 2005 would be my guess when I got the jolt of reality. Turning 50 then, I got some spark of rekindling my Air Force shooting skills. That pursuit took a slow walk toward 2009 when I found Project Appleseed. The people I met there are a very interesting mix of sovereign Americans, and the conversations just blew open the doors of truth and pursuit of facts. I think it was Barnhardt where I read a Jim Quinn article, and followed the white rabbit to Financial Sense to read more, but I was always dumbfounded by rational articles from Mr. Quinn, but a completely contradictory article from someone else posted alongside! I read “The Big Short”, and that really dazzled my blossoming interest in what was going on, and the scale of lies and deceit just stunned me. I found Market Ticker, Canada Free Press, Alt-Market, and it doesn’t take a huge repertoire of sites to whip your brain into a frenzy.

I went for about a year of TEA party meetings in 2010, but got tired of the crescendo toward republican criminals who are no different than the d’s. Some interesting speakers, but mostly candidates running for local/state, and I was seeing a lot of stupid when they were asked questions about Law, Bill of Rights, Citizens and I began changing my mind about voting.

The articles kept piling up in my save file, great information, horrorific information, TRUTH, and surely someone, anyone would be as excited as me to get this wealth of saved info without having to do all the effort! Ha! What a huge disappointment in seeing people I thought were intelligent, engaged, family-oriented, church-going as they stared at me trying to explain the evils in pursuit of their Liberty and wealth. They didn’t care! They could tell me all about the BS on TeeVee, who was in some new show on Tuesday night, and describe their character to the nth-degree, but they couldn’t name any politician controlling their destiny.

I offered to get them to an Appleseed, give them everything they needed for a weekend, and…crickets.

I forwarded articles on IRA/401k confiscation plans, link to articles and youtube about Gilharducci…nothing fazed them. Offering books and web links…nothing.

I went to an Agenda 21 information seminar around 2011, and tried to enlighten people to the encroaching plans that are clearly underway…that got some crazy looks! Damn, these people are completely numb with TeeVee and entertainment! The Bread and Circus analogy is running wide open.

The “Fourth Turning” arrived in the mail. My wife read it while I was reading “Paul Revere’s Ride”, and she gave me the condensed review to tell me we are well-inside the 11th hour.

As someone else many posts ago said, a lot of their pursuit of information has been through the links posted in the comments, and those are some of the most fantastic items imaginable. It is endless in what one can acquire if there is only the interest in finding out what is real vs. what is indoctrination and conditioning.

Jim’s relentless endeavor to give us superb articles, gut-busting profane humor, links to music new and old, insight into his life that we can all relate to in one way or another, and, just as importantly, all of you terrific “family” of TBP who keep me entertained and informed.

Who knows how this all ends in the Fourth Turning, but we surely won’t be alone in spirit.

Thank you.

August 2, 2014 10:50 pm

I meant to post a few days ago. I’m sorry I’m late. So, if you’re still reading this thread, here goes:

The annoucement by the Bush II white house that no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. That meant we had all been lied to. I questioned everything in the main stream media after that moment.

Then, right after Lehmen Bros. went down, I wanted answers. I first found Nubini’s Economic site (not much there, but I didn’t have much to go on at the time). Then, I read a comment that led me to Generational Dynamics by John Xenaxis. Since John’s research was based on the work by the author’s of The Fourth Turning (Neil Howe and William Strouse), I read that book by the end of 2008. What a read! They nailed it.

Zero Hedge was next in early 2009, followed by Jim Quinn (you’re welcome), Micheal Krieger, Max Kieser,and Turd Furgeson.

John Xenaxis’s Generational Dynamics methodology is very good IMHO. He’s stuck in the deflation paradigm, but the rest is pretty accurate, or will be soon. I figure if you’re thinking that delation is the end result of all this, you’ve got it all figured out, except one tiny detail.

Eventually, I found SGT Report, who along with Zero Hedge. are my must reads in the morning.

Good luck everyone,


August 3, 2014 3:16 am

Most of you are new to having your eyes opened, I gather from reading your posts. This is a good thread, letting people share in a common experience. They now know that they are not alone and not crazy after all.

