Whenever someone is presented on TV as an expert, you are likely witnessing some pompous asshole pretending they know something, when in reality they are nothing but a paid shill. There is nothing better than seeing an “expert” revealed as a moron.

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October 26, 2014 6:19 pm

x spurt = an unknown quantity of liquid under pressure

October 26, 2014 6:59 pm

“Whenever someone is presented on TV as an expert, you are likely witnessing some pompous asshole pretending they know something, when in reality they are nothing but a paid shill. There is nothing better than seeing an “expert” revealed as a moron.”

I am an expert on drug policy, energy policy, national security and so many other subjects that I have lost count. I don’t appear on TV, and I am not paid.

I do this out of the goodness of my heart to educate the occasional blockheads who show up on this site. How would you all characterize this unparalleled public service?

October 26, 2014 7:24 pm

Bruno did many interviews with “experts” … ALL of them exposed as baboons.

Here he interviews Pastor Quinn …… yes, yes, the dude’s name really is Quinn.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
October 26, 2014 7:24 pm

How’s that drug policy coming along, SSS? It’s been such a resounding success that they’ve been waging it for 40 years!

Or maybe the whole point of the drug war is to continue it indefinitely…

October 26, 2014 8:25 pm

“How’s that drug policy coming along, SSS?”
—-Steve Hogan

Quite well. Never was a war, Steve, despite Nixon’s declaration to the contrary. Drug policy is a collective statement of society which says …. “Don’t cross this line. There will be a price to pay.”

I agree. And nearly all of members of Congress agree. Unlike Prohibition, which lasted slightly more than a decade, drug laws are still on the books, with no serious dissent. After over 50 years.

Let me repeat. It’s a collective statement of society.

October 26, 2014 8:28 pm

Anyone who has been in sales, or who has had stuff sold to them … in other words, pretty much everyone …. should get a big chuckle from the video below.

I agree with Admin. A huge part of being an expert is about Mastering Bullshitting.

Imagine the Hewlett Packard office in Fort Wayne, IN. At most 20 or so employees. About 1/3 are Customer Engineers .. aka hardware repair guys. These guys really are experts.

The rest of the crew are sales people and Technical Engineers — software guys, like myself, who support the salesmen. Both these types are bullshitters … the sales guy starts the bullshit, the technical guy has to carry it, support it, and take a bath in it.

So these were actual clients;
— a huge university (Notre Dame)
— a “mini” steel plant (Nucor Steel)
— several county police forces
— a steel warehousing facility
— a cold storage facility
— a jet engine components manufacturer (GE)
— a hospital chain (Holy Cross Health Systems)

Now, what do these have in common? NOT A FUCKING THING!!! Yet, our Team Of Two … the salesman and I …. made calls on these clients, and when you’re selling quarter-million dollar (and up) hardware and software, you BETTER be a fuckin’ expert!! Or, the reality … pretend to be.

So, we went to endless meetings like the one below, bullshitting and pretending.

HP did make it easy for us because they had an extensive “knowledge base”, even back in the 80’s – 90’s. One day the salesman gets a call from a Kitchen Cabinet manufacturer in Elkhart, IN who wants to talk to us about materials management software. Fine. The salesguy says, “Hey, Stucky, what do know about the issues a cabinet manufacturer might have?” I say, “Ummm, not a fuckin’ thing, Jeff. What do you know about them?” He says, “Less than you.”.

So, we hit the knowledge base software for a few days. It tells us all the “hot buttons”, “major issues”, and even “questions to ask”. It lists all the sales HP has ever made to cabinet manufacturers … anywhere in the WORLD ….. so, I call that sales team and get whatever presentation material they have …. plus, a couple written endorsements from their client saying how happy and satisfied they are with their HP solution! Ha! We became “experts” in less than a week!!! (And, BTW, we actually did make that sale. Our hardware was cheaper and more reliable than IBM …. and, wait for it … wait …………. the client felt we had a better understanding of the cabinet industry than the other vendors. )

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 26, 2014 9:00 pm

Muse = to think

Amuse [aka entertainment] =to not think

Pert = with pertinence or experience within a certain experience

Expert = without pertinence or experience

October 26, 2014 9:16 pm

“A collective statement of society”.

