This tyrant needs to be stopped. These executive orders are circumventing the U.S. Constitution. The people have to stop these corrupt politicians from imposing their will unilaterally on the citizens of this country. The majority of Americans do not want illegal immigrants to be made legal by some executive order mandate so Obama can create 5 million new Democrat voters. The Republicans who control Congress need to stop him.

Obama Set To Infuriate Republicans, Give 5 Million Illegal Immigrants “Executive Amnesty”, Work Permits

Tyler Durden's picture

The “compromise” refrain from last week’s devastating, for the democrats, midterm election result lasted about one week. Because according to the NYT, here comes Obama with a package of executive actions which will assure Congress full of furious Republicans, which will result in a broad overhaul of the nation’s immigration enforcement system but more importantly, will result in up to five million potential democrat voter illegal immigrants “from the threat of deportation and provide many of them with work permits, according to administration officials who have direct knowledge of the plan.”

Here are the key details of the latest set of Obama executive orders, which are assured to throw the nation into another politial crisis:

One key piece of the order, officials said, will allow many parents of children who are American citizens or legal residents to obtain legal work documents and no longer worry about being discovered, separated from their families and sent away.


That part of Mr. Obama’s plan alone could affect as many as 3.3 million people who have been living in the United States illegally for at least five years, according to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, an immigration research organization in Washington. But the White House is also considering a stricter policy that would limit the benefits to people who have lived in the country for at least 10 years, or about 2.5 million people


Extending protections to more undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, and to their parents, could affect an additional one million or more if they are included in the final plan that the president announces.

So are deportations about to become thing of the past? Not exactly: “A new enforcement memorandum, which will direct the actions of Border Patrol agents and judges at the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and other federal law enforcement and judicial agencies, will make clear that deportations should still proceed for convicted criminals, foreigners who pose national security risks and recent border crossers, officials said.

So for the tens of millions of illegals currently in the US, as well as their extended families residing abroad, you are in luck, and soon to be in possession of a green card providing you with all the benefits of America’s insolvent welfare state. And not to mention a fair chance at those 4.7 million job openings that the BLS’ JOLTS report revealed earlier today.

For US citizens who were born here, and who did not illegally cross the border to get inside the country: better luck next time.

Far more amusing for everyone is that the plan was conceived and finalized while president “Chewbama” was being mocked for his Nicorette habit, and belittled during his most recent trip to APEC in Beijing, where his crowning achievement was agreeing with China not to launch World War III.

White House officials declined to comment publicly before a formal announcement by Mr. Obama, who will return from an eight-day trip to Asia on Sunday. Administration officials said details about the package of executive actions were still being finished and could change. An announcement could be pushed off until next month but will not be delayed into next year, officials said.

As for the US, which is supposedly expected to grow at a above trendline 3% growth rate, through the harsh polar vortex 2.0 winter and in a world in which all major economies are rapidly crashing, what appears to be on the horizong is yet another constitutional crisis, and perhaps, finally, the dreader “impeachment” word:

The decision to move forward sets in motion a political confrontation between Mr. Obama and his Republican adversaries that is likely to affect budget negotiations and debate about Loretta E. Lynch, the president’s nominee to be attorney general, during the lame-duck session of Congress that began this week. It is certain to further enrage Republicans as they take control of both chambers of Congress early next year.


A group of Republicans — led by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama — is already planning to thwart any executive action by the president on immigration. The senators are hoping to rally their fellow Republicans to oppose efforts to pass a budget next month unless it explicitly prohibits the president from enacting what they call “executive amnesty” for people in the country illegally.


Our office stands ready to use any procedural means available to make sure the president can’t enact his illegal executive amnesty,” said Catherine Frazier, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cruz.


But the president and his top aides have concluded that acting unilaterally is in the interest of the country and the only way to increase political pressure on Republicans to eventually support a legislative overhaul that could put millions of illegal immigrants on a path to legal status and perhaps citizenship. Mr. Obama has told lawmakers privately and publicly that he will reverse his executive orders if they pass a comprehensive bill that he agrees to sign.




“I think it will create a backlash in the country that could actually set the cause back and inflame our politics in a way that I don’t think will be conducive to solving the problem,” said Senator Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats and supports an immigration overhaul.

Hispanics disagree:

Many pro-immigration groups and advocates — as well as the Hispanic voters who could be crucial for Democrats’ hopes of winning the White House in 2016 — are expecting bold action, having grown increasingly frustrated after watching a sweeping bipartisan immigration bill fall prey to a gridlocked Congress last year.


Some groups, like the United We Dream network, the largest organization of young undocumented immigrants, are preparing to deploy teams to early 2016 states like Iowa and New Hampshire to hold presidential candidates accountable and press for more action.


“From our perspective, the president has the power, the precedent and the priority for action on his side,” said Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro, deputy vice president of the National Council of La Raza. The opportunity “to go big and bold is what will allow the country to derive the biggest benefit on both the economic side and the national security side.”

