Republican Sweeping Victory Taking Senate – A Prelude to 2016?


Republicans rode a growing wave of voter discontent during the midterm election winning the control of the Senate literally punishing the Democrats for even electing what is glowingly becoming apparent that Obama is a repeat of Bush Jr, just worse. This will now clip the wings of the Democrats and the social agenda of Obama and his warmed over Marxists like LaGarde in the IMF.


Obama has now lost any of his political influence so he can now just play golf and count his life long pension for pretending to be President of something. Obama is dead as a president. He will not wake up tomorrow and view the world any differently than he did when he woke up this morning. He seems totally disconnected and shunned by his own party for lacking any substance. Perhaps the days of electing puppets may be coming to an end.

We have to connect the dots here around the globe. The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has found himself diminished both by Britain and Italy. In a rebuke for Matteo Renzi and David Cameron he urged the politicians to respect the EU Commission. Juncker said “I am not the head of a gang of bureaucrats.I am the President of the European Commission – a political institution – and I want the Prime Minister to respect this institution.” The respect for the head of state is diminishing not just in the USA, but in Europe and Juncker is actually and un-Democratic head of state unelected by the people. He is very much just a bureaucrat and this is what has been running the USA since Bush, Jr. with a mindless puppet pretending to be President. This is really at the core of the American elections. It is not a win for Republicans as much as it is a rebuke of how the state is being run. This is one small step toward 2016 and handing both houses to the Republicans, which now will lead to Americans seeing both parties lead nowhere.

Republicans have indeed won in places where Democrats were even favored, like a Senate race in North Carolina. The Republicans pulled out victories where the going was very tough such as in the Senate race in Kansas. The Republicans even swept a number of governors’ races in states where Democrats were also favored, even in Obama’s home state of Illinois. And as for the House of Representatives, well when the new Congress takes power in January, the Republicans will be in charge of both chambers of Congress for the first time since elections in 2006.

Newsweek-Hit-Road-ObamaWhile Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky won a hard re-election battle, he will now replace Democrat Harry Reid as Senate majority leader. The Democratic press, such as CNBC, have just lost their mind and remain in denial. They actually have been talking themselves in circles arguing that the Democrats lost because they turned their back on Obama.  They just cannot contemplate their vision of Marxism that they spout out is dead. This is not about Republican v the Democrat – this is about people having less and less disposable income and promising to raise taxes on the rich does not put more money in anyone’s pocket except politicians. There is no real tax reduction policy among Democrats for the middle class – it is always raise taxes on the pretend rich that only come back and raise taxes on everyone else at the end of the day.

The warmed over version of Marxism we call socialism has utterly failed. These people in government of both parties promised pensions and social security yet keep reducing everything because it was never funded. They have just assumed they could always tax their way out of ANYTHING. That is what is now collapsing.


Our model actually predicted 52 seats for the Republicans who needed six seats to win control of the 100-member Senate, but by late evening they had the seven. Our model put the maximum at 54 and it showed a minimum of 45, which is where the Republicans were. That showed that the Republicans would certainly not lose any seats. The two Republican victories were in Iowa where Republican Joni Ernst was declared the winner over Democrat Bruce Braley and the Republican Thom Tillis defeated incumbent Democratic Senator Kay Hagan in North Carolina. These were the key seats, but the Republican Senate candidates also picked up Democratic seats in Montana, Colorado, West Virginia, South Dakota and Arkansas.

This is being touted as the “Republican Surge”  that is now expected to force Obama to scale back his legislative agenda (or who ever is pulling the strings) but this may not limit his ambitions to either use un-Democratic executive actions, which should be declared unconstitutional since they do not require legislative approval. Meanwhile, Obama is poised to issue executive actions by year’s end to defer deportations of some undocumented immigrants, and over energy policy, as Republican press the president to approve the Keystone XL pipeline carrying oil from Canada. On other issues, like climate change, Obama is likely to continue to take actions on his own.

