The Surveillance Engine: How the NSA Built Its Own Secret Google

Well, it’s official. Seems like virtually every American is in The Database … easily found via a simple google-like query.

For example, they can search your email address, or part of the address, or the “To” section. They can find you via your phone calls made or received, electric bills, property tax bills, collection notices, any bills at all, and of course via your debit or credit card usage.

I wonder how many pages of info will turn up if they search for “copfuk”, “oreo”, or “diseased donkey dick.

850 BILLION pieces of data out there, and growing by 2 – 5 million per day.

Good luck prepping. But, you can’t hide. Big Brother really IS watching you. Living “off the grid” is damn near impossible … unless you live in your car and pay cash for everything …. but, even then you leave an information trail (via your license, registration, and insurance.)

I’m logged on to ICREACH right now …. and bb is vigorously choking his chicken. Shameful.


The NSA has developed yet another tool with which to wage the ongoing war on American privacy that has escalated in intensity under the damnable presidency of Barack Obama. According to a new story based on documents provided by former government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Obama’s Stasi has built the mother of all search engines. ICREACH allows for multiple government agencies to query numerous databases filled with data that has been gleaned under the pretense of the phony war on terror. The events of September 11, 2001 provided the government every excuse that it needed to engage in massive domestic surveillance of millions of law-abiding U.S. citizens, take a meat ax to the Constitution and build a costly Surveillance State Gomorrah. With the definition of “terrorism” becoming increasingly vague it is only a matter of time until it is affixed to American dissidents, political opponents and critics of the ever more tyrannical government in Washington.

The story which was originally published at the online magazine The Intercept under the title of “The Surveillance Engine: How the NSA Built it’s Own Secret Google” was written by Ryan Gallagher.

While Mr. Obama has continued to be quite the artful dodger on the collection of “metadata” and not the actual content of intercepted communications, it is all hogwash. After collection, the “metadata” than can then be used to reference the actual content of calls, emails, texts etc. According to former NSA executive turned whistleblower Thomas Drake, “metadata indexes content”, a statement that is compatible with former NSA boss Michael Hayden’s comments that “we kill people based on metadata”. Billions of records are swept up daily and it is all being stored in facilities like that massive NSA complex in Bluffdale, Utah.

Which is an obviously reference of the circumventing of the Constitutional requirements of our legal system by a practice known as “parallel construction” which was revealed last year by Reuters. The Reuters story which is entitled “Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans” .

So in addition to living in an unaccountable surveillance state that would blow George Orwell’s mind, now there is a practice of government agents being able to set people up. Then there is the battlefield ready, militarized police force that may just end up being put under national control which is now being advocated. Don’t forget that after 9/11 the government actively began to encourage neighbors, delivery personnel and home service companies to report “suspicious” behavior. We are not only subject to secret surveillance, secret laws and secret courts but also must exist among millions of potential rats and snitches.
Those creeping little cat footsteps of fascism grow louder by the day don’t they? That is if you are listening.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 1, 2014 9:20 am

I am glad that they have this program in place. It will make the end much more easy to understand. Much like when we used the records germany kept on the final solution we will use these records to justify rope,lamp,banker-government-cupfuck.

I can say this with 100% conviction that when the people need this data to fight back it will be available