AWD made his last comment on August 2 telling me to have a good time on my vacation in Wildwood. After two weeks I sent him an email to see if he was OK. I didn’t receive a response. I began to fear the worst.

I started googling his name tonight and sadly found what I didn’t want to find. His obituary.

AWD died in his home on August 5. The autopsy revealed he died of natural causes. It sounded like he had been sick. He is survived by his two daughters. He was only 50 years old.

AWD has been one of TBPs biggest contributors throughout the years. He always had my back. We disagreed sometimes, but he always supported me. He took the pressure off me by finding interesting articles to post. His contributions always generated great debates.

His original moniker was Asshole Doctor. But, I made so many jokes about him being a proctologist that he changed it to AWD.

Avalon and I are shocked and saddened by this terrible news. I feel sad for his young daughters. He loved TBP and the assortment of characters. One of his last comments was on the What Woke You Up post. His fondness for the people on the site and description of TBP captures our community perfectly:

“The Burning Platform opened my eyes. Seriously. That’s not me just blowing smoke up Admin’s ass”

Quinn let me use a Rome post of his for a book I wrote. He was very cool about it. Then I finally saw TBP, and it’s changed my life. It’s gotten me to prepare for what is coming. It enriches my life on a daily basis. I get to hang out with Stuck, and every other person on here, the coolest, smartest, most grounded, sensible, funny, deep, well, not enough superlatives. And from all over the country, but like a a hang-out, bar, party, barbeque, bachelor party, you know; lots of fun and insight. Greatest blog their is, free for all, controlled anarchy. It’s whatever we make it, and we make it good….

His last comment on my Gone Fishin post about going to Wildwood perfectly captures the no holds barred craziness of this site:


Go fuck yourself. Dumb ass village idiot.

Have fun Admin…..

We’ve now lost two huge pieces of TBP – Smokey and AWD. They both held nothing back. The place will never be the same without AWD. I’ll miss him. I hope him and Smokey have met up in heaven (???) and are cursing like sailors about Obama and the rest of the dumbasses running this country.

Farwell Doc. We will all try to breathe.

Notify of
August 24, 2014 9:06 am

Just got back from a nice (rained every day but one) camping trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with limited cell and internet, noticed all the comments on this post, figuring it was about Ferguson or the Middle East……

Sigh………we lost another soldier, but the battle remains.

AWD may have been imperfect to the typical brain dead free shitter looking to the government for all the answers, AWD was perfect for The Burning Platform and one of the best shit throwing monkeys around.
It may be 9:00 am on a Sunday morning, but it’s not too early to pour a glass of bourbon to toast AWD, you will be missed.

August 24, 2014 9:29 am

Woke up to this very sad news and shed a tear listening to Just Breathe and thinking of AWD and all he did and contributed to this TBP community. I have enjoyed his wit, insight, hatred for Obama, writing skill, hatred for Obama, ability to dredge up the most hideous pictures ever, appreciation of Miss Upton and of course his pure disdain of Obama.

Admin was wondering if there was a way of forwarding condolences to AWD’s family was thinking his daughters might appreciate knowing what a vast circle of friends he had around the world who cared for him.

August 24, 2014 9:58 am

“Admin was wondering if there was a way of forwarding condolences to AWD’s family was thinking his daughters might appreciate knowing what a vast circle of friends he had around the world who cared for him. ” ———– PeaceOut


I would love to send them a card of appreciation.

August 24, 2014 10:28 am

I’ll miss him, he was a great contributor. I think he might be getting the better side right now though since things are going to shit down here pretty quickly.

August 24, 2014 10:40 am

I don’t think there is anything I can add that you guys haven’t already said.

AWD, I always respected you and looked forward to reading your diatribes and dust-ups.

Gone at 50? Fuck man, thats rough.


August 24, 2014 11:18 am


Earlier this week I was telling my son I was worried, and then laughing at the fact that I can worry and care about someone I barely knew.

Now my tears are welling up, my heart hurts and I’m a little bewildered.

It sounds like he didn’t suffer, that is a welcome relief.

RIP AWD, we did not always see eye-to-eye, but I always appreciated your wit and passion.

Thanks for telling us Admin.

Hugs all.

August 24, 2014 11:18 am

I’ll miss his head-on attacks of all things p.c., surprising how much this news upsets me…..not that it matters, but what happened?

August 24, 2014 11:19 am

Bye Doc. You were one of my favorites, along with Smokey, RIP!

