We Are Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions

Submitted by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com,

The structure of history is held together by two essential and distinct kinds of links, two moments in time to which no one is immune: moments of epiphany, and moments of catastrophe. Sometimes, both elements intermingle at the birth of a singular epoch. Men often awaken to understanding in the midst of great crisis; and, invariably, great crises can erupt when men awaken. These are the moments when social gravity vanishes, when the kinetic glue of normalcy melts away, and we begin to see the true foundations of our world, if a foundation exists at all.

Catastrophe occurs when too many people refuse to accept that around us always are two universes at work. There is the cold, hard reality that underlies everything. And on the surface is a veil of deceit and compromise. The more humanity compromises vital truths in order to enjoy the comfort of illusions, the more mind-shattering it will be when those illusions fall away. These two worlds can coexist only for short periods of time, and they will always and eventually collide. There is no other possible outcome.

I think it could be said that the more polarized our realities become, the more explosive and disastrous the reaction will be when the separation is removed. I feel it absolutely necessary to relate this danger because today humanity is living so historically far from the bedrock of reality, political reality, social reality and economic reality that the stage has been set for a kind of full spectrum destabilization that has never been seen before.

Though my analysis tends to lean toward the economic side of things, I am not only speaking of shattered illusions in the financial realm. In my next article, one last time I plan to go over nearly every mainstream economic statistic used today to misdirect the public (from national debt to unemployment to inflation to retail sales and corporate profits) and expose why they are false while giving you the real numbers. Most of my regular readers are familiar with much of this information, but I think it important to consolidate it all in a single article so that we can take stock of where our society sits fiscally as we enter 2015. For now, though, I want to discuss the core problem of self-deception, the problem that makes all the rest of our problems possible.

When the initial phase of the global collapse was triggered in 2007 and 2008, there was a substantial explosion in interest and education in terms of liberty issues and alternative economic awareness. I remember back in 2006 when I had just begun writing for the movement that the ratio of people on any given Web forum or in any given public discussion was vastly opposed to alternative viewpoints and information — at least 50-1 by my observations. We were at the height of the real estate frenzy; everyone was buying houses with money they didn’t have and borrowing on their mortgages to purchase stuff they didn’t need. Life was good. The shock of the credit crisis came quickly and abruptly for most people, and there has been a considerable shift in the kinds of discussions many are willing to entertain about our future. Yet the idea that such things can happen despite a consensus of social and geopolitical health does not seemed to have soaked into the thick skulls of average people.

Time, unfortunately, has a magical ability to erase vigilance. It’s not that the public has necessarily forgotten that danger can strike anytime anywhere (though some of them have). Many of them know full well that our culture is floating on a paper-thin ship in a turbulent sea. However, the disturbing trend today reveals that people have decided they do not care. “Taking the blue pill” is the rising rally cry from the so-called “new normal.” Yes, the economy is an illusion, the political system is an illusion and the various global conflicts our society participates in are mostly illusions. But we “can’t do anything about it,” so we might as well profit from these illusions while we can, right?

It has been said that during the economic collapse of the 1930s that the Great Depression was a depression only for the 30 percent of people that had lost everything. For the employed and the financially secure, the depression was much like any other time. This is the point at which we stand today in the collective mindset. With nearly a third of the U.S. population kicked off the unemployment rolls and approximately half the country dependent on a government check of some kind for their survival, the current depression is only now beginning to feel like a depression for anyone. The soup lines have received a fresh candy coating of EBT cards and welfare payments, but the illusion is finally fading, and this should be of great concern to us all in 2015.

