Guest Post from Banzai at the Daily Paul

I am tired, so tired.

President Obama, former Vice President Dick Cheney, many members of Congress and the talking heads on TV are once again pounding the drums of war,intensifying their banter after the August 2014 beheading of American journalist James Foley and the subsequent murder of Steven Sotloff. At 27 years of age, I have become all too familiar with war. After 8 years in the Army, every day the horrors of the wars in the Middle East hit close to home for myself and many veterans, as I’m sure it does for the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, and all the wore torn areas of that part of the world. Fortunately, Americans have the privilege of being insulated from those horrors. The new enemy, we are told, is the Islamic State, and from what we are told all we know is that we must stop at nothing to stop them.

Would James Foley agree? Is more war the answer?

I had the privilege of meeting reporter James Foley nearly four years ago this month. Mr. Foley came to my outpost in Afghanistan as an embedded journalist to tell our story to the world. As I was riding in a convoy next to him, our lead vehicle was struck by a recoiless rifle round through the windshield. The driver lost his arm and everyone in the vehicle was injured. Bullets were flying wildly around and the gunner in our truck was hit in the helmet with a stray round, throwing him down into the vehicle. Mr. Foley told our story to the world with his video camera. His report made the CBS Evening News and his report is still plastered over YouTube, like a dream that keeps reoccurring. Later that night, I had the privilege of sitting next to James on our ride back to the outpost. I talked about home and the attacks we had experienced throughout the bloody summer of 2010.

One of those experiences occurred on June 21st 2010, while the 18 man infantry platoon I was with was manning a checkpoint in eastern Afghanistan. We had been posted for nearly 4 hours, assisting Afghan police with a weapons checkpoint. A woman walked up to 4 of our soldiers and detonated a suicide vest, killing two of us and wounding and killing 12 Afghan children. As I ran to the aid of my comrades, I remember the smell of the carnage and the mangled human remains. I remember the complete and utter despair and hopelessness that would ensue. I remember the crying of parents, who were clutching on to the last breaths of their children, and I remember the courage of the Afghan police who came to the aid of us all. In that moment we were all human.

James Foley saw the horrors of war in Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. He was compelled to tell us the stories of it and in doing so, he became part of the story.

War is hell. It is destruction of the soul, and anyone who tells you different, whether it be the President of the United States or the man next to you at work, has had the fortune of living an insulated existence. If security is what we seek, let it start at home, by securing our borders.

My war is over. My time as a fighting man is up, but much can be learned from my comrades and me. Let us discuss how to handle the Islamic State as a nation. Demand that our Congress debate it and vote on a resolution before we commit our nation’s youth to more war. The Constitution of the United States demands this. We can not afford disunity in war. After all, the 18 year old fighting man of today’s Army was only 4 years old on September 11th, 2001. Let us remember that James Foley didn’t die to be a poster child. He died telling us all the truth. Seek it! What is the Islamic State? How were they created? Who gives them their funding? When every American and every American newspaper can answer those questions, we will be ready for another war.

As for now, it appears the drums are pounding ,ever louder into the darkness. I am tired.

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September 11, 2014 8:32 am

The title scared me ….. I thought it was going to be a post about Admin, or some other TBP regular, quitting TBP.

“War is hell.” ———- from the article

Not this war. Oreo announced to the enemy, “No ground troops!!”. While I am happy about that … it is FUCKING STOOOPID to announce your war plans to the enemy. Oreo probably would have told the Germans about D-Day. What a fuckin’ maroon.

But this will be a “clean war” …. fought from 30,000 feet. No Americans die, no Americans suffer …. a nicey nice painless war.

September 11, 2014 10:33 am

This story is truly poignant and I use that word rarely. The writing is clean (as an experienced editor, the minor flaws become invisible to me when I read something so well written. I tried to reply to the author on the site, but am not a member. If someone here is a member, please tell this author his brief, concise article elicited this response from an Air Force veteran, a spouse of a retired Air Force veteran and the mother of a 20 year old man whose future has been limited by the lunatics beating their drums when we would be better served if they confined themselves to the circle jerk they belong in.

Here is what I would like to post to him:

NOT MY SON. If every mother in this country who is outraged at the bloodthirsty lunatics in Washington D.C. would stand up and say NOT MY SON or DAUGHTER, it might end. If every mother would en masse convey this message to the spineless, self-aggrandizing idiotic elitists in D.C.? Secure our borders, get rid of the idiotic restraints on industry and manufacturing, stop redistributing our wealth and redistribute yourselves to oblivion, you arrogant jerks, and let the rest of the world make their own decisions about their own future relationship with each other and with our country. And, while you are at it, fall to your knees ask the Lord for forgiveness for what you did to this poor soldier who knew James Foley in Afghanistan.

Man, I’m ticked off.

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
September 11, 2014 10:41 am

Yes. Don’t forget our hired legions of mercenary “contractors”.