Myself, It happened in the ’40’s and it was confirmed in the ’50’s. I have a good moral compass, even tho I haven’t always gone in the direction that it was pointing. I was probably a difficult kid, as my mother was won’t to say. Going to kindergarten for 2 yrs. will do that to a person.

I was. the recipient of a lot of lessons as a kid and upon reflection today, I can see how important those lessons were and how much they made me what I am today. I could never fathom why people could never leave each other alone. They were always meddling in each others lives. I came to this enlighten conclusion in the 5th grade after I decided that I no longer wanted to go to school. The reasoning was good, but the application left much to be desired. My mother was right.

In the ’50’s, the gov came out denying the existence of UFOs. This didn’t jive with my experience. I concluded rightly that they were just plain ole lying and I haven’t much cared for them since. They have become the ‘father of lies’. Like their fake money, once you lose confidence, you can never get it back.

In the ’60’s and ’70’s, there was James Dines, Harry Browne, Mark Skousen, Howard Ruff, Gary North
to name a few. They were telling it like it was and I felt an immediate kinship. Thing weren’t right and they said so. The gov continued, unabated, their spat of lies, which seemed so transparent and obvious that I wondered why everyone couldn’t see it.

Then Al Gore invented the Internet, WOW, what a man and information flowed right to your living room, albeit, with a lot of wheat with a lot of chaff that needed separation. But I had my compass and was able to the task. I didn’t read “Animal Farm”, “1984”, Ayn Rand , etc.. From the reviews, I had a gist of what it was all about. I had seen it all before. I’m an old soul and I’m weary of it all.

So, what turned me on, Stucky? I’ve been fooled too many times not to take notice. I want noting that the gov has to offer, it is an insincere harlot. It promises you freedom, security, a chicken or two in every pot, but delivers less freedom, wars and less security and EBTs from some other’s pot. The only legitimate exercise of power is over yourself and that is the hardest for mankind to achieve. Let’s start with love. Thanks for the thread, Stucky.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
August 3, 2014 6:23 am

What Woke You Up by Stucky now Cross Posted on the Doomstead Diner.


The Sheeple are Waking Up now Stucky. I can tell you that for sure by the numbers. The Fucking Rants are getting hundreds of listeners a day now.

TBP & The Diner are REACHING people. The MESSAGE is getting out.

At least until the NSA squashes us anyhow.

Keep the Faith, Keep WRITING!

And grow some cojones and come chat with me sometime at the Cafe too! 😉

All for One, and One for All!

[imgcomment image[/img]


August 3, 2014 7:45 am

DaveL said: ” oh the irony, the U.S. makes up 5 % of the world’s population and consumes 35 % of the world’s resources.”
Do not worry; Ebola will take care of overpopulation; up to 90 % effective and no cure.
Why insulate patients in Africa, when you an bring them back to Atlanta. Population explosion solved.

August 3, 2014 12:48 pm

George Adamski–hell I thought you were dead! An inside UFO joke. 90% effective and no cure?
No cure for the Hoi Palloi, just the enlightened and indispensable elites. They get the vaccine.

Build up your immune system. Colloidal silver and ionic trace minerals and 50 grams of Vitamin C, and stop kissing your neighbor’s wife. Solid advice, all.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
August 3, 2014 6:42 pm

No cure for the Hoi Palloi, just the enlightened and indispensable elites. They get the vaccine.

Here’s a better one.

Say the virus really starts spreading, and the CDC comes up with a “Vaccine”, but this vaccine has a variant which itself is lethal, after say a year of dormancy.

The Elite all get the real working vaccine, they hand out the variant to everybody else, and Obama makes an Executive Order that everyone must be Vaccinated.

Do you get vaccinated or try to avoid the Gestapo marching you to the Vaccination Center?


August 4, 2014 10:40 am

I’m more worried about a resurgence of small pox or an increasing incidence of MRSA/VRSA than I am an ebola outbreak.

Its not a very hearty virus guys, if something is going to off the human species, it won’t be ebola.

Me No Likey
Me No Likey
August 4, 2014 11:28 am


Very. Bad. Gas.

woke me up.

last night.

as it does every night.

August 4, 2014 12:37 pm

Me No Likey—Re-establish good gut bacteria. I take probiotics capsules, 10 cultures with 15-30 billion bacteria per capsule, daily. Hope you’re not sleeping with someone, but if you are it is a mixed blessing.

