The world is descending into chaos, turmoil, bankruptcy, hunger, and despair. The Deep State has gone too far. Every system (political, financial, judicial, social) is either dysfunctional, corrupt, or captured by vested interests. It can’t be fixed. It’s delusional to think we can change a corrupted system by working through that very same system. It’s like tilting against windmills.

Don’t even bother. We all know the collapse of the existing social order is coming. It will happen within the next decade. That is a certainty. The article below captures it perfectly. We all need to tend to our own affairs. We need to prepare our part of the world. It will be different for every person. But it is a useless exercise to think we can change what is going to happen. Pull back from the system as far as you are able. Starve the beast. Don’t believe anything your government or media tell you. Don’t even listen.

The times ahead will be difficult. Preparation today will pay off tomorrow. When things start to go South, they will go quickly and panic will engulf the nation. That will not be the time to prepare. That will be the time to hunker down, survive and hopefully build a better tomorrow.


Via The Daily Bell

Human Action: The Answer to a Larger Loss of Control

Published by The Daily Bell – August 15 2014

Study: You have ‘near zero’ impact on U.S. Policy … A startling new political science study concludes that corporate interests and mega wealthy individuals control U.S. policy to such a degree that “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact.” – Breitbart

Dominant Social Theme: If people were more politically aware, the US and the West would be in better shape.

Free-Market Analysis: This is a startling study that seems to tell the truth about regulatory democracy: Voting is merely a ritual; power is concentrated in the hands of a few.

We knew this already, and have written about it regularly. Still … it’s startling to see these sentiments expressed so bluntly in the mainstream media. And being fairly cynical observers of the modern scene, we wonder if there is not something more behind it.

Here, from the article:

The startling study, titled “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” is slated to appear in an upcoming issue of Perspectives on Politics and was authored by Princeton University Professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Professor Benjamin Page.

Noted American University Historian Allan J. Lichtman, who highlighted the piece in a Tuesday article published in The Hill, calls Gilens and Page’s research “shattering” and says their scholarship “should be a loud wake-up call to the vast majority of Americans who are bypassed by their government.”

The statistical research looked at public attitudes on nearly 1,800 policy issues and determined that government almost always ignores the opinions of average citizens and adopts the policy preferences of monied business interests when shaping the contours of U.S. laws.

The study’s findings align with recent trends, where corporate elites have aggressively pursued pro-amnesty policies despite the fact that, according to the most recent Reuters poll, 70% of Americans believe illegal immigrants “threaten traditional U.S. beliefs and customs,” and 63% believe “immigrants place a burden on the economy.”

The solution, say the scholars, is a reinvigorated and engaged electorate.

While we are in agreement regarding the problem, we would tend to disagree with the conclusion. There are two problems with modern Western democracy that we can see: Corporate personhood and monopoly central banking. Get rid of legislative and judiciary support of these two concepts and you would have a much different US power structure.

What the US – and the West – needs is a fundamental discussion about how modern democracies have evolved. Unfortunately, in investigating this article, we found the solutions were a good deal less substantive and sophisticated than the analysis of the problem

The Hill article referred to above, authored by history professor Allan Lichtman, concludes as follows:

Ordinary citizens in recent decades have largely abandoned their participation in grassroots movements. Politicians respond to the mass mobilization of everyday Americans as proven by the civil rights and women’s movements of the 1960s and 1970s. But no comparable movements exist today. Without a substantial presence on the ground, people-oriented interest groups cannot compete against their wealthy adversaries.

Average Americans also have failed to deploy the political techniques used by elites. Political Action Committees (PACs) and super-PACs, for example, raise large sums of money to sway the outcome of any election in the United States. Although average Americans cannot match the economic power of the rich, large numbers of modest contributions can still finance PACs and super-PACs that advance our common interests.

If only they vote and organize, ordinary Americans can reclaim American democracy and challenge the politicians who still echo the view of old Vanderbilt that the public should be damned.

Lichtman and presumably the authors of the study are likely moving in the wrong direction. The prosperity of the US in particular was not built on grassroots participation in politics but on the ABSENCE of politics.