Call me naive, but I thought we had certain unalienable rights that trumped the “collective” statement of “society”… like the right to ingest, inhale, or inject whatever substance you desire into your own body.

It is also a “collective” statement of “society” that our government owns your draft-age son’s life, and that it also owns everything that you or I produce, and have the right to take it at the point of a gun, if that be the will of the “collective”, to bestow it on those who did not earn it, for the sake of “society”, or the “community”.

Those who are willing to suffer the abrogation of their rights at the will of the collective judgement of society to achieve an aim that they themselves approve of, in this case the punishment of behaviors, like taking destructive drugs, that are distasteful but don’t necessarily harm others, shouldn’t wonder how the same “society” or “collective” can steal their property and the fruits of their labors to bestow it on those that the “society” deems somehow more deserving.

October 26, 2014 9:18 pm

I’m expert on Stucky , he’s an ungrateful g big fat turd.I know this from first hand experience .

I’m out here on I84 going through the mountains (Mt Hood ) and it is snowing like a blizzard right now .I am in the highest elevation right now.It’s so beautiful .They are calling for more tonight but it not very cold .Mid 30s in the highest parts.

October 26, 2014 9:21 pm
October 26, 2014 9:42 pm

Chicago the Constitution has been dead for some time now.

October 26, 2014 9:45 pm

.I am in the highest elevation right now. -bb

Try for 20k feet in altitude bb…I hear the oxygen levels and beauty are fab at that height.

October 26, 2014 10:00 pm

Anonymous , do you want me dead? I get nose bleeds just going through Donner Pass on I80.

No Shit Sherlock, a culinary critic,
No Shit Sherlock, a culinary critic,
October 26, 2014 10:13 pm

I’m a food connoiseur with credentials that probably none of you or the organic experts can match. I’ve been eating for over 70 years and I usually eat more than three meals a day.

My excellent foood criteria is a bit different than that of the pompus ass, paid shill morons.
Calories per dollar, filling food, quick service, and the feeling of getting a bargain for my money are my criteria for an excellent meal.
By that standard, surprisingly I agree with the snobs. McDonald’s food, but only its dollar menu, is the best restaurant food on the planet. By the way, their coffee is great too. Even better though is that I can get any size for a buck – take that Starbucks.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
October 26, 2014 10:37 pm

Funny you should mention prohibition, SSS. Back in the day when they at least paid lip service to the Constitution, those seeking to stop alcohol consumption realized that there was no such authorization to legislate this activity at the federal level. They went to the trouble of passing a Constitutional amendment. Then when they had enriched the mafia, sanity prevailed and they overturned the 18th with the 21st Amendment.

Fast forward 40 years. Congress passed and the president signed a drug prohibition law without even a hint of Constitutional authority. The entire drug war is blatantly unconstitutional.

I also find it amusing that you would seek to align yourself with Congress. One would be hard-pressed to conjure up a bigger collection of crooks, conmen, and psychopaths.

October 27, 2014 12:46 am

Anyone under 90 who can still smell and taste could have nailed that as MCD nonfood items. You Tube is a vast wasteland of bs.

October 27, 2014 9:52 am

My favorite “experts” are the wine snobs and I love to prank them, even if some of them are my partners.

Here is what I did:

I bought a $300 bottle of wine and drank it (it wasn’t that great, honestly).

I filled the bottle up with my favorite – Black Box Cabernet ($10/gallon prolly)- and pretended I had just uncorked at at one of our (interminable) evening meetings.

Poured into some fancy glasses.

Held my breath…..

NO ONE NOTICED until I told them!!!!!!

It was worth every penny but I have been banned from providing any libations to one of our gatherings for the end of time.

October 27, 2014 10:27 am


A conga line of retards.

As far as the OP?


EAT IT ya fuckin’ snobs!

October 27, 2014 1:06 pm

Penn and Teller punk food snobs .