So let me get this straight. Facebook stock is trading at $75 per share, not far off its all-time high. It has an astronomical PE Ratio of 66. And it had a drop in active users of 9% last year. They generate all their revenue from ads. If they continue to lose users, the ad revenue will decline. They have peaked and are headed south. Young people are abandoning it rapidly. Only middle aged women use Facebook now. Stick a fork in these ass clowns. Anyone owning this stock at this level is a fool.

According to research conducted by Global Web Index, Facebook was the only large social network suffering a drop in active usage last year.

Infographic: Facebook suffered a fall in usage last year | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista

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February 2, 2015 12:48 pm

Quick Grandpa, tell me the story again about stock market “valuations” and “rational” investing, please?

Or, tell me the one about going to Disneyland on the interest from your rainy day fund?

Insanity at every turn, with paid shills singing the “this is good,” “this is new normal,” “this is sustainable.”

Insanity sold as news fact at every, freaking, turn.

But, for today, my hub and his friends are all investing geniuses and I’m naught but a pessimistic, easily led, doomer.

For today.

February 2, 2015 12:57 pm

Good call on the middle aged women being the only users. My kids now use instagram only. My wife uses facebook. This is a dog with fleas onot.

February 2, 2015 2:34 pm

Instagram is also owned by FB. You are right about FB being dominated by middle aged women and losing users, maybe Zuckerberg will get a bailout as he’s created a big impact on the economy.

February 2, 2015 2:36 pm

@TE: You’re not a “doomer” you’re a realist.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 2, 2015 3:08 pm

As I said a week ago, the part that didn’t make it into Admin’s intro, Facebook is no longer useful. Not only does a social media site have to have users, it needs to have a useful purpose to retain those users.

“Form follows function”
-Frank Lloyd Wright

February 2, 2015 3:29 pm

I never had a Facebook page, never gave a shit, let’em go down in flames the sooner the better!

February 2, 2015 4:19 pm

In unrelated news, MySpace is apparently still operating. Huh.

February 2, 2015 6:34 pm

Google Nsa and Facebook,this is just one-Documents Say NSA Pretends to Be Facebook in Surveillance.If that does not keep potential customers away.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 2, 2015 7:34 pm

When Farcebook came out years ago, I told people this will evolve into facial recognition of the population. You guessed it , they acted as though I was some mental defect, antisocial head case.

Then the powers that be announced that older people and anyone who did not participate would be labeled by the government as having psychological problems. So now the sheep are leaving Farcebook in droves, does that put them on the list for the psychward?

The Nazis exterminated mental defects by the tens of thousands under Hitler. You might want to keep that Farcebook page going lest you be eliminated.

February 2, 2015 7:52 pm

@Bea, I have a Farcebook page, but haven’t been there in almost two years. If I can stay off it until August, I’m golden.

My opinions are outside the norm, not validated by politicians, rich guys, experts, nor paid-for-shill scientists, so expressing them on the ‘book is right up there with going into a Catholic church and starting to argue about Prohibition, abortion, or rights of children.

I get mocked and punished enough in real life for daring to speak the unthinkable. I have no need to help that little fuck Zuck, nor Goldman Sacks, become even richer AND gift my future prosecutors evidence with my own face planted all over it.

Meanwhile, my middle-aged sis, the pre-teens and grandparents are all keeping Zuck’s bank account bulging.

Just like the banksters, franken-food producers, etc., they sure as hell don’t need my help to stay rich.

Let me be clear
Let me be clear
February 2, 2015 8:56 pm

Frank Lloyd Wright introduced the word ‘organic’ into his philosophy of architecture as early as 1908. It was an extension of the teachings of his mentor Louis Sullivan whose slogan “form follows function” became the mantra of modern architecture. Wright changed this phrase to “form and function are one,” using nature as the best example of this integration. — from an essay on Organic Architecture

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 2, 2015 8:59 pm

Zuckerberg is the largest shareholder of the farcebook stock…seems to me he is trying to sell as much as he can before it goes tits up.

Also, fuck the cloud.

Let me be clear
Let me be clear
February 2, 2015 9:05 pm

There was a description of a form that looked like an elephant ear plant, it was said to be the potential look of a personality storage unit, the word escapes me now but the purpose was to store a person’s consciousness forever. What could be the function of such a shape?

February 2, 2015 9:23 pm

Facebook makes its money on ads. Amazing.

I am trying to remember the last time an ad convinced me to buy something. It does not happen.

None of it makes sense.

February 3, 2015 12:33 am

I wonder what it is about Frank Lloyd Wright? His architecture with a few exceptions is a blight upon the land. The inspiration for generations of architects to design many of the most retched structures ever built.

The idea of his work complimenting or integrating with nature or being organic (other than material use) is ridiculous. Most of his structures are offensive to nature and look like festering wounds in the forest.

If you really want to see something horrid google some pictures of Frank Lloyd Wright’s oxidizing green copper clad monstrosity in Bartlesville Oklahoma. How did that fucker sell them on this one? The Okies are proud of this embarrassing angular phallus on the prairie to this very day.

We have many examples of Wright’s work scattered around the DFW area that everyone is quite impressed with mostly because they think they should be. Back in the 80’s I had a condo that backed up to Turtle Creek Park that over looked the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Theater located there. I saw this land pimple almost every day. The theater however is one of the lesser offensive designs and I must say that inside it ‘s quit impressive.

JHK should be tearing Frank Lloyd Wright’s Frankenarchitecture a new one on a regular basis but I guess that would be too un kool and un left wing.

February 3, 2015 12:41 am

@Llpoh, you are looking at it through your extraordinary, owner-mentality, eyes. THAT Is why you don’t get it.

To the average sheep, that clicks on phishing emails, gives out credit card numbers to pay for winnings, “friends” or “follows” freaking corporations, those are the eyes you should use.

Keep in mind FB gets a share of every dime sold by the real 21st century industry – gaming.

The middle-aged, highly medicated, fat as hell, moms and dads spend an inordinate amount of their time playing – and paying – for Candy Crush, some dumb farm and Family Feud. I do believe that is included in their advertising numbers too.

And millions do click on ads, even if you and I don’t, nor even understand how they could be that ignorant. Those are the same people that believe subsidies for health care come free, minimum wage increases make them richer, and getting disability for eating too much is a human right.

Hugs friend!

February 3, 2015 12:44 am

Wow @Bruce, tell us how you really feel.

I like some of his stuff, not others. Same could be said for many architects.

In our town we live with a four story, gold-colored glass, curved, city hall that is a true monstrosity and I’m hard pressed to think of any FLW structure that reaches that level of fugly 70s style.

Just sayin’

February 3, 2015 10:56 am

You are correct. FLW architecture is not the worst by a long shot. Many architects have gone on to design monstrosities far in excess of Wright’s. You can bet however many of them were inspired by his work. Obviously I don’t like FLW’s work and feel that much of it is far over rated. However he did have talent and created unique designs unconventional for the time. The materials used on many of his structures are beautiful and the level of craftsmanship I’ve seen especially on some of the homes he designed is outstanding. There is this one house he designed that I believe it’s in Pennsylvania. I’ve not seen it in person but have seen many pictures of it. It’s built over a stream in the woods. It’s does not blend with nature but is in stark contrast to it and really works well proving that there is are examples of his work that lend beauty to the world. While many will disagree I think most of his truly exceptional work was in residential designs rather than institutional or commercial. But I still fell that the influence of prolific amount of work laid a foundation for generations of uniquely ugly uniquely American architecture. Architecture can be much worse though with the most horrid being that of Soviet Era Russia. Those guys knew how to do ugly better than any designers on earth for all of time.