Now the delusional Republicans, hoping to win the White House in 2016, will find themselves perhaps wishing they had not had this “Republican Surge” for they will not comprehend what is really going on here. The pressure will now be on  Republicans to show Americans they are capable of governing something. This is a powerful repudiation of the Obama agenda, and the Obama economy that isn’t working. However, the Republicans stand little chance of correcting anything given Boehner removed from all financial committees anyone who supported Ron Paul demonstrating he doesn’t get it. Boehner will now be re-elected as Speaker and this guy is incapable of creating any positive change himself. He likes Washington as is and sees nothing wrong with the power system.. He went out of his way to defeat any Tea Party candidates so he could rule the Republican Party his way – maintain the status quo. That will DOOM the Republicans for 2016 so Boehner was handed the keys to how to destroy the two-party system. Just watch how nothing will change now.

boehner-gavelBoehner cannot grasp that the American people are frustrated with what’s happening in Washington. He will not change anything and see the victory tonight as a confirmation of his delusional view – a huge mistake. A Reuters/Ipsos poll showed 75% of respondents believe the administration needs to “rethink” how it approaches major issues facing the United States and 64% said Obama should replace some of his senior staff after the election. Boehner simply will not grasp this is not a vote for him as much as it is a vote against Washington as a whole. The polls that show the approval rating of Congress are only at 7% – even worse than the Presidency that stand at 39%.


This all sets the stage for 2016. When the people see things do not get better and as the economy turns down 2015.75 – there will be one-year to the 2016 election. We should see a sharp rise in third party (independent) candidates for the first time since the Great Depression.

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November 5, 2014 7:16 am

It’s good that republicans won but with this so called leadership they will probably betray us by letting Obama get away with amnesty for all these illegals.The nation is still doomed but maybe the republicans will slow our national death.
For all of you who said that voting doesn’t matter it looks as if it does matter .A lot. I guess if you piss your vote away for some third party ass clowns every year and then justify it by hiding behind some worthless ideology (anarchism)then your vote doesn’t matter.

November 5, 2014 7:27 am

One more thing ,the first black senator (officials) was elected in South Carolina for the first time since the reconstruction after the civil war. I haven’t seen any of the news channels taking about this .This wasn’t suppose to happen according to white liberal democrats. Blacks are the victims and whites are the oppressors.I do enjoy watching these disgusting liberals after their ideology blows up in their faces.

November 5, 2014 7:37 am


You’re an ass-fuck. I hope Stucky kicks you in the fuck.

You don’t know what Libertarianism is if you say it’s ideology is about anarchism.

November 5, 2014 7:43 am

Your “expression” and “voice” are quite different this morning bb – punctuation, syntax, vocabulary – it’s all so professional, polished and mature – almost as if there was another person behind the handle.

Where is the infantile, ingratiating sycophant with pitiful typing?

I suspect a Doppler.

November 5, 2014 7:45 am

Nobody won last night. We just traded one mob of welfare statists and thieves, for another mob of religious fascists and thieves.

I was somewhat gratified to see Quinn get his ass kicked in IL, but the election of Rauner is not exactly a victory. This guy, after all, made a substantial part of his billions off of state payments to his badly run nursing homes, and is moreover a very good personal chum of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, which tells you a whole lot about where he really stands on fiscal rectitude, and how much reform of public unions we can realistically expect.

Meanwhile, the Libertarian candidate pulled only 3%. It’s no comfort that I was one of the 3%.

November 5, 2014 7:55 am

“I was somewhat gratified to see Quinn get his ass kicked in IL —- ” Chicago999444

I enjoy Quinn getting his ass kicked on TBP.

Today is Ms Freud’s birthday. I am preparing a special Birthday Breakfast. Among other things, I’m almost done making this.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Plus my new Toshiba should arrive today.

Democraps are toast.

Repubs will restore the glory of USA! USA! USA! Yes, they will. heh heh

It is good to be alive. Praise Jeebus!!

