“I’m Not Gonna Miss You”

Ms. Freud cried when she watched this video. I suspect it’s because she cared for her own mom – who also had Alzheimer’s – right up to the very end in this very house …. about 9 years ago. So, I cried with her.

Campbell went public with his Alzheimer’s diagnosis in 2011, hoping to raise awareness about the devastating disease. He is now nearing the end of the 6th stage (there are 7 stages) of Alzheimer’s, and requires 24-hour professional care. Yet, Campbell brightens when he sees his wife and amazingly, can still play the guitar. Experts say Alzheimer’s patients often communicate in their “first language” as the disease progresses — for Campbell that language is music.

Campbell has not performed in public since November of 2012. This is his final studio recording: a heart-breaking ballad, “I’m Not Gonna Miss You.”

Enjoy. And feel free to let tears well up.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 6, 2014 1:08 pm


That was sweet and tender. Yes, my mother-in-law first lanuage was German, and in the end she had real trouble with English.

December 6, 2014 1:34 pm

Thanks Stucky!!
He is a native Arkansan. My father loved his music and wore out a couple 8 track tapes when I was a kid, consequently I learned to appreciate his music as well.

December 6, 2014 1:35 pm

I saw him perform at the King Center in Melbourne, Florida in March or early April 2012. A very enjoyable concert. Almost all of his backup band were his children.

A quote from the King Center concert: “Singing sure is better than working in the (Arkansas) cotton fields.”


December 6, 2014 1:52 pm

TBP enthusiast:

I have been an alternative medicine provider since 1978. I no longer see patients, except for family, friends, and the cancer patients that I have kept alive that were sent home to die. Occasionally I will write an email for friends and family. One of those emails appears below. Take from it what you find useful.


I have not written a health alert in a long time. The main reason is simply because much of what I present requires a deeper understanding than most of my friends and family posses. That statement is not an insult. Why? Because modern medicine has been co-opted by political and financial interest. Sadly, most modern governments/bureaucracies, and especially the US, have become corrupt because government is for sale. This predicament is not a conspiracy. It is simply how government/bureaucracy functions and evolves. Making matters worse is the fact that as more of the population becomes dependent on the State (Obamacare), governments become more corrupt. When dependency on government grows to become the largest demographic, greater tolerance of government corruption and inept action is the result. As long as dependent people are receiving (or promised) “Free stuff,” the lemmings are more easily led off a cliff. There is health info available on the internet. Half is good and half is junk. As previously stated the majority of the readers do not know enough to distinguish between the two.

Unfortunately, your doctor is merely a pawn in this scenario. He or she unknowingly follow established guidelines that serve commercial interest more than your health. These guidelines are commonly referred to as the ‘Standard of care.’ Your physician is probably very smart and is a well intention-ed practitioner. Unfortunately, as with computers, garbage in = garbage out. They practice within the standard of care which is established by bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies, and the lobby groups that represent food and drug companies. Why is this background offered? Because many readers are going to ask their the physicians about the information presented below. As I have stated to many friends, “If your physician knew, they would be telling you.” Need proof of how poorly our health care delivery is in the US? According to the WHO, when dollars spent is measured the US is first and spends twice as much per person as the country in second place in the world’s top ten countries economically. Yet, our medical outcomes (results) are ranked dead last among the top ten economically and we have been ranked as low as 24th in the world.

A few years ago a friend came to me after receiving a diagnosis of vascular amyloidosis, which is related to the Alzheimer’s aberrant protein. Asking for my understanding and input, I feared that my suggestions would be ignored. When suggestions were made the response I received was, “I will check with my doctors.” Again I replied, “If your doctors knew, they would be telling you.” Sadly, he followed his doctors and he is no longer with us.

The number of people with a Alzheimers and vascular bata amyloid disease is on the rise in the Boomer generation. Alzheimer’s and Beta amyloid vascular disease are not separate entities, they are related. These conditions are caused by a buildup of an aberrant protein. Sadly, few ask why. The question normally asked is, “Are there any drugs to treat this.”