While not officially “our Troops”, they will, in no doubt. fulfill a role of doing the wet work on behalf of the politicians and the Pentagon boys.

September 11, 2014 10:55 am

@ Gubmint cheese. Indeed, the brilliant bean counters who determined that hiring private contractors was a much more efficient way to ensure continuity of service for “non-combat” roles and then managed to expand the meaning of “non-combat” in a way that makes me afraid to even go shopping on the Air Force base where I once worked happily, oblivious to what was going on around me.

Now, I know. Lunacy is all around us.

My husband works as an civilian contracted instructor on Tinker AFB, here in Oklahoma City. He has had access to the E-3 AWACS flight line (aka Area 8 for decades) on Tinker for more than 35 years, first as an active duty Air Force aircraft computer maintenance technician, than as an AWACS aircrew member, and now, as a contractor hired to train new aircrew members. A security clearance is updated on him every five or ten years, as protocol determines and his badge is marked with the numbers of which secure areas he has a need to enter on the base. Sometime in the last few days or weeks, a bureaucrat on the base (who probably needed a performance bullet for his or her promotion referral) CHANGED the numbers of the secure areas of the base. So, my husband, whose job it is to train students on AWACS flight procedures, after 35+ years of showing his access badge to a gate guard as he enters the flight line, can no longer enter the area because the area is no longer area 8. In spite of the fact that he took his new class of students through that same gate just a week or so ago to introduce them to the airplane and nothing has changed except the area number, he no longer has access. If nothing is done about this lunacy, he and hundreds, if not thousands, of personnel will be required to go get access letters signed with the new, improved area number and then proceed to the identification office to get new access badges made. Whether or not a new security clearance investigation is required to make sure each qualifies for access to the new, improved numbered area will depend on another bureaucrat who might need a wheel reinvention bullet for his or her promotion report. All of this will cost we the taxpayers untold thousands, if not millions, of dollars changing maps of the Air Force base, badges, security guides, training and repair materials, technical publications, et cetera.

Now, those who look at my husband and I and wonder how we could possibly give up these good paying government jobs we are so qualified for in order to head for the hills and raise goats, chickens and big territorial dogs are welcome to come try to cope with this madness themselves for 35+ years. As a matter of fact, I have a nice little acre of ground and a house I’ll sell you so you can do just that.

September 11, 2014 10:55 am

And I am still really ticked off.

September 11, 2014 11:41 am

It’s all over the news, Maggie, 75% of the American people agree with war. It was a poll for Gods sake! The talking heads say obama didn’t have to do much more than agree with the will of the American people.

We want to send our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters to fight, be maimed and die for our way of life, freedom, the flag, we must do this before those heathen barbaric head cutters destroy us.

September 11, 2014 11:46 am

@card802 Well, then. If 75% agree, who am I to argue? Once upon a time, individuals had a right to disagree with TPTB in this country. Or so I’ve heard.

Is it true? Or just a legend.

September 11, 2014 12:31 pm

The country that most needs regime change is the USA.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 1:04 pm

Polls are ‘weighted’

Yanno like putting your foot on the scale when someone is trying to weigh themselves…only in this case its snot runny.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 11, 2014 1:05 pm

@Card, polls can be worded to predetermine the outcome–be wary of those results.

@Maggie, some of the info you provided about the air base could be considered a breach of security that could result in revocation of your security clearances because you specifically provided the name of the base. Be careful…

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 1:06 pm

And I am still really ticked off. -Maggie

Me too, we should go get drunk…

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 1:11 pm

@Maggie, some of the info you provided about the air base could be considered a breach of security that could result in revocation of your security clearances because you specifically provided the name of the base. Be careful…~ RU

I have worked at Tinker as a contractor. Their security is abysmal, some days we got badges some days we did not. Once I was accosted, by a Lt, back from the on base cafeteria I was nomming at, to where I was working [AWCS trainer], of course, on that day, the staff at the gate decided to let us in but not issue badges. Maggie is only making aware that security has become lax.

September 11, 2014 1:22 pm

@Rise Up Like I said, once upon a time we had rights. And if telling the world that TAFB has AWACS planes on it when anyone driving by on the local highways can SEE them on the runway and doing their neverending touch and go landings and low approaches is a breach or that what was once knows as secure Area 8 is now some other number is a breach or if telling the world that millions of dollars are wasted for ridiculous reasons is news to anyone out there in cyberworld, then we are in bigger trouble than even I thought. I appreciate your concern, but really, if my husband were to lose his clearance and get fired today, I would consider it to be a sign from God that we need to get out of here now. And would thank Him for it.

My security clearance expired shortly after I left my last job. Renewal would mean I wanted to work there again. That is not likely to happen unless, like Winston, I get taken away and shocked until I learn to love Big Brother.

