Via Investors.com

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December 3, 2014 8:21 am

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December 3, 2014 10:52 am

They keep talking about racial profiling Mexicans here in AZ. What other group of illegal aliens should the border patrol be looking for?

December 3, 2014 12:32 pm

If I were a police Chief I’d say, “Fine,when we get a call that says that the perpetrator of a crime was black we’ll only stop White folks when looking for the perp…after all they’re the cause of all of the problems in America ” . This will prove to you we don’t racially profile .

Ruben Greenberg who was the police chief in Charleston S.C..( he was black and Jewish ) said that racial profiling was good police work. Stopping someone purely on there skin color wasn’t . Like he said if I’m patrolling a predominately black neighborhood and I see a young white kid driving in the area I’m on alert because he doesn’t belong here. If it is a known drug area..I know he’s here for drugs and I’m gong to stop him ….That’s profiling and it’s good police work.

December 3, 2014 3:11 pm

Yes. Diversity kills, and so do bankers, politicians, cops, drug dealers, the flu, the MIC, multinationals that exploit your resources and destroy your way of life to increase profits and so others can live better at your expense, etc., etc. But yes, some are an easier target than others from a practical point of view.

December 3, 2014 10:23 pm

@ spinolator

You equating the war on whites that has been raging since the 1960’s with the flu, politicians, etc, is disingenuous and a load of green SHIT… and I’m calling you out on it.

– Between 1964 and 1994, blacks have committed over 25 MILLION acts of violence against whites.

– More than 45,000 whites have been killed in the same time period by blacks. Which is, by the way, more people than were killed in the Korean War, but a few thousand less than in Vietnam.

– 35,000 black on white rapes a year. (Zero going the other way, by the way….)

– During that same 30 year period, if you add up all black-on-white crime, it amounts to 170 Million crimes against whites.

These numbers were compiled by a gentleman named Paul Sheehan who was a reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald. He drew from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. His essay was published back in 1995. It’s ludicrous to think that it would be published in our Marxist dominated disgrace of a media today… or even back then.

Of course, there is no reason to assume that after 1995, the blacks just stopped their war against whites and decided to be nice…

Here’s a reprint of the original essay which appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on May 20th, 1995…


Blacks declared war on whites back in the 1960’s. Whites are either oblivious – due to the Marxist disgrace of our Media hiding the truth, or intentionally – or they are disingenuous and pretend that “everyone does it” or “whites do that shit too” or a million other fucking excuses for black savagery against whites… sometimes, you get an honest self-hating, genocidal white who says “well, we deserve it”… doesn’t make him right, but it does make him honest.

Those of us who know better – that blacks hate our guts and have been conducting a war against us for decades – are branded as delusional, crazy or “racist”…

Don’t bother with the “Not all blacks are like that!” bullshit…. there’s not enough “good” ones out there to matter or make a difference…

December 3, 2014 10:51 pm

Billy, I think recent events are a game changer, “Black on White” crime is going to go through the roof. What say you?

December 3, 2014 11:47 pm


It’s already going through the roof… I’ve noticed a huge uptick in black on white attacks… and it’s not just me noticing for the first time… it’s getting worse.

The 63 y/o white lady just executed in St. Louis.

The white pizza delivery guy in Ohio that was just murdered.

The 12 year old kid – nice looking white kid with a shock of red hair – executed in Savannah by a black male when the boy was leaving a birthday party. No rhyme or reason. Kid was getting into a truck and the black walked up and shot him in the head.

The white guy shot 3 times in the back for no reason in NY.

The Bosniak guy beaten to death with hammers in St. Louis.

The white girl stabbed in the face in California.

It’s not only every day there’s some new outrage, but it seems multiple times every day there are new outrages – several a day, coming faster and faster…

The media is complicit in the hush crimes… so are the copfuks. They know damn well the race hucksters like Al and Jesse – as well as themselves – are keeping the “Da white man keepin me down” narrative going. They don’t report – or intentionally obfuscate – what happens. When what happens is known, they deliberately lie…

I’m no prognosticator… but I think it’s gonna get ugly… soon.

December 4, 2014 12:42 pm

Billy…you forgot the baby in the stroller killed last year in Georgia .

December 4, 2014 12:56 pm

This is the bullshit that occurs when there is no profiling …. it turns law enforcement into a bunch of fucking morons …. not that they need any help wif dat

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