Maybe the degos, micks, and pollocks are just slow and take twice as much time to do the same amount of homework. Considering the Germans, Japs, Koreans, and Fins all score higher on standardized tests, I’m guessing they have longer school days and their teachers actually teach the children what they need to know in class during the school day.

Does your kid complain about endless hours of homework? If you live in Italy, those complaints could reach fever-pitch! According to research conducted by the OECD, 15-year old children in Italy have to content with nearly 9 hours of homework per week – more than anywhere else in the world.

Irish children have the second highest after-school workload – just over 7 hours each week. In the United States, about 6.1 hours of a 15-year old’s week is sacrificed on homework. In Asia, children have very little to complain about. Japanese students have to deal with 3.8 hours of homework per week on average while in South Korea, it’s just 2.9 hours.

Infographic: The Countries Where Kids Do The Most Homework | Statista

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February 19, 2015 9:11 am

Contend, not content. That one’s for SSS.

Agree with your conclusion, though — quantity and quality are two different things.

February 19, 2015 10:05 am

In Finland, children start school later in life (age 7), the average school day is 5 hours long, recess time is 75 minutes and the Finns have one of shortest school years (just under 200 days I think).

For the Finns it is how they teach and how they chose/view teachers. Think home schooling. Small teacher to student ratios. Massive help available in the early years (I have heard one third of elementary students recieve extra help – during the school day). Very little testing, and only one standardized test. Only about 1 in 10 get into teacher training and must be in the top 10% of graduates. The teaching is a high status job. What I consider to be an important one, schools and teachers don’t have a lot of regulations to follow.

February 19, 2015 10:22 am

USA chill’un;

— 6.1 hours per WEEK doing homework (less than an hour per day? wow)

— 6.1 hours per DAY watching TV and/or texting

No need to wonder why most of them will be signing petitions on Mark Dice youtube vids.

February 19, 2015 10:27 am

If I had to guess My kids did about 10 to 12 hours of homework a week in high school, but you have to remember their are a large number of kids in many school systems that do little to no homework basically throughout their entire time in school. I would hazard to guess that the school “systems” in the US vary quite a bit more from state to state and town to town than any of these countries. Even in Massachusetts if you compare Lowell to Lexington you will see a world of difference in teachers, facilities, abilities, effort of the students, parental involvement, peer pressure etc. Comparing American school systems overall to a homogenous country is a waste of time. Some schools systems have extremely bright and well educated teachers while others have glorified baby sitters, it is up to the parents to make the system work for the betterment of their children, otherwise their kids will pay for it in the long run.

February 19, 2015 11:14 am

Fuck public schools.

Home school, that way every hour spent really learning something is homework.

February 19, 2015 12:35 pm

This also means Most People’s kids Are Idiots, too.

You can give 40 hours of homework a week to stupid kids, and even if in some alternate universe you could get them to actually do it, do you really think they’ll all become engineers, airline pilots, surgeons and CEO’s ?

Statistical comparisons like this are utterly meaningless.

Most people use the schools as babysitters and treat the teachers accordingly.

Don’t watch what people say, watch what they do. Americans spend far more on college and pro sports, massively more on high tech weapons and unbelievably more on Granny and Grampy’s medical care than they spend on insuring Junior gets an education.

It isn’t about school funding, it’s about buying (and playing an active role in delivering) the best services possible.

February 19, 2015 1:26 pm

I was always told the Asian kids were so bright because they did hours of homework each day,along with playing a musical instrument. I think your chart is wrong.
I’m glad to see common core being thrashed, The thinking on math is crazy. AZ is trying to get rid of cc.

February 19, 2015 6:45 pm

If we would only spend more money on education , it would get better.

February 20, 2015 5:36 pm

Last time my IQ was run it was north of 140.

I never did 6 hours of homework a week, and I had assigned work from every class, every day.

Did most of it during lunch, between classes, on the bus ride (all 10 minutes) home. Special projects that required research – as that meant a trip to the library – meant a bit more time.

For test’s I’d study about an hour, maybe two over the course of a week.

If homework taught us anything we needed, Obama (or Bush for that matter) would have never been elected to begin with.