Senate Passes Obama’s War Resolution 78-22 – Rand Votes NO!

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky called the plan “ludicrous” on the Senate floor before the vote.

“No one knows where these arms are going to wind up … We don’t even know who these groups are.”

Paul — known for his non-interventionist approach — said “we need to stay the heck out of their civil war … It is their war and they need to fight it.”



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September 20, 2014 11:29 am

Rand’s like a voice in the wilderness…unheard and ignored by the power that counts.

FEIN: The true axis of evil

…warfare states like the Unites States fight for the sake of domination or control in imitation of adolescent bullies on a high school playground. They create self-fulfilling prophecies. They preventively attack invented enemies, who predictably fight back in retaliation, which in turn is said to justify the preventive attacks.

ISIS is a perfect example. It was initially confined to fighting tyrannies in Syria and Iraq with no motivation to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to attack the United States. Then we preventively commenced war against ISIS to prop up a sectarian dictatorship in Iraq and the non-moderate moderate armed opposition in Syria. The ranks of ISIS predictably swelled to defend against the attacks. The United States has given ISIS a motive to respond in kind, which will be said to have justified our preventive war.

The surveillance state is first cousin to the warfare state. Willing to crush liberty in hopes of diminishing risk, it exposes all citizens to surveillance on the hunch that some may be connected to international terrorism. Unlike the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List, a secret terrorist watch list has been created without due process safeguards for listing or de-listing.

In addition, the National Security Agency tracks the domestic and international communications of every citizen of the United States in hopes of discovering an international terrorism link. The NSA’s tracking persists despite more than eight years of futility. Additional suspicionless surveillance programs of the NSA undertaken pursuant to an executive order of the President remain cloaked in secrecy.

The risk-free surveillance state betrays the right to be let alone which gave birth to the American Revolution. Its spirit was voiced by William Pitt the Elder in an electrifying 1763 address to Parliament: “The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail, its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storms may enter, but the King of England cannot enter — all his forces dare not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement.”

The bail-out state and welfare state are also fueled by risk aversion. They protect corporations and individuals alike from the economic risks of free and open competition — the locomotive of wealth. They perversely diminish the rewards of skill, foresight, and industry, while eliminating or reducing the penalties of corruption, recklessness, incompetence, or sloth. A stagnant economy, however, cannot sustain the stupendous costs of a warfare state.

We should be jolted by the teaching of all human experience. A country that makes liberty subservient to fears of risk will soon be a museum piece.

For more information about Bruce Fein, please visit here.

September 20, 2014 11:51 am

The only argument I have in destroying IS is the fear that nukes could eventually fall into their hands. These guys are sick motherfuckers that would probably kamikaze their entire country just to dust off our East coast.

September 20, 2014 12:15 pm

dunce- only if ordered to do so……

September 20, 2014 12:19 pm

Good Lord!! They say you should never watch how sausage is made. May I add to the list … watching Senatefuks speak? Specifically, that fat blob, Barbara Mikulski (D – Maryland), at the 2 min mark. Anybody else have the desire to kick her in the cunt? What the fuck are we electing??

Anyway, I must disagree with Rand Paul. We must past that war bill … in order to PROTECT all those nations covered by the bill (whoever the fuck they are), in order to set them FREE …. just like these nice folks below;

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Oh … wait ….

September 20, 2014 12:54 pm


There is much here to debate, but I would prefer to touch on your most cogent objections, objections that make the most sense.

I stated: “We have allowed the religious right to capture the Republican Party and violate the constitution which they whole halfheartedly defend.”

You state: Erm… how can “the religious right” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) capture a party made up entirely of sociopaths and psychopaths? If you had to name one characteristic that most defined a psychopath, it would be lack of empathy. Assuming “the religious right” in this instance means “Christian”, the one characteristic they DO have is empathy.. .perhaps too much. See a problem here?

I state: Yes. I see a problem; you miss the point entirely. The religious right has been empowered by the psychopaths that cater to their beliefs. The religious psychopaths are no better than the socialist psychopaths that cater to the free shit crowd.

I Stated: “The very insistence of Christian virtues in government violates the founding fathers concept of freedom from religion.”

You State: This statement belies a breathtaking lack of understanding about the Framers, who they were, their motivations, beliefs, and a total misinterpretation of Article 1 of the Bill of Rights. “Freedom FROM religion”? The fuck? How do you get “freedom FROM religion” out of this?

