The SNAP Card Gourmet 003: Eggs Toba Flambe

Off the keyboard of RE

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Published on the Doomstead Diner on November 16, 2014

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As we move into Week 3 of the First Month on the SNAP Card budget, I’m doing quite well with some decent amount of leftovers here in terms of Eggs, Potatoes and even some Chili and Spaghetti in containers.  So for Week 3 Purchases, I am going to get even CHEAPER, and just buy some Stew Meat to make a simple stew, along with Flour, Butter, Cooking Oil and Cheese so I can make Cheese Omelletes this week for breakfast, in addition to the Eggs Toba Flambe Video Special of the Week you see above.  BE CAREFUL when you make this breakfast!  You don’t want to burn down your Doomstead!  LoL.

Note: I did have to CHEAT for the Flambe with the SECRET INGREDIENT for a spectacular Egg Skillet dish.  This really perks up your Eggs! (Hint: This Recipe was Illegal from 1920 to 1933 in the FSoA) :)

So this week’s expenditures are

1 lb Stew meat $5

5 lbs Flour $2.50

2 lbs Cheddar Cheese $7

1 qt Cooking Oil $3

1 lb Butter $5

Dry Onion Soup Mix $2

The Cheese, Flour, Oil and Butter will last quite some time since you don’t use too much of this stuff usually for most things you whip up.  Total for the week here around $24.50.  So for the first 3 weeks, this will be a total of around $77, which leaves me $63 to finish out the month until JP Morgan Chase Recharges my SNAP Card.

A few issues were raised in SCG002 regarding just how cheap you can go here in what you buy.  For instance, my friend and fellow Gourmet Stucky pointed out that you can make Pasta cheaper than you can buy it, but the savings are pretty inconsequential here.  I only spent $2 on Pasta to begin with even buying the premade stuff.  Similarly, you can buy  Beans and some various other Staples very cheap, especially in Bulk, but if you try to live on JUST these mostly empty calories (though beans have good protein content too), the diet is ridiculously bland, not to mention totally lacking in vitamins. runs up the cost is getting variety in the diet, and all the less cheap foods you need to fill it out and be able to do some decent cooking with.  So far, the “recipes” here are super basic, and really this is mainly “Bachelor Cooking 101″, at least it used to be.  Nowadays the typical Bachelor doesn’t even do this much cooking, because you can buy Frozen Foods to microwave up just about as cheap as doing most of these type of preparations.  I’ll go through the economics of that in another episode.  Besides that, if you are still employed and making a decent paycheck, most bachelors don’t cook breakfast for instance, they just stop in at Taco Bell on the way to work and buy a Breakfast Burrito. Lunch comes in the form of a Subway Sandwich. On the way home you stop at the Hot Counter of the Deli section of your local Food Emporium and buy some General Tso’s Chicken and Fried Rice.  You spend $20/day on food this way, it’s not real healthy, but it is well within the budget of most people employed in jobz above the Min Wage.

The other criticism came in the Meat department, with the idea you can get cheaper meats to eat that are not usual in the Amerikan diet, Liver, Tripe, Pigs Feet & Neck Bones yadda yadda.  The thing is, in Food Emporiums in this neighborhood, they aren’t that available usually, and they are not much cheaper either, if at all cheaper.  You’ll still pay $3/lb for most of them, even freaking Soup Bones with no meat at all on them!  On the other hand, I can about always find some cut of Boneless Pork for the same price.  The most I would save in a Week if my Meat consumption is 1-2lb/week is maybe $2 most by buying a cheap cut or some gizzard.  It just does not make a big difference to the total budget, which gets consumed elsewhere.

These 3 Vine Ripened Tomatoes cost $2 on SALE!

Besides spices, the main area that consumes your budget is if you start buying a lot of Fresh Veggies.  Another criticism came in is that instead of buying Canned Tomato Sauce, I should make my OWN Tomato Sauce from Fresh Tomatoes!  Issue here is a 1 qt  Can of Tomato Sauce comes as cheap as $1.25 on sale, to make this much tomato sauce with Fresh Tomatoes would cost $10 EZ.  If you are growing your own Tomatoes, this obviously is the way to go, but not if you are buying them.  Another thing to remember with the commercial tomatoes is that they usually are ethylene ripened and are not much more vitamin filled than the canned ones.  If you go and buy hothouse on the vine tomatoes, you can double your cost again here.  You’re ot gonna make much Tomato Sauce on a SNAP Card budget if you try to do it with Fresh Tomatoes, unless you are growing them yourself.

OK, that covers the critique from the last episode of SCG, now let’s get on with this week!  Since I am just making Stew and the only Main Ingredient I am currently missing is Stew Meat ( I have Carrots, Onions, Potatoes and Garlic still left from my Week 1 purchase), the fun part of this week is SHOPPING for the Meat!

I have 4 basic choices for buying Commercial Meat around here, Carr’s (a Safeway Chain store), Fred Meyer (a Kroger Chain store), 3 Bears (a discount Food Warehouse) and Matanuska Meats, a local place that will prepare your hunting and fishing meat as well as providing meat for sale from the local farms.