One could certainly argue that this is yet another populist meme joining others we’ve covered of late: the “income inequality” meme and, of course, the “one percent” meme. The latter argues that mere millionaires are influential in the current disastrous course of Western societies when in fact it is evidently and obviously a very small circle of men who control the enormous power of monopoly central banking.

Put these developing memes together and you end up with a proscription for a certain kind of “solution.” It is one that features grassroots activism, populism and the threat of violence aimed at the “wealthy.”

This has always been the noxious brew of populism, the idea that the dysfunction of the political system can be remedied if only “the people” take back ownership of the socio-political and economic structure that is rightfully theirs.

It is, in our view, a misguided philosophy and one eloquently expressed in two “Claudius” books we’ve referred to in the past: I, Claudius and Claudius the God. Historian-author Robert Graves composed these books in the 20th century to explore issues related to ancient Rome that are, as well, compelling today.

The books are written from the point of view of crippled Claudius, emperor of Rome, who spent most of his life writing about the return of Republicanism to ancient Rome. Only after he becomes emperor does he more fully understand the difficulty of “going back.”

Graves surely wrote these books in part as a warning to a modern-day readership about the inexorable trends of post-war Western societies. The West in modern times – especially the US – resembles nothing so much as ancient Rome. Its emphasis on military force, regulatory control of domestic populations and creeping – or galloping – authoritarianism mimics to a considerable degree what went on in ancient Italy.

Graves’s conclusion is either pessimistic or optimistic, depending on how you look at it. While Claudius seems to realize finally that the Roman republic is never returning, there is also within the context of the books – an allowance for the readers’ knowledge of modern history. Rome did fall, but then there were the rise of the Dark Ages (that weren’t so dark) and a decentralization of power that culminated in the Renaissance and the reclamation of the science and the scientific method.

Societies seem to have a certain inevitable ebb and flow. Elites, ever more focused on centralization that enhances their power and control, drive their societies toward increased concentrations of power. The middle-classes go along with social restructuring because they have to, not because they want to.

It is certainly disheartening to contemplate a future in which the social infrastructure is continually degrading, but history seems to inform us that, for the most part, when negative trends are set in motion, they tend to continue and expand. This is why we try to emphasize human action, and to suggest to people that they tend assiduously to their own garden, as Voltaire suggested in Candide.

Whether it is attempting to prudently leverage wealth from the current Wall Street Party or to disperse and allocate assets via money metals and real estate, people need to concentrate on their own situations as best they can to benefit their families, friends and local communities.

It is saddening to think that American exceptionalism is ending and that nothing can bring it back. But one can turn instead toward human action and individual and local community fulfillment. Freedom starts, after all, with the individual and the determination, as Harry Browne put it, to “live free in an unfree world.”


If one wants to be involved in the great issues of the day, they are certainly there for the seizing, regardless, but tending to one’s own garden is increasingly important in unquiet times.

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Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson
August 17, 2014 1:01 pm

Yes, let’s all wait for the zombie apocalypse. What stupid thinking, there is no coming collapse in the next decade, what delusional thinking. Meanwhile I’ll tend to my job, water the plants, go the the beach, talk to my wife and children, play pool, read, make art, the usual things. Life’s really pretty simple ignore the chicken littles, especially on the right.

August 17, 2014 1:56 pm


The irony is that Mr. Anderson is going to do pretty much what you endorse while criticizing your reasons to do so.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 2:20 pm

What Gayle said.

I think we are totally screwed. Things probably won’t go to hell all at once – I could be wrong, but my guess is we are in for a decades-long, maybe even a century-long, slide in our standard of living. It will more or less happen steadily, but be punctuated with sudden drops here and there.

I don’t want to live off the grid. I like my condo. I don’t want to farm. I want to keep doing accounting and financial analysis. Generally speaking, work is something I aspire to do less of – not more. I don’t own a gun, and I don’t stockpile ammunition or food. Back when the financial collapse happened, I could have panicked and spent $4,000 at Costco buying dried, preserved food and bottled water. And it would all be reaching its expiration date by now, which would force me to either eat/drink it or be bummed that I wasted $4,000 and the collapse hasn’t happened yet.