Alzheimers disease is rarely present in third world countries. If you are thinking industrialized pollution is the cause of these dreaded conditions, think again. In Japan, the second largest industrialized country in the world, the rate of Alzheimer’s is a mere fraction of that in the US, Germany, Italy France, etc. What do the third world and Japan have in common? Read on.

Many year ago I took a nutritional medical course that included information about the relationship between copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn). Excess Cu causes a ZN deficiency, and excess Zn causes a Cu deficiency. At the course I remembered reading the work of Carl Pfeiffer an MD, Phd, biochemist from the Brain Bio Center of Princeton more than a decade prior to the course. Pfeiffer was a pioneer in brain function and nutrition who treated many mental disorders with nutrients. Chief among theses brain beneficial nutrients was zinc. Pfeiffer’s work impressed me at the time, and it served as the foundation of the research and findings presented below.

Copper (Cu) is an essential nutrient, a deficiency of which can cause problems. Only under exceptional circumstances will a CU deficiency be found today. However, Cu toxicity is a major problem, and Cu’s relationship to the amyloid beta aberrations (Alzheimers and vascular amyloid) is clear.

Earlier I stated that Japan and the third world have the lowest incidence of Alzheimers. One reason is both the third and Japan do not use copper pipes to deliver their water. Japan wisely chose not to use copper because they feared Cu toxicity. But, when the Japanese migrate to Hawaii, their Alzheimer levels are equal to that of the US. The third world has no choice as they do often do not have plumbing. The use of Cu pipes went into overdrive in the 50’s when the majority of homes built used Cu plumbing. The Boomers are approaching or past 50 years of Cu over-consumption and as a result have developed Zn deficiency and beta amyloid accumulation.

Inorganic Cu is different from organic or food bound Cu. Inorganic CU is leached from pipes and found in many nutritional supplements. This inorganic form is the cause of elevated blood levels of Cu. There are many other sources of inorganic Cu, including automobile brake pads (which are 25% Cu). Every time you drive in traffic and any vehicles’ brakes are applied small particles of Cu are released into the air and they are inhaled. This pollution adds to the body’s already elevated Cu levels. An environmental study performed in 2003 discovered that at least 530,000 pounds of Cu entered the San Franciso Bay, and 380,000 pounds entered Peugot Sound. Both CA and WA State have passed laws that ban Cu laden brake pads by 2023. Other sources of Cu include:
Birth control
Fungicides from swimming pools
Dental fillings and appliances
Vegetables (descending level of contamination) rice, cherries,
oranges, wine, peaches, nectarines, walnuts,almonds,lemons,
apricots, grapefruit. This list includes certified organics because
treatment with Cu sulphate is not banned.

How does Cu negatively impact the brain (Alzheimer’s) and other beta amyloid sensitive conditions (cardiac amyloid)? Several ways:

1. Cu prevents secretion of a lipoprotein that binds amyloid and removes it from your brain (Apolipoprotein E2).
2. The molecules involved in beta amyloid build up all bind Cu. An enzyme that does this builup of amyloid is beta secretase.
3. Cu is an oxidant in the brain.
4. Cu encourages glutamate toxicity in the brain by creating a Zn deficiency. Glutamate firing is quenched by Zn.
5. Cu excess prevents Zn from inhibiting calineurin a negative protein that increases with amyloid buildup.
There are more reasons, but hopefully you get the point.

The good news is that there is an easy preventative action that you can perform to reduce Cu toxicity. That easy solution is to supplement your diet with zinc. This inexpensive solution has shown to be effective in clinical trials at preventing and treating Alzheimer’s. The bad news is that a pharmaceutical company is working on a Zn prescription product, which sometimes can mean that supplements may become the subject of a disinformation campaign (if past history is any indicator).

Below are a few of the references that were used to present this email. There are many more. The Boomers have been the unintended targets of so many actions with negative unintended consequences that it is a sad comedy. As I have the sad experience to observe more friends become afflicted with Alzheimer’s and cardiac amyloidosis I wanted to offer an inexpensive way to ‘stack the deck’ in your favor. Can anyone guarantee that if you take a zinc supplement you will not contract Alzheimer’s of develop cardiac amyloidosis? No. But this simple inexpensive step is currently the best preventative action (and in trials, a treatment option) and may be something for you to consider.
I wish everyone the best.

