Los Indocumentados

Guest Post by Fred Reed

A Surly View from the South

If you want to see why Congress is a zoo, check this. Guam is going to tip over.

A few thoughts for Americans (justifiably) upset by the influx of illegal Mexicans:

First, they come because you invite them. In effect you say, “Diego, don’t you cross that river. If you do, and we catch you, we’ll just put you back across the border and you can try again, perhaps the same night. When you make it across, which is easy, we’ll give you a good job and, depending on where you are, a driver’s license, schools for your kids, welfare, food stamps, and medical care. Any children you have will be US citizens and, as we all know, sooner or later you will have amnesty Now, don’t cross that river, you hear?.”

That’ll work.

Second, they come because you guys changed the immigration laws. Mexico didn’t change your laws. The illegals didn’t change your laws. You did.

Third, you let them stay. You are not deporting them. You encouraged them to come and, when they did, you let them stay, and now you complain that they came and stayed. How sensible.

Fourth, you grouse that Latinos take American jobs. They do not. It is probable that no Latino has ever taken an American’s job. How would he do it? Point a pistol at the gringo’s head and say, “Give me that shovel or I’ll blow you into gruel”?

In fact conservative, noisily patriotic American businessmen give them American jobs. Businessmen know they are doing it. After all, Mexicans are easy to recognize. They are brownish and speak Spanish. These are the same conservative, patriotic etc. who off-whored (that was a typo, but accurate so I’ll leave it) other American jobs to China. They are the same ones who import programmers from India. My country tis of thee….

Fifth, Americans don’t want the jobs that Latinos do. If a young man from El Salvador can come all the way from Central America to harvest tobacco in North Carolina or work in restaurants in Washington, so could an unemployed “teen” from Detroit or Chicago. They don’t, which leaves the jobs to…yes!…Latinos.

Sixth, the federal government is complicit. Obama does all he can to further immigration. Mexicans didn’t elect Obama. You did.

The feds know where the illegals are: You can’t hide an entire agricultural work-force, or construction sites and meat-packing plants manned almost entirely by obvious foreigners. How many Mexicans do you think can go unnoticed in a small Midwestern town?

Do you think immigration a bad thing, mis amigos? You did it to yourselves. And you are still doing it.

Seventh, all the grrr-bow-wow-woof about a border fence is silly. It isn’t going to happen. Republicans will make appropriate noises, but the businessmen who desperately want Mexican labor are Republicans.

Eighth, methinks amnesty is a foregone conclusion. The current racially-obsessed administration may get it through soon, in bits and chunks perhaps. De facto amnesty is still amnesty. A Republican administration may block it for another eight years (while leaving the illegals in  place to work). Yet the illegals are not going to go away, and Latino political power will grow.

Ninth, there will be serious bad blood between black and brown. It is beginning. Latinos already are more numerous than blacks, and become more so daily. The two compete in the same strata of society, and do not like each other. Blacks now have immense political power, but numbers eventually tell.

Further, Latinos seem well on the way to becoming absolute majorities in four states: California (sometimes referred to as North Mexico), Arizona, Texas, and the appropriately named New Mexico, . Think about that.

Tenth, there is grave danger that the newcomers will be corrupted by the American welfare state. Mexicans at least arrive with a strong work ethic. They take any job they can get and maybe a couple of others on the side. When have you seen fifteen members of any other ethnic group waiting outside a Seven-Eleven at five in the morning hoping for work?

But if they find that they can go on the dole and get things for free, they will. Nobody who doesn’t have to will shovel asphalt under a hot sun or stand in two inches of blood in a slaughterhouse ten hours a day. Would you? They seem to be beginning to demand things on grounds of historical mistreatment. Where have we heard this before? The economy probably cannot stand another large dependent class.

Eleventh, the absolutely crucial question is whether they will assimilate, or at least co-exist, or become another self-aware anti-white group. The intense hostility of nativist whites drives them toward confrontation.

How assimilable are Latinos? It is hard to tell. Much depends on the country of origin I think.  I can speak with any degree of knowledge only of Mexicans.

They, the majority of the immigrants, are sort of half European genetically, for what that’s worth, Christian, and speak a European language. In Mexico itself, they maintain a mostly modern society functioning at perhaps seventy-five percent of the declining American norm. Call it sixty, or eighty if you will. How do you measure? But it is clearly, if certainly trailingly, in the European mold of technology, semi-democracy, and ascent into the middle class. Their intellectual tradition—for example, the works of such men as Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, and Alejandro Colunga—are within the European framework, though with a Mexican flavor.