I like my life, and I’m going to continue to live the life I like for as long as I can. If it really dies go to hell all at once, and my options are to die from predation, starvation, or suicide, well then I guess I’ll just be as screwed as everyone else.

If I was 20 years old, maybe I’d be scurrying around, frantically trying to figure out how to survive every possible scenario, but I’ve already lived more than half of my life and at this point I just don’t care.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 2:43 pm

Woo, two thumbs down already! Did I violate a Religious Commandment when I wasn’t looking?

By all means, stock up on guns if you like guns. Move to the country if you want to live there. Tend a garden if you enjoy gardening, and raise/butcher your own animals if you prefer.

I just don’t want to.

“Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.”

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 2:56 pm

No, it doesn’t matter what I want. I get that.

You, on the other hand, do not have a crystal ball and have no idea what, specifically, the future holds.

Otherwise, instead of buying gold two years ago, you would have loaded into the stock market instead and be buying gold with those gains now.

The only thing we know is that generally speaking the future is going to be worse than the present. So maybe having kids was a dumb idea, and you are just jealous of people who have no reason to care about something they cannot change.

I guess your children will just have to sort the future out for themselves. Give them hardscrabble farmer’s address.

August 17, 2014 3:12 pm

perhaps mark can enlighten us as to why he says:

“What stupid thinking, there is no coming collapse in the next decade, what delusional thinking.”

i missed the follow-up of facts or assertions that might support such a claim. he might, for instance, offer the view that money printing always works. or, that the chinese will buy up all our debt ad infinitum. perhaps he can show us the economics textbooks that support zero interest rates–in essence free money–as sound monetary policy. does he agree with economics scholar joe biden when he said that the way to get out of debt is to spend more money? does he think that the USA will come up with what some estimate as over $200 trillion in obligations in the coming decades? will we be “energy independent” soon? will we be a manufacturing powerhouse anytime soon? do tell.

see mark, aside from an avalanche of facts and charts the admin could bury you with to demonstrate that you are dead wrong and in fact a raving lunatic, one fundamental problem is this: we spend roughly $4 trillion a year, and take in roughly $3 trillion. we borrow and print the difference. how do you suppose we remedy this? cut spending? stop the war machine? nope, that would send the economy down the toilet. government spending at all levels is about 40% of GDP. boost taxes by a trillion bucks per annum? never mind that americans are all ready up to their eyeballs in debt, and taxed to death. even if you have a plan to raise more taxes, you’ll get less production, lowering GDP.

see mark, there’s no way out despite what the liberal newsrags say. but please respond. debate is encouraged at TBP. there hasn’t been a drooling dumbfuck like you around here in a while.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 3:12 pm

That must be why you’d be happier if I had hung onto it.

It’s not up to you to decide how I deal with the future.

Did you buy stock in ReadyStore or something?

The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo)
The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo)
August 17, 2014 3:19 pm

Oh, it’s true! Seven-year, happy relationship notwithstanding, I’m just too fat and ugly to have found someone to share my life. That happens when you are a pirate who wears an eye-patch.

And you forgot the pug!

(CEF was mainly in 2010. A little low now, but overall flat – nothing noteworthy. Are YOU still in it?)

August 17, 2014 3:23 pm

pirate jo. there will not be a long period of decline. that already happened, up until the crash of 2008. then the money printers went haywire, levitating assets, until they can’t anymore. printing money to cover annual deficits is what third world countries do. the us dollar in its present form will die within the next few years. the devastation will be immediate. when this happens, it will be interesting to see who is blamed. russia might fit the bill.

as far as gold is concerned, one doesn’t buy it as an investment to get a return. you buy it for protection. and you can never buy it too early. and at some point, you will not be able to buy any of it.

The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo)
The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo)
August 17, 2014 3:28 pm

“You can do anything you choose.”

So glad we agree.

My tip for the future is to be debt-free, child-free, and work for as long as you can, but as little as you can.

