Are we on the Verge of Renewed Race Riots with the Turn in the War Cycle in 2014?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Raxe Riot-Detroit_1967

There is an old saying that is very important in its depth – divide and conquer. Yes the Black Community is outraged. But have things really remained the same or are we dealing with a new movement of government against the people? Most Americans are at least aware of or remember the race-related riots that tore throughout numerous cities in the United States during the 1960s. Between 1964 and 1971, civil disturbances (as many as 700, by one count) resulted in large numbers of injuries, deaths, and arrests, as well as considerable property damage, concentrated in predominantly black areas.


What was amazing is that this civil unrest started precisely in 1964, which like 2014 now, was the turning point in the war cycle. What has taken place in Ferguson is simply outrageous. However, the Black Community needs to learn a lesson from history. They will only diminish their own position by characterizing this as simply a race issue. This time – its is different. It is government against everyone.


Although the United States has experienced race-related civil disturbances throughout its history, the 1960s events were unprecedented in their frequency and scope. They coincided with the upturn in the War Cycle in 1964 but characterizing them as simply a race issue then was perhaps on point. Law enforcement authorities took extraordinary measures to end the riots, sometimes including the mobilization of National Guard units. The most deadly riots were in Detroit (1967 picture as the heading), Los Angeles (1965), and Newark (1967). Measuring riot severity by also including arrests, injuries, and arson adds Washington (1968) to that list. Particularly following the death of Martin Luther King in April 1968, the riots signaled the end of the carefully orchestrated, non-violent demonstrations of the early Civil Rights Movement.

Today with the upturn in the War Cycle there is a different issue. The militarization of the police is against everyone. The incident in Ferguson may not be simply a race incident. This may be related to the militarization of police and the hostile attitude they are displaying everywhere. I was stopped in a road-block on my way to work in the morning. It was an unconstitutional stop for every car was stopped to see if you had all your documents. If you did not, they sent you to a line for tickets. There was no smile or friendly police officer asking for your papers. It felt very much like the East German police when I went behind the Berlin Wall – “papers please”, and I am not even sure there was a “please”.

The Black Community would do well realizing that this militarization of the police was NOT designed simply for them. This is against ALL Americans and they should be wise to distinguish this militarization as being un-American. It looks like we may be on a turn in race riots once again. They began precisely in 1964 with the turn in the War Cycle and it appears we are on schedule here as well. If so, the peak will not arrive before 2017-2018.

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August 17, 2014 12:34 pm

“Are we on the Verge of Renewed Race Riots with the Turn in the War Cycle in 2014?”
———- Martin Armstrong

I think a Race War is inevitable. Which is a damn shame because the REAL enemy is not a black person (if you’re white), or a white person (if you’re black). It is the government … THEY are the ones who implemented all the laws&practices that divide us.

If you don’t like that blacks are Free Shitters …. then hate the government that DEMANDS that Free Shitters get free shit.

If you don’t like that so many blacks are on welfare …. then hate the government that rewards out-of-wedlock mama’s and their babies with $$$$.

If you don’t like that blacks get preferential treatment …. then hate the government that passes endless egregious laws at your expense.

TPTB would like nothing better than a race war. Whites killing blacks, and vice-versa, distracts us from killing them. And that’s a damn shame,

All that being said, Ferguson is NOT the tipping point. The rest of Black America doesn’t give a shit … not enough to raise a finger, anyway. I passed through Plainfield yesterday on my way to my parent’s house. Plainfield is 85% non-white. I stopped in a dollar store … where a 25 foot roll of aluminum foil really is just one dollar. I was the only white person in the store. Didn’t get a single dirty look, or any kind of look at all. I was just another cheap ass shopper looking for a bargain. Ferguson might as well be in Outer Mongolia as far as those folks are concerned.

August 17, 2014 12:54 pm

The latest news from Brietbart is there is in fact video of a witness in the black ghetto saying they saw the Coon double back and attempt to make another attack on an innocent man before being gunned down in justifiable self defense.

The ball is now in the Governors court. He can squash this whole thing now by saying the police officer is innocent and sail to victory as a Democrat for telling the truth.

If Eric “my people” Holder steps in and tries to lynch an innocent man any blowback by whites and all bets are off. This thing could get down right ugly.

August 17, 2014 12:56 pm

The powers that be didn’t pick a 1/2 black/white president for no reason.

The Ron Paul pro-freedom movement was picking up steam, & was especially picking up steam with whites, minorities, & the poor, people who were watching their jobs all start to disappear & all starting to find a common ground.

I saw this light bulb start to click in so-called “rednecks” who were starting to realize they were becoming economically fucked just like inner city people & in middle class whites who were seeing the destruction of their life. Same with middle class blacks, hispanics, asians, all across the board. Even well-off Jewish people were seeing the same. That is the most dangerous thing that can happen as people started talking, & when asking economic questions, I’d relay that everyone was singing the same song.

