That’s it, I’m done with Walmart

Guest Post by the Lonely Libertarian

Seriously, I’m done.

I went to pick up a few toiletries at lunch and came up against a lesson in immigration and entitlement. I was in the vitamins aisle, listening to several foreign women chattering away loudly in the next aisle over. Irritating? Oh yeah, but what are you going to do? They are entitled to speak whatever language they want while out shopping. They may be new and working on their English skills, and their native language is more comfortable for them. Whatever the reason, it’s none of my business.

So rounding the corner to head down the lotions aisle, I see them standing right in front of what I need. Three Somali women, dressed head to toe in native garb, laughing and talking in Somali and blocking the whole aisle. I saw two shoppers head down the aisle, see them and back out; I’m not that timid. I walk up to them, politely ask to get what I need, and start to reach for my body lotion. That’s when they turn, proudly displaying their Walmart employee badges, and shift to block my access. One of them tells me, “No English, no English.” WTF?! Seriously?!

So I pantomime that I need to get past them and get my lotion, they giggle, chatter and turn their backs to me, not ceding an inch. Don’t mess with a redheaded Texan, bitches; I gently pressed past them and grabbed my lotion. I decided I’d shopped enough and headed straight to Customer Service where I waited for 25 minutes while the service rep tried to explain to the non-English speaking Hispanic woman why she couldn’t return used panties. When I finally got up there, my blood pressure was pounding behind my eyes and I had a massive migraine starting, but I used my polite reasonable words. I explained that I had been treated rudely and dismissively by three employees who were taking a break in the lotions aisle. I explained they pretended to not speak or understand English, and refused to allow me access to the products they were blocking. Since I couldn’t pronounce or even spell the names on their tags (not a single one of them was Beth or Peggy), I described them as closely as possible considering I could only see fabric, the tips of their shoes and their faces. And that’s when I was told that they were NOT required to speak English, that they were hired to interact with Amarillo’s Somali community, and not English speaking customers. Furthermore, I was being unreasonable to expect them to act a certain way. I was basically treated as a redneck bigot and told if I didn’t like interacting with other cultures, I shouldn’t shop there. Absolutely fine with me.

No surprise here, this is the same suburban Walmart that was featured in my back to school entitlement post. This is the store the farthest from the Somali community (there are two others within a couple of miles of their neighborhoods), it is in the upscale Southwest area where homes range from $250K to $750K, and one million-plus dollar gated community. Not a lot of Somali refugees. So one wonders, just how much work do they do? How often are they called upon to translate or interact? Are these some of those jobs we’re told Americans won’t do? How many qualified American applicants were turned down so these women could have these jobs?

So yeah, I’m done with Walmart; and I left the lotion on the Customer Service desk, not another penny.

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November 23, 2014 12:45 am

IS – a fellow PNW’er!

November 23, 2014 9:05 am

Can’t believe I stepped out just as El was posting this dogshit…

Let’s see…

“Why do companies here hate Americans SO much?

Just a guess, maybe cause it didn’t cost Americans anything to get here.

I see. Because we were born here, is that it? And which ‘companies’ where? Here in the US? Some other country? Please be more specific…

“Because they eat like royalty.

It’s not what Americans eat, it’s the sedentary lifestyle. They don’t get their fat asses up and do anything…

“Because they expect $10 for a job other people back home do for fifty cents.

Neglected to say that “back home” is a 3rd world shithole where the cost of living is so low, 50 cents is comparable to 10 dollars here… nice try, though.

“Because they think their shit don’t stink.”

You mean arrogant? You… accusing Americans of being arrogant? Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black, but okay… I actually partially agree with you… Americans CAN be arrogant. But, not all are. There’s actually a genuine term for this – “Ugly American Syndrome”.

“Because they don’t know more than one language.”

Sie sind sicher wir nicht sprechen etwas andere?

O Espanol, sie tu quiere?

Because they know very little about how the rest of the world lives.

Uh huh… I’ve heard this before… the accusation of being “provincial”… literally “you don’t travel enough. You need to get out more”… usually coming from high-handed Euro-fags and sneering libfucks… for you to join their ranks is saying something.

Because they don’t care how the rest of the world lives.

Why should we? And given the amount of FREE SHIT, as well as all the other aid that American taxpayers foot the bill for that goes to all these starving wretches in 3rd world shitholes – not only talking free shit our government gives away, but private donations as well – you can really sit there with a straight face and say “they don’t care”? Congratulations. You are a fucking douchebag.