August 17, 2014 3:32 pm

PJ said:
“I think we are totally screwed. Things probably won’t go to hell all at once – I could be wrong, but my guess is we are in for a decades-long, maybe even a century-long, slide in our standard of living. It will more or less happen steadily, but be punctuated with sudden drops here and there.”

That is the far more likely path we’ll take because one sudden SHTF moment does not benefit the owners.

Your thinking on preps leaves something to be desired though. That $4k used to stock up on preps in 2007 at a very minimum, front runs inflation by reducing your future expenses. That same $4k today would only get you $2k worth today. Besides, it’s not like you buy it for use only in a collapse. Put away a stockpile and use daily, replace weekly.

You can’t prepare for our coming third world status. Live your life but prepare for the sudden drops.

August 17, 2014 3:43 pm

‘archie said:
“see mark, there’s no way out despite what the liberal newsrags say. but please respond. debate is encouraged at TBP. there hasn’t been a drooling dumbfuck like you around here in a while. ”

Now that’s what I call diplomacy!

The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo)
The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo)
August 17, 2014 3:50 pm

I_S, when I said, “That must be why you’d be happier if I had hung onto it,” I was referring to Bitterness (Admin says it becomes me), not gold.

My parents heard tales of collapse in the 1970s and bought a bunch of freeze-dried food. They still have it. It’s no good anymore.

I_S, I think you are right – gradual decline is what we face, and not outright collapse. But others may differ! Everyone’s crystal ball is a different color. It’s stupid to argue about “what will happen,” because when it comes to the timing and specifics, no one knows.

Archie makes good points, too. Gold is a long-haul view. So sue me – in 2004, I had never even heard of such a thing as buying gold as part of a portfolio. I’m only 44, so I only care what it’s worth 25 years from now, if I live that long. I’m done buying, though, regardless of what it does. I’ll support myself through working.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 3:57 pm

I-S, I wonder how Mark found his way here. Surely we at TBP are past wondering “whether” things will get worse, and are just arguing how/when. It’s not too often we visit with people who are still in denial.

What has Admin pissed off is the idea that someone could acknowledge the truth and … (gasp!) react to it in a way he hasn’t.

I think he still suffers from hope. Or just worries about his kids. Don’t know what to say about that one.

August 17, 2014 4:02 pm

The Bitter Spinster (Pirate Jo) says:
“I_S, when I said, “That must be why you’d be happier if I had hung onto it,” I was referring to Bitterness (Admin says it becomes me), not gold.”

Yeah I got that.

“My parents heard tales of collapse in the 1970s and bought a bunch of freeze-dried food. They still have it. It’s no good anymore.”

That’s why I don’t advise that people stock up on things they would not otherwise use already. I do have some FDF but only because I use it when camping which minimizes chores like doing dishes and maximizes fun time. Since you’re into working for as short a time as possible, stocking up on things like clothing and other non-perishable things you will use for the rest of your life in the present will reduce your future spending on these things and dovetail nicely with your goals.

August 17, 2014 4:07 pm

I-S hehe
i do my best!

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 4:14 pm

@Admin, “You are giving the owners more credit than they deserve.”

Then why has it been going on this long already?

You know what the financial collapse (2008) taught me? That for every bankster, appraiser, and salesman, there were a hundred willing dupes buying a house they couldn’t afford.

It’s so easy and gratifying to pin the blame on “elites,” but the truth is that most people are stupid – or at least uninformed. Those crooks were smarter than everyone else and lived in an environment where they wouldn’t be punished for taking advantage of the stupids.

You shouldn’t be a thief, and you shouldn’t be stupid, either. Clearly, “should” is a word (like “deserve,” in my opinion), that we would all be better off without.

For what it’s worth, I’m meeting with a lady on Monday (tomorrow) to see if I can figure out a way to educate some of these stupids about finances. Maybe some of them aren’t stupid, maybe they have just been let down by their parents and the education system. (Don’t have kids!! – in case you missed it the first dozen times.) I’m going to teach these fuckers something about Excel, and about accounting. If I have my way, the next time you ask them, ‘How much gets applied to the principal?’ and you get a blank stare, well, that won’t happen anymore.