On the negative side, those going to the United States are mostly from the lower half of Mexican society. Though not evil people (crime is low in the villages) they are not ready for American society. While illiteracy is not as common as imagined by gringos, literacy in Mexico is not the same as literacy in Finland. And it is people with a fourth-grade education, not the middle class, who swim the river.

If you want a straightforward idea of how emigration to the US actually works, I suggest Crossing Over: A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail by Ruben Martinez.

Twelfth, the numbers and concentrations of Mexicans in America are such that before long  they will be able to  tell Eurowhites to screw off, and form their own society in the Southwest. If that happens, so much for the Union. They know that in 1848 the US stole half of Mexico, specifically those states in which Mexicans are marching toward a majority. (Blowback, do we call it?) Americans, who typically have never heard of that invasion, can say, “Get over it.” Good luck. Young Mexican males, some anyway, are saying things like “We will be the majority. We will rule.”

Monument in Guadalajara to Los Niños Heroes, young cadets who died fighting the Americans in the Mexican-American War, in which America annexed the Southwest. There are at least hundreds of Niños Heroes Streets all over Mexico. This explains why Mexicans have little sympathy for complaints that they are illegally entering American territory. They don’t think it is American territory. Payback’s a bitch.

Having become a voting majority in the Southwest, they could choose, piecemeal or all at once, to ignore the central government. Then what? Do you send the Marines to conquer California?

All of this results from American policy. You buttered your bread, a curmudgeon might say. Now lie in it.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 7, 2014 11:10 pm

Love Fred’s stuff. He does’t give a damn whose feelings he hurts.

If you don’t believe that the porous southern border is intentional and part of a greater plan to restructure America then turn your attention northward and see how porous the northern border is. Two different borders with two different mandates. The only thing that makes it through the northern border illegally (southbound) is BC pot and it is my understanding that since WA state legalized the stuff that the market in BC has been soundly thrashed as a result.

We cross the northern border frequently. It is a completely different world. A Bulgarian customer of mine says it reminds him of the borders between Soviet States from when he was a kid. That should tell you something.


September 7, 2014 11:10 pm

Sorry but I don’t buy into the premise “you did”. I sure as hell didn’t, nor did I agree with the “giant sucking sound” of NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO, and all the other stupid programs to offshore American jobs. Now, the fucking asshats (sorry, CON-greed) want to open the floodgates even wider at the expense of the American worker/taxpayer.
Time to face it, we have zero representation in DC. And here in CA we have a governor who shakes hand with the MX president to invite everyone South of border because CA welcomes Mexicans with open arms. Fuck me with a toilet brush.

September 7, 2014 11:24 pm

Good analysis, fred. Let me propose an alternative. Hard working america wakes up and stops being cowed by political correctness. Think it can’t happen? Look at australia. UKIP. marine le pen. The scottish referendum is in two weeks. Change is coming in certain places. It can happen here.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 8, 2014 1:26 am

The last time I disagreed with Fred, I got the guilt trip from I-S and TE. He can say what he wants but as I understand it, he is not here in the USA. So a lot of what he says is his own conjecture. We hispanics do not have a separatist view of the USA, we are not planning to demand some sort of local rule and shit. Fred’s point of view is really wild. I read somewhere a long time ago that criminals have a conservative outlook on life, they do not want to change society, they want a piece of the action. Radicals, on the other hand, want to change society and do not want a piece of the society as it is.

I mention that because Fred seems to paint hispanics like some wild radicals eager to take over large pieces of America and turn it into Mexico 2.0. The facts in evidence are that Mexicans want a piece of the action as it is currently. The bible says the universe stretches out forever and everywhere in the universe you may go to, it looks the same. I use that image to say, what I have seen of hispanics, they like to get jobs and buy houses and cars, they are conservative in outlook and are more concerned with their immediate family than with politics. For Fred to paint this wild picture of an impending race war and political upheaval is sensationalist journalism. Sure, we read of hispanics who commit the most heinous crimes but that is nothing peculiar to hispanics, criminals come in all stripes and colors.

As for the racial animosity, I have said before that competition makes enemies of any race but where there is good employment environment, crime drops and racial animosity is lessened. But there are racists everywhere. I heard a few hispanics spouting racist shit against blacks in my college years. I moved away from them because I figured I wasn’t going to learn much more than hatred for people I had no quarrel with.

Another thing that bothers me about Fred is that his article paints all hispanics as illegals. Again, that is nothing more than yellow journalism. Of course, some Fred partisan will correct me and say he was only speaking of those crossing the border illegally but read it again, he starts with the claim that America let the illegals stay and they had children who got US citizenship, that would be my mom, and me and just about any hispanic who calls America his home. Any brown person is suspect, my boss Phil said they told the Indians this same thing: your lucky to be here.The truth is, if we expand the timeline, just about anybody here is a descendant of illegal aliens. According to Fred, we hispanics can never be fully American, we can never assimilate because he has written another script for us that whether we follow it or not, America believes it and that’s that.

