Please, give me just ONE reason to have ….. HOPE

The overwhelming feeling here (I believe) can be summed up thusly; “We’re doomed! There is no hope!”

Well, this article from ActivistPost (a fine site with good articles) says there IS hope.

Unfortunately, I only agree with with last point … that there is hope because we cry. It’s like being in a rocky relationship. As long as there is still feeling, such as being able to cry, then there is hope. Conversely, when there is no emotion, well, that is the kiss of death. The relationship is basically O-V-E-R.

But, I need more than just being able to cry. I’d like just one more reason to have hope. And, I’m having some difficulty finding a really good one.

Sooooo …. whaddya got for me?


 8 Reasons Why I Have Hope For Our World and You Should Too

It’s hard to deny that things are becoming increasingly challenging here on Earth. Many of us are struggling through economic hardships comparable to that of the Great Depression, while others live every day in fear for their life as the place that they call home is now an active war zone. No matter the intensity of your individual story, we all face challenges and thanks to the mainstream media beast we are all also constantly thrust with negative story after negative story – with the occasional irrelevant pop culture distraction tossed in every couple of minutes. Despite this, I still choose to stand on the glass is half full side of the spectrum. I strongly believe that deep down we are all hard wired to not only survive and thrive here on planet Earth, but also to come together and recognize the interconnectedness that we all share. Here are 8 reasons why I have hope in the world and I believe that you should too:
1. Our Charitable Donations .Despite a great number of our financial situations worsening year by year, the amount that we globally donate to recognized charitable organizations that we believe in continues to grow. According to, total giving in 2013 was $335.17 billion, an increase of 4.4% from 2012 and the fourth straight year that the total has risen from that of the previous. What’s even more remarkable is that 72% of that came from individuals, and only 5% came from corporate giving accounts. This shows me that no matter how difficult things become we still do everything we can to support what we believe in.

2. Increase In Vocal Activists

Whether it be an otherwise unknown 15-year-old girl taking a powerful stance against GMOs, or a globally recognized celebrity speaking as a UN messenger of peace at the 2014 climate summit, more and more people are vocally standing for what they believe in. The issues of the world are becoming increasingly apparent that they need to truly be solved and thanks to these daring voices they are quickly becoming impossible to ignore. Whether or not you personally agree with the message each of these activists are delivering it’s still empowering to see their willingness to vocalize it passionately.

3. Growth In Alternative Media

Flashback just a couple of years and websites – such as our own – were something that primarily served a niche market, with a number of others regularly following the content, but refusing to admit to it publicly. Today, millions upon millions of people are openly reading, sharing, liking, retweeting and connecting with one another through alternative media sources -s ources that inspire people to think outside of the box and challenge the mainstream. Being on the backend of one of these resources, I can honestly say that it truly feels like we are moving towards a global tipping point where awareness will force the hand of those in power to fully disclose everything.

4. Number Of Protests & Revolutions Worldwide

To many, the idea of a protest or revolution may seem scary, and understandably so, as the mainstream media does a pretty damn good job at making them seem that way. But what is a protest at its core? A group of people coming together to stand for something that they believe in, in hopes of building enough awareness to inspire and create lasting change. Sounds pretty awesome to me, and if we apply these 5 Things That Can Change The Way We Protest, I really think that they can be used to instigate even more change than they already have. To better get a grasp of the power in protesting I encourage you to either google the March Against Monsanto, or to read this piece on the 10 Protests That Changed The World.

5. Amazing Projects Already Underway

Even though most of us go through our daily lives based on the status quo, there are an increasing number of individuals and groups that have come together to build awareness and be a living example of the change they wish to see. Individuals such as Kip Anderson, who documented his journey to uncover the most destructive industry facing the planet today in his film Cowspiracy. Groups such as The Valhalla Movement, who are dedicated to inspiring sustainability and self-reliance through collaborative action. No matter their focus, each of these individuals/groups are actively doing what they are passionate about, rather than waiting for the world to give them support or “permission.”