And if that fails, America’s not so smart voters (according to the creator of Obamacare of course), can always just go back to staring at Kim Kardashian’ass.

Most impotantly, all of the above is bullish for stocks, as is everything else.

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November 13, 2014 2:22 pm

Fuck these illegals.

To quote the article: “Many pro-immigration groups and advocates…. are expecting bold action, having grown increasingly frustrated after watching a sweeping bipartisan immigration bill fall prey to a gridlocked Congress last year. ”

What right do they have to demand anything? Frustrated… how about us tax paying citizens that have to pick up the emergency room visits, SNAP for their children, school lunches, schooling, social services, and on and on.

They knowingly broke the law – they have no right to demand anything.

I know what Obola is trying to do: He’s trying to eliminate the white middle and upper middle class. Flood the country with what ever trash he can find. All the while the middle class bears a larger and larger burden. We will have less and less children – just like Japan.

Meanwhile the spics and spooks and towel heads will be pumpin’ them out.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
November 13, 2014 2:33 pm

“Dutchman”has it right – the plan is to continue the destruction of the middle class by any and every means possible. Comrade Obongo needs to be stopped by the Republican Congress. Stand with Rand and BC-LR to all

November 13, 2014 2:34 pm

You can fight this (as I am) if you wish by sending a free fax to your three Congresscritters or donate to this website OR both. Concerned citizens are flooding DC with phone calls as I type. Or you can sit on your ass and do nothing.

November 13, 2014 2:52 pm

It’s just as well. It seals the deal on “identity politics” as far as the eye can see.

No more parsing an issue any issue and debating its rational or logic validity . It’s been that way for a while now anyway. It’s been nothing more then a civil war . Where one side has openly declared it and the other side contented itself by turning itself blue in the face and used sarcasm to defract all the absurdities heaped on them.

My suggestion is engage in one more act of sarcasm and give the Hussein salute to everyone you great if he pulls this shit.

When a stranger greats you raise your arm and say “Hussien”

November 13, 2014 3:23 pm

admin-The Republicans who control Congress need to stop him.

Now that some funny shit , right there.Even the Weeper of the House is laughing.

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November 13, 2014 3:26 pm

Unless something huge pops up on the IRS scandal Obongo will not be impeached. They will let him twist in the wind for the next 24 months, he will pave the way for a Republican President.

November 13, 2014 4:15 pm

What sensetti said – the pols in DC will have tons and tons of faux outrage, but will only be looking for their personal political gain.

In case it’s not obvious, the Obama regime has declared open warfare on the US middle class.

November 13, 2014 5:18 pm

I’ve asked, or stated, this before; — what benefit is there for illegals to become citizens???

I mean, they’ll get their free shit either way!

Don’t they realize that by becoming citizens that they are shackled to the criminal USA! USA! USA! system forever? That if there is a draft they must go to war. That if they decide to go back to their home country, that they’ll have to pay taxes on their earnings forever? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Maybe they just want to be able to vote for more free shit.

Whatever …. the Dumb Evil Nigger In Charge is going on a rampage. Impeachment … he could care less. He’s going hell bent on transforming America into a shithole. Well, a worse shithole than it currently is.

Fine article here.


America faces most dangerous two years in 150 years

By Charles Hurt – – Wednesday, November 5, 2014

If President Obama suffered a “shellacking” in the 2010 elections, then what he endured Tuesday night was nothing short of a vicious gangland beatdown the likes of which have rarely been seen before in the history of electoral politics.

This, of course, is a wonderful and well-deserved outcome. But beware: America now enters the two most dangerous years of her existence — or certainly the most dangerous since the Great Depression and possibly going all the way back to the Civil War.

Not to dismiss the promising results of Tuesday’s election.

Voters clearly and forcefully rejected the party, politics and policies of President Obama. They slapped his socialist agenda back into the days of Soviet gulags, where it belongs.

His grand visions of mighty government ruling unchecked over desperate ghettos have been snuffed out.

Gone, too, were the so-called “low-information voters” who have been coaxed to the polls since 2008 on lies and false promises that the federal government would solve all their problems.

They are used up and wrung out.

Even the onslaught of threats and desperate accusations in endless emails to their Obamaphones couldn’t motivate those people to the polls one more time.

Voters rejected the craven, crass and mafioso tactics of Senate Leader Harry Reid.

Voters stripped him of his baldly partisan use of the United States Senate as a graveyard for all House legislation in order to protect his Democrats from tough votes and insulate the President from reality.

The little man with giant fists got staggered by a nasty uppercut from voters even though Reid saw it coming for weeks. Now, the ex-boxer stumbles on the canvas all tangled in the ropes, waiting for the bell.

And voters also rejected the loony-toon delusions of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. Honestly, the woman should be running a hat and wig shop in Haight-Ashbury, selling weed and prescription pills on the side. How it is that Democrats in Congress have taken her so seriously for so long will baffle historians for decades.