September 8, 2014 3:26 am


“Fourth, you grouse that Latinos take American jobs. They do not. It is probable that no Latino has ever taken an American’s job. How would he do it? Point a pistol at the gringo’s head and say, “Give me that shovel or I’ll blow you into gruel”?

Really, Fred? While I enjoy and appreciate your wisdom regarding most issues, you miss the proverbial boat here.

As tyrannical, oppressive US government squashes and bleeds honest, hardworking, middle-class citizens, the “underground economy” is alive and well. Latinos are indeed taking American jobs, as they, unlike brain-dead, comatose Americans, understand perfectly well how to out maneuver corrupt bureaucrats and still make a profit. Whitey should pay attention and learn from those same Latinos, as USA is now functioning as a third world, banana republic.

When there is no rule of law, and government is so very corrupt that justice is something individual citizens must find for themselves, the “underground economy” and “black market” thrive. USA has arrived.

Any clever, knowledgeable person in US knows that after a hail storm, tornado, or hurricane that roof repairs on a 1800 sq. ft. home will be $25,000 dollars or more. No problem. Collect the check and pay Mexican contractor to do the work for $8,000 dollars. Contractor makes big bucks, even after paying off local building inspector. And you, oh wow, have vacation fund! Works the same way with auto repair, etc.

All leads to Fred’s sixth point: “the federal government is complicit. Obama does all he can to further immigration. Mexicans didn’t elect Obama. You did.”

“The feds know where the illegals are: You can’t hide an entire agricultural work-force, or construction sites and meat-packing plants manned almost entirely by obvious foreigners. How many Mexicans do you think can go unnoticed in a small Midwestern town?”

September 8, 2014 4:08 am

Mr. Chen,

Of course, you’re entitled to your own opinion.

But, never have I disagreed with you more. Your tone is whiny and complaining. “Woe to us Mexicans!! Fred don’t like us!!” You come across a tad bit hyper-sensitive. You read way more into his comments than is justified … again, imho.

Never mind that he is married (or lives with) a Mexican woman … or that he chooses to LIVE in Mexico, rather than the Free Shit States Of America, and that of his 600 or so writings he often writes glowingly of Mexican life and culture.

Really, you sound like the Joo who cries “ANTI-SEMITE!!!” at even the slightest, and imagined, provocation.

There isn’t one damn thing that Fred wrote that’s incorrect. Too bad your “sensitivities” blind you from that fact. And that’s my opinion.

September 8, 2014 4:34 am


You make no sense whatsoever.

You say Fred misses “the proverbial boat”. Then you give an example some natural disaster where roof repairs cost $25,000 …. but the contractor hires a Mexican for $8,000.

WTF??? Why blame the Mexican???!! Jesus Effing Christ. Blame the Mexican? Not the white contractor … that lying cheating sonofabitch? Cognitive dissonance, it’s a wonderful thing.

I have a better example. A couple of years ago Ms Freud was passed over for a position as a counselor at a nearby Charter School. They pretty much told her they were looking for someone who spoke Spanish … even though the Spanish (Mexican) kids were only about 10% of the student population. So, in fact, instead of hiring a licensed psychologist, they hired a Spanish-speaking social worker. We both felt that was a crock of shit.

September 8, 2014 6:10 am

Don’t worry Fred. This will be settled in the same way these things are always settled.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
September 8, 2014 7:13 am

Tripe alert! “Fifth, Americans don’t want the jobs that Latinos do. If a young man from El Salvador can come all the way from Central America to harvest tobacco in North Carolina or work in restaurants in Washington, so could an unemployed “teen” from Detroit or Chicago. They don’t, which leaves the jobs to…yes!…Latinos.”

This is the dumbest point in the article and I’m quite embarrassed for him to have written it. The fact is, there is always someone more desperate than you throughout the world, willing to do what you do for half as much. When the Ethiopians manage to find their way here, they will harvest tobacco for a bowl of rice per day, not even demanding wages. Yes, all over the world there are downtrodden people willing to adopt the yoke of slavery in all but name in order to survive. And when one group gets even a little too comfortable, they can be replaced by another, more desperate group. There is never any shortage of even more miserable human beings due to famine, war, and WB/IMF nation hijacking. Suffering is one commodity that never seems to get depleted.