August 4, 2014 1:29 pm

@Homer, while building up your immunity in the ways you suggested, don’t forget the following:

Sunshine – vitamin D, our bodies can produce upwards of 50,000 iu in 20 minutes of unprotected, midday, sun. The US’s insistence on never getting sun is helping to kill us. Vitamin D plays a role in almost all disease fighting. The vast majority of ‘murkins, with our inside jobs and edicts to be afraid of the outside, are woefully deficient. If I don’t get my 20 minutes of sun, I take 5-10,000 iu of a good quality D3, never D2.

Iodine – Napoleon was one of the first people to record the dozens of ways in which the human body needs iodine. Iodine is mainly delivered via our soil grown fruits and vegetables. A soil lacking in iodine will grow veges lacking in iodine too. Michigan has notably low iodine levels and due to that we had the outbreak of goiters a hundred years ago, or so. The feds decided that adding iodine to table salt would keep goiters at bay. And it did, the problem is that many people have been ordered to stop using table salt, and our modern table salt is nothing but a non-nutritional chemical compound. I use a “lugol’s” variety of liquid iodine, and all that required is to “paint” a drop or two on your skin as often as necessary. If the stain from the application fades before 24 hours, odds are you are deficient, paint again a drop or two until the mark stays with you longer. People that have low tolerance to cold are oftentimes iodine deficient. Another factor in our deficiency is the corporate farming that swamps our soil with chemicals. Those chemicals leach the magnesium and iodine right out of our soil, and thus, our diets.

Magnesium. Mag is the very building block of every plant cell. Again, factory/corporate farming, and bad general farming methods, has nearly eradicated this from our daily lives. Mag is a great mineral, in that if your elimination cycles are not “regular” – and almost no one goes after every meal, which is EXACTLY how our bodies were made to operate – you are probably not getting enough. I take both oral supplements and use mag chloride oil daily.

Once again, I encourage those open minded to do a few hours of study with Jim Humble and his Genesis Healing Church. Acidified sodium chlorite kills nearly every pathogen, virus and bacteria that can be thrown at it. You can also use it to purify water, and disinfect your fresh veggies and fruits. For a mere pennies. Simply amazing stuff.

August 4, 2014 2:21 pm

My own first moment was at age 14, just as the fabled counter-culture of the 60s was blossoming and the streets were filling with anti-war protesters… and I first read Voltaire, and explored the other philosophers of the 18th Century Enlightenment, then read Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer.

At that point, I began to doubt all the verities on which I had been raised, such as the essential benevolence and rightness of our government, and the righteousness, or lack thereof, of our interventions and wars abroad. I began to have profound doubts about the righteousness and efficacy of fighting “communism” and began to suspect that our leaders might have motives that had nothing to do with protecting “freedom” and “democracy”.

Ayn Rand was a major influence as I entered early adulthood, though I found her work and ideas extremely unsettling, even shocking, on first exposure. Only Voltaire did more to change the way I viewed the world than did Rand.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
August 4, 2014 2:23 pm

In early 2011 I was just a few years out of college, a complete product of “the system.” I was struggling to rectify the growing rift between the propaganda I had been force-fed and the reality which I was experiencing. Due to my growing cynicism and inherent unwillingness to suck up to get ahead, my career was languishing; although financially secure I was bouncing around from job to job within a closed industry. It was during one of these off-periods I found myself riding a couch, being a very cold winter, and randomly clicking on Youtube videos. I came across one of sgtbull’s silver videos which opened the door to many of the doomstream incarnations so many have described above.

While my peers were racing to one-up each other with truck, motorcycle, and home purchases, I was saving my money so I could quit my job, becoming more and more of social pariah to those trapped in the paradigm in the meantime. I realized I had been sold a bill of goods by the second-handers and that there was no going back to the land of naivety. I no longer engage with any of the same social circle as a few years ago, however, it is amazing though to see how far others have come in the past few years. In 2011, most of the people I worked with did not speak of any of the things discussed here. By the time I left my system job in 2013, I felt that most were waking up, even if they weren’t fully there yet.