August 24, 2014 11:48 am

Damn, damn, damn damn damn. I joked last week that he may have been Robin Williams. Somehow, I just knew something was wrong.

What a loss. Life is far, far too short.

Admin, I’ll add a third vote to PeaceOut and Stucky — I’d love to send a card or “sign” an online remembrance book, if you don’t mind sharing his name / obit. I don’t think he’d mind.

August 24, 2014 11:58 am

All partisanship aside, he’ll be missed. Sorry to hear he’d been sick, and hopefully we’ll see each other at the return.

August 24, 2014 1:15 pm

Earlier this month FIFTEEN THOUSAND pounds of McShits McNuggets were yanked from shelves due to small pieces of clear plastic that became mixed into the meat.

AWD would have been all over this like stink on shit.

He might have even posted a picture like this.
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 24, 2014 2:03 pm

IMHO a man’s true measure is how many tears fall because of his passing and by God I shed a few myself.

August 24, 2014 2:36 pm

Having lost THREE people very dear to me in the past year- my beloved mother, my beloved best male friend in Chicago at age 57, and my wonderful bro-in-law, age 67, in addition to a couple of more distant friends who were around age 50, I can only hope that they were spared worse things.

That’s my hope for AWD. And I hope he died without suffering.

It’s tragic for his children. Agree with the posters who want to let them know how much the guy was valued by a lot of people and how he is missed.

Mr Chen
Mr Chen
August 24, 2014 2:48 pm

“Damn, damn, damn damn damn. I joked last week that he may have been Robin Williams. Somehow, I just knew something was wrong.”

my mother in law said, the dead notify, she explained the loud crack of a broken closet rod in the middle of the night was her friend’s notice of death that same night. whatever.

but we knew somehow that something was wrong. bb asked me, since no one else would answer, if i knew where AWD was? others tried to reassure themselves that he was on a trip somewhere but deep down we had this feeling, something is wrong in the state of Denmark.

who is the idiot that gave I-S’ memorial a thumbs down?

the good doctor got mad at me once because i was careless in correcting someone’s comment and seemed to imply he was gay. he went after me with gusto and I was flattered more than anything by the attention. I envy bb that. T4C posted a pic for the doc, but don’t forget he had a thing for SAH; she of the beautiful mind. He had a love for everyone here, I’m sure, because he posted first as a doctor as well as a fellow citizen.

TBP is the strangest novel I ever read, it is interactive and the characters are real. It makes you laugh and it makes you cry and you walk around in your daily life smiling or hurting because of something you read once in a blog.

August 24, 2014 3:07 pm

” …. my mother in law said, the dead notify,” ——– Mr. Chen

CA had an earthquake yesterday. That was AWD’s belated notification. He didn’t care much for CA. lol

Dammit. So much today … what I listen to, what I read, what I see …. just reminds me of our pal, AWD. I don’t mind.

August 24, 2014 3:14 pm

I loved the way he hated moochers, boomers and fat people. He always loved the ladies. A very funny man. RIP my friend.

August 24, 2014 3:22 pm

Sorry to hear this news. Hopefully his family will mourn without complication.

Stress kills.

Hate the power, love your life.

August 24, 2014 5:40 pm

He will be smiling knowing that his crazy bitch ex-wives are now off the gravy train of alimony and will now have to work for a living. Their justice is served, but at terrible cost.

Wherever he is he will be laughing about that, make no mistake.

August 24, 2014 5:52 pm

@Llpoh, sadly, at least for AWD’s hatred of the FSA, his daughters will now be on the train.

Odds are good she still won’t have to work as the take until the daughters turn 19/20, or graduate from college, is going to be good. Probably much more than alimony/child support, or at least even.

My guess is while still hating his ex, he wouldn’t begrudge his kids.

And, as I’ve said many times, what the hell, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. I, for one, won’t begrudge his girls one dime they get from the feds. Not one dime.

Drowning in Parasitism
Drowning in Parasitism
August 24, 2014 7:00 pm

I don’t know what I can possible say to do justice to this wonderful man, humanitarian (he worked in Africa as well as other international locales around the world bringing his practise of medicine to others less fortunate), patriot-extraordinaire, father and son that wasn’t already thoughtfully articulated by other admirers’ here, but I am going to write in a stream-of-consciousness to try.

As a somewhat long-time follower and ocassional poster to this blog, I was absolutely DEVASTATED to learn of “A Whole Doctor’s” death last night. I have cried so many tears that it gave me a massive headache. Of course, I didn’t know him personally but I came to know the calibre of his superb character over the time I spent reading his heart-felt postings. He was a kindred spirit to the nth degree, and I feel as though I’ve lost a long-time best friend or beloved family member.