Teens can not get hired anymore because they must compete with desperados twice their age for the same jobs. An employer is scared to hire a 16 year old. They have no experience, are distracted by school, sports, music, the opposite sex, etc. An employer knows they are there for spending money, not to pay the bills and therefore probably won’t tolerate a high level of abuse. The safe bet is to hire a 40-year-old with ocho kids, that can’t afford to be late or to quit for any reason, no matter how much abuse or degradation they are forced to endure. The result is that many millennials who go through the full college pipeline now emerge at age 22-24 having never held a real job in their life, with the exception of maybe an internship, which is in fact modern indenture, and is more about sucking up through networking that gaining any real experience.

If there are only a limited number of desperate people in any one geographical region the system will work itself out where employers get cheap enough labor and young or unskilled employees get decent enough entry-level work. The jobs will be just demanding enough to encourage the smart and/or ambitious employees to better themselves so that they do no have to continue in an entry level job forever. But if this particular geographic area continues to distort the labor market through heavy handed government policies forcing an unnatural influx of slave labor in all but name the results are as predictable as the fact sun rises in the east or that gravity pulls straight down. The “they only take the jobs no one else wants” meme is pure focus-group tested, think tank approved MSM propaganda.

September 8, 2014 7:13 am

honkies can’t get a break.

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September 8, 2014 7:19 am

I was involved in one of the major studies done re illegals and the jobs they hold and wages they make.

The results were astonishing – illegals were doing nearly as well as average Americans. A lot of them were very highly skilled – welders, plumbers, electricians, etc.

The world sees the fruit pickers. But there are millions more in high skilled jobs.

Re the fruit pickers – how many fat-ass, FSA whiteys or blackies would go out and do that work these days? Any? You would never find entitled FSA folks willing to work the fields, no matter what it paid.

September 8, 2014 8:06 am

“Teens can not get hired anymore because they must compete with desperados twice their age for the same jobs …” ———— the tumbleweed

That’s only partially true. There are other, more valid, explanations. Their work ethic sucks ass. Like … you know … cuz like, dude! … umm, yeah … like … they can’t put two fucking coherent sentences together. And if you give them $1.10 on a $5.05 bill, they can’t make change. Like, you know what I mean, dude?
“The “they only take the jobs no one else wants” meme is pure focus-group tested, think tank approved MSM propaganda.” ———- the tumbleweed

So solly, Hombre. Wrong again. Both my boys, when they were teenagers, worked on a huge blueberry farm in Michigan. They were the ONLY white boys who worked for that farmer (over the course of 3 summers), and as far as we know, ANY other farmer in the area. ALL the other workers were Mexicans.

This, even though several of my son’s friends couldn’t “find a good job” otherwise … and the farmer said he would hire some of my son’s friends (“if they work as hard as you do”, said the farmer) … but not a single fuckin one of them wanted to do that kind of work … very hard work … as they would prefer working in an air conditioned mall, or not work at all.

And all that is some personal anecdotal story. It’s a fact, Jack … all over the country, per my experience.

September 8, 2014 8:17 am

Oh … one other story from NJ.

We have a small piece of property … about 100′ x 75′. It takes ABOUT 20 MINUTES to mow the lawn. We hire someone to do it. (We don’t have a shed … the garage is too small for a lawnmower and car … plus, I fuckin hate yard-work).

So, last year some Mexican crew charged us about $45 per cut. This is horseshit.

So, last year I put a big sign stapled on the tree in the front yard — “Mow Lawn — $25” … that’s about a buck a minute. No takers whatsoever! There are a LOT of high school kids on this street. One day after the bus dropped off the herd, I “pretended” to be doing some yard work … and as these big brute boys walked by I would ask them –“Hey, wanna make a quick twenty-five bucks?” Ohmygod … the looks I got! You would have thought I asked them to blow me.

Sooooo … the Mexicans are mowing my lawn again this year.

And those to-good-to-work-hard white boys really can just go ahead and fucking blow me!

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
September 8, 2014 8:42 am

If you even bothered to read what I wrote, instead of immediately busting at the seams to regurgitate another bucolic yarn, you’d realize that what I’m saying is that the forced importation of masses of desperate laborers skews the price of wages and makes the jobs worthless in the eyes of an already established population determined to maintain a certain standard of living. As for the laziness component amongst the young, I won’t deny there is one, and that it is a major factor. However, you stand back and simply declare that the young will never do these jobs, when the fact is we just don’t know at what prices the people here may be willing to do these jobs. The heavy hand of violent coercion prevents us from ever finding out.