I am fortunate all of these places are on my route to and from work more or less, I don’t have to go much out of the way to check in on them for what is available.  3 Bears has BY FAR the largest selection, and usually the lowest prices, but Carr’s comes in pretty low also sometimes, relatively speaking of course.  The meat fridge you see above at 3 Bears is only one of several, others have whole sides of beef, lamb etc in them.  With the MASS QUANTITIES of meat present in these freezers every day, it’s hard to imagine the day they will all be empty.  Until that day arrives though, plenty to choose from, and so far the prices aren’t too bad yet.

Fred Meyer overall for meat is not usually a good choice, although they come in cheapest on other stuff often enough.  Matanuska Meats has the highest Quality and is my usual choice if I am being Meat Picky, even though the price is usually a bit higher.

 photo matvally-1.gifFor Stew Meat, the difference is between paying $5/lb at Carr’s or $6/lb at Matanuska Meats, and just choosing here I would go with MM for a lousy $1 difference.  However, I am also torn in what cut I want to use, there are some real nice Ox Tails also on the rack at Fred Meyer.  This would make a much RICHER stew with more FAT in it than typical lean stew meat.  They want $7/lb for the Ox Tails.  This week, I decide to go medium with the Stew Meat from Matanuska Meats.  I’ll save doing an Ox Tail Stew for when I have more in the way of spices to make it super duper.

Some of Francois’ dried meat selection.  He gives classes in preparing your meats as well.  Old School stuff.

I’m not going to video making Stew, because it is brain dead easy, and besides I am out of time here if I want to have the article ready for Sunday Brunch.

Much like the Spaghetti Sauce, the first proceedure is browning the meat in a pan before slow cooking, so it has nice color.  With the cubed meat though, I roll it around in some flour before browning it.  This adds calories and also will help thicken the stew.  Later you can add more flour to thicken more if you like.  I’m using whole grain flour for this.  A bag of flour is a great way to add in some extra cheap calories to any meal, even without making pasta from it.

Once browned up, you just chuck it in the slow cooker with the potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic, and make the broth from the Onion Soup mix.  OK, I am cheating again here and adding some Marsala Wine to flavor up the cooking broth some more.  It was a cheap bottle though and I only used 1/2 a cup.  Whisk in a little more Flour if you want it thicker.  Feel free to dump in your favorite spices if you have some also.  A Bay leaf definitely helps here.

3-4 hours later, ladle it out over some rice and Give Thanks to Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Chase for another day of Industrial Food Living on your SNAP Card!

After 3 weeks here of “just getting by” on the SNAP Card Budget, in Week 4  I am FINALLY going to be able to start doing some REAL COOKING with REAL RECIPES!  I have $63 to spend for the final week or so here in the month, so I can buy some more expensive spices and ingredients.  Also, I’ll stock up on some staples like cooking oil, butter, sour cream etc to have available to make next month’s dishes perkier.

What I will go for at this time is dependent on what I see On Sale in the markets, but probably will include Last Great Frontier Fish Chowder RE and a Chicken dish, maybe Chicken Marsala, Chicken Paprikash or Chicken Parmesian.  Chicken is always relatively cheap animal protein, so a good meat choice.  Just have to watch out for the GMO fed chickens, which tend to be stringy in texture.

We also have Thanksgiving coming up, so we probably need to do something special for that.  No way I will do a Turkey though for just me, I’d be eating the leftovers for MONTHS, even with a small Turkey.

Until then eat well and watch those shelves for disappearing products!


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November 16, 2014 10:24 am

Still waiting for the doomer perspective on credit card air miles from our suburban sheeple specialist. How about some cooking experience directly representative of your experience in the world?

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November 16, 2014 1:58 pm


First, I am FAR from being a “gourmet” cook. I’m a simple cook using simple ingredients that wind up tasting simply great … if I say so myself.

Second, my intent was not to criticize, but rather to offer suggestions. Cooking is deeply personal, and “right or wrong” gets tossed out the window.

You —- > “You’ll still pay $3/lb for most of them, even freaking Soup Bones with no meat at all on them!”

Well, duh! It IS about the bones …. NOT the meat!!! Bone broth is one of THE healthiest things you can eat …. especially on your el-cheapo diet. Read this, 10 Health Benefits Of Bone Broth
You —-> “Another criticism came in is that instead of buying Canned Tomato Sauce, I should make my OWN Tomato Sauce from Fresh Tomatoes! Issue here is a 1 qt Can of Tomato Sauce comes as cheap as $1.25 on sale, to make this much tomato sauce with Fresh Tomatoes would cost $10 EZ. ”

It’s not about the money, directly. I mentioned in that post that much (most?) tomato sauce comes from China. Doesn’t that concern you? I KNOW what’s in my tomato sauce; tomatoes and spices. Period. Buying a buck twenty-five tomato sauce …. what the hell is in that shit??? …. saving a few bucks at the expense of one’s health is the apex of “pound wise, penny foolish”.