Because they never lost family in a street fight over a business spot.

No. I lost family when they stepped up and volunteered to go help free some wretches on the other side of the planet. Loss is loss, asshole. The only real difference is “when” and “how”…

Because they believe they deserve a job based on their filling all the squares.

I have no idea what this means… unless you actually mean “checking the boxes”. And their bullshit entitled attitude – “I have a right to work!” – comes from the cultural marxism that’s been shoveled down their throats since kindergarten. The ‘everyone gets a trophy’ crowd has been brainwashed.

Ain’t making excuses. I think an overblown sense of entitlement sucks ass. But contrast that with someone who goes to all the right schools, studies the right subjects, gets good grades, then goes into the job market and can’t find a fucking job because the market is flooded with H1B visa Hindu assholes willing to work for 1/4 of the going rate… which is a problem that should be addressed by our own businesses and also the government for issuing the visas in the first place…

And at least they checked some boxes… not like, say… 40 million illegals who break our laws, show up here, wave their shitty flag around and demand free shit, a job, citizenship, preferential treatment, etc… those entitled bitches…

Because they never had to bribe or sleep with a potential boss or cop.

Companies “hate us” because we don’t have the same culture of corruption as in some 3rd world shithole? The fuck you been smoking? Oh, by the way – I bribed several cops in Panama. Blatantly! Guess US companies just love the hell out of me…

Because they have ‘rights’.

Yeah? So? We don’t have a fucking copyright on the Constitution. Any country anywhere can adopt it – whole cloth – at any time they wish. The fact that other countries like, oh… say, MEXICO just love to wallow in corruption, bribery, theft, graft, etc, ain’t my problem, nor is it my fault….

Because they go abroad wearing outrageous outfits with no respect for local customs.

You mean like the unasked-for Somali “immigrants” wearing bedsheets in Walmart and speaking that nasty shit that passes for a language? Sort of like that?

You’re starting to recycle your bitches… this is just another variant of “The Ugly American”… get some new material…

Because they take their racial issues with them wherever they go.

Everyone has “racial issues”… even the beloved Mestizos flooding our country right now… hell, they ‘re willing to start a running gun battle because the Norteños hate the Sureños. And it’s well known the mestizos hate blacks with a burning passion…

Seems like you’re singling out Americans for what everyone does, esse… that’s fucked.

Because they don’t know their shit stinks.

Cluelessness? Eh.. probably. Won’t get an argument from me.

Because they don’t bother to learn the lingo of the country they are visiting.

You’re recycling your arguments again, El… please.. I’m begging ya.. get some new shit.

Because they think the whole world knows about Ferguson.

Wait… what? Well, the BBC did carry the story.. as well as several stations in Germany.. sooo, there’s that…

Because they think one riot per decade is enough to motivate government action.

Sooo, in your mind, we should adopt the 3rd world’s habit of rioting all the time? It would make life more interesting, I’ll give you that… but property insurance would skyrocket…

Because they think the world cares about American music and movies.

Judging by the countries who have adopted western culture – and America drives western culture – this is not too far from the truth… lots of places in the world do care about American music and movies… that you choose to listen to that shit that comes blaring out of a Chiva Bus ain’t my fault…

Here, El… just for you… I was listening to this the other day… though I prefer the version on her “30 Años” album.


November 23, 2014 9:20 am


It should be “¿O Español, si tu quiere?”…

Got too much going on in my head… speak and read Spanish? Sure. Write it correctly? Not so much…


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 10:31 am

I have no reference point for EL’s comments on why corporations hate Americans as I am new to the site. I thought it was sarc maybe, but not quite sure. BILLY just clued me in EL and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you to STFU. Stay out of American blogs and if you live here, get the fuck out. Who are you to blather on in such a manner about Americans? WE DON’T NEED YOUR APPROVAL ON ANYTHING ESSE.

November 23, 2014 11:13 am

@ Bea,

El’s post has a grain of possible truth in it… mostly due to the “entitlement” attitude most Minnies have..

But, being as he does not own a “company”, nor has the ear of anyone who does own a “company” (nor the vast majority of companies here in the US) the majority of his post is hypocritical, ignorant-assed bullshit.

