Japan Goes Full Retard

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on November 2, 2014

Kuroda Sez…ENGAGE!

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You think FSoA Debt problems are Bad?  Try TURNING JAPANESE!




seppuku…The first thing you have to realize is that the Japanese are PURPOSEFULLY trying to inflate their economy. They have been mired in a 20 going on 30 year deflation, which makes it ever harder for them to service their own debt, which of course they mostly owe to themselves but try not to let that confuse you. Things have been getting exponentially worse since Fukushima and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 before that, steadily eroding Japan’s former trade surplus, which now is basically negative since carz aren’t selling well and the Nips have to import all their energy. The idea you can cure this problem with any kind of monetary stimulus is ludicrous of course, but the alternative is for their economy to completely implode, and they are trying to put off the Day of Reckoning as long as possible here. Normally, you would expect this type of berzerk economic behavior to compeltely crash the currency on Day 1, but that isn’t going to happen here immediately, though in the medium to long term it is inevitable. Why not?…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!!!

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