The problem is not migrant labor itself, nor is it a porous border, as much as it is a massive, comprehensive government importation program that subsidizes cheap labor, every step of the way, labor that otherwise would not have the means to make it here to take these jobs. The migrants journey is subsidized and they are provided with an artificial floor in the form of food, housing, medical, and educational welfare. If it were not for these efforts, the labourers would be forced to make do with jobs in the more immediate vicinity of their birth. As much as it is somewhat unsympathetic to look at the issue in this light, it is also based entirely in realism. All the world’s cheap labor cannot be continuously pumped into a limited geographic area without disastrous economic results. It must be naturally distributed according to millions of individual economic decisions. The agenda is to continue importing unneeded labor through tax revenue and/or FedRes fiat. That is, in fact, the crux of the issue, and it has little to do with your endless farmyard observations.

September 8, 2014 8:55 am

“If you even bothered to read what I wrote, instead of immediately busting at the seams to regurgitate another bucolic yarn …” ——— tumblebrain

I read every painful word you wrote. I’m stupidier for it, thank you very much.

No, dickface! You said teens CAN’T GET HIRED blah blah blah. You said Mexicans taking jobs no one else wants is “MSM propaganda”. YOUR words. So, don’t back down now, you libtard truth-denying fuckwad.

You said, — “The problem is not migrant labor itself, nor is it a porous border, ..” Holy shit, thank you Mr. Obvious!! The rest of that boring-assed paragraph states even more obvious 3rd grade level “observations”. Somebody wake me the fuck up when this Ass Clown has something interesting to say!

Hey, dickface, I have an idea. Why don’t you go fuck your dog? That way, at least someone will enjoy the shit you put out.

September 8, 2014 8:58 am

Stucky, if I lived within a few houses of your property, I’D mow it for $25, I kid you not.

If my kids still lived at home, one of them would be “encouraged” to do so; they could have taken turns. It’s astonishing no one gives a darn about $25.

7 years ago it was absolutely FORBIDDEN to privately complain about recent immigrants.

3 years ago it was absolutely FORBIDDEN to publicly complain about recent immigrants.

Today I’m reading large numbers of people willing to “go on record” being outraged about schools overrun by Spanish-speakers, Serbs, etc. The kids of parents with 4th grade educations don’t suddenly become Einsteins, so the schools are diverting resources from the natives PAYING THE TAXES and heaping them on the backward, the slow, and (often) the brown.

All this is at a gasping economic high.

Just wait until this final attempt to keep the Hindenburg airborne “flames out.”

When the next plunge on Wall Street is in full swing, it will make the two head-fake warmups of 2000-2002 and 2007-2009 look like tiny bumps in the road. When that happens, the reservoir of RAGE being filled by multicultural brow-beating and “accommodate everything” BS is going to break its dam.

When that dam breaks, rhetorical violence is going to in all likelihood become actual violence.

I don’t relish this thought, but all busts are created by prior booms, and all spasms of mass violence are created by the piling of prior grievances.

September 8, 2014 9:02 am

By mixing lots of folks who barely tolerate each other (in good times), the multicultural, Progressivist inversion of “freedom of association” have created a situation that, when the bad times arrive and people are simultaneously no longer willing to tolerate each other, it will be

The Mother of All Target Rich Environments.

September 8, 2014 9:03 am

I thought that was one of Fred’s better rants and pretty spot on. Mr. Chen point of Latinos “wanting a piece of the action”, will of course they come North for a better life.

We whine about our Latino neighbors to the South, holy mother of god, how would you like to have North Africa Muslims leaking through your back door, like in Southern Europe.

I worked with many Latinos in the food industry, with the exception of language and personal hygiene, they were salt of earth and hard workers.

September 8, 2014 9:16 am

Back in mid-seventies I mowed lawns on weekends. Around $10-$15 a pop. Made 200 a week during spring and summer months.


Try to get a kid to do that these days.

Tumbleweed is on the wrong side of this one.

September 8, 2014 12:52 pm

LLPOH…for a couple of years in college I worked at the packing sheds during tomato and cuke season. The entire place was made up of white teen-agers ( about 100 of us ). We worked 100 plus hours a week ( no over-time due to the agriculture laws ) but heck the season would start the 2nd week in May and it would be over by July 4th . We didn’t have the time to spend any money while the season was going on and when it ended we had the rest of the summer off and plenty of money to spend. I’m not sure if this is the case these days but I did have a kid who cut my grass last summer while I was receiving treatment . 25 bucks for the mowing and weed-eating .He did a great job and made a killing cutting grass. I see this in a lot of the kids these days .

I have to disagree with Mr Chen’s assertion that that the Hispanics don’t want to take back the Southwest…LaRaza disproves that and like any other group, when they become the majority, they’ll want their culture to be the dominate one.