His post is like me opining what Eskimo Tribal Chiefs north of the Arctic Circle felt towards people from Madagascar after I read a travel brochure about Madagascar… but the brochure was written by Madagascar’s arch-enemy…

November 23, 2014 11:31 am

I have to jump in here, because of course I do. There are two distinct Americas, and two very different populations. There’s Old School America, where the citizens get up, work hard, pay attention, and keep the world moving forward. They work hard, play hard, fight hard and don’t apologize for shit. They carry the New School Americans firmly on their shoulders.
New School Americans, brought to you by Liberal indoctrination policies, span the economic spectrum from the multi-generational welfare leeches to the entitled Sandra Flukes of the world who has the disposable income to tour Europe but feels that birth control should be paid for by Old School Americans.
The difference in a nutshell? Old School America produces, New School America consumes.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 11:53 am


I marvel at how well you lay words down into symphony of thought. Bravo … We all figured out your point a long tome ago. Do you have an opinion on El’s blatant attack on America? Why are you not miffed when outsiders attack? If a foreign invader came to your town and held a firearm to your head, would you just stand there and explain to them why our two cultures don’t see eye to eye?
Where are your balls people? Leslie, if you are female, get your balls out of your purse and put them on.

November 23, 2014 1:30 pm

Well, Bea, a couple of things come to mind.
First, the First Amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of ideas and the ability to express them even if they are unpopular and entirely douchey. I don’t agree with El, but I’ll fight to defend his right to be a douchecanoe.
Second, words are NOT actions. If someone comes to my country, state, town, front porch and threatens me and mine with physical violence, damn skippy they’re going to meet a tragic end. But talking smack? Nah, not worth my time and energy. Definitely not worth the waste of ammo. C*ntmuffins come and go, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. If you let them get your skivvies in a twist with every asinine assertion, you’re gonna spend all your time fighting petty little squabbles.
Kick some dirt on ’em and move on.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 1:43 pm


That was beautiful…damn well put. Glad to know that you are on board with taking care of business when need be. El is a douche and I shall not ignore his douchebaggery. (kicking dirt as I speak)

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 1:57 pm

OBTW LESLIE, I am one of the old school of which you speak, and I have never/will never cotton to non Americans talking shit in my frontyard, first amendment or no first amendment. If standing up for this country is unacceptable, please let me know when that became the norm.

November 23, 2014 2:14 pm

I think there are degrees. People talk shit daily because that’s all they can do. I see them as impotent irritants, and usually they set themselves up and I don’t really need to do much. They’re just distractions from the real threats. Like kicking at chihuahuas while the wolves are creeping up behind you.
What matters are actions, not words; like my dear friend wirecutter says, “Opera non verba.” Let your actions and choices be your ammo against the Els of the world. Cream (Old America) rises to the top while detritus (New America) settles to the bottom, but only when you stop stirring it up.
Words of wisdom from my Grandma, first generation immigrant who learned English while working in a laundry to put a roof over her kids’ heads after grandpa died in the War.
“If you act as a lady, you are a lady. And if anyone calls you differently, your actions show them for the fools they are. You needn’t speak a word in your defense, others will see the truth.”

November 23, 2014 2:38 pm

“If you act as a lady, you are a lady. And if anyone calls you differently, your actions show them for the fools they are. You needn’t speak a word in your defense, others will see the truth.”

Agreed, but sometimes it’s just fun to push a person down the stairs and call it a Gravity Assist.


November 23, 2014 2:52 pm

“Some people are like slinkies. Not good for much, but still brings a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 23, 2014 3:36 pm

Hey Billy, like I said, it was just a guess if I put myself in their place. I could have explained that ‘eat like royalty’ comment, I meant like the ancient romans did when they required vomitoriums to continue eating past any need. Again: I was guessing what they might think.

Bea Lever says: LESLIE I marvel at how well you lay words down into [?] symphony of thought.

Oh yes, Leslie can write a symphony alright, consider this minor opus: Words of wisdom from my Grandma, first generation immigrant who learned English while working in a laundry to put a roof over her kids’ heads after grandpa died in the War.

Why don’t you two carpet munchers go back where you came from?

November 23, 2014 3:46 pm

Hey Billy, like I said, it was just a guess if I put myself I their place. I could have explained that ‘eat like royalty’ comment, I meant like the ancient romans did when they required vomitoriums to continue eating past any need. Again: I was guessing what they might think.

Bea Lever says: LESLIE I marvel at how well you lay words down into [?] symphony of thought.