I State: Spare me your academic arguments about the constitution. The reality is the Christian right is a voting block, they see the world through their paradigm, and the psychopaths that represent their views do so to gain their votes. The Christian Right would prefer to deny their votes to a candidate that Opposes an Obama because he does not represent their views knowing that a second term for a president like Obama is the result.

You State: ” MLK is turning in his grave knowing that the concept of ‘Content of his Character’ has been bastardized to ‘Give the black guy a chance.’ ”

Jeezus… how could you bring up a woman beating, plagiarizing, womanizing, drunken Marxist fraud of a Negro as a role model or even a GOOD example? If you had a half a clue, you’d know that the whole Snivel Rights Movement was NEVER about “fair” treatment… it was always about PREFERENTIAL treatment… and that’s what we’re seeing. That you don’t know this or refuse to believe it is also breathtaking in its implications…

I state: OK Billy. You are right. Segregation never existed. Blacks never sat at the back of the bus. There were never ‘White only’ signs on restrooms or water fountains, etc. King provided leadership to the the movement which was needed. I never used the word role model. As with most of what you write, those are your words and thoughts for which you accuse others of thinking. The left captured the civil rights movement, distorted it, and created more dependents, ruining the black population by giving them stuff they should have earned. King had nothing to do with this bastardization of the civil rights movement.

I Stated: ” Ideology has resulted in our falling to recognize that those that have stated their goal is to destroy the West and specifically America (Iran, Hezbollah,, al Qaeda, ISIS) is proof that we grow more stupid by the day.”

You State: Because ‘MURKA! Right?? Them damn TERR-RISTS!! BOMB EM! FUCK YEAH!!
I state: No Billy. Once again, those are your words, not mine. You assume that I want to bomb them because I recognize their deeds and intentions. You assume that because they fly airplanes into buildings I want to retaliate. You assume that because they behead people they are merely expressing them selves. You assume that people that stone men and women for adultery can be reasoned with, “If we only talk to them.” You assume that people that turn on each other because of their different beliefs in Allah are reasonable. You believe that we created this problem, even though it started hundreds of years ago. We have been making the same mistakes in the Middle East for 50 plus years. We support one dictator over another. The results from Jimmy Carter to today have been abominable. That does not change the fact that the western world has been declared as the enemy of radical Muslims, and to deny this fact is as egregious as sticking our noses in places where it may not belong..

You state:
“Failing to recognize that when more than 50% of a country is dependent on government, the people become complacent and are willing to accept mediocrity in place of excellence, so long as they continue to receive ‘Free shit.”

Sorry, no. Doesn’t have anything to do with anything as lofty as “mediocrity in place of excellence”.

Food is a weapon. Always has been. Using food to leverage people is as old as humanity. Getting 50% of everyone on board the Free Shit Express means that when all those pukes are taking the King’s Shilling, when the King says “Frog!” everyone says “How high?”. Don’t do what the King says, well… you might just find that spigot of free shit – food especially – cut off… They might be lazy, shiftless parasites, but they know where their daily bread comes from, and they will do what it takes to keep that spigot a-flowing…

I state:
Nonsense. When is the last time you were in the hood? There is a culture of dependency that far out weighs your excuse for food. Free houses, Section 8, Medicaid, free phones, fake medical claims, etc. I have seen kids get into MIT that could not do high school math because they were black. Spare me the Daily Bread parables.

You state: You make one or two decent points, but overall I give your post a 3.5 out of 10.
I state: This may surprise you. You are neither judge or jury. You have a right to your views. But if I have given you the opinion that your approval is important to me, please allow me to apologize for misleading you. Based on the content of which you write, the biases and projection of your beliefs onto others, you approval or disapproval represents the least of my interests. The Platform represents the best and the worst of free thinking. You view and your rebuttals are welcomed. But please, spare me the self aggrandizing approval rankings as they are meaningless.

September 20, 2014 1:08 pm

Interesting vote in the Senate. In addition to Rand Paul, of the 22 who voted no, we had staunch liberals like Pat Leahy and Bernie Sanders of Vermont joining hands with Tea Party favorites like Mike Lee from Utah and Ted Cruz from Texas.

I predict a Wild West show in the fall elections. Blood all over.