The silver lining for Democrats today is now they now have the perfect excuse to bounce both of them out of leadership forever.

And this is where things get very, very dangerous for America. President

Obama still has two more years left in his final term.

Already, he has demonstrated again and again that he has no regard for the constitution or the legitimacy of laws when they do not suit his agenda. He flaunts his disregard for the constitutional process, dismisses laws he doesn’t like and rewrites others.

He mocks the powers of Congress. The Supreme Court has slapped him down more than any president in recent times. All of this as he tells us he is an expert on constitutional law.

Now come his very explicit threats to pass more illegal and unconstitutional presidential edicts to grant amnesty to illegal aliens already in the United States. This, in turn, will issue invitations for millions more illegals to come streaming across the border.

It will not end at immigration. Unchecked power is addictive.

Disowned by Democrats and made to feel irrelevant in this election, President Obama’s enormous and unjustified ego is deeply wounded. He is frustrated and feels caged, cornered. This is when people like him are most dangerous.

Buoyant Republicans will make an effort to engage him.

But President Obama is not a listener. He is not a negotiator. He is not a learner. He will just take what he wants. It is easier that way.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court-packing scheme during the Great Depression was nothing like the strains this president has put on Constitution. Indeed, not since the Civil War has America faced such a dire threat to her existence as a lawful, constitutional republic.

The difference in leadership between then and now could not be more striking.

To bind the union, Abraham Lincoln took an economic and political war and elevated it into something higher. He made it about emancipating slaves and won. And saved the Republic.

This president does the opposite. He got elected promising to elevate politics but instead finds unity and sows discord, often inciting racial divisions.

America’s only hope today is that President Obama finally turns to the bust of Lincoln he keeps in the Oval Office and listens.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
November 13, 2014 5:50 pm

As long as stocks are at All Time Highs, not one damn thing will change.

People will not be nearly angry enough for that to register in the District of Criminals.

Wait a few years. What the multicultural left is doing is intentionally mixing peoples today who tomorrow will lack the social harmony to live peacefully.

The left is setting up a humanitarian cataclysm.

November 13, 2014 5:54 pm

Another Impeachable Offense

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DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
November 13, 2014 5:55 pm

Also, I’ll note that Mexico and all these other sources of illegal immigrants do NOT allow illegals in THEIR countries.

Mexico has strict rules, and no one but the idiot USA has “birthright citizenship.”

If you are a Nicaraguan woman who gives birth in Mexico City, your kid is NOT a Mexican citizen. This is the same pretty much EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD, but not in the land of idiots, the USA.

Someday in a few years, we’re all going to discover just how much we DON’T like living with people with whom we DON’T share a culture. Then we’ll discover just how bloody and costly it is to kick lots of people out of our neighborhoods. Just what the USA will look like afterward is anyone’s guess.

All I know is that I’m sick of people who don’t think like I do streaming into the USA and then eventually voting to change the place where I live into the hell hole from which they came. This includes people who live in an entirely alien culture right here in the ole US of A (I’m mostly thinking of inner-city leftists.)

November 13, 2014 7:05 pm

So the Pentagon wants more boots on the ground to fight ISIS/ISIL. How about we send 5 million pair……………..

November 14, 2014 12:29 am

Letting illegals in the back door is designed to serve the labor interests of America’s mult-national corporations whose goal is to homogenize the world’s population down to the same level. That means the American standard of living we and our family members have shed blood to attain will be long lost. All the signs are there. BTW if you are a regular to TBP and haven’t yet seen “Citizenfour” make plans to see it, and if your local theater isn’t screening it yet, call them up and make a request. If enough people call & it gets on more screens we’ll at least be putting the truth out there. Otherwise they’ve got us by the balls. I’m sure NSA has a “control file” on every political figure and heads of industry.

November 14, 2014 10:15 am

Are you folks kidding me…neither party give a crap about the middle class. The Chamber of Commerce wants the illegals to drive down wages,they’re firmly in the Republican’ts back pocket .

Both sides are for two classes…slaves and the ruling class . Everything done by those in CONgress is done for power and money….all of it for them and their handlers .

Impeach Obozo…never happen…the liberals will howl that it’s because he’s Black. The only swan song for Obozo is if Ferguson implodes and he only gives the situation lip service to the crisis .

November 15, 2014 3:17 pm

“Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court-packing scheme during the Great Depression was nothing like the strains this president has put on Constitution.”
—-from the article

I don’t think the Constitution says anything about the NUMBER of justices on the Supreme Court. FDR wanted to jump it from nine to fifteen. An obvious naked grab for more political influence on the Supreme Court that not even his overwhelming majority in Congress supported.

As for a “strain” on the Constitution, nothing in the 20th Century matches FDR’s executive order to relocate 120,000 people, the majority of whom were citizens, into Japanese internment camps. THAT was more than a strain, it was a disgraceful stain on the entire nation.