December 6, 2014 3:50 pm

My mother’s sister died of alzheimers last week. Her two other sisters have alzheimers. My dad died of alzheimers. His brother and sister died of alzheimers. I have cousins with alzheimers.

What was my point?

Nevermind. I forgot.

December 6, 2014 2:50 pm

Tom….there is also research that shows a correlation between very low cholesterol levels and Alzheimers disease .

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
December 6, 2014 3:11 pm

Thanks Tom, most informative.

Any natural simple diet aids for prevention?

I heard one of those health doctors on PBS praising blueberries and raspberries as preventing it and having cleansing properties.

December 6, 2014 3:36 pm

Good to hear Wichita lineman still on the line.

For now the fats in coconut oils seem to be a promising treatment in the Alzheimer battle ..that is until Big Pharma finds either a way to patent coconut oil thereby controlling the marketable price or having their corporate pawned government ban it altogether.


Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose
September 29, 2014 / 12806 views

coconutttMedium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer’s — and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose!

A groundbreaking 2004 study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the primary fat type found in coconut oil, almost immediately improved cognitive function in older adults with memory disorders.

The study involved 20 subjects with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment who, on separate days, were given either emulsified MCTs or a placebo. The researchers observed a significant increase in blood plasma levels of the ketone body beta-hydroxylutyrate (beta-OHB) after only 90 minutes of treatment, and depending on the apolipoprotein E genotype of the subject tested, beta-OHB levels either continued to rise or held constant between the 90 and 120 minute blood draws in the treatment condition. Remarkably, cognitive testing revealed that this brief MCT treatment facilitated improved performance on the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog) in 4 subjects within the study group. Moreover, “higher ketone values were associated with greater improvement in paragraph recall with MCT treatment relative to placebo across all subjects (P=0.02).”[i]

And,more on the numerous health benefits of coconut oil here:

The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed by Science

December 6, 2014 4:24 pm

December 6, 2014 4:26 pm

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December 6, 2014 4:34 pm

“Glen Campbell dead 2014” : Singer killed by internet death hoax.”



I must be losing my sense of humor. Glad to hear than GC still with us also.

December 6, 2014 8:41 pm

Every day you get to meet someone new.

December 7, 2014 12:59 am
December 7, 2014 1:02 am
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 7, 2014 1:33 am

One of my biggest regrets is missing his farewell tour with Ronnie Milsap. I’ve never seen either one of them. They came to an Indian casino a couple hours away in November 2012. I don’t even like country music, except when it’s good. I think I need to get some of that coconut oil.

December 7, 2014 10:40 am

Sad. Glen we will miss you.

Lane Simonian
Lane Simonian
December 7, 2014 11:54 am

I am sorry for Glen Campbell and his family and for all who have Alzheimer’s disease and for every loved one who cares for them.

I am not a scientists but to help family members I have been studying this disease for ten years. It is a disease caused by oxidation, nitration, and DNA damage. The prinicipal oxidants in Alzheimer’s disease is peroxynitrite and the secondary oxidant is hydrogen peroxide. Peroxynitrites exhaust the body’s own antioxidant system (especially glutathione), inhibit the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters involved in short-term memory, sleep, mood, social recognition, and alertness, inhibit neurotranmissions (through the hyperphosphorylatiion and nitration of tau proteins), limit the transport of glucose which may lead to apathy, wandering, and delusions, overactivate NMDA receptors which can result in hallucinations, limit the flow of blood in the brain, prevent the regeneration of neurons in the hippocampus, cause mitochondrial dysfunction, and lead to the death of neurons.

There may indeed be 40 or 50 factors that cause the formation of peroxynitrites and thus increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They include high glucose levels, high sodium levels, Down syndrome, presenilin gene mutations, the Apoe4 gene, bisphosponate osteoporosis drugs such as Fosamax, benzodiazepines such as Ativan, stress, certain chronic bacterial and viral infections, various air pollutants, various pesticides and herbicides, bisphenols in plastics, mercury, aluminium fluoride, sodium fluoride, sleep apnea, and traumatic brain injuries.