One of my beefs about volunteering is that it seems, for people with time and money to spare, like a way to buy an experience that makes their lives seem more worthwhile – they are not focused on the outcomes. I do not relish dealing with people who don’t already know what their parents should have taught them. I’m just going to want to put birth control in the water, but then I always do. I’m going to be focused on outcome. If I can get one person to get their financial education from someone other than ADVERTISERS, pitching “CAN YOU AFFORD THE MONTHLY PAYMENT,” then I will say my work is done.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 4:15 pm

“I wouldn’t be running this site if I didn’t think there was hope. I care about my kids. I love my kids. It’s something you wouldn’t understand. You only care about your remaining 30 or so years. I care about the future for my children and their children. I care about the future of the country I inhabit. I guess I’m just not self-centered and selfish. My bad.”

Get off the fucking cross. Someone needs the wood.

August 17, 2014 4:16 pm

Admin said:
“You are giving the owners more credit than they deserve. They are evil and highly educated, but they aren’t smart. Their arrogance and hubris blind these psychopaths to the unintended consequences of their actions.”

The longevity of the Rothchilds, Warburgs and people of their says otherwise. These people are not stupid or blinded by hubris. They play both sides of the field and always come out on top.

“They didn’t plan 2008. Their solution has been to double down on what caused 2008.”

Even our owners have trouble finding good help and these are the people you’re speaking of being stupid and arrogant. (IMO) Our owners surely did not want 2008 but their minions could not help themselves.

I can’t say for sure which way it will happen and I can’t rule out sudden, terminal collapse but I’m leaning, perhaps foolishly, the other way. Perhaps it’s just subconscious hope on my part.

August 17, 2014 4:20 pm

Don’t blame Mark for his stupidity.It’s not his fault.He’s just another hedonistic , feckless moran who got ass-raped by the unicorn of dumb-ass.But at least he’s not negative….bless his little heart.

August 17, 2014 4:24 pm

Pirate Jo . my urban transplanted white neighbor was going to teach the po’ chillen in my neck of the woods, -you know cuz’ the teachers failed dem’ -all about fractions….we all still laugh about that one…you go gurl!

August 17, 2014 4:29 pm

admin said:
“I wouldn’t be running this site if I didn’t think there was hope. I care about my kids. I love my kids. It’s something you wouldn’t understand. You only care about your remaining 30 or so years. I care about the future for my children and their children. I care about the future of the country I inhabit. I guess I’m just not self-centered and selfish. My bad.”

I am self centered and selfish so I shouldn’t have any real reason to care but I still do. It pisses me off to think of all those who sacrificed their lives for a better “American” future did so as a result of being lied to. It also pisses me off that future generations will not enjoy the same freedoms I did growing up. All in all I’ve had a fantastic life so far. I’m glad I chose not to have kids for many reasons. If I did have kids I’d be far more pissed off than I currently am. I’d probably be on the verge of coming unhinged.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 4:36 pm


My parents didn’t know any better.

Finding someone to impregnate me? Must be my heavy, chest-length beard. You should stop drinking. You have completely lost your sense of humor.

I wasn’t looking for a standing ovation. I was just trying to say that eventually you have to quit taking a two-hour-long shit and go back to the kitchen for more coffee. I don’t care about the elites. They suck, but there’s nothing I can do about them. Their power comes from the masses of uneducated dupes who help make them rich.

It’s like, back in the day, when I figured out I didn’t ever have to have kids, and there was someone there to help me. There’s some other person out there who needs help figuring out money, and I am going to pay it forward.

August 17, 2014 4:37 pm

flash said:
“ass-raped by the unicorn of dumb-ass”

That is some funny shit!

August 17, 2014 4:47 pm

A Pirate Jo (“Get off the fucking cross.”) vs, Admin (“I really don’t give a fuck about your future”) shitfest.

This place is rough!

Now I’ve seen everything. Today is a good day to die.

Mr Chen
Mr Chen
August 17, 2014 5:02 pm

Mark lights the proverbial tampon fuse and skedaddles. Which is what any rational person would do when the SHTF.