6. Growth & Limitless Potential Of Alternative Energy

[Stucky says:  Try not to crucify the guy.] Alternative energy sources are a regularly occurring subject here at Collective Evolution and for good reason, the vast majority of us have awoken to the reality that we cannot continue to power our lives with the traditional methods we currently rely upon. In response to this, several globally accepted alternatives, such as solar power, continue to rapidly grow with a solar system being installed an average of every 4 minutes in 2013 by comparison to every 80 minutes in 2006. (source) But solar energy is just the tip of the iceberg with free energy devices being the ever-growing and exciting base – for more information on the potential of free energy read any of the following: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3. 7. Our Response In Times Of Need Whether it be something as catastrophic as Hurricane Katrina was on the city of New Orleans or something as local as a child getting hurt while riding their bike, the vast majority of us seem to have an innate desire to help in any way that we can. Even though some of us may suppress this, we often can’t help but at the very least feel empathetic for the individual(s) dealing with hardship. I like to look at the incredible rescue, support and rebuild efforts that are happening daily worldwide as a bright glimmer of hope and an even brighter glimmer of the potential we have to come together and right this ship called Earth.

8. We All Cry

This may seem like a very sappy ending to an otherwise hopefully empowering list, but for me one of the greatest symbols of hope in this world is that we all cry. Yes, many of us suppress this as well – due in large part to beliefs such as “men don’t cry” or “crying is for the weak” – but the truth is we all have tears within us. Tears that when shed, reveal not only how human we can all be, but also how interconnected we all are. Whether all it takes is a touching story/movie to get your waterworks going, the passing of a close friend or relative or a joyous moment such as the birth of a child we all have a breaking point. This breaking point shows me that no matter how tough our skin may be on the outside, when push comes to shove we all have a softer side that is ready to be a part of fixing this world.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 17, 2014 11:44 am

9) Stupid people eventually out-smart themselves, which should leave some room for others… someday.

November 17, 2014 12:02 pm

1) “He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.”

– C.S. Lewis

November 17, 2014 12:06 pm

My one true hope :JESUS CHRIST is who he said he was.That’s it .If Christ is not GOD then I am really FUCKED. I have nothing else .

November 17, 2014 12:31 pm

As soon as I read the part about the Climate Change activist…I knew there was no hope . A complete ( and hopefully peaceful ) reset is the only chance. Folks who want to change the system think you can build a better dinosaur .

November 17, 2014 12:52 pm

A passage from the Bible that gives me hope every time I read it is this:

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

November 17, 2014 1:25 pm

I have been preaching to my leftie book club since I woke up in 2008 and they are starting to come around.

November 17, 2014 1:31 pm


Dude, you know I loves ya, and my intent is to NOT shit on this thread…


This is pretty much drum circle, granola shit… Activism? Alternative energy? We all cry? Da fuck?

I could take this guy apart, bit by bit, and show you that he’s just got his head shoved up his ass… but I won’t.

I will tell you that there is hope. It doesn’t have shit to do with anything this Hipster says, though…

There is hope because there are still those of us who know history. Who know what real liberty is. What this country should have been instead of what it is…

America – at least the bedrock principals the Framers believed in – was never anything more than an idea. It is still only an idea. So long as one person who truly believes remains alive, then there is hope.

Humans have been subjugating other humans since we first climbed down out of the trees… and probably even before that. Nobody will give you freedom and liberty to live your life as you see fit. You have to take it. Our current state of affairs is just the Power Elite subjugating us more and more on a daily basis. Not a day goes by where we don’t hear about some new outrage, some new and egregious action by those who claim to rule us…

Part of this is our own fault.

Homogenous nations do not have a need for more, and more restrictive, laws and regulations, nor a “police force” made up of thug Enforcers. Many bought off on the “multiculturalism” line of bullshit. The Big Lie.

And so our country has devolved into a soupy mess it was never intended to be. The greater the number of “other” in a country, the higher the levels of conflict. The higher the levels of conflict, the more draconian the laws – and the number of laws – becomes. The Enforcers tighten the screws in a vain effort at “keeping the peace”, which is just really a power grab and armed robbery under color of law.