White conservatives were also starting to realize the Republican party had betrayed them & used their votes just like the Dumbocrats siphon off the stupid votes of minorities. That scared the PTB, so they needed the most divisive SOB they could find, especially 1 that would pull the lower class whites from more Libertarian leanings back into the “Us vs. Them” charade. Obomber would rile up the militias & 2nd amendment defenders & pit them against all the anti-gun “liberals” who now are quiet as Obomber starts wars just like GW Bush!

With Obomber, as GW Bush once said, “Mission Accomplished” as no significant policy from the Bush admin. happened. Hell, Obomber even rehired Bernanke & the DOD chief, the 2 policy areas that had to change for the USA to survive.

That’s 1 hell of a scam & it appears it’s working.

As an added benefit, Ron Paul retired too.

August 17, 2014 6:16 pm

Stucky , you look like KING Kong. That’s reason nobody gave you a dirty look.

August 17, 2014 8:01 pm

There is a certain percent of black youths that are flat out feral children. It is straight out of Lord of the Flies. They are beyond hope. No social skills, no ambition, no education, full of anger, anti social, violent, and on and on. They pride themselves on being thugs and punks. It’s a badge of honor. They know they have no future, so they take it upon themselves to be professional assholes.

It’s beyond me why our government obsesses over Islamic terrorists, when they are millions of thugs willing to play a knock out game on a elderly person, flash mob which riot and steal, terrorize their own neighborhoods where their family resides, tear up the schools so they resemble mini prisons, malls that have massive security so these clowns don’t go crazy, high school basketball games where only mom or dad and few others can watch due to their violent behavior. Transit buses and subways need cameras and crack security so violence doesn’t explode.

I live in a large city(Milwaukee) with a large black population. Everywhere you go, things are geared to keep these goons from taking over and destroying everything. Camera’s everywhere, buzzers, plexy glass an inch think, massive security at festivals and public outings.

What the fuck are the cops to do? If it wasn’t for the cops these thugs would run wild. Why do you think the cops in Furguson went to extreme measures? I don’t blame them, as far they knew every hood rat from ghetto St.Louis would make a bee line to little Furgunson and tear the place up.

In the summer the south side of Chicago will have 40 maybe 50 shootings on a Friday and Saturday night. That’s fricking crazy. The cops aren’t idiots. They should have body armor, M16’s and amour plated Humvees when dealing with this kind of situation. They are only reacting to the situation at hand. I don’t blame them.

At some point the public will look at these thugs for what they are and they are not going to give a rat’s ass about political correctness. They will demand that these savages reform themselves or else. The public will not be held hostage to this. They are the real terrorist and at some point normal America will see to it that they straighten up or pay the price.

August 17, 2014 9:07 pm

+1000 to Stuckenmeister, very lucid and comprehensive analysis.

harry p.
harry p.
August 17, 2014 9:57 pm

stucky nails it, stop hating each other. its the government that views all of us as inferior, expendable, required to work for their betterment, provide them with respect (fear) and our earned labor (taxes). regardless of the color of your skin or heritage, we are all niggers (lack of a better word) in teh eyes of govt.

August 17, 2014 10:23 pm

“What the fuck are the cops to do? If it wasn’t for the cops these thugs would run wild”.

Because the population of good folks in these inner cities have been disarmed. If people were gunned up, the goons would be shot before the cops arrived by citizens, who are more accurately able to judge threats because they live in the area. Most cops are white & do not live in the areas they patrol. Let black people defend themselves the old fashioned way, the cops wouldn’t be needed much.

Next, they’re coming for everyone’s guns.

August 17, 2014 10:24 pm

&, btw, the liberals & government disarmed minorities through good intentions gone wrong on the liberal side & through bad intentions on the government side.

The good members got royally screwed.

August 17, 2014 11:55 pm

Mil05, you are right . I keep reminding certain people on this site that’s it is not the fault of the Police They are responding to very dangerous people and situations on a daily basis.

August 18, 2014 7:49 am

The cops protect the thugs from the good black folks and whites. The last thing this collection of niggaz wants is for the “POlice” to stand down. There’s enough pissed-off blacks and whites that would clean out the ghettos in a couple of hours. The collective intelligence of the “black community” equals that of a reptile. A race war? They would certainly lose.

August 18, 2014 9:44 am

It won’t be a race war, because there’s enough information freely available which leads back to the TPTB, namely militarizing the police and inciting racial division.

The 2nd amendment exists strictly to prevent a police state. No one has ever invaded Switzerland, and no dictator has ever risen to power. Finland, too, has successfully kept the Russian bear at bay.

Bullies are fundamentally cowards at heart. So, too, is the chief instigator and antagonist, the Devil.

The veil will be lifted.