Oh yes, Leslie can write a symphony alright, consider this minor opus: Words of wisdom from my Grandma, first generation immigrant who learned English while working in a laundry to put a roof over her kids’ heads after grandpa died in the War.

Why don’t you two carpet munchers go back where you came from?

November 23, 2014 4:05 pm

” I was guessing what they might think.”

Then you guessed poorly.

You having some issues posting, El?

And why the ad hominem attack against Bea and Leslie? You no likey their opinion of your bullshit post?

You don’t even know if Bea is a female or a male – and so far, Bea hasn’t said one way or the other…

November 23, 2014 6:33 pm

Interesting thread. One thing that always gets my goat, is for someone to tell an American citizen to get the fuck out. Bea – you do know ol’ EC is an American, right? Hispanic origin, but then everyone around here is from somewhere else, except me.

Bea – if you do not like EC’s position, tough titty. He is a citizen and has the right to say whatever the fuck he thinks. You have the right to abuse shit out of him – and there is every chance he deserves it, at least sometimes. But to tell him to leave is out of line.

The “love it or leave it” bullshit is exactly that. If the country is going astray, people have the right to change it. And that can only happen if free speech exists.

And BTW – I have NO IDEA what EC was on about with that post. Made no fucking sense to me.

November 23, 2014 6:36 pm

Billy – when Bea opened his/her trap telling him to leave, then he/she deserves everything she/he gets. She/he started it. He had in no way addressed Bea before then, best I can tell.

November 23, 2014 7:02 pm

“The “love it or leave it” bullshit is exactly that.” – Llpoh

Yeah, see… a bunch of us actually tried that, back about 150 years ago or so… we most certainly didn’t “love it”, so we left…

Didn’t help.

Mr. Lincoln sent his goons down here where they raped, pillaged, burned, murdered, etc… “Love it or leave it” is, indeed, bullshit… we can’t leave… and even if we had someplace to go, the “tax” for renouncing citizenship goes higher seemingly every day… pretty soon, it will be like South Africa, where the “tax” for leaving is about $800,000 as I write this… nobody can afford it. Anyone who could afford it is already long gone…

Voting does jack shit. Blogs, emails, writing letters.. all means shit. We are beyond reform…

November 23, 2014 7:07 pm

Billy – maybe. Doesn’t mean I or we have to join the bastards by behaving as they do.

November 23, 2014 7:13 pm


The course of action I would recommend… is a course of action I cannot recommend… just yet.

Don’t want to get visited by a bunch of goons at 3am…


November 23, 2014 7:36 pm

llpoh said:
“everyone around here is from somewhere else, except me.”

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Maybe you missed T4C’s post the other day:

If the premise of the book she posted about is true, all of us here on this rock are just malcontent criminals doin’ hard time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 9:02 pm

Most humble apologies to our fellow citizen EC…thought he must be a foreigner by the way he degrades Americans. Why does he hate us? If I hated my fellow countrymen that much, I would move and BILLY stated he has a history of anti Merikan rants. As I said, I have no point of reference.

November 23, 2014 9:52 pm

Bea – he likes to stir Billy. I do not think he hates Americans. His writing still is tough to decipher at times.

We need to talk trials and tribulations of small business. We have much common ground there.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 10:18 pm


Small business is majorly f@#ked. I work to pay taxes but don’t, really care as I am a short timer due to age.I found out a few minutes ago in this thread that I am now a “carpetmuncher” LOL…I almost cracked a rib laughing. What would you like to discuss?

El Coyote
El Coyote
November 23, 2014 11:08 pm

Bea Lever says:

Most humble apologies to our fellow citizen EC…thought he must be a foreigner by the way he degrades Americans. Why does he hate us? If I hated my fellow countrymen that much, I would move and BILLY stated he has a history of anti Merikan rants. As I said, I have no point of reference.

I have had the honor of being attacked and even called an asshole or dick by no less than LLPOH, KB, Stucky, AWD, SSS, and T4C. I even got shamed by the lovely TE. No one has ever called my citizenship into question. (Leslie could bone up on how a real lady acts by studying Gayle’s comments.) Why does he hate us? Tell me where I have written any anti Merikan rants, that is a lie, please check your source.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2014 11:21 pm


If you think you have problems, I just found out in this thread that I am a carpetmuncher. Please use sarc tag so dumbshits like myself won’t get in trouble. No hard feelings .