The role of copper and zinc in Alzheimer’s disease is partly linked to their role in producing hydrogen peroxide. Copper and zinc attracted to amyloid oligomers stimulate an enzyme (superoxide dismutase) that converts superoxide anions into hydrogen peroxide (superoxide also combines with inducible nitric oxide to produce peroxynitrites). When peroxynitrites are scavenged they produce a nitrite anion and water. Water is a de-nitrating agent but the nitrite anion combines with hydrogen peroxide to reform peroxynitrites. Hydrogen peroxide-copper complexes also convert the nitrite anion into nitrite which nitrates critical transport systems, receptors and enzymes in the brain (nitration is also mediated by peroxynitrites). Nitration leads to amyloid plaques which entomb copper and zinc–the latter of which may contribute to glutamate toxicity via NMDA receptors.

The key to treating Alzheimer’s disease (and to some extent other forms of dementia) is with peroxynitrite scavengers. The best of these scavengers have partially reversed Alzheimer’s disease in human clinical trials. These include eugenol in rosemary essential oil and geraniol in lemon essential oil via aromatherapy (Jimbo 2009; Jimbo and his colleagues used lavender and orange essential oils via aromatherapy in the evening as relaxants), eugenol and ferulic acid in a lemon balm extract (Akhondzadeh, 2004), ferulic acid in rice bran and Angelica archangelica (Kanya, 2010 and Kimura 2011), ferulic acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, and maltol in panax ginseng (Heo 2011 and 2012).

Most researchers continue to focus on the salient features of Alzheimer’s disease (amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles) and not the oxidants that not only can cause these features, but drive the basic pathology of the disease. Once they do the latter, the right combination of antioxidants to effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease should be rapidly discovered.

December 7, 2014 12:01 pm

In 2004, when the reference you presented was published, the belief that Alzheimer’s was caused by aluminum continued to survive. Ten years later, it appears to be a consequence of the disease, not the cause. Aluminum is needed in micro quantities, and part of the physiological dysfunction is increases metals acquisition. In addition, Japan also has elevated levels of aluminum (and mercury) yet their levels of AD remain a fraction of the other G 20 countries. The Zn research you refer to presented offered the following conclusion, “These data suggest that the negative consequences of Zn may be due to a reduction in copper levels and, therefore, an imbalance between these metal ions rather than a direct effect of increased Zn.” These data and conclusions were caused by using mice to consume acute excess amounts of both metals. As mentioned in the first post, these two metals push each other. The paper also stated that in the aging brain (not typical of the transgenic mice in the experiment) the slightly more acidic conditions, “Cu and Fe are more effective in inducing Amyloid Beta aggregation.”

Buck, Flash
Fats are vital to brain function. In particular, MCTs found in coconut oil are more easily incorporated through the blood brain barrier as an energy source. These fats will improve brain function in everyone, but are not causal for AD. The same can be stated of cholesterol, where studies have found elevated and depressed levels associated with the disease. The lowering of cholesterol scam has been exposed in the MSM lately. Those of us that actually read and interpret the peer reviewed medical research have know of this travesty thrust upon us by the bureaucratic renderings of the American Heart Assn. Cholesterol is a marker, not a mediator of vascular disease.

As for prevention/intervention in addition to Zn, the sugar trehalose has shown great promise as well. Trehalose stimulates autophagy in the nervous system, including the brain. Autophagy is how our cells remove the garbage, including the amyloid associated with AD, Parkinson;s, Huntinton’s, etc.

Be well.

December 7, 2014 4:50 pm

Way back in the 70’s, the joke was that Hispanics had a low incidence of cancer because they couldn’t spell ‘carcinogenic’. Today, hispanics share the cancer rate with the rest of America.

Here’s my observation, gringos do cigarettes and alcohol to excess. My gandpa had a smoke once a day in the bathroom. Folks at work take a smoke break once every hour. My old boss – the one my age who had a heart attack recently – smoked a cigarette before a meeting then kept the meeting short so he go have another coffin nail.