September 20, 2014 4:56 pm

“The religious psychopaths are no better than the socialist psychopaths that cater to the free shit crowd.”

Religious right = Christian (in your view). Christians are defined by an overdeveloped sense of empathy.

Psychopaths are defined by a lack of empathy.

Therefore, a “Religious Psychopath” is something that simultaneously can and cannot exist.

My conclusion: You don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about. Either intentionally (which makes you disingenuous) or unintentionally (which makes you pig-ignorant).


“Freedom FROM religion” plus this bilge –> “Spare me your academic arguments about the constitution. The reality is the Christian right is a voting block, etc, etc… (snip) … knowing that a second term for a president like Obama is the result.”

I took exception to your bastardization of Article I of the Bill of Rights = “Freedom FROM religion” = by citing chapter and verse, proving that you got some bullshit out of a plainly worded Amendment that simply DOES NOT exist.

In other words, you’re reading shit into the Constitution that simply isn’t there, same as any über-activist leftist piece of shit Judge…

Your reply to that has nothing to do with the subject, that being: You’re pig-ignorant of the Bill of Rights and are equally pig-ignorant of the motivations behind those Amendments. Moreover, you attempt cover your ignorance (poorly) by tap-dancing and attempting to marginalize my very correct observation (which is that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about) by posting some unrelated bullshit.

My conclusion: You’re fucking retarded.


Me: Food is a weapon. Always has been.

You: “Nonsense. When is the last time you were in the hood? There is a culture of dependency that far out weighs your excuse for food.”

Okay, now I think you’re just fucking off your axle… burned a bearing or some shit…

Once again, WHY is it “nonsense”? Prove it.

And what does my frequency of going into “the hood” have to do with the fact that food has ALWAYS been used to leverage people, if not a weapon?

“Culture of dependency”? Motherfucker, do you remember aways back, in Atlanta? Just a few months back. Because of some glitch, the EBT cards (ie: FOOD, you dumb shit) didn’t get recharged for like 6 hours… this happened in “the hood” as you put it. There was nearly a goddamned RIOT because the EBT cards were delayed in being recharged by just a few hours…

But, according to you, food can’t be used as a weapon… You think it’s completely beyond those bastards in DC – or anywhere else – to use EBT cards as a weapon? Not only against blacks, but against whites… cut off the EBT cards, the blacks will riot. Who will they take their anger out on? Yep, Mr. and Mrs. Whitebread Suburbanite…

But, I guess all of history doesn’t mean shit, because you’re right and you say so…


Hey, douchebag… I don’t much give a shit if you ‘approve’ of anything I write… I simply enjoy showing how big of a fucking idiot you are to the world. It brings me great joy to make you look stupid… actually, I don’t do much, as you do most of the “stupid” yourself. I just point it out.

Anyways, I rate your rebuttal as a pathetic 2.5 on the classic 1 to 10 scale… I think the “Retard” cutoff is about 4 or so…

September 20, 2014 11:14 pm

Reading the comments here it appears to me that we don’t even have a faint grasp on what’s REALLY going on in the world. We seem to have cheerleaders for the different sides, but who are we to actually KNOW the truth. Seems to me the mil/ind complex is in the catbird seat, selling weapons and ammo to both sides.
I really want to believe Rand Paul is genuine, but his undieing support of Israel leaves me wary.

September 20, 2014 11:53 pm

“Reading the comments here it appears to me that we don’t even have a faint grasp on what’s REALLY going on in the world. We seem to have cheerleaders for the different sides, but who are we to actually KNOW the truth.”

The truth is that the Middle East is fucked up. The truth is that Islam is a fucked up religion which originated in and dominates the Middle East. The truth is that these ass-sniffing Muslims pray for ways to slit your throat and rape your wife and daughter. The truth is that this has been going on since that fucking pedophilic Bedouin died over 1,400 years ago. Is that enough truth for you?

Let the motherfuckers kill each other!!!! They have 14 centuries of experience Do you get it now, Leftcoaster?

September 21, 2014 7:01 am

sheesh…what’s another trillion dollars to a great Empire like US? The Chinese will snap that debt up like fat kids in a candy store.
Support our troops..”murica

The Senate on Thursday easily approved a $1 trillion government-funding bill that gives President Obama new authority to battle the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Senate approves Obama request to arm, train Syrian rebels