Eventually, the population of “other” becomes high enough – about 40% – the country either becomes a Totalitarian State ruled by an Oligarchy or a Dictator, or else open warfare breaks out.

The douchey Hipster asumes that our current cluster fuck can be “fixed” and therefore there is “hope”.

Nope. It can’t be fixed. Too much damage done over too long a period by too may maniacal assholes. We passed our Rubicon a long time ago and we couldn’t – can’t – stop our trajectory even if we wanted to…

Just take heart in the fact that there are millions of us – granted, a minority – who know what this country should have been. But there’s enough of us so they can’t eliminate all of us…

And as lone as one of us stays alive, remembers, and passes on that knowledge, then there is hope…

“Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.”

November 17, 2014 1:54 pm

I DO have hope for the reasons Billy talks about. However if the H1/2NIC gets away wif amnesty, all bets are off. Isn’t it interesting that it’s ok for Africa to be for Africans, Japan for Japanese, China for Chinamen, &tc…..but all of the White nations must open their borders to the scum of the earth? That will be our total downfall and remove all hope.

November 17, 2014 2:05 pm

Billy kind of beat me to it… I was going to point out the same basic thing.

One thing we know from history — and the Fourth Turning is all about this — is that everything runs in cycles. That was even recognized in ancient history, if you believe in the Bible as a good representation of human history (see Ecclesiastes 1:9).

We are in a cycle where things feel doomed, but just as we know Spring will come after Winter, we know that a High will follow this Crisis. That doesn’t prevent some people from thinking this is “The End” or believing that TEOTWAWKI is coming. People have in every Crisis throughout history, so why should we be any different? I often wonder how those people will react when things DO turn around, as they always have. What will they have, when they no longer have Doom?

Anyway, things will get better. We just have to survive through the next 10-12 years. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not so bad.

November 17, 2014 2:09 pm

“History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.”

Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

November 17, 2014 2:11 pm

Wow – I took a look at #6 Growth & Limitless Potential Of Alternative Energy

What a load of bullshit. The perpetual motion machine – violates every law of thermodynamics.

Ectricity needs to be ‘on demand’ – you can’t depend upon solar or wind.

Wind power – take a closer look: Max life of a wind turbine is 25 years. It’s a big tax write off and it’s subsidized by the gubmint.

When some figures out how to store electricity (other than a standard capacitor or battery) – that will be a tremendous advantage.

November 17, 2014 2:12 pm

LOL, Jim. You Ossianic nihilist, you. 🙂

November 17, 2014 2:14 pm

I really need to do that Lord of the Rings meets the Fourth Turning article. It might recharge my batteries.

November 17, 2014 2:19 pm
November 17, 2014 2:25 pm

Some hopeful quotes:

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”

Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

“There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

November 17, 2014 2:41 pm

A reason for Hope and change


Let it be known that I stand with the Tea Party and demand that impeachment proceedings be brought against President Barack Obama for high crimes and misdemeanors, including, but not limited to the following:

1. Failing to protect American citizens in the Libyan embassy in Benghazi and purposefully allowing them to be tortured and murdered in cold blood. Cries for help were ignored. Pleas for ground support were brushed off. While American ambassador Chris Stevens and his colleagues were being slaughtered at the hands of murderers, Obama turned a blind eye and went to bed, blaming a YouTube video for the attack.

While “justice will be served” has resonated from his lips, nothing has been done to bring justice for this crime. Instead, it has been swept under the carpet. Now the Obama State Department is compounding the crimes against our diplomats and military by intimidating government civilian and military personnel into not testifying.

2. Blatant abuse and misuse of the true intention of the PATRIOT Act. Obama and is administration deem it acceptable to invade the privacy of U.S. citizens by reading our e-mail, tracking our Internet visits, comparing notes with the IRS about our taxes and “mining” our every purchase. These are egregious violations of our right to privacy.