November 5, 2014 7:55 am

Olga , I usually am on my smart phone and in a hurry. Some of us have to still work for a living. I can’t help you’re a bitter lesbian. Go get some donkey dick.Perhaps you’re feel better.

Work ,what wrong with you?I can’t help you .It’s your own fault for throwing your vote away year after year .Then you hide behind some ideology like libertarianism or anarchism to justify your own stupidity.Now go play with your weenie.

November 5, 2014 8:13 am

Yep – that’s me!

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 5, 2014 8:14 am

comment image

November 5, 2014 8:31 am

Wow Stucky did you really prepare that dish? Thats something!

November 5, 2014 8:40 am

Here’s my breakfast left over wings. Not nearly the aesthetic appeal as Ms Freuds breakfast.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 5, 2014 8:58 am

Stucky nice job on the breakfast for your wife.

BB great job on voting and letting your masters know how fucking stupid you really are. You could almost say they’re laughing all the way to the bank by now because of really fucking stupid people just like you! The only thing that makes it worse is you reproducing other fuck nuts to add to the future insanity. BB, way to go!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.

November 5, 2014 9:12 am


I live in IL. Had I voted, Senator Durban would still be Senator Durbin.
Had I voted, would I have chosen to “tell” Rauner to tell me what do to? I don’t need him or any other asshole to tell me what to do.

When you vote, do you recognize openly that you are consenting to have whoever “wins” the election tell you what to do and what not to do, on pain of being robbed (a fine) or caged (imprisoned) or murdered (cops carry guns, after all)?

I don’t consent to any of this. Metaphorically, I live on a block controlled by a vicious criminal gang. My neighbors support the gang and the gang extorts money from me to “protect” me from arsonists and competitors from other gangs. They send someone around to sweep my street once in a while, but overall the extortion I pay is multiples of what I could pay someone in a competitive, free marketplace to do what it is I need done (like pave the roads, educated the kids, and suppress the muggers, rapists and robbers who DON’T wear gang-insignia badges.)

You want me to “vote” for who runs the criminal gang, as if I can actually choose someone who will threaten me less and extort fewer funds from me annually.

Remember one definition of insanity: “doing the same thing time after time and expecting different results.”

Bastiat wrote it 150 years ago. There are TWO and only TWO ways to obtain what you need to live, production and trade (the market) or what Bastiat called “The Political Means,” i.e., THEFT.

Just because I’m surrounded by ignorant masses who lack the intelligence to understand this does not change its reality. I choose to skip voting because both philosophically and mathematically it makes no sense whatsoever.

And yes, that makes me an anarchist, if you define anarchism as the absence of POLITICAL order. Politics is organized, stylized violence while the market is characterized by peaceful cooperation.

I’m sorry for you if you choose to remain ignorant of the distinction. There is reality, which is that most people are born slaves and choose slavery when given any choice at all, and there is reality that this is a phenomenally stupid, impractical and cyclically suicidal way to organize society.

For this reason, I choose the Voluntaryist approach as described by Carl Watner. It would require me to write a book to explain to you both the theory and practicality of a society organized by open and competitive markets as opposed to a monopoly system of ultimate decision-making (the political system), and you wouldn’t read it anyway because others have already written them yet here we are with you deriding “anarchism.”

The world goes by itself.

The future is already written in large part; only the specifics have yet to be revealed. There is a reason that human social outcomes are cyclical. They emerge from the hardwired biological processes of human social behavior, and our current obsession with “voting” is but part of the silly sine wave curve.

Utopia is not an option.

November 5, 2014 9:18 am

If, as I believe, the markets finally do roll over and crash as predicted, by 2016 people will finally be enraged sufficiently to see an election where something actually does change.

I didn’t say “change for the better.”

Ruin is baked into the cake. Feckless “leadership” is baked into the cake. Political disenchantment turning into political RAGE is baked into the cake.

As far as I’m concerned, the last 14 years have just been the warm-up. Imagine what an “election season” will look like if rioters are burning cities and riot police are stacking the bodies of those they’ve shot down.