Even more frightening is our culture’s deluded sense of what a collapse actually looks like. For many, collapse is a cinematic and overnight affair, with zombies, nuclear bombs and mass panic. In real life, and throughout history, collapse is a process. Since at least 2008, the U.S. and the rest of the world have been experiencing that process. Everyone is waiting for equities to implode and for social unrest to erupt before they take the threat seriously, but these are not signals of collapse. These are the things that occur when a collapse has run its course. Collapse never occurs overnight. It takes years for the effects of social and fiscal breakdown to be visibly felt. And when they are felt, many people refuse to notice. Eighty years ago, America was halfway through the Great Depression, and mainstream economists were STILL claiming that recovery was right around the corner. Illusion and self-deception can be so powerful that the worst miseries can be normalized, at least for a little while.

And it isn’t only the general public that is stricken with crippling bias. There are those within the liberty movement who have bought into false paradigms for various reasons, and this threatens any progress we have made over the past several years. There are those who still think that the “conflict” between Eastern and Western politicians and banking elites is somehow real. There are those who believe that Russia and China, despite their numerous and undeniable ties to the global banking syndicate (information I have covered in multiple articles over the years), are the “good guys”, while Western nations are the “bad guys”, rather than them all being mere subsidiaries and franchises of the same monstrous globalist machine.

They hold onto this illusion, I think, because it is much more frightening to accept the reality that we are alone, that the liberty movement is the first and last line of defense against centralization, that the responsibility for the future of independence and individual freedom rests on our shoulders. It is much easier to fantasize that there are others out there, nations and governments with armies and capital, that are on our side and will fight our battles for us. This illusion will be a painful one for many in the movement as they begin to realize that the East is actually working in tandem with international financiers instead of working against them.

There are also those in the liberty movement who cling to the notion that the fight against globalism will be won without physical conflict. They believe that if we simply protest long enough, play the political and legal game long enough, nullify long enough, refuse to participate long enough, that the elitist edifice, an edifice which has existed for centuries and has manipulated historical precedence for just as long, will suddenly disappear in a puff of fairy dust.

The first problem with this strategy is that it relies on the assumption of time. Sure, anything is possible given ample opportunity. Perhaps the movement could grind away at the New World Order over the course of several decades until the majority of the masses are awake and aware (which is exactly how long it would take). However, I think it infinitely foolish to presume that we have decades to accomplish such a task. If the past has shown us anything, it is that tyranny does not respect reason and, at a certain point, couldn’t care less about image. Tyranny respects only power. It does not respect the protestations of ants it can crush under foot, but it will make a wide path around a rattlesnake ready to strike. While there is utility in the pursuit of intellectual and philosophical combat, if you are not willing to be the rattlesnake as well, then you are not going to affect change against such an opponent. You will eventually be stepped on.

The refusal to accept responsibility for one’s own defense is yet another product of fear — fear that the enemy is too powerful, that all resistance is futile. But resistance is only assured failure if resistance is never undertaken. Sheeple defeat themselves within their own minds before they ever stand up, and so they never stand. This is the only reason totalitarian elements ever achieve success. Again, many in the liberty movement are going to face a rude awakening when they realize they have relied too much on the notion of the system policing itself, instead of preparing for the worst-case scenario.

And finally, the globalists themselves suffer from a veritable fog of illusions to which I can speak only briefly.

We are stepping over the threshold of an age that will shatter the illusions of everyone, and the internationalists are no exception. The root pillar of elitist globalism itself is that some men are born to rule, while other men are born to serve. Some men are born kings, and other men are born slaves. The psychopathy of this belief system should be evident, but psychopathy also elicits blinding ego and hubris, which smothers any inherent questions of motive. I do not think the elites ever actually consider the validity of their own philosophies. I am relatively certain their manner of viewing the world is much like that of a cult, a religious sect driven by the brutality of zealotry rather than the empowering nature of understanding.

Such men cannot be reasoned with. In fact, zealots often revel in their ability to trample all other world views as they grasp for complete dominance of their ideology. The illusion of rightness is far more important to them than actual truth, and this is their greatest weakness. Hidden under all the posturing and power grabbing, deep in the recesses of their own assumed omnipotence, I sense an ever present terror within the globalist culture. I sense a brand of terror that comes only from the seed of doubt.