September 8, 2014 1:41 pm

Buckhed – I gave up picking fruit when I was able to drive a pick up truck – at 16. Me and a pick up made out lots better than picking fruit.

But glad you are seeing some young folks willing to hustle.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 8, 2014 2:17 pm


When hired out, lawn-cutting these days is done by Mexicans. Who would you rather hire – a kid who’s in full-time school (and sports) through the end of May and starting again around August 25th or a professional service that drives up, unloads their gear and has three Mexicans who finish the job in 25 minutes? How about if you ran a fast food joint? Would you rather hire a desperate 40 year old father who can work any hours or a high school kid who may only be able to work 15-20 hours / week according to state law? The illegals are definitely crowding American teenagers out of jobs. Fred contends that businesses can tell who’s illegal (their being brown and speaking Spanish) and could presumably decline to hire them. Really? Good luck doing that. Eric Holder will bitch slap you for discriminatory checking of legal status. http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/02/feds-punish-business-for-engaging-in-citizenship-discrimination/ It’s “disparate impact” to double-check the fake papers of people who only speak Spanish. Would Americans do agricultural labor at some wage? Yes. At $100 / hour, people would be dropping out of law school to pick lettuce. So maybe the necessary wage is $20, not $100. Don’t conflate the FSA problem with the illegal alien problem. End the handouts to the FSA AND stop the illegal invasion. I’d rather pay more for lettuce than be overrun by people who made their own country into a shithole. Am I the only one who’s noticed that there’s three times the garbage in the streets wherever there are a lot of illegals? If Mexicans were all so hard-working, Mexico would be a better place and California wouldn’t have 30% of the country’s welfare cases. They work hard when they have no choice. Once they can join the FSA, they’ll be no better than any FSA members (of all races). As far as slaughterhouses – it’s not like we didn’t have meat before we had 20 million illegals in the US. I spent a summer cleaning fish in Alaska. All white people. Obviously there are republican businessmen who want cheap labor. Fuck them. I don’t want to depot all of the illegals. I think most (non violent criminals) should be regularized (although only those who came as minors should attain citizenship). I think the border should be SEALED, though, and polls show most Americans agree on that. Just because we haven’t yet tried to enforce our own sovereignty and seal the border doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it now.

September 8, 2014 2:45 pm

A local contractor finishing up a school tells me he hired several 16 year old boys for summer to do stuff like install fluorescent bulbs , clean windows and other odd and ends needed to complete the project , but two weeks into the boys’ summer gig a state labor board bitch shows up and tells the contractor that the state board does not allow the boys to climb or operate power equipment. So he asks , what can they do? Sweep she says …I said he should have asked if they were allowed to do the dishes and ironing too? It’s no wonder Johnny hasn’t a nutsack.

September 8, 2014 2:46 pm

@ Iska Waran +++1000

September 8, 2014 3:38 pm

gbyerly you have it right about meat packing plants anyway. I worked in that business for 30 years. The corporations and the government and the unions collude to have Mexicans keep the cost of labor down. It has been that way for decades. 1982 was the end of middle class working jobs and careers in that industry. It is probably the same in other industries but I don`t have first hand knowledge .

Mexicans are pawns in this game and they know it. One day they will turn on the people who they perceive have taken advantage of them. They are tough people.

September 8, 2014 3:58 pm

LLPOH…we didn’t do the picking….just the sorting,boxing etc. Picking up 25 pound boxes of tomatoes and 50 pound boxes of cucumbers 14 hours a day for 8 weeks made you strong.

Gotta agree with Iska…..Mexico and most of Central America is a shit hole…..thanks to economic hitmen.

September 8, 2014 3:59 pm

People, people….c’mon…can’t you see this is all by design? The policies that allow EVERYTHING come from the top down. Could the US enforce immigration laws better? Sure. Could they change the system? Sure. But why doesn’t it happen??! Surely Mexicans or any other brown, non-caucasian looking people did not offshore jobs as Fred said. It isn’t brown people at the top of the world’s govt structures. Those people don’t give a shit about anyone in the lower rungs. So they are content in having everyone play a game of finger pointing.

The little game we play with China of getting lots of shit for green pieces of paper or some that say bond on it is proof of this. It’s a scheme designed to make a shit ton of money by the corporate/govt group. Lots of chinese exploited and destruction of natural resources. Remember the bailouts? Nobody in CONgress knew what was happening and they approved it not knowing what the hell they were doing. Or Nancy “we should pass it so we know what’s in it” Pelosi. We have a totally and completely managed economy.