3. Outright brutal assaults on the First Amendment by the Obama Justice Department. Those who are held accountable to the highest extend of the law chose to break the law by illegally wiretapping phone lines and cell phone conversations and invading email accounts—spying—on members of the press and accusing reporters doing their job of being criminals.

4. Under Obama’s ruling hand, the Internal Revenue Service purposefully, knowingly and willingly targeted conservatives and Tea Party members, delaying their non-profit status and then lying to Congress about their activities.

5. Repeatedly hiding illegal Federal activities, such as the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” program where guns were handed to KNOWN criminals and members of Mexican drug cartels then used to kill our own border agents. Obama acolytes still continue to lie to Congress and the citizens of the United States about the gun-running operation.

6. For purposefully, willfully and wrongfully putting a bounty on the heads of 22 Navy Seals aboard a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan. Obama knowingly sent those Seals to their deaths that fateful day then had his military brass issue orders to cremate the bodies for no reason. Despite the outright lies told to the American people, those men did not all die aboard that helicopter that day. Eight Navy Seals jumped out alive and fought for their lives. Again, no backup reinforcements—only a team of Afghans that were waiting to ambush them. Despite false promises of “justice” by the president, nothing has been done.

7. For constant violations of the regulatory and law-making process—end running Congress with Executive Orders after they’ve voted down bills and making appointments while the Senate was in session, effectively violating the Constitution of the United States of America.

8. Allowing criminals to go unchecked and, in fact, welcoming them into the country. Despite Congress voting down the DREAM Act Obama signed an Executive Order that allows children of illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. before they were 16 and still under 30 to remain in the U.S. with no fear of deportation. This is another clear violation of the Constitution and our law-making process. Obama continues his marathon abuse of power by using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund public relations and advertising campaigns to promote free food stamps to Mexicans.

9. In time of great financial duress in our country, the president is funding terrorists groups in Egypt—the Muslim Brotherhood—giving them billions of dollars, F-16s and tanks all while claiming the White House (OUR house) must be closed to children and families who wish to visit.

10. In his time as president, Obama has levied the biggest tax ever in American history on US citizens with ObamaCare forcing the people to buy it by demand on the government.

This petition has only begun to brush the surface. Choosing to enforce only the laws he agrees with and ignoring others, disregarding the “Defense of Marriage Act, initiating a war in Libya without a declaration of war from Congress…these are but a few of the egregious acts of this would-be king.

Congressional members, he has assassinated American citizens without due process of law and put in place a drone program to kill on command. His election was fraught with voter fraud and promises of hand-outs for the masses, paid for by hard working taxpayers. Scandal after scandal and abuse after abuse continues.

Therefore, I, the undersigned, urge Congress to immediately and swiftly begin a full investigation of President Obama and the entire Obama administration for corruption, high crimes and misdemeanors against the American people and the United States Constitution.

– See more at:

November 17, 2014 2:47 pm

@ Dutch,

I was thinking the same thing…

If I hooked a Flux Capacitor to The Tesseract, then combined that with the “secret technology” Big Oil has been suppressing for the last 80 years, plus Cold Fusion and Element 115 – Ununpentium (Uup) – (both available at Hangar 18, located at Area 51 of Groom Lake) – we could power a Warp Generator which would create a Wormhole we could use to contact alien civilizations… then take their tech and reverse engineer it so we can have millions of years of clean energy…

November 17, 2014 3:10 pm

As much as I try and be a realist and accept all the daily signs pointing to the potential for our collective doom, I do hold out hope for the future every time I look at my children and the things they are doing as they build their lives. The effort they are taking on their own to fight through a new world that has the deck stacked against them. The choices they are making in how and where they live and the manner in which they deal and overcome obstacles.

Can a group of young like minded people that share a value and belief system of good come together and create a bigger group of people of like mind and principal, and so forth until you have created a movement for change and betterment. I think so, and that gives me hope that in spite of the fact that the world may turn upside down and inside out during the course of the fourth turning after the dust settles, it can be rebuilt.