November 5, 2014 9:24 am

I follow a forecast that predicts a major low in 2016, an ensuing rally for a couple years, and then the “REAL” plunge into a final bottom in the early 2020’s.

If this happens, the 2016 election will see one of the major parties be completely destroyed, and by 2020 or 2024 both current parties will likely be washed away and replaced by radical new parties that will reflect the deep polarization of people living in America.

We could see a Green Party (for the communists), an Immigrant Party (for people who intend to speak only Spanish forever), an LGBT Party (for those who still think painting targets on themselves is prudent) and a Nativist Party (for those who want to kick out everyone who isn’t visibly Caucasian.)

I give it 50/50 odds that there’s a military coup-de-tat by 2024, because stupid people still think the monopoly, top-down, Soviet-style military “works,” when in fact it is the most concentrated form of political organization on Planet Earth.

November 5, 2014 9:34 am

Happy Birthday Ms. Freud,


That is a cute fruit loop, proud of you!!!!

November 5, 2014 9:59 am

“McCain has singled out the Navy’s $34 billion Littoral Combat Ship program.” — article above

Should be … Clittoral Combat Ship …. only pussies like it

+1000 on DC Sunset post @9:12

Can’t we vote bb off the island??

Ms Freud LUUUUVED the palm-tree plate. So much so that she REFUSES to eat it!! lol The bananas are turning brown. Jeez. She just left to get her hair and nails done. She’s doing her best to keep the local economy going.

November 5, 2014 10:05 am

Actually, my fruit plate is even nicer. I used pecans at the base of the oranges …. makes it look like ground. Real whipped cream for clouds. Cut a slice of pineapple horizontally and then cut into it to make it look like rays from the sun. And, finally, tiny little raspberries at the tip of the “palm” leaves.

November 5, 2014 10:05 am

I always felt we are waiting for our Pinochet moment anyway.

The Social Security and Medicare debacle is not solvable politically from a Republican Party’s point of view. Take away from Elderly White voting Republicans to give section 8 housing and food stamps to recent immigrants , just isn’t going to work.

There bye , the only solution is radical repeal of government cartels in education and the medical industry.

Does anyone have the guts for that? If not it’s Pinochet.

November 5, 2014 11:07 am

It doesn’t matter who “won” or who “lost”…. or got ignored…

Our destination remains unchanged. The “left” side of the coin had us on an Express Train to Hell. The “right” side of the coin still has us going to Hell, but they will take the scenic route…

Economic Ragnarök still looms. Our borders are still wide open to anyone. We’re still importing thousands of new members of the FSA. The Praetorians still spy on us. The police are still the Standing Army of Thugs the Framers warned us about. They still receive billions of dollars worth of military equipment to use against us. Nobody has said shit about dismantling or rolling back any of that shit…

Doesn’t matter who controls what at this point – way too much damage has been done over the years by too many maniacal assholes to change anything at this point. God Himself will sound the hour of our doom, and there is shit we can do about it…. a reckoning that will be paid in fire and blood.

It is inevitable as the tides…

Stack it deep.

Tribe up with others.

Keep your powder dry.

November 5, 2014 11:07 am

That last “Anon” post was mine… my bad.

November 5, 2014 11:26 am

Billy no doubt we are headed for a major war. However misplaced I feel better with Republicans at least in the front seat although not driving. Obama and his crew are the hight of incompetence.

November 5, 2014 11:33 am

Waking up is hard.

November 5, 2014 11:46 am


Nice posts, sometimes I wonder if even most of the people who read on here know what a mess the next dozen years will be. We want the status quo interrupted, but are we really prepared for what follows?

Prechtor is one that I pay for subscription, so know what his thoughts are. Who else do you pay attention to if you don’t mind?

Finished my last harvest last week. Lost all my drive to continue farming the corporate interests and government over regulation. Change is coming for me and my new bride (if you remember, I lost my wife of 30 years a couple of years ago to cancer).


