This is how your black Congressional caucus who think Obama is doing a great job responded to the Ferguson verdict.

This is how black football players making millions per year responded to the Ferguson verdict.

This is how I respond to the Ferguson verdict.

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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
December 3, 2014 11:16 am

You don’t know, the murdering thief (fine young man) could have made something of himself.

You can look all this up yourself on Case.net Missouri. Do a search for St. Louis County in 2014; you’ll find him …

… According to Casenet, this unarmed teenager (Michael Brown) was already charged with:

Description: Burglary 1st Degree [Felony B RSMo: 569.160]

Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Next Charge/Judgment

Description: Armed Criminal Action [Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Next Charge/Judgment

Description: Assault 1st Degree Serious Physical Injury [Felony A RSMo: 565.050]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD

Next Charge/Judgment

Description: Armed Criminal Action [Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST. ANN PD

December 3, 2014 11:45 am

What about all of the other people cops are killing?
What kind of a criminal history justifies being murdered by a cop? Felonies? Misdemeanors? Unpaid parking tickets?
You obviously do not like blacks. What about the whites being killed?

December 3, 2014 12:05 pm

I don’t get it. We talk about the growing police state and then turn around and don’t want them put on trial? Makes no sense. What if a mundane citizen had protected him/herself the same way? Trial? Ya think? I say EVERY time a cop uses his/her gun they have to run a gauntlet of inguiry for ALL to see/witness.

December 3, 2014 12:18 pm

@Mopan: “What kind of a criminal history justifies being murdered by a cop?”

When you see this guy was previously charged with 1st degree assault / felony with firearm – it says a lot about his character. Certainly sounds like he was a violent person. Past actions do matter.

“You obviously do not like blacks” – They’re OK if properly cooked.

December 3, 2014 1:02 pm

Who here actually read the linked academic paper Fred Reed offered a few days ago?


Go back and READ it!

The author offers great detail on the utterly imbecilic, FAILED theories that underlay “mainstreaming” Special Ed kids in school, showering tax money on stupid people and the vicious reverse discrimination of most employers today, all aligned to “cure” something that is embedded in the genes.

Our country is HELL BENT on fixing that which cannot be fixed. As each successive attempt to cure stupid came up empty, TPTB doubled down on a failed model. It has reached the point where the truth is too big to ignore. The folks footing the bill (both in taxes and in losing to racial set-asides) are getting fed up with being told they’re at fault for what is actually a biological FACT of life.

About 1/4th of blacks have IQ’s below the level necessary to “make it” in a technological society. While there are plenty of equally low-IQ whites, they don’t tend to cluster together in a sort of cultural solidarity of stupidity. This means that inner-city, cognitively disabled and culturally concentrated blacks are a group of humans so ill equipped by their biology to succeed that their probability of criminal activity and violent outbursts noticeably outstrip every other identifiable group.

The author goes on to claim that about 70% of IQ is coded by heredity, and comes close to alluding that really stupid people are only good at having babies.

Anyone who can’t see where this is headed must, by definition, have an IQ too low to support abstract reasoning and the development of logical inferences.

The “We Are The World” of 1999 is long gone. As times get tougher, those who are burdened by multiculturalism will no longer tolerate it. When they’ve had enough, the only two paths ahead are either 1) the producers stop producing in an Atlas Shrugged movement, or 2) the producers grab the guns figuratively pointed at their heads and turn them back on those who have been hell-bent on making water flow uphill, no matter who gets hurt. That spells race war in my book, and it will be the congnitively enabled who will finally respond to the blows metaphorically falling on their heads.

It ain’t going to be pretty, and I don’t know how to stop the inertia already in play.

Those told that their destitution is whitey’s fault aren’t going to suddenly give up their entitlement mentality and live small, poor, quiet lives, those who profit from fomenting conflict aren’t going to quit journalism and professional hate-mongering and get real jobs, and those staggering under false accusations of racism, massive tax burdens and a shrinking slice of the political pie aren’t going to keep taking it much longer.

December 3, 2014 1:32 pm

Read the ‘Bell Curve’ by Charles Murrary.


Unfortunately, many blacks have a low IQ – not suited for our technological society. What further compounds the problem is that we pay these low IQ bastards to spawn more low IQ fodder.

Nobody wants to admit this – but it’s true.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
December 3, 2014 2:05 pm

Mopan (Scumbag) please point out the racist part of my comment you piece of shit progressive libtard prick? BTW, his records don’t justify the cops actions, his actions do. Point being, he was a piece of shit, no matter his color. Dumb shit just fucked with the wrong guy. Stupid ASS!!!!

December 3, 2014 3:02 pm

Almost everyone is opposed to graft and corruption- – – unless they get a chance to participate. Herein lies the problem since most work in their own self interest which varies for different individuals. Virtually everything government does is unnecessary and unproductive but is funded by confiscating the earnings of the productive. Wealth is produced from manufacturing, agriculture including forestry and fishing. J B Say showed the service sector is necessary but I will not traverse that swamp as how and what is necessary in this comment.