I was inspired to write Jim for the first time ever today because I know how profoundly he too, like so many here, was impacted by his life and the void that will be felt by his untimely passing. I grieve for his children, the fact that he never lived long enough to see a righteous Day of Reckoning for the Vampires whom have senselessly and malevolently destroyed this country and to realize the fruits of his labor and diligent efforts towards being prepared for the coming storm.

As someone who likewise appreciates the implications of the collectivist, diabolical “Obamacare” and the destructive impact to the hard-working, productive people of this country, I SO admire his long-time efforts in warning about and educating others of this sinister legislation.

I could see an evolution over time of a growing racial consciousness as to what was happening to Whites in this country (as in elsewhere in the world we still have a tenuous imprint and hold), and I hope that I played some small role in his metamorphosis.

He will be sorely missed by me, a fellow activist/woman on behalf of MY people who do not deserve the concerted efforts well-entrenched and underway to dispossess, disenfranchise, and ultimately destroy us. AWD embodied the goodness and intelligence of our people and our countless, brilliant men who are relentlessly demonized by organized Jewry.

I wish that I could have awakened this morning to nothing more than a bad nightmare, but alas… it wasn’t meant to be. If I am wrong about organized religion, this great man is assuredly in heaven willing us on to victory.

I hope for those that can, please help propel Jim over tthe 10k mark that he needs to run this priceless freedom-forum. I can think of no higher tribute to what AWD would have desired in his memory.


August 24, 2014 7:02 pm

AWD always say he was in great health. Is it strange that he died of so called natural causes? What ever that means.That’s the first question I ask myself upon learning of his death. How could he die of natural causes if he was in such good health?

Drowning in Parasitism
Drowning in Parasitism
August 24, 2014 7:05 pm

Sorry… my trigger-happy laptop posted before I could add:

Highest regards to ALL in TBP family who are also grieving over this shocking tragedy,


August 24, 2014 8:11 pm

Wow. Such a fine thread of praise for a departed TBP brother.

I especially like this post by A Fatfuk Girl @ 0905 today …….

“Dear AWD,

I used to be a fattie. But, your many fatfuk articles have inspired me to lose weight.

Thanks to you, you would be proud of me today.

I’ll miss you more than you know.”

She then posted a before-and-after of herself (quite brave and putting herself out there) because of AWD’s inspiration. AWD would have done backflips over that post. Actual picture of AWD’s reaction.


August 24, 2014 8:22 pm

I can’t believe I have cried so many tears for someone I’ve never even met in person. I wish I had met him. He had a way of endearing himself to others. He had a tough side but a soft side as well. I am so sad about this and I will miss him very much. TBP has lost a brilliant mind and good person. I am so sorry for his kids, too young to lose their Dad.

August 24, 2014 8:26 pm

You can leave a message if you log in.

August 24, 2014 8:47 pm


This is gonna be fun.

Bwahahaha! AWD may resurrect for this.

August 24, 2014 9:19 pm

That’s a very good looking man. (Please dispense with the homo jokes.)

llpoh …. that’s a fake last name I made up

August 24, 2014 9:24 pm

@Drowning, above… well-stated. His death is hitting me harder than I would have expected, too. I just keep thinking about how he had prepped, how he talked about the old quarry filled with water, how worried he was about his daughters. Lots of great memories, more than I would have imagined. It makes me realize how hard it would be to lose a lot of people on this site, and yet we know (particularly in a 4T) that it’s going to happen, sooner or later. Doesn’t make it suck any less.

August 24, 2014 9:31 pm

Sure, cockman, whatever you say. I am digging up suitable pics. This is gonna last a very l-o-o-ong time, believe you me.

AWD will watch and laugh.

Cockman – man who likes cocks. Or male chickens.

I am gonna have to think about this. It will unfold over time.

August 24, 2014 9:40 pm

Koch = cook, auf Deutsch. No wonder you’re so good with food!

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
August 24, 2014 9:43 pm

People who are willing to tell the truth without are few and far between. AWD you will be missed.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
August 24, 2014 9:46 pm

Without fear


Hollow man
Hollow man
August 24, 2014 9:46 pm

Wow the world lost a great guy. I will miss his insights. Prayers for his family.