November 5, 2014 11:58 am

efarmer was on a dating site with a simple profile —- “Looking for nice girl with tractor. Please send picture of tractor.”

Looks like he hit The Big Time!!
[imgcomment image[/img]

November 5, 2014 12:05 pm


Yesterday, I voted with a heavy heart… probably for the last time.

I used to take great pride in voting. A hardcore political right, every bit as important as firearms ownership…

Not anymore. Voting has just become Kabuki Theater. It means nothing, really. One group of maniacal assholes is just as evil as the other group of maniacal assholes. Both groups shamelessly pander. Both buy votes and they themselves, in turn, have their votes bought by powerful interests. Nobody gives two shits about what liberty really means…

I met one of the morons who was running for Senate here in the Commonwealth. They made it a point to say they were “Pro IIA”… I asked them specifically if they thought the IIA was a civil right or a political right.

The answer? “What’s the difference?”

As in, they did not know the difference between a civil right and a political right.

And this coming from someone who wanted to represent me in our Senate…

I then asked them what they thought of our police becoming over-militarized.

Answer: “I haven’t seen any evidence of that.”

I tried to explain to them about the 1033 Program – what it is and why it is bad.

I tried to explain to them why the IIA was a hardcore political right and not a “civil right”. That the NRA has falsely sold it as a “civil right” because the real reason for it’s existence isn’t politically correct these days… you should have seen their face when I said “Political power grows from the barrel of a rifle. Whoever has the most rifles, has the political power.” Priceless. 🙂

I could see on their face they knew they were out of their depth – no command of history whatsoever – and moreover, I called them on it. Rather ominously, I saw their eyes flick over my shoulder for a second and, glancing around, saw I was surrounded by 3 or 4 “peace officers” behind me…

Message received. “Don’t fuck with the politician and actually force them to admit ignorance in public.”

If you don’t want people quizzing you on why you support such-and-such, then don’t put yourself out in public where it will most certainly happen…

Outflanked, outnumbered and outgunned, I thanked the pol for their time, stared each “peace officer” in the eyes and left… to their credit, they didn’t follow me around afterwards. I suppose their mission was to keep folks like me away from the pols so that the pol could “stay on message” and keep hitting their 3 or 4 bullet points for the sheeple… when I left, they were “mission accomplished”, I guess.

Fuckers. It’s that sort of shit that grinds on me…

They are protected. We can just suck it…

If you show any command of history or politics and have any sort of backbone, you draw attention to yourself… the wrong kind of attention…

November 5, 2014 12:07 pm

Hi efarmer,
I’ve subscribed (paid and metaphorically) to Prechter’s stuff on and off since 1995, but I’ve had my face slammed into the brick wall of reality—that neither he nor anyone else can predict the future with meaningful accuracy. What has been your experience?

As to others, I guess that depends. Philosophically I found much to embrace in Carl Watner’s writings. On politics, I think Bonner and Casey offer good insights (but I wouldn’t spend another dime on any of their “investment suggestions.”)

I’m frankly just like everyone else. I truly want to find someone (anyone) whose crystal ball will help me stop tripping over every painful trap in the forest. It’s a fool’s errand, intellectually I know (I KNOW!) that no one can do that, but stupid me tries anyway.

I am utterly at a loss of what to do. Should I buy a hobby farm and learn how to grow vegetables and raise chickens? Should I buy a refuge in some 2nd world country like Uruguay? Should I trade my dollars for gold coins, or Swiss money market claims or a sheep farm in New Zealand? Am I too old already (mid-50’s) to consider any of this, especially in light of the fact that I won’t move away from my sons and their growing families?

Like many people, I confront the fact that in the absence of Today’s Paradigm, I have essentially no employable skills. When the paradigm shifts, I’ll be about as useless as tits on a bull.

I totally concur with you that a massive series of “hit the reset button” are coming, but as usual it’s the devil in the details that matters. I try to read whatever seems potentially valuable, but we all suffer from confirmation bias so for all practical purposes I know I end up in an echo chamber where all I hear are things I’m already predisposed to believe.