The wakeup has not not made my life easier in any way, however, I’ve come to believe we have chosen the circumstances of our current incarnation. We are stubborn ones indeed. We could have chosen to be bankers or throwaway celebrities, and partied our existence away. But some of us have to live through these wicked times, and suffer, so maybe later others won’t.

August 4, 2014 2:25 pm

Wish I could edit the foregoing post, but will settle for adding to it.

My first awakening to toxic reality of our current unsustainable setup came with The Population Bomb, which sealed my decision, already half-made by age 18, to never bear children. The Limits to Growth was also a great influence, even though it contradicted the prosperity gospel of the free market advocates.

Since the early seventies, I have been waiting for the shoes to drop and have not been disappointed. When The Long Emergency was published, I found nothing in it that I was not prepared to hear.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 4, 2014 4:32 pm

@TE, “Acidified sodium chlorite kills nearly every pathogen, virus and bacteria that can be thrown at it. You can also use it to purify water, and disinfect your fresh veggies and fruits. For a mere pennies. Simply amazing stuff.”

How is acidified sodium chlorite different from normal sodium chlorite? I’ve heard many things about Jim Humble’s MMS cures but remain a skeptic. Do you take it yourself?

From Wikipedia’s Miracle Mineral Supplement page @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement:

“Sodium chlorite, the main constituent of MMS, is a toxic chemical[11][12] that can cause acute renal failure[13] if ingested. Small amounts of about 1 gram can be expected to cause nausea, vomiting and even life-threatening hemolysis in persons who are deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

“The Guardian has described MMS as “extremely nasty stuff, and the medical advice given is that anyone who has this product should stop using it immediately and throw it away. In Canada it was banned after causing a life-threatening reaction.”[14] In August 2009, a Mexican woman travelling with her American husband on their yacht in Vanuatu took MMS as a preventative for malaria. Within 15 minutes she was ill, and within twelve hours she was dead.”

Or is this just an FDA scare tactic and part of their war on dietary supplements?


August 4, 2014 4:33 pm

re: Bear Stearns

This is what keeps me up at night. Nothing has really changed since all of these banks collapsed, or were “merged”. The European banks are no better. How long can they keep this going (and they’ve already kept it going FAR longer than I thought they would)?

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 4, 2014 4:33 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 4, 2014 6:05 pm

Well, I was going to just hang out on this one and see if I could make the last comment (just for fun) but since it appears to be generating one of the longest cue of comments on TBP I just give up…

I first questioned reality at 6 years old while getting the shit whacked out of me (verbally and physically) by two different Sisters of “Mercy” at a parochial school I was forced to attend for 8 1/2 horrible years. Had two of the bitches tear my arse for years before they both ended up in a padded room for retired nutcase Sisters..

That took care of any religious inclinations I had, especially when, before I got married, I had a sit down with a priest and had a talk about family planning (I was 19, in the Navy and we neither wanted or could cope with a kid).

“No sweat” the good Catholic Father says, “Just use condoms like everyone else does.” Wait a minute, sez I, isn’t that against the “faith” ? “Sure it is!”, sez he, “but everyone does it anyhow.” If I hadn’t been a failing Catholic before I sure was a dead onion after that simply because I cannot cope with hypocrisy from anyone, anytime and have no respect for lying hypocrites of any sort, including churches, individuals, governments or corporations. That doesn’t leave much to believe in except for yourself and a few select people who earn your trust (like TBPers).

As far as economics and getting one’s head screwed on right as far as human action is concerned, good ‘ol Harry Brown’s How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World and Ayn Rand’s many books plus Jim Dines, Hayek and a few dozen other fact seekers from the 60’s on (Have you ever read Von Mises’s Human Action cover to cover? I have, twice – learned more the second time around than the first time through!) started me down the path of honesty and truth and gave me the life long lovely gift of thorough atheism which, in turn, freed me of literally tons of dogma and bullshit from then on.

My “wake up” was more like getting poked in the eye with a stick at a very young age and somehow maintaining my equilibrium with an open mind; eventually discovering what the scientific method really meant and applying it perforce to all situations throughout my life.

I have concluded that if TBP wasn’t here for me to learn from (more from comments than articles) we’d have to invent it.