How about this for a breach of security. Someone sent me a link to this video on Facebook. When I was active duty, we were not even allowed to take still photos of any of the equipment on the airplane. Once on a static display at an air show, a man snapped a photo and the crew commander took his film from his camera and NOTHING was even powered up. It is all bullshit.

But thanks for the warning.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 11, 2014 1:28 pm

Maggie, I know you don’t need any warnings from me and I didn’t intend to offend your sense of awareness and knowledge. You know far more than I of the security specifics of that installation. I do know, however, that that kind of specific info could be considered a breach in other ‘agencies’.

September 11, 2014 1:31 pm

@Kill Bill… It is past noon here. Way ahead of ya.

September 11, 2014 1:35 pm


Rise Up
Rise Up
September 11, 2014 2:10 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 11, 2014 2:15 pm

@RU… that I agree with.

September 11, 2014 3:19 pm

I can only read the article, and agree with the author.

Those who are beating the tom-toms of war aren’t the ones who will send their sons to fight and get fucked up or killed…

Told my son that I wasn’t going to stop him if he wanted to be a Marine, but he was going to know the deal before he even set foot on that trail… Every time I have an appointment over at the VA hospital, I take him with me and he talks to the other vets. Last time, we stopped by the Prosthetic Lab and just let him look at the guys getting fitted for new arms and legs, let him hear their stories… his enthusiasm on being a Marine has cooled considerably…

Those who send us to bleed and fight and die should have their own kids sent over – as enlisted pukes in Combat Arms. Preferably 11B. Let’s see how fast they want to go to war then…

Fuckers like Chaney profiting off of our dead and maimed…. every time they gin up another goddamned war, his stock goes up another point.

Gen. Smedley Butler was right.

September 11, 2014 3:28 pm

Don’t you worry Stucky , I am never leaving you.

September 11, 2014 4:35 pm

Billy: If the two First Niglets, Shaquanda and La-A(La dash Ah) were given M16s and forced to the front lines, my Nigga the H1/2NIC would change his fucking tune real quick! Un Constitutional and un-declared wars are ok as long as it’s our kids(and formerly us) that go but never the politicians, eiltes or their evil spawn. With few exceptions, of course. Cheney the fucking weasel makes me wanna puke!

September 11, 2014 7:23 pm

Feeling much love for this guest post. I understand and agree with him.

I watched “Lone Survivor” with Mark Wahlberg – wailed through the special features. I watched it again and cried like my own child was dead. I purchased the DVD and Bluray and made my sisters, Dad & Son watch it. I was overwhelmed with grief.

Would I send my 18yr old for all that seal training and survival skills to die on a hill like that, or an vehicle, or a Chinook? Why? I said to myself – if my child is to get 15 bullets on his body and to his head in a fight, let his blood spill in his own country, on this ground, in his country of birth, defending it. Not in another country for another peoples. Let him guard his own home, his parents, sisters and friends. Right here!

I maybe the only one who thinks this way and I am an immigrant from a dark third-1/2 world country.

September 11, 2014 7:32 pm

@Darknlovely… you are not the only one. Welcome to Murika.

September 11, 2014 9:24 pm

@ Margie,
It maybe that way for you and your husband with regards to the “New Babylon” however, go and MAKE DISCIPLES OF MEN! (rather train as many who are true in heart and blood for this country)
You have the know how! and may it reach as many as possible.

I happen to believe that the evil that prevails will be at our door step sooner than we think.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 10:11 pm

@Kill Bill… It is past noon here. Way ahead of ya. -Mags

Well, thats not nice =)

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 10:14 pm

11th September 2014 at 3:19 pm

I concur.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 10:22 pm

I watched “Lone Survivor” with Mark Wahlberg – wailed through the special features. I watched it again and cried like my own child was dead.~ DAL

I know a few seals. None of them are bad people, but they admit, at the time they served, they would have killed their own mother or father if they were told to do so.


Don’t you worry Stucky , I am never leaving you. -bb

That’s just weird big bb and little bb

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 11, 2014 10:28 pm

Stuck, you really need to lose the man boob….bb.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
September 12, 2014 12:56 am

I like Stefan Molyneux answer to immediately ending all wars:
women should stop screwing anyone in and about to go in, the military.

Molyneux runs the Freedom Domain Radio podcast (about 1/2 the podcasts are really great)

September 12, 2014 1:19 am

Kill Bill , I love you.

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
September 12, 2014 2:10 pm

Darknlovely says:

@ Margie,


September 12, 2014 2:21 pm

@Mr. Chen…. sigh. It happens a lot. I have an Italian last name and when asked to pronounce it, I just start spelling.

September 12, 2014 6:20 pm

Fyi dhs

The hanger just off fero rd in wilmington where you test the drones is 1 minute by 98 camry though a chain link fence that would not stop my garden tractor.

Gps by request

Come and get me.