I make a mean-ass Hungarian goulash. I don’t worry much about what cut of meat I use. If you cook it loooong and sloooow with ample spices, it’ll taste great, no matter what.

Lastly, cheap chicken is exactly that. You’re eating a bird raised it’s entire life in a tiny cage, eating it’s own shit, injected with god-knows-what hormones and anti-bacterial shit, fat yet malnourished, and probably abounding with e-Coli. Even at Trader Joe, an organic chicken costs about $12-$15 buckeroos. Certainly, not cheap. But, once again, you can go cheap NOW, but you’ll pay your doctor later.

Your “experiment” IS interesting. But, I’ll bet you just can’t wait to get off it, and live a normal life again. Right?

November 16, 2014 2:13 pm

You want someone who lives in the middle of “I can have any moose I want if I just get off my lazy sheeple ass and go get it” but WON’T….to MAKE tomato sauce? Perhaps you are not aware of the physical and mental inabilities of the particular invalid to which you are responding?

And you are encouraging this guy to return to BAU? He is a self proclaimed suburban doomer sheeple superstar, what ELSE do you think he would do..after some holiday shopping, purchasing some nice store bought clothes for his next work day, reading the manual on how to put oil in a compression without screwing it up, etc etc?

November 16, 2014 2:19 pm

$5 a lb for stew meat? Really? I wait for sales and buy pork roast for 99 cents a lb!

November 16, 2014 2:30 pm


There are few things easier than making one’s own tomato sauce. I can’t think of anything that returns more bang for the buck in terms of energy expended to produce a final product.

But, RE, he NEVER takes my advice. He is a Wild Stallion who can’t be reigned it.

99 cent pork. lol Is that with or without diseases? Sheesh. Why don’t you put left-over cooking oil in your car? It’s cheap!! I simply can’t wrap my brain around buying el-cheapo food. You are what you eat. Westcoaster, you apparently have No Fear!

November 16, 2014 2:33 pm

Jack Daniels goes with breakfast. The exact nature of the handicap we have been discussing becomes more clear.

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November 16, 2014 2:43 pm

There are few things easier than making one’s own tomato sauce. ”

You know it. My grandma certainly knew it. But we are talking about a example of perfect suburban sheeple, someone can’t find his own food in sportsman’s paradise, relishes grocery stores and store bought, can’t fix the most simple issues with his RV (parked safely in storage), put oil in his generator, or do those things that most functioning adults take for granted.

Now, Jack Daniels with breakfast might explain why he is the way he is now, maybe he FORGOT all of these things with this particular diet, but surely there are a few neurons left that would be screaming at him “store bought isn’t good for you!!”. But we are talking about cognitive function..and we all know how Jack Daniels improves that.

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November 16, 2014 2:58 pm

“Now, Jack Daniels with breakfast might explain why he is the way he is now, …” —– John

So, based on your comment, I decided to watch the video. Yeah, 5 minutes and 41 seconds of RE mumbling and cooking. John, I hate you.

John …. John!!!! ….. I need a fucking life!!!!!!!! I’m sure you agree.

November 16, 2014 3:01 pm


I’m a big guy … much much bigger than you.

And I gotta tell ya …. I COULD finish that breakfast, but I WOULDN’T. An entire skillet? Portion control, man!! It’ll help you get rid of that oval shape. 🙂

November 17, 2014 9:48 am

Anyone but a suburban sheeple knows that waving around and using Jack Daniels to flavor breakfast means that the whiskey is in the apartment for use as other than a cooking aid. Anyone who has ever lived with a drunk knows this in a nano-second.

And when we are talking about suburban sheeple in a given area, we aren’t surprised. So how about it Reverse Engineer, next door neighbors? Kissing cousins? I mean, when this is what passes for King of the Hill in your town, the political and intellectual elite of the state of alaska, it really does beg the question…shouldn’t you be trying to do better than define what the bottom of the pile looks like?

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November 17, 2014 10:20 am

With just a little effort …. I see the potential for a Fantastic Friendship between RE and John.

November 17, 2014 10:42 am

Smokey would be so proud of John.

November 18, 2014 12:04 am

As mentioned previously, it doesn’t take growing up in a household with someone with compromised impulse control to know what keeping a bottle of jack daniels around to liven up a meal signifies.

Can you be any more of a know-nothing caricature of a suburban sheeple? WORSE in your case, because you live in a place where you could be so much more than the doomer you fantasize about, and instead aspire to be the dwarf version of Julia Child.

Or what passes for a dwarf version of a Hells Angel? Or the scooter version anyway…

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November 18, 2014 2:19 am

John – you can polish a turd all you want, but in the end it will not shine. It will never be a diamond – it will remain a turd.

I admire your efforts re RE. It reminds me of the good old days. I polished and polished him, but alas he never shined.

I kinda like these food posts, tho. Much better than full doom stuff.