I cannot break free from the prison of my premises. I may have a lot of company in this, but that’s no consolation.

If you have any suggestions, I’m all ears.

I’m sorry to hear of your loss, but gladdened that companionship is yours again. Life is an adventure whose challenges are lessened by companionship, no?

November 5, 2014 12:10 pm

Stucky, where on earth did you find her picture? : )

Funny story, my bride is 8 years younger than me. I am officially the oldest guy in the clinic in a town of 40,000 to get a vasectomy. Wish I could have a picture of the look on the nurses face when she found out what I came in for.


November 5, 2014 12:11 pm


One last thing.

I noticed that the Libertarian guy for Senate got 3% of the vote…

I’m guessing you know what else is III%….

@ Stucky,

Now that there is a very nice piece of equipment…. but, I already got a tractor. 🙂

November 5, 2014 12:18 pm

An aside to efarmer:

Funny story: I actually had dinner with Bob Prechter a few years ago, basically one-on-one.

To coin a tautology, he and I discussed the full gamut of politics, economics and philosophy over about 2 hours, and (because we agreed on 99.99% of everything) I concluded that he’s a brilliant man. [grin]

I’d characterize him as a non-Randoid Objectivist (if there is such a thing) and a fairly doctrinaire libertarian anarchist (if “Rand” and “libertarian” uttered in the same sentence don’t cause me to spontaneously combust.) He’s a very logical thinker.

The trouble is that logic doesn’t really guide much of life. That’s been my problem all along. We live in a world created by the interactions of billions of humans, and those interactions are largely the result of emotion, inertia and habit, not logic. Pervasive and chronic misunderstanding is the rule, not the exception.

Elliott was right. The human social experience is a patterned fractal emanating from a complex system. Logic means absolutely nothing in this regard, and attempting to employ logic in navigating it just creates total frustration, at least in my experience.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 5, 2014 12:20 pm

“The human social experience is a patterned fractal emanating from a complex system. Logic means absolutely nothing in this regard, and attempting to employ logic in navigating it just creates total frustration, at least in my experience.”

That’s tattoo worthy writing right there.

November 5, 2014 12:26 pm


Similar experiences for sure. Bob and his band fought the equity and commodity bull market over the last several years. Goes to show that QE champions the charts. Now they (EWI) are basking in the commodity bear, time will tell on the equities. I will never forget watching Prechtor on the Louis Rukeyser show years ago saying that commodities were not heavily enough traded to use Elliot wave principles. That must have been until he found out he could sell that product.

So we appear to be skimming the same people, and similarly taking the bits and trying to piece it together. Gold is tanking and will continue for the time being, makes Casey look foolish. One day he will be right, but at what price. My dilemma is like many, what is safe? Still investing in land as that is safe (for now anyway) even knowing assets are going to deflate. Guess it’s what I know. Looked into Equator, but like you, have kids here I want to protect and grandkids to bounce on my knee.

Fucking mess for sure, guess we’ll call it an experience. And try to enjoy the show.



November 5, 2014 12:31 pm


November 5, 2014 1:31 pm

EF, this is why I’ve adopted a trend-following system. Haven’t been able to deploy it yet, but with luck I will in coming weeks.

The technical set-up today is pretty much identical to that of July-Sept 2007, which included the final rally before THE top, at least as far as the indicators I watch are concerned.

If this is so, then now is not the time to trend-follow on the long side, so I can’t. In 2007 it took a top in October followed by a decline through November and a rally into December that failed before January to establish that the trend had changed to down. Since we’re still hitting new highs now, I doubt that a downtrend will reveal itself until January or February at the earliest, and that’s assuming the final top is imminent. If instead we just keep grinding higher for weeks (or months?) yet to come, then I guess I’ll be sitting on the sidelines weeping in my beer as usual.

November 5, 2014 2:16 pm