The incredible array of propaganda leveled at the public, the constant war gaming and mind gaming against the citizenry, the endless hailstorm of legal maneuvering designed to erase our sense of connection with our natural rights and liberties, the tidal wave of fearmongering, and all the manipulations and scapegoats and elaborate theatrical displays, all reek of fear. For if the globalists were truly as omnipotent as they pretend to be — if they really were all-knowing philosopher kings born to rule — then they would already have their New World Order. They would not need lies. They would not need the threat of force. The undeniable power of their ideology would be enough if their ideology actually had any validity. Lies are designed to hide lack of validity and lack of strength. The globalists are, at bottom, a hollow shell desperately clamoring for substance.

What may appear to be the “thoroughness” of the elitist con is actually a form of micro-management that exhibits a fundamental doubt of success. The globalists wish they could predict the future, but they cannot. So they are just as afraid as most of humanity. I believe we are entering an era in which they will feel the stark pain of shattered illusions and the destruction of their own fantasies, no less felt than the pain of the rest of the world.

Our mission as an opposing force to globalism is to come to terms with our own illusions and to erase them, to stop compromising and to stop waiting for the final shoe to drop and to take positive action now rather than after the endgame develops. This means preparation and organization for the worst-case scenarios. This means making one’s family, neighborhood and community as self-reliant and secure as possible. The excuses have to stop. The distractions and intellectualized silver bullet solutions have to stop. Hard work and risk are all that are left, all that matters. If we do this, and if we do this now, then victory is possible. In any contest of strength and will, he who knows himself best, he who sheds all illusion, will be the winner.


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January 8, 2015 9:34 am

There are too many people, that unfortunately, have nothing to contribute. Us working folks suffer having to support them / the government printing money for entitlements. I believe that 100,000,000 people could vanish, and nobody would miss them – except for Walmart and the health care racket.

Positive actions now result in negative results. Look at higher ed. At one time, a college degree was regarded as an achievement. Colleges have turned it into a huge debt burden, the government has made the debt non-dischargeable under bankruptcy. Add to this: there are no jobs for 33% of the grads.

The collapse is happening, gradually.

January 8, 2015 10:00 am

Well Dutch,

You and I would not miss them, but the .01 % would miss those 100,000,000 consuming parasites

January 8, 2015 10:02 am

Be it duly noted, Brandon Smith clearly suffers form ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder) and may be a hazard to himself or society and thus his re-education under the directorship of the Ministry of Truth at the behest of the Inner Party is a priority for all who benefit from subservient compliance.

January 8, 2015 10:20 am

Have another shit sandwich , Repugs…and deservedly so.

Ode to the Weeping Cheeto

The Republican Party has been a useless shambling corpse since at least 1992, and for many, longer than that. The fact of the matter is, millions and millions of Americans have no representation, and have not for the greater measure of their lives. Further, absent drastic, (probably violent) action, they won’t ever get it.

We told you elections in the FUSA were a mockery in 2008. We reminded you again after you drug those useless losers into congress in 2010. We railed on our soapbox in 2012 as the “mature adults” settled for their shit-sandwich. Not content, we told you EXACTLY what would happen in the prelude to the 2014 mid-terms. We described the imminent Faustian betrayal in painful detail. And only NOW… after the Wet Tangerine once again stomps out a rebellion, are the ReThuglicans suddenly “in danger of becoming the modern Whigs?”

Finally? FINALLY? FINALLY????!

Oh for fucks sake, we are surrounded by the blind and willfully stupid.


January 8, 2015 10:48 am

It’s frustratingly absurd how the dim-witted supporters of the party of perfidy incessantly decry the Democrats as the party of free shit , when no Democrat has yet denied such accusation , while at the same time blathering on about how the Republican Party is the party of individual liberty, fiscal responsibility and limited government while nothing could be future form the truth.