November 17, 2014 3:12 pm

All of you just don’t get it.For anything to have real lasting value it has to be in the eternal realm.Everything else is in the temporary . I see nothing in this life but a return to dust.At least there is hope of eternal life in Christ.

Stucky , you are truly FUCKED. Without Christ what eternal hope do you have.?Pls tell me .
Ragman , amnesty or not the US will never be the nation it was.The US as a nationis over.We will not survive the 4th coming as one nation unless we surrender to a police state. Tell me RAG MAN what eternal hope do you have?

November 17, 2014 3:18 pm

My thoughts on LOTR…

Whatever motivations Tolkien had when he was writing LOTR, it ended up being one of the greatest Western mythologies of all time…

I’m not intentionally trying to turn this into some “race” thing, but one cannot talk about LOTR without addressing the backlash against it.. both the books and the movies..

LOTR was criticized as being an allegory about Western civilization being overrun by the “darker” races of the world… the only dark faces to be seen in the movies were the Bad Guys – Orcs, Trolls, Uruk Hai, etc… and the great betrayer of Western Civilization was The White Wizard who went around corrupting others and used the darker races as a weapon against his own…

Yep. Full of symbolism. And, in fairness, Western Civilization was built by us for us… and LOTR was written by one of us, for us.. not anyone else. And, again in all fairness, Western Civilization is being overrun by darker races, those totally alien to our ways. They show up in their multitudes and insist that our civilization change to accommodate them, instead of the other way around…

And yes, we even have our own vile betrayers who aid and abet those who seek to replace us and remake our civilization into their own…

But, if Western Civilization changes to accommodate them, then it ceases to be Western Civilization… the destruction of Western Civilization is exactly what our vile betrayers and traitors want and, same as in the books and movies, they are using the darker races to accomplish this…

So, from my chair, LOTR is a dead-nuts accurate portrayal of the war we will be staring at in the future… if that offends some people, well… too bad. Let them howl and bay “raaayciss!” all they want. It does not change the truth.

The truth being: We are being lied to and betrayed by those who hate our way of life and seek to destroy it. They are traitors. They look like us. Talk like us. But they hate us. The easiest – and quickest – way for them to destroy us is to allow (even encourage) our homelands to be invaded by those alien to our way of life. They hold a greater allegiance to their “tribe”, religion or race, than to Western Civilization or any of the countries that make up Western Civilization…

Very shortly, we will be fighting not only for our own survival, but for the survival of Western Civilization… and, like in my post above, Western Civilization is an idea. So long as one of us believes in it, maintains it and cherishes it enough to pass along the knowledge to subsequent generations, it cannot die…

November 17, 2014 3:24 pm

One more little thing .On another post we talked about when life begins. As I have noted before Planned parenthood said since 1973 more then 55million abortions have been performed in US and more then a billion world wide. Do you think GOD is not judging us already. Everywhere you look you can see God’s Wrath on this nation. GOD is going to let us destroy ourselves. Most of you here walk through life with your eyes wide shut. Most of you are no different then the stupid people that MIT professor talked about but yet you think you’re wise …professing to be wise they have become FOOLS….

November 17, 2014 3:35 pm

Billy , I look up who was the real money behind amnesty . It is the FORD FOUNDATION , ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION , Open Society Foundation by George Soros .Just these 3 had given over 80 million dollars a piece to various groups and politicians. It is a small group of very wealthy people and foundations behind this treason. The politicians are just lap dogs.

November 17, 2014 4:37 pm

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November 17, 2014 5:44 pm

Admin posts a tour de force, and gets half as many comments as this thread does.

You fucks should be ashamed.

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
November 17, 2014 5:54 pm

My feeling is the growth of alternate media and the internet are very hopeful developments for a better future.

Awareness, and learning from other free thinkers and out of the box thinkers is a wonderful, precious asset to have that was never so readily and easily available.

It is greatly under appreciated by doomers, and is a path to our understanding and solving problems.

Keeping it free from the scum bag censors, and vermin that label everyone who do not agree with them as trolls, and silencing them, is the hard part which we must be most vigilant about.

