Video: Cost of War, Per Day

This was recently posted on The Saker.

Take a look at your pay-stub …. and the taxes you pay …. and, REJOICE ….. that we are bringing Freedom everywhere!

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 6, 2015 11:55 am

So all of this is to keep the oil flowing. Our gasoline is actually really expensive if looked at in a proper way.

January 6, 2015 12:55 pm

The math on this is amazing when broken down into terms of time, but even at that, how do you get your head around spending $14 million per hour on anything 24/7/365 for over a decade. It just goes to show that the american people have no interest in saying enough is enough if we haven’t risen up to do so by now.

As we have read over and over again on this site, follow the money and you will find the answers. The narrator in this video hits it on the head, that for the benefactors of this outlandish spending it is mission accomplished. Disregard for human toll and sacrifice that we have imposed on the peoples in the countries that we are having war exercises in, for the sake of ultimate financial profit for the war mongering machine of politicians and CEO’s, is inconceivable yet we as people of this country support it because we don’t rise up and condone it.

What did we expect when we entered this never ending set of wars in the first place? What was the original plan? Was there a plan? What was the objective, the goal? What is the objective and goal now? What is the strategy to accomplish those goals and objectives? What needs to happen to make it all stop?

What will historians write about these conflicts? How will they break down the battles? How will the strategy be narrated of these conflicts?

In world war two we were engaged as a nation, everybody was involved in some form or fashion and in it even if you weren’t. Over the years war has evolved into white noise that is in the background. We know it is going on but we are not really involved or engaged in the success or failure of the effort. Some of us know people in the military that are serving but most don’t. There is nothing personal about it so we really don’t much care do we.

So the human and monetary costs continue to rise unabated and out of control and collectively we shrug, some politicians will scream about how outrageous this all is while pounding their fist, but it will be mostly for show as they know full well nothing will change and they don’t want it to because they are part of it and they want the back door money to continue to flow.

The question is, what should we, the people, really be outraged about?