Post-Obamacare Syndrome Gruber Therapy®

Guest Post by Michelle Obama’s Mirror


The list of people who have been “Grubered” is growing by the hour.

gruber and his pet cockatooThe Wise Cockatoo, with his little peacock.

The list – which started with the stupid American people – soon included stupid journalists who were mis-misinformed about the math, and then stupid politicians like Max Baucus, Harry Reid and  Nancy Pelosi. And then yesterday Big Guy himself added his name to the list of the “grubered” when he said he was shocked about the controversy involving “some advisor, not even on staff and claimed again that ObamaCare was 110% transparent.

Alas, as Clarice points out, Jonny was not as insignificant as many would have him:

But you cannot pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars, cite him in your speeches and on your websites and in your briefs as an authority and then credibly pretend you don’t know him.(READ THE REST!)

And apparently we haven’t even heard the worst of it yet according to Rich Weinstein, private citizen and investigative cub reporter at large.

So it strikes me that there may be many of you out there who in the coming days will find yourselves wishing you had a way to wipe that smug, condescending smirk off the elitist face of “ Mr. Mandate” Gruber. Well, now you can, with my patented Post-Obamacare Syndrome (POS) Gruber Therapy®!

If you’ve already taken advantage of my free POS Barry Therapy®,  no further instructions are required. If you’re new to my clinic, the therapy sessions are easy and free (unlike ObamaCare!). It requires no previous experience, very little knowledge, has no rules and the objective is unclear – just like our foreign policy.

For relief at any time, here’s all you have to do:

  • Navigate to my permanent Barry Therapy Clinic (it’s over there -–> in my sidebar) and select the “Gruber” session
  • Watch Gruber free fall, banging into and bouncing off the ObamaCare bumpers to your hearts’ content
  • When Jonny lands in a crevasse and stops falling, just grab him by the head, butt or feet with your mouse and push, pull or squeeze him over, under or through the bumpers. He’ll even fit through invisible cracks – just like a rodent!
  • If at any time you feel the need to increase the intensity of the session, just grab Gruber with your mouse and fling him wherever you want! He’ll just keep falling.

No prescription is required and treatment will be available whenever you need it. So go ahead, give both levels of my customized POS Gruber Therapy® a go (Level I,  with bumpers and Level II, with exposed hypodermic needles). I’m certain you’ll feel  better instantly.

Remember: you can’t fix smug, butt you can fling it around

Level I:

Level II


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Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
November 16, 2014 2:39 pm

Hope and Change.

Where oh where did they find these ass holes? Why can’t the Republicans put a stop to this shit. What more do they fucking need to impeach this ass hole and stop Obamacare?

November 16, 2014 5:31 pm


This is all well and good but we no longer live in an age of accountability. It doesn’t matter if you are an out of control war criminal or a pack of thieves that destroyed a once thriving nation – it doesn’t matter.

Oh wait, it does matter if you are an average Joe then the full weight of the law is thrown at you each and every day.

Each and every day I meet more people that are taking their businesses and their skillset either underground or out of the country. Some people know what time it is.

November 16, 2014 6:11 pm

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November 17, 2014 6:52 am

Obongo: “Uh… I don’t know that guy. Obongo-care is 100% transparent.”

Yeah, sure Barry…

Everything else about you, your administration, and all your sycophants and acolytes is a fucking fraud, a scam, a swindle or an outright lie… why should this be any different?

Thanks, you stupid motherfucker…

November 17, 2014 7:15 am

The whole Obamcare scam was – IMO – a brilliant attempt to distract the highly distractible Americans from their desire to hang bankers from light posts.

Baffle them with BS over health care because even the stupid ones could see bailing out the banks was wrong.

November 17, 2014 8:39 am

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November 17, 2014 9:15 am

Gruber is mistaken. The majority of Americans were smart enough to reject Obamacare. Also, does he not recall that zero Republican House/Senate votes were cast for the law?

The Democratic Party owns Obamacare lock, stock, and barrel. Gruber and his ilk are the real idiots, as is now becoming delightfully apparent.

November 17, 2014 9:17 am

Grow up people. These motherfuckers were lying on day one and we all knew it. Elections have consequences and Barry is still lying to our faces today. No different than that cunt Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. OH SHTF come soon.

November 17, 2014 9:30 am

I can’t wait for the hearings to start. Gruber will get roasted alive and roll over on Obama. Biden may be referred to as Mr. President before it’s over.

November 17, 2014 11:07 am

Nothing will happen because the public won’t demand anything happens.

November 17, 2014 11:26 am

My favorite line from Zero Hedge:

“At issue here is whether HHS violated the prohibition against using appropriations for publicity or propaganda purposes when it awarded the contract for technical assistance and when it used appropriated funds to produce and air the television advertisements. The applicable prohibition states that “[n]o part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall be used directly or indirectly, including by private contractor, for publicity or propaganda purposes within the United States not heretofore authorized by Congress.”

Cannot be used for propaganda purposes, BWAHAHAHAHA. That’s what the government is a giant propaganda machine, WTF. Put all those fuckers in jail, every last one of them. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