So in this light one has to acknowledge the truth of the matter of partisan politics betwixt the Republicans and Democrats and it is this. Republican supporters will readily accept a lie which flies in the face of all reality, just to stand in opposition to a collectivist ideology that the left has never denied.

Here’s the thing repug zealots can’t begin to understand and that is, fact cannot be defeated with fiction. Sure, shit will float for a short while , but eventually it will break up and decompose as all waste matter must.And, for certain, the Republican Party is simply the left over waste of the conservative intelligentsia that has matured and moved on to broader horizons not encompassed by the short-sighted leadership of opportunistic fools. If you can’t see the obvious , it’s likely because , you’re being blinded by the naivety team spirit …nothign more.

The judge gets it.

There Are No Limits on Government

Take liberty. Both parties support the Patriot Act and the secret FISA apparatus, which together invade privacy, infringe upon free speech, permit federal agents to write their own search warrants and allow domestic spying on all of us all the time. This demonstrates that our political leaders do not believe that our rights are inalienable, but can be interfered with and regulated by them. They have written laws that literally permit federal agents to do the very acts the Constitution was written to prohibit.

Take the lethal combination of war and debt. Both parties support perpetual war and perpetual debt. The leadership of both parties has permitted every modern president to kill whomever he pleases in foreign countries without lawful declarations of war and to do so by going into a $17 trillion hole of debt, with no end in sight. Today, 20 cents of every tax dollar collected goes to interest on pre-existing government debt. Today’s taxpayers are still paying interest on the $30 billion Woodrow Wilson borrowed to finance World War I in 1917.

January 8, 2015 11:08 am

” Tyranny respects only power”: Brandon Smith
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”: Mao Tse-tung

When Brandon’s liberty movement has the numbers Chairman Mao had when the Long March began, I’ll begin to take him seriously, though not all that seriously, give that the USA of today is a far cry from 1930s China.

I’m in agreement with him that the Hegelian dialectic us-vs-them (US vs Russia, et al) scenario is a ploy concocted by the financial overlords and their political puppets, but am not so sure that we will experience a global catastrophic economic collapse. I’m all for individual, familial and local self-reliance to the realistic degree possible, but not at all sure that it’s a viable option in what I understand the US (haven’t been there in nearly 20 years) to be today. Places with poorly organized centralized power reaching into rural areas (read 3rd world countries) seem to me to be more likely venues for this.

January 8, 2015 12:07 pm

“Shattered Illusion”? , Seems like a paradox to me. John

January 8, 2015 12:23 pm

88-year-old WW2 vet beaten to death by black teenagers

Belton took a bullet in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa. He was hailed for his warmth, compassion, and spirit by all who knew him.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Niggers Eat Shit.

I hope that isn’t raaycccisss.

January 8, 2015 6:56 pm

Thank you for writing this article and for its posting.

January 8, 2015 10:18 pm

Illusions aren’t all that will be shattered in the coming era. We may lose a lot of modern conveniences we take for granted (food, flush toilets, running water, electricity, gas heat). It takes an amazing amount of synchronicity to keep all this running. Ask Iraqis or Ukrainians.

January 9, 2015 12:01 pm

All right, I’m normally not into conspiracy-theory stuff, but this is just too good to pass up…

The Economist published its January issue with predictions for 2015, as it always does. But this one is attracting attention because, well… see for yourself:

[imgcomment image[/img]

One blogger already broke down some of the stuff, but others on Reddit have done a great job of identifying and referencing other elements of the cover art.

It’s pretty interesting, you have to admit. Worth spending 15-20 minutes on the various interpretations I’ve linked to.

January 9, 2015 1:58 pm

Shattering illusions are going to cull ever increasing numbers of the weak minded/willed. Especially if they are assigned to our modern mind/mood meds. Increased suicide is a common “side” effect.

Eventually, of course, we’ll hit a supply problem and millions will go cold turkey, cull some more and won’t that all be fun.

I predict suicides and homicide/suicide will increase dramatically. I so wish I didn’t think so.