You have to understand the difference between Public Sector and the Private Sector. In the Public Sector everything is done by a hierarchal administrative bureaucracy where advancement depends on work expanding per Parkinson’s Law and people advance as the hierarchy expands. All budgeted money must be spent or you will be cut since you didn’t spend all you requested. This will all be funded by taxing the Private Sector. This is obviously mathematically impossible to continue. I don’t know how much longer this will continue or how it will end but it will end.

The Private Sector must show a profit to expand or it must shrink in the absence of subsidies or debt. I will not attempt to traverse this swamp which in brief, violates Say’s Law. This is the reason Jim cannot get a raise unless he becomes more productive and if he become more productive he will put someone out of work.

This is the reason for the government’s ass-backward animal husbandry program as applied to humans. Animal husbandry applied to animals is to improve the breed along Darwinian lines. The government’s human husbandry program is set up to do the opposite, propagate the least intellectually capable and productive. In a word parasitic. By definition the successful parasite will always kill the host, always.

Why would the government promote parasitism over self sufficiency? Because the parasites are the clientele for the government wage recipients and the larger the clientele the larger bureaucracy necessary to support them. The same applies to immigrants, who will directly add to their clientele or displace workers who will then become clients. We will fund all this by the mysticism of Keynesian Economics!!!

December 3, 2014 3:27 pm

@Roy: That’s very good logic – neegrow husbandry

December 3, 2014 4:06 pm

You’re right, of course, Roy.

Negative feedback mechanisms only operate in the absence of coercion.

The state (political system) is by definition characterized by wall-to-wall coercion. It thus inverts the negative feedback system that governs all dynamic, sustaining systems. It becomes an integrated, systemic positive feedback loop, and we know that all such systems have a boom-bust, growth-collapse dynamic.

As I’ve said before, centralized systems are just stupid….but when the smart people figure out how to benefit from them (for a while) and the stupid people don’t see where they lead, all roads lead to decivilization, rising universal poverty and social collapse.

We are in an apocalypse, just one whose progress is too slow for most to perceive.

Collectivism Kills.

December 3, 2014 8:27 pm

How come no crying and riots over all the deaths every week in all these shiit hole city’s with a mostly black population’s? In an economic collapse these cuties will make for some entertaining news watching.

December 4, 2014 12:36 am

Sadly, after many yeas of reading this blog, the tenor of today’s posts has finally convinced me to remove this site from my faves bar. Sorry, but there are just too many other sites that subscribe to reasoned argument and discussion.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
December 4, 2014 10:50 am

C ya Helix. Yahoo yearns for you.

December 4, 2014 11:17 am

Heelix, please don’t go, please don’t go, just don’t go Heelix, please.
Heelix, please don’t go, please don’t go, just don’t go Heelix, please.
Heelix, please don’t go, please don’t go, just don’t go Heelix, please.
Heelix, please don’t go, please don’t go, just don’t go Heelix, please.
Heelix, please don’t go, please don’t go, just don’t go Heelix, please.
Heelix, please don’t go, please don’t go, just don’t go Heelix, please.

December 4, 2014 12:59 pm

@Helix: Too much Reality is a terrible thing, isn’t it? Better Embrace the Doom here cuz there is a race war heating up here – and you need to be very clear about who is worth saving and who is not.

@Dutchman: Your IQ is probably set by the age of 5. That is, if you are born into a household where nobody reads, the TV blares all day long, mommy probably did drugs while your brain was developing, you are fed junk food in your early years, then your IQ is likely to remain subpar. It also doesn’t help that you come from a continent (Africa) notable for NO great civilization or cultural achievements.

When both Nature and Nurture conspire against you, you are probably fucked. It also doesn’t help that your fed.gov has been complicit in the process as well.

December 4, 2014 2:03 pm

Am I the only person looking at this and SEEING the fact that the “race” card is being used by our government?

Why aren’t we (the better than average informed) figuring out WHY they are doing this?

Oh yeah, I know, play on our hatreds and fears and then get us to do the dirty work.

When this “race war” starts, WHOM is going to be wiped out?

US, WE, the productive.

WE will be wound up and then shipped out. Allowed to cull some of the “undesirables,” which will then bring down the full power of our (kinda) paid for military.

Do you think Hillary or Obama (or Jeb Bush for that matter) will be sending the troops to defend our neighborhoods and businesses?

Sure they will, just like they did in Ferguson.

Set up. We are being set up, and as usual, we don’t want/need to look behind the curtain and story to find the truth.

I’m not playing into their hands. For some reason (TBD) “they” want me to hate the blacks and buy into the “us vs. them” storyline.

Well, just like with the R’s and D’s, I am no longer buying it.

If this is what they want, and by all appearances it is, then screw it, I will not, for one second, with one word, help the bastards set us up for destruction.

Because that is exactly what is happening. With this, with drug wars, with the ME, with Ukraine, with vaccinations.

Set the hell up, and I’m out.