Some here talk about people waking up and shit. Wake up…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 8, 2014 4:24 pm

Spin – “it’s all by design”…it’s all a conspiracy.. it’s all the corporate interests against the rest of everyone. I’m not saying I disagree, but none of that means we shouldn’t build a fence. A REAL fence. 1,900 miles of double 50 foot fencing with sensors, access roads, etc. Counter arguments: “Buy how much would it cost?” (as though a simple computation were impossible). At $1,000 per foot ($100k / 100 feet; $5.3 million per mile) it would cost about $11 billion. Aka one day’s federal spending. Shit, we could recoup that in short order by not having to print ballots in Spanish. Spurious counter argument # 2: “Build a 50 foot fence and they’ll use a 51 foot ladder”. First, a 50 foot fence would require a 65 foot ladder (or you’d fall like Bluto in Animal House). Second, a 65 foot ladder would weigh about 400 pounds. Good luck hoisting that over the first of two fences and setting it up again while you’re sitting on top of razor wire five stories in the air.

The reason a real ocean-to-ocean fence is needed (as opposed to nebulous things like “more fencing” or “more border patrol agents” is because those things can be dialed back, whereas opening a hole in an already-built fence would be a big news event.

Yeah, I know. It’ll probably never get built. It should, though. We’re fucked.

September 8, 2014 4:47 pm

Iska- I don’t necessarily believe it’s a conspiracy, but how else can one explain so much lack of common sense, laws with names that do the opposite of what they’re named, empty promises, misdirection, etc. Central banking is a perfect example of how a very large institution can be managed by a few people, giving distorting mandates that are counter intuitive, which clearly favor some other over others. A fence is a simple thing. There are simple solutions to most of the problems out there, but the question is why don’t they get fixed/implemented? Who benefits?… mmhhh

September 8, 2014 9:41 pm

The fence will be built when it is decided to keep the taxpayers IN.


Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 8, 2014 10:02 pm

Stuck, I should know better than to touch St. Fred on TBP. Perhaps my comment takes off where he left off. Maybe I wanted to say, we ain’t all bad. I admit and have said that hispanics are no saints. I have complained of their ways in small anecdotes. I hate delusion of any sort because it sugar coats the true situation. I protested that hispanics hate blacks automatically, that we are all Catholics, that we all speak Espanish and vote Democrat. A lot of hispanic peeps are strange to me, I don’t understand Puerto Ricans, I don’t like Cubans too much, matter of fact, I don’t like Mexican women as much as I do Hondo and Salvy women. It is my impression that Fred imagines, conjures up a lot of what he does to paint a scenario of race riots and wholesale murder. I’m just a peacenik, an ageist, I love old people, white black or brown more than i care for young assholes. I wouldn’t give you two cents for some ghetto beaners but I appreciate anybody who displays some common courtesy like flushing their own toilet and putting their used paper towel in the trash can. I have my own prejudices (I think that rhymes with crises) and as LLPOH noted, a bit of defensiveness about hispanics, still, I think Fred is overblowing it. For someone who wears his heart on his sleeve sometimes, this sounds like the stove calling the kettle hotheaded. You could tell me your wife is Black and I would not anoint you a Neegrow lover automatically, even Blacks are married to Black women and they hate their own race, shooting and killing other Blacks cause they hate themselves. So I won’t buy that argument although I was touched by his narrative on his eyesight. What do I have to do to convince you, should I go out and kill a few beaners? Will you finally accept me for me? Nah, I’ll still be that illegal who’d mow your lawn for 5 bucks.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 8, 2014 10:07 pm

St. Fred, promoting the age old mantra: if your black, get back; if your brown, stay down.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 8, 2014 10:17 pm

Stuck, old people are a riot. My old boss could never get over the fact that he used to go to the Saturday matinee for with a quarter form dad and still had enough left over to buy a candy bar, a pickle and popcorn.

I offended my kids when I offered them dimes and nickles, they wouldn’t take anything less than quarters for the candy machines. As far back as 5 years ago, my nephew refused to take a $20 spot, saying, what can I buy with that?

My 8th grade math teacher, Mr. Philpot, 1/5th Cherokee, said, they say money can’t buy you love but give me five bucks and I’ll do my own shopping.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 8, 2014 10:40 pm

Welshman says:

“I worked with many Latinos in the food industry, with the exception of language and personal hygiene, they were salt of earth and hard workers.”

That’s all they are from the time of the Spanish conquest, laborers and indentured servants called ‘encomendados’ which means indentured.

They rent a room and share it with 10 or more illeglas who sleep in shifts and have to forgo many things we take for granted here, like showers, in order to make money for rent, transportation and still have a bit left to send home to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras…

My grandpa said he was over here tramping about during the depression. He met an Italian fellow who commented that Mexicans can afford to spend a few dollars in the USA while he couldn’t spend a thin dime because he had a much longer trip to make to get home.