Where to run, where? The Good Earth suggests, the rich man’s house. However, before that scenario occurs, the fascists will herd the people to a safe place with warm food and shelter, considerately fenced off to protect them from invaders.

Please to bring your gold and jewelry for safekeeping.

August 17, 2014 5:07 pm

Pirate Jo should travel to Aleppo to help educate .those poor caramel colored mooselimbs in accounting.
They’re gettign ass-raped in the slave girl trade.Hot Italians girls ought to be bring at least gold 400 dinars , but these goat-humping fools are only getting about two each …sheesh…the stupid is international.PJ, i know a shady cat that just might be able to sneak you in…do you have a hi jab?

Two female Italian aid workers who ignored their parents’ pleas and snuck into Syria have been kidnapped by Islamist militants

Greta Ramelli, 20, and Vanessa Marzullo, 21, were working in city of Aleppo
They have been involved in humanitarian projects in Syria since 2012
Unknown Islamist group believed to have taken the women to nearby village
Italian foreign ministry says it is working ‘belly to the ground’ to find them
Miss Marzullo’s father Salvatore has spoken of ‘torment’ of the abduction
Begged daughter not to travel to Syria but she insisted on helping refugees

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2724701/Two-Italian-aid-workers-kidnapped-Islamist-militants-Syria-ignoring-parents-pleas-not-go.html#ixzz3AgZsYzoz
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August 17, 2014 5:11 pm

Pirate Jo”.Finding someone to impregnate me? ”

In my time , I’ve seen some uuuugly women impregnated, and I’ve thought Dear God. have mercy on the poor fool who would stick a dick in that cankered crack…but I digress, do you have back-story?

Mr Chen
Mr Chen
August 17, 2014 5:19 pm

the poor fool who would stick a dick in that cankered crack

shouldn’t that be ‘his’ dick? do you have two dicks?

August 17, 2014 5:25 pm

I bought about 200-300 pounds of Aleppo Soap from Aleppo Syria. Made with olive oil, bay laurel oil, soda and water. They’ve been making it there for almost 2000 years. Damn near impossible to get now.

Jackson, with thoughts about interests and priorities,
Jackson, with thoughts about interests and priorities,
August 17, 2014 5:31 pm

“TEND TO YOUR OWN GARDEN… We all need to tend to our own affairs.” – Administrator
That’s more good advice from Adminstrator.

I like to read TBP and other alternative media and blogs because I’m curious about what happened and what’s happening in the world. I’ve found that JQ, PCR, LR, TD, MS, and those who write for AW, VT, LR, and TBP are more likely right about what’s going on than other reporters and the MSM.

Nevertheless I’m no fool about who has the whip hand in this world and who can only cry and comply.

My conclusion about wordly affairs is that we should all be aware about what’s going on locally, in this country, and the world. We should be involved to the extent that we can be. Living up to one’s ideals, taking care of ourselves, our family and friends, and trying to improve our little corner of the world should be our first priority.

“TEND TO YOUR OWN GARDEN… We all need to tend to our own affairs.” – Administrator

August 17, 2014 5:46 pm

ID-I bought about 200-300 pounds of Aleppo Soap from Aleppo Syria. Made with olive oil, bay laurel oil, soda and water. They’ve been making it there for almost 2000 years. Damn near impossible to get now.

Funny you should mention it, but the creation of the Aleppo soap factory was noted in a book I’m currently ready…highly recommended for all , especially for the dimwitted that think the crusade was all about the enforcement of the Christian faith in the Levant.

The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land

August 17, 2014 5:54 pm

Country folks been knowing this folk wisdom a long time.nuttin’ new here…

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
August 17, 2014 7:00 pm

My beard is bigger and hairier than yours. Wish me luck tomorrow.

August 17, 2014 7:29 pm

Mark is probably a sensor, unable to read the tea leaves. If he lived in my town and had gone to the big mall today for lunch like I did, he would have found it difficult to find a place to park. All the stores are full and buzzing with energy. He’d look around and wonder why anyone worries about a coming crash. He’d notice the construction going on for the doubling of the mall size, and he’d think they can’t build it fast enough. Other communities don’t hide the economic doldrums so well, but he probably doesn’t reside in one. Maybe the Marks of the world sleep better at night.