El Coyote
El Coyote
November 23, 2014 11:50 pm

llpoh says:

Bea – he likes to stir Billy. I do not think he hates Americans. His writing still is tough to decipher at times.

What’s so hard to decipher? Take a look at the question I addressed, I said I would guess they see us thusly: ……

Of course, I was brainstorming, even Billy agreed on one point and maybe that is the only valid point I had. The rest may have touched a nerve I was not aiming for since I was not speaking to anyone in particular. If I were more political I would have stuck to – they hate us for our freedom.
Maybe I will stick to pat answers from now on, to keep Bea and Les happy. I’ll even change my moniker to something more reassuring, more patriotic sounding: Elpide Crown – American.

November 23, 2014 11:53 pm

EC, as you know I’ve experienced quite a bit of confusion in interacting with you. You seem to take some of it quite personally. Since I had never seen anyone else express similar confusion in dealing with you I just chalked it up to me be deficient in dealing with you.

It seems that I’m not alone so I no longer think “it’s me”. I don’t think you’re an asshole or dick but something is definitely being “lost in translation”. Some of the comments you make leave me seriously wondering what the fuck you are talking about. Not even Google sheds light on things in some cases. For some time now I’ve been inclined to think they were the postings of a drunkard but then I saw you post that you don’t drink. Maybe you’ve suffered too many head injuries at the hands of the “sexy mulatta” and “beautiful blonde” you refer to so frequently? (Not that I have any idea who these people are or if they are even real.)

I’m not looking to spoil your fun. By all means, carry on. Perhaps fewer comments with more coherent content are the answer?

El Coyote
El Coyote
November 24, 2014 12:12 am

Bea Lever says:


If you think you have problems, I just found out in this thread that I am a carpetmuncher. Please use sarc tag so dumbshits like myself won’t get in trouble. No hard feelings .

No less than Billy told Maggie she had have a thick skin and she should wear a jock strap, that was funny yet good advice. Verbal assaults are to be expected in a place with no rules but death threats are considered poor sportsmanship.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 24, 2014 12:28 am


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 24, 2014 12:36 am


Llipoh called me the village idiot and a cunt today. I will live to post another day… Not sure what you mean.

November 24, 2014 1:44 am

Bea – and I like you! Welcome!

November 24, 2014 1:50 am

Bea – and I said you were in the running. You still need to hit the qualifying mark – to be annointed Village Idiot takes a mighty effort. I also said you were acting like a cunt, which Is everso slightly different.

I was just trying gently to point out it is not welcome to crap on someone’s thread just because. Post a few articles yourself – Admin would probably give you posting rights if you ask nicely – and you will see what I mean.

Healthy disagreement is fine. Taking a dump, not so much.

And we are notoriously hard on newbies around here. Trial by fire is our way.

November 24, 2014 2:10 am

Bea Lever says:
“Llipoh called me the village idiot and a cunt today. I will live to post another day…”

I did not see that particular comment but you can’t believe everything you read here. We have a group of AOL Kiddies that apparently drive themselves to orgasmic heights by doppelganging others to stir up shit. They also post under various alter egos to stir up more shit but generally come off as masters of conversational diarrhea.

Stucky is a master of both techniques but tries to keep it civil and witty. The others are just ass-clown posers and wannabes.

November 24, 2014 9:21 pm

I-S, I don’t need to get drunk, some of it may be lost in translation, as you say, other stuff may be a cultural reference or difference, and other times my blood sugar is dropping. who knows?

Most of the time I’m in a good mood so if you say I’m a master of conversational diarrhea, sorry, Please disregard my posts, like many folks do.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 24, 2014 11:42 pm

Uhh, lets say I am a Somali and saw a commercial for say Hellmans Mayonnaise.

HITF are they going to show me what, or where, Hellmans mayo is? I’m sure they do know some english.

But to tell them they don’t have to speak english is just idiotic.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 24, 2014 11:50 pm

Coyote, I don’t think I ever called you a dick,,if I did I was borracho and don’t remember it. =)

But then again, when I was a mechanic, we spoke much worse to each other and then had cervezas after work no matter what one’s nationality, tribe, idiocy, dereliction might have been.

Then repeated the process.

February 15, 2015 3:01 pm

unknown makes a comment four months after the post is done …. and, and, and … it’s dat we all be ………RAAAAYCISSSSSS!!!

He/she/it must be a Walmart “ASSociate”.