El Muchaco
El Muchaco
September 8, 2014 11:40 pm

Anyone seen any of the videos of the cartel type beaners (my fellow countrymen nonetheless) cutting off the heads and other extremities of rival cartel members? At least ISIS is doing it for religious reasons, and they usually stop at the head. Aye yi yi yi, ojitos verde, maybe most beaners want a truck with chiny rims, and a real nice taco hat, but it only takes a very small percentage of a race to be inclined towards dismembering others for that race to be very bad news as a whole. So please, all you gordo whiteys, recognize us for the human vermin we truly are, and drive us from your lands.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 9, 2014 12:19 am

The pathos of his article is designed to piss you off; I got pissed off and I get called whiny. Read it once more, with feeling. It is not a paean to paisanos, it is scaremongering, dammit. Jingoism.

September 9, 2014 4:13 am


You make my point, and assume too much. I never said the contractor was white. Nor did I ever blame a Mexican for any goings on in the “new economy.” Merely pointed out that, if anything, those who immigrate to US from nations where corruption is the norm, have a head start over dumbed down sheeple educated/brainwashed here in the NEW America.

Check your own cognitive dissonance before reading what you perceive into existence.

As for your example of Ms. Freud; yeah, I get it. Fifteen years ago, my youngest daughter was denied a well paying job at our local bank. Husband and I agreed to match what she earned, dollar for dollar, for a school trip to France. She only spoke French, German and English. Her perfect math score on employment application meant nothing. Interviewer told her so. We lived in Florida. Need I say more? And yes, you are right. It’s a crock of shit. In the ‘new economy” intelligence and level of education take a back seat to speaking Spanish if you expect to gain employment. It’s a brave, new, screwed up world.

And BTW, it’s bad enough your wife was passed over for an affirmative action employee, but ask yourself, thanks to PC insanity, who the hell is flying the jet you’ll board for vacation, doing surgery, building bridges, etc. today? The best and brightest, or sub-par affirmative action flunkeys? It’s a scary thought.

A retired airline employee and a retired RN know all about why Ms Freud was passed over for the job. And no, I don’t blame Mexicans for “the Change.”

September 9, 2014 6:24 am


Immigration and unemployment
Think this just might be one reason why there are so many people unemployed and underemployed these days?

The number of foreign-born individuals holding jobs in the United States hit a recorded high of 24,639,000 in August, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS has been tracking the number of foreign-born workers annually since 2005 and monthly since 2007. The BLS does not distinguish between foreign-born individuals who are in the United States legally and those who are here illegally.

Meanwhile, there are 9.6 million unemployed Americans, also according to the BLS. This doesn’t count all the people who have stopped looking for work. Now, while it is true that there is probably not a perfect match between the skills employers are seeking and the skills possessed by the nearly 10 million unemployed Americans, but it should be obvious that with 2.6 employed foreign-born workers for every unemployed American, mass immigration has a) significantly reduced American wages, and b) prevented the U.S. economy from reaching full employment.

The economy is not a zero-sum game. But it is also not a game where mathematics is entirely irrelevant.

Economists and politicians have blithely assured the various publics that immigration is good for national economies for decades. The problem with this assumption is that it is an observable fact that despite experiencing the greatest mass immigration in Western history, the Western economies have been in the doldrums for 15 years.

September 9, 2014 7:59 am

“Stuck, I should know better than to touch St. Fred on TBP.” ——- Mr. Chen

Fred is not untouchable. Just a couple weeks ago I said he was quite wrong. I often don’t agree with his religion posts. No one is untouchable on TBP …. except Admin and Chief Missing One Chromosome. .

You do bring up a valid point of not lumping all Hispanics into one giant pot ….you mentioned Mexican women, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and of course there are many more.
“What do I have to do to convince you, should I go out and kill a few beaners? Will you finally accept me for me? Nah, I’ll still be that illegal who’d mow your lawn for 5 bucks. ” —— Mr. Chen, my friend

Why would you say that?? WHY??? I love your dry sense of humor … your pithy little stories … and when you post music with accordions. What? You think when I see you post that I say to myself, “I wonder what the Mexican has to say?”?? Well, I don’t. I like who YOU are, irrespective of your ethnicity. When I see your name on the recent comment list, I look forward to reading it. You add excellent perspective to this site.

Maybe we disagree from time to time …. but that doesn’t mean I don’t accept you. So, please stop saying so.

P.S. Sure, I would pay you five bucks … and I’d fix you a nice burrito dinner as well.