August 24, 2014 9:51 pm

“Sure, cockman, whatever you say.” ———- llpoh

Wow. I want you to ask yourself; “Has Stucky ever heard that before?”. The answer, of course, is about a million times. You get an “F” for originality.

The name is pronounced with that soft “ch” German sound that few Americans can master. So, it’s pronounced with a “tch” sound, as in hutch. And the “o” is not a long o, but the “ah” sound. It sounds very much like Krotchman … another hahaha funny slander I’ve heard a million times.

With a middle name of “Berthold”, the kids had even more fun … turning it to “butthole”. And “Nick” became Dick. So, there you have it; Dick Butthole Krotch Man ….. hahahaha, juvenile humor at it’s most hurtful best. So, you see why I NEEDED to gain a sense of humor, otherwise I might not have survived childhood.

As far as digging up pictures or other private info, I would appreciate you not going that route. Jeebus Krist, don’t turn a tribute to AWD into some kind of witch hunt, at my expense. I will not stick around if you decide to follow up on your threats. Seriously, Then again, maybe you were just joking, in which case I apologize.


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 24, 2014 9:55 pm

Energy, once created, cannot be destroyed, such as with our souls,it only changes forms, we disagreed, on many issues, but agreed on more than not, Dr Pat, I will see you on the other side… best to you and yours. -Brad

August 24, 2014 10:00 pm

So the day has gone by, and I’m checking back in – still don’t know why AWD’s passing is so relevant to me. I suspect its just a fraction of a rounding error of emotion I’ll only hopefully live to experience with T4T to come. A guy on-line, can’t possibly compare to the loss of someone, God forbid my own, passing on – but at this point in the game, it really does. I craved AWD’s take on stuff, issues, topics, etc. I was envious of his stance and his steadfast continuity of his read on things – the consistency and logic he allowed us to learn from as he deconstructed the politically correct bullshit we’re inundated with, I’ll miss. Deeply. I’m a hard-ass, pig nosed prick but dammit, his passing bums me out and I’d be remiss if I didn’t say just so. My on line fire just doesn’t burn bright enough or hot enough to even contemplate picking up where AWD left off, its our loss. Heal up and carry on. See ya ’round TBPer’s.

August 24, 2014 10:42 pm

Oh No! What a sad, sad day 🙁

August 24, 2014 11:26 pm

And so fell Lord Perth.
And the countryside did shake with thunder…

AWD was a good man.

Adios, pard… be seein’ ya.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 24, 2014 11:40 pm

Stuck – I said it would develop over time.

In any event, AWD would understand. This IS TBP. A royal flamefest develops anywhere, anytime. I think he would not only understand, but it would remind him why he loved this place. And i doubt he would want things to be serious. He was generally very much fun.

Little is sacred around here. That is why fine men such as AWD and Smokey loved this place so much.

August 24, 2014 11:49 pm

BTW – third grade humor is my specialty.

Mr Chen
Mr Chen
August 24, 2014 11:56 pm

llpoh, Stuck already gave his name out when he defied some guy to meet him at his house. I thought everybody knew. Stuck, is that ‘ch’ sound like the sound in chutzpah?

I read sort of, that tylenol is a good aid for heartbreak, I suppose they meant it helps when you cry too much and get a headache. I was in and out today, carrying on with life and grieving at times.

bb, you didn’t know what would happen, nobody knew, so, don’t take it so hard. god will judge us by our words, our thoughts,our deeds and if AWD didn’t already have those aced, god still has mercy beyond our imagination.

August 25, 2014 12:01 am

Guys – I’m sad too. Been enjoying the serious uniqueness of this site for a long time – and it almost gets better as time goes on. Strange that a “blog” with the right subject matter can attract the right group of people.


I’m wondering more about this “natural causes” way to exit out.

See – many people have been surgically “removed” from society. Whether it be murder or assassination – mysterious deaths or disappearances – and then just outright character assassination and FALSE charges, arrests, shaming, and convictions (there are so many of those who are serving multi-decade sentences for just being themselves).

I wonder how this works. When someone gains “momentum” (say via popularity – social followers – making waves), do the people that feel threatened (usually the elite quo – different from the status quo), that they just make a decision to wreck that person one way or another?

I’ve personally be victimized by a similar method to “silence” me. False charges, cooperation withing the bullshit local government – in an effort to “shut me up.” I couldn’t believe how asinine the process was – the fact that I was even served a warrant with ZERO evidence. (“coercion”) I mean how could a high-level detective even entertain that without hard evidence? Nevertheless I got in trouble for nothing – and what it boiled down to was a (certain group of people – you can read between the lines) didn’t like my free speech and how I “shined the light” on their government administration.

