



whoops,oh god why,truck fail nation

ouch,news,Probably bad News,drones,fail nation

It was supposed to provide the perfect festive romantic moment: a mistletoe drone that would get diners at TGI Friday’s to kiss on camera.

But the restaurant’s plan to lure in festive diners went horribly wrong after one of the machines smashed into a photographer’s face at a launch event in New York.

Georgine Benvenuto was left in shock after the machine flew into her face, slicing off the tip of her nose and cutting open a section of her lip.

The ten-inch drone became so entangled in Miss Benvenuto’s hair that she even feared she would lose an eye.

ouch,gifs,bike,right in the face,fail nation

menu,engrish,accidental sexy,butt stuff,restaurant


christmas,wrapping,news,accidental racism

Looking for some hate-filled paper to gift wrap that Hitler teapot you bought last year for your special neo-Nazi someone?

Look no further.

Hallmark has pulled one of its gift wrap designs from stores after complaints that the interlocking lines in the pattern resembled swastikas. A woman in California spotted the paper in the Hanukkah section of a Walgreen’s.

“We apologize for the oversight and apologize to anyone who was offended. That obviously was not our intent,” said Hallmark spokeswoman Julie Elliott. “It was an oversight on our part to not notice the intersecting lines that could be seen as a swastika pattern.”

The design, she said, was originally based on the pattern from a Chinese vase.

customer service,food,money,fail nation,g rated

Ben Edelman is a Professor at Harvard who works in fraud consultation on the side. And clearly, he has WAY too much time on his hands.

australia,shoes,snake,oh god why

ouch,gifs,Video,fail nation,g rated

On-Air Blooper,news,whoops,john wayne

benedict cumberbatch,typo,newspaper,fail nation,g rated

christmas,whoops,christmas tree,Cats,fail nation,g rated


ouch,gifs,wheelchair,fail nation,g rated


christmas,accidental sexy,decoration,christmas lights,fail nation

graffiti,accident waiting to happen,dangerous,vandalism

bad idea,cars,driving

whoops,you had one job,bathroom

See more at the Fail Blog

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December 12, 2014 3:08 pm

Dr Ben Edelman, the perfect over educated, privileged, self important, Harvard educated douche bag.
All by the age of 34, quite young to be such a perfect asshole.

” In 2005, he graduated from Harvard Law School. And in 2007, he earned a Ph.D. in economics, also from Harvard.

Edelman currently lives less than half a mile from Sichuan Garden, in a home purchased in 2012 for $1.27 million.”


Rick Caird
Rick Caird
December 12, 2014 6:04 pm

I am sure that by now, Edelman seriously regrets ever bringing the whole thing up.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 12, 2014 6:56 pm

Thanx admin.

A little humor is just what I needed in a bizarro whirled.