Extreme preppers need heavy financial resources to get set up. Honestly, if things get so bad that their type of preparation is essential to survive, I’m not sure I want to stick around for life in that environment.

Everybody else should get enough food and water put aside for a couple of weeks at a minimum, even you PJ. Any number of scenarios, which you are familiar with, could impact the power grid for days or weeks. What if you can’t get to work? No food gets trucked to the grocery store. No gas can be pumped. No ATM works. You can’t read The Burning Platform. The sky is falling.

I haven’t acquired a gun because I think there is a good chance I would shoot myself in the foot, and also I could be easily overpowered if a crowd decided to visit my domicile. I am hoping the recently acquired MRAP will be used to repel some folks from the next city who might try to help themselves to some goodies. If I can just stay in my house I’m good for a while. I’m glad I know my neighbors.

Meanwhile I will try to enjoy each remaining day that feels normal.

August 17, 2014 8:12 pm

Gotta love a shitfest! 🙂


As far as laying in supplies of food, freeze dried, canned or otherwise – that’s just starvation insurance. Our grandparents did the exact same thing. I fail to see how it could be viewed as anything other than prudent… but don’t be stupid. Nothing lasts forever (however, tests conducted on a 100 year old cache of food from Shackleton’s ill-fated Antarctic expedition in the Endurance showed that canned food, so long as the can is not breached by outside air, was originally canned properly and remained at a stable temperature, it is fit to eat. It might not taste so great and I’m sure the nutrients are degraded, but it will serve if there is nothing else…)

This used to be “farm to table” model…

Local Farmer —> Transport —> Market —> Table

This was augmented by the family garden. Today’s model is so intricate, it looks like a spiderweb… cut any one of the strands, and the system collapses.

Here. Page 12.


August 17, 2014 8:16 pm


As a fellow Doomer, we might not agree on everything.. perhaps you even hate my guts. And that’s okay.

But please, I’ve been re-reading “A Failure of Civility”. It is hands-down THE BEST Doomer guide out there. If you are hesitant about pushing something you have not read yet, then I urge you to get a copy and read it. You will not be disappointed…

I would be pushing this book heavily… every person who reads it and takes the advice will likely survive the coming shitstorm… which meas you’re saving lives by pushing this book…


August 17, 2014 8:17 pm
August 17, 2014 8:42 pm

You got that right Billy Boy, I do hate your guts. I’ve got plenty to read without you adding to the shitpile so kindly mind your own fucking business. I’ll bet it’s a comic book anyway. Don’t you have to be in the coal mine in the morning?

Chatham Police
Chatham Police
August 17, 2014 8:44 pm

We know where you live, doppleganger.

harry p.
harry p.
August 17, 2014 10:12 pm

the owners think they are smart but are they smart they can outsmart a bullet…?
methinks this is the future for many areas

Can you ID the Doppleganger
Can you ID the Doppleganger
August 17, 2014 10:14 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 17, 2014 10:34 pm

Can you ID the Doppleganger

Uhhh……..doppleganger, properly spelled “doppelganger” is cute when used sparingly but when conducted daily it just becomes mindless nonsense that is no more fun than background noise.

Doppelgangers are not much more than pussies and cowards.

Mr Chen
Mr Chen
August 17, 2014 11:59 pm

If admin would just give up on his libertarian position and admit that it doesn’t work when applied to a blog, then the dopplers, the foul mouthed, trash-talkers and so many other scofflaws would disappear from TBP. Of course then there would be no reason to come here when i can just read huffington post.

August 18, 2014 12:15 am

Hey i get it ,you just hate my guts .Pick on the poor ,fat ,baldheaded kid.I.Will.have my revenge.

August 18, 2014 12:19 am

Mr Chen , hope everything is going well for you .Today while driving I turned on a radio station paying South American music. Not bad but would be better if I spoke Spanish.