August 4, 2014 8:15 pm

While a junior in high school, smoking grass, trying to argue in favor of some form of shit-brained socialism I admitted the other grass smoker was right. He won. He advised reading Atlas Shrugged. It woke me up.

August 4, 2014 8:49 pm

the burning platform was the first real eye opener for me … ever since I started reading this website daily, my political grammar enhanced drastically and I am able to coherently speak about geopolitics with such intellectual ability that it astounds those around me.

thanks a lot .. admin .. stucky .. and other contributors !

i’m still a dunce though 🙂

August 4, 2014 9:35 pm

I read Survival Acres since the guy started his blog a decade ago. Most sites are still playing catch-up, still trying to figure things out. A perfect storm of collapsing dominoes is unfolding as “predicted”. Wish he was still publishing.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
August 4, 2014 9:42 pm

1. Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions book
2. Jim Kunstler’s TED Talk
3. Ron Paul

All led to huge changes in my life and outlook.

I expect things to collapse; what worries me more than anything is that people haven’t envisioned how they’ll work with their neighbors to feed themselves. If the electricity goes off for a long time–say because we can’t afford to pay for it–many will die. Forget that it will be hot as hell here in Miami, there will be no water coming through the taps to grow food.

August 4, 2014 10:57 pm

Tango Uniform says: “This is fast becoming my No. 1 daily infusion of relevance and sanity.”

Ok, a lesson in the phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, etc) used by the armed forces. Some of you know this, some don’t …. Tango Uniform is a term for “Tits Up.”

August 5, 2014 9:50 am

@Rise Up.

Yep I take it,

no it does not turn into “bleach,” standard household bleach is either straight chlorine, or it is sodium hypochlorite, or calcium hypochlorite. All are different chemicals, with different properties, than sodium chlorite.

Sodium chlorite, and acidified sodium chlorite (which is nothing more than using a food grade acid, like a 50% citric acid solution and adding it to the sodium chlorite), is PROVEN to be one the greatest pathogen killers known to man. It is used by multiple industries, from beef slaughterhouses to the medical field, to water treatment to kill pathogens.

But somehow, when used in the way that millions of people around the world have done, it is somehow dangerous.

Yes, I take it, and after starting to use it I discovered that the recurring issues the docs had me on antibiotics for most of my life, and until they had made my body toxic and allergic and sick, those illnesses have NOT come back. For the first time in my life I have been antibiotic free for over four years, it may even be five!

I also keep it stocked for water treatment. A couple drops acidified will completely kill all pathogens in water.

A few drops activated in a bottle of distilled water, and you have a spray to clean your produce. No more ecoli worries.

Brush teeth, bleach paper, heal cuts, internally, the gas, the list of uses goes on and on and on and on.

It has been reported that there are a couple rogue WHO (World Health Organization) doctors using it to treat malaria in Africa, against their superiors wishes, but it saves lives for PENNIES. And unlike the standard malaria treatment, it does not kill as many as it saves.

I’ve read all of Mr. Humble’s (actually Bishop Humble, he had to leave the country and form a church to try and keep helping people without ending up in prison in this country), books and protocols.

I believe it is a miracle, I believe Jim Humble discovering its healing powers was god’s hand, and I believe that if health were the primary concern of the FDA and USDA we wouldn’t be fat, sick, dying from cancer (treatments) and depressed beyond all measure.

But, that’s just me!

August 5, 2014 10:48 am

A series of things woke me up. The zeitgeist movement. George Carlin. Pres. Obama continuing the same policies as Pres. Bush. These are the big ones that got me thinking. In the end, I turned off the TV and never went back, and started studying everything a could; it’s been a lot of hard work but now I can critically think. If I want to verify a story is true, I try to contact someone in that particular region and ask them what they know. If I don’t know anyone I try making a new friend.

August 5, 2014 1:19 pm

When I hear that the rest of the world looks at America like “The Truman Show” – encapsulated in a dome of propaganda and deceit – I keep asking myself what are the triggers, the flash points, the ONE THING that will make any particular sheeple wake up – and it keeps coming back to either temperament or fear.

Someone once told me long ago that “fear” was behind all negative behavior and that “courage” was addressing fear, not running from it. Incurious, complacent and self-righteous people are, IMO, all running from some pretty substantial fear.