They just wanted everyone to comply. As myself (with the patriot mentality of “never congratulate a politician for anything they do – including the good stuff that is part of their job”) who shined the light on people for their ineptitude – they wanted desperately for me to “go away.”

Well it didn’t work. I’m still here.

Wonder what they have in store next.

Anyway – sorry for the diatribe. But I’m very concerned that “behind the scenes,” that a select group of people is looking to “thin the heard” of strong-minded people WHO MAKE SENSE, and can see through the bullshit life – and bring clarity like AWD did.

I would not be surprised at all if this was one of those circumstances.

So that leads me to ask… “Should we watch our backs more – and increase the way we “VET” friends and acquaintances out?”

I mean – you never know who’s a mole these days. And finally another tough dilemma:

– Should people who are vocally speaking out (like TBP) have any reason for concern? Is there a better way – or is speaking out publicly the BEST and ONLY way?

– Is now a time to (discretely) start forming PRIVATE meetings among like-minded people to formulate (bigger and better) plans? I mean at some point it’s almost required if you want your plan to succeed without the chance of disruption.

I don’t know – but I am definitely in favor of having serious high-level talks in terms of how we should go about protecting the things that are important (and this goes way beyond being a “prepper.”)

If anyone wants to seriously discuss this further – I’d be happy to oblige. We are in the area you guys are – so a meetup would be no problem.

Lastly – RIP AWD.

August 25, 2014 12:44 am


I’m going to take a few days off. Maybe a week.

I really don’t appreciate the threats that someone is going to look for my private pics and/or info to be released here “over time”. That’s some sick shit right there. I don’t need it.

So, I have to think hard about this. If I decide that I need to move on — just don’t know at this point — then I’ll do so without fanfare. A quiet email to you letting you know, and asking all all my posts to be deleted (for a second time, lol).

llpoh, no matter what I decide, I can’t trust you. You are no longer a friend. That doesn’t mean you’re an enemy … life, as is perfectly clear with AWD’s passing … is too short for that kind of wasted energy. Henceforth, I just don’t want any more interactions with you.

August 25, 2014 12:51 am

Have been out of the loop for awhile and there is never a time to hear such sad news. My condolences to his daughters and the rest of his family. Rest in peace AWD, you will be sorely missed.

August 25, 2014 1:33 am

WTF just happened with this thread?

We just lost a TBP Brother and two of you assholes (Stucky and Llpoh) get into a pissing contest with each other. Take your fight out back and pay some respect.

See you both back here when you cool off.

geezer fight
geezer fight
August 25, 2014 2:33 am

Deja vu. I can’t wait to see the inevitable make up thread where they re-swear undying virtual friendship.

Anyone ever consider AWD might have preferred keeping TBP and his real life seperate, even in death?

August 25, 2014 4:29 am

I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of AWD. I’ve been busy this summer, so haven’t been on a lot, but the times I did visit this site, I wondered where he was. I pictured him away on a lovely holiday, enjoying some time away from the madness, maybe spending time with his lovely children. What a shock to hear the bad news. I am saddened that I’ll never again hear what he’s thinking.

I thought of all the years of education he went through to become a doctor, how hard he must have worked, and I thought of his children, how much they will miss their dad. I remember reading his comments to my children many times, and we’d laugh because we couldn’t believe a doctor would say some of the things he said. I hope he went away with dignity and suffered no pain. He will be greatly missed. A man with that much passion leaves a hole.

Rest in peace, my friend.

August 25, 2014 4:51 am

WTF ? I never meant to look up personal pics. I said suitable pics – pics like of a big dickman, etc. funny pics. A joke to play on the name.

Nor did I mention anything about private info. Nothing, nada, zip. I said “suitable pics” – to have fun with the name. I even said third grade humor was my specialty. Seriously, i have no idea where he got that.

That Stuck extrapolates that to mean some kind ofpersonal attack is imminent is, well, astonishing.

I apologize for giving that impression. It was not my intent, nor can I see where I did say such things. But if Stuck thinks I did, nevertheless I do apologize.

August 25, 2014 4:58 am

This IS The Burning Platform.

It is not Women’s Weekly.

I did not mean to offend Stuck, but I did not say what he thinks I did, no way, no how. It was a bit of fun at a sad moment, or so I thought.

But I do think I deserve the benefit of the doubt. I was a huge fan and supporter of AWD, and the same is true of Stuck.