Freedom of Speech, listening to and learning from one another, one great melting pot of ideas, companionship, common cause and goal development, instant news dissemination to billions. These are great strengths for a better future if we use them wisely and protect them.

Barrack Obama
Barrack Obama
November 17, 2014 5:57 pm

Hey, Chief Swings-Both-Ways

I got yer back. Stop bitching.

Let this be a lesson to Admin; that Hope ‘n Shit sells, baby! How do you think I got elected? By talkin’ ’bout how bad things are? Nope. HOPE ‘N SHIT !! Got it?

November 17, 2014 7:05 pm

The guy who wrote the article is a far-left internationalist who thinks the planet’s endless problems are somehow our problems. This is how war starts. I hate the U.N. with a passion. And I have held that position since I was a teenager.

Be a nationalist, as I am. Really, really hard core nationalist. Say to yourself over and over. “We need to get our own house in order, first and foremost.” If we can do that, then maybe, just maybe, we can spend some capital to help the rest of this sick, fucking planet. But not before.

I have great hope that the U.S. can solve many of its critical issues. Scientifically, we can slam-dunk the energy issue for many, many generations. Politically, the economy can get back to the creative engine for jobs and prosperity that capitalism was designed to do.

We can do this.

November 17, 2014 7:22 pm

One should always look on then bright side of life by always remembering that whatever obstacles life throws in your path , you can only be killed once.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
November 17, 2014 7:31 pm

“All of you just don’t get it.For anything to have real lasting value it has to be in the eternal realm.Everything else is in the temporary . I see nothing in this life but a return to dust.At least there is hope of eternal life in Christ.”

Well that’s because there IS nothing in this life but a return to dust – at least when you get to the end of this life. So why not focus on what’s going on for you between now and then? Five major extinctions of life have already happened on this planet. You can argue whether or not humans are causing the sixth, but either way, the numbers aren’t pointing to any particular life on this planet being eternal. And why would you need it to be? Every other living thing on this earth is content to just BE, yet only humans would want to continue in their own currently fucked-up form forever. (If I live forever, does that still mean I still have to have psoriasis and lousy vision?)

Yet … Earth was stardust before it became a planet, and we were just part of this planet before we became other forms of life, before we became us. This planet is nothing but a giant recycling center, turning the same molecules and atoms of the same stuff into different things, all the time. The atoms that make up my body, in the short term, were just the atoms making up the food I ate, the air I breathed, and the water I drank before they became part of me. Some tiny part of my spleen is made up of the bacon I ate last weekend. Before it was bacon, it was a pig, and before that, it was the pig’s food. Eventually I’ll be turned into pig’s food, too, or part of a tree perhaps. In a way, I’ve ALREADY been around forever, just not in my current configuration.

None of this bothers me in the least. I can just ENJOY this life, and there’s really no more to it than that. Next time you look up at the stars, though, remember they are our kin.

“It is memory, precious and pure … I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light of forever fill the air…”

There doesn’t have to be a bunch of made-up supernatural stuff for there to be things that last.

November 17, 2014 7:35 pm

I still had Hope 30 years ago. It is all run out now, and my time is probably short.

In the remains of my lifetime I expect any change to be for the worse. That’s been the trend for as long as I can remember.

November 17, 2014 8:03 pm

Priate Jo ,now what’s your reason for not having children?

November 17, 2014 8:10 pm

Pirate Jo ,next time I look at the remember they are our kin……you are full of shit ,probably on the same level as SHIRLEY McCain .

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
November 17, 2014 8:54 pm

Reasons for not having children? They boil down to just two:

1) Life would suck for me.
2) Life would suck for them.

And by the way, bb, don’t you also not have kids?

I think your fixation on supernatural nonsense is simply distracting you from making the life you have better. There could be more to it than your mom and your cat. But you believe what you want – it doesn’t have to be real for it to make you feel better.

Elpidio Corona - Douche
Elpidio Corona - Douche
November 17, 2014 10:03 pm