The replies show me an awareness of hypocrisy early on, a willingness to admit that our eyes could be opened further – a belief that a book might reveal previously unknown knowledge and a desire for that knowledge to refine our perceptions – an understanding that others may have walked a path so different from our own that their observations might be worth listening to – and the courage to accept how little we actually know – these seem to be some shared temperaments.

Thanks Stucky for running with the thread – I would jump in and save you. Or become incident commander and order someone else to do it.

And now I may have to get a Kindle ….


Zane Zodrow
Zane Zodrow
August 5, 2014 2:53 pm

Sunny summer day, newspaper machine in front of the drugstore, headline: “FORD SWORN IN”. I was 6 years old, remember my Dad explaining how Nixon was a slimeball.
I recall telling people in the late 1980s that insurance companies and hospitals were going to destroy the country, I hadn’t learned enough about finance yet.
S&L ‘crisis’
1991 – P.J. O’Rourke – Parliament of Whores – Still my favorite book on politics.
9/11 – Knowing aspects of news reports were bullshit as they were reporting them.
Reading many books, and internet research for past 20+ years: ZH, Washingtonsblog, NakedCapitalism, The Architecture of Modern Political Power, many others.

August 5, 2014 3:19 pm

One more big one that woke me up, was when I stumbled across the late Mike C. Ruppert which lead me to Zero Hedge. After about 3 years of morning coffee with ZH and other sites like TBP; that concluded my awaking.

The most recent lesson I have learned is that everyone wakes up differently and the same stuff that woke me up doesn’t wake someone else up.

August 5, 2014 3:42 pm

@Olga, concerning the Kindle. You can download a Kindle ap for your phone, thus turning it into a Kindle for free. Amazon also has a “cloud” reader, which is a program you download to your computer, again, free. Of course, if Jim still has his deal with Amazon, buying a Kindle from one of the links would help the website 🙂

The Amazon library has thousands and thousands of free books. The first time I found them I felt the same exact way I did upon my first trip to the library. I can remember standing in the middle of the foyer, spinning around and around and seeing all those books on shelves in every direction. The sense of joy was so strong I can still recall it. I really think that may have been my first orgasm. Of course, at 4, I didn’t know that is what it was. Ah, sweet perspective.

Reliving that feeling while scanning my Amazon library is awesome. Have fun.

August 5, 2014 5:28 pm

TE, I wish you would put down all, or a good portion of your alternative health care wisdom in a single post. I know you’re a busy woman but damn…..getting it in drips and drabs sux! I try to save all the posts where you bring it up but scrolling through the comments to find it all is tedious.

This comment caught my attention:
” Mag is a great mineral, in that if your elimination cycles are not “regular” – and almost no one goes after every meal, which is EXACTLY how our bodies were made to operate – you are probably not getting enough. I take both oral supplements and use mag chloride oil daily.”

I worked with a woman for a short time before she got fired. She was an evil bitch always making shit up to create turmoil and lying about her work. Anyway she was diagnosed with a goiter and was out for a few weeks after surgery. When she came back she was always talking and complaining about how she had to crap after every meal whereas for the previous years she would only go once every three or four days. I told her that I always thought she was full of shit.

It would seem that your thyroid must have some influence on bowel movements from that observation.

You need a regular alternative medicine thread around here like Mary Malone’s mortgage thread.

August 5, 2014 5:52 pm

LOL! Fuck that! That would be a case where the cure is worse than the disease! No thanks, my body excreting that stuff for a reason and I have to assume it has already extracted all the good from it.

I’d like to see you do a single post containing your acquired wisdom as well. Just update it when you add more knowledge.

August 5, 2014 6:56 pm

Stuck, I know I wouldn’t drink it, well, I can’t imagine being in a mental place where I would, but really, urine is chock full of nutrients.

Old Native American gardens were fertilized with watered down urine. A modern descendent, attempting to discredit the old ways and stick it to his “old-fashioned” grandparents whom raised him, started an experiment.

Lo and behold the plants that were fertilized using watered-down urine yielded more than twice the same crops where only modern fertilizers were used.

Food for thought.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 5, 2014 9:48 pm

Thought this was worth reading:

