Via Lonely Libertarian

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February 25, 2015 8:53 am

Make the girls Negro, put ’em outside “Black Studies 101,” and you can have ’em saying:

“If you use your imagination, you can blame WHITE men for everything!”

February 25, 2015 8:54 am

Any degree that ends in ‘studies’ is worthless.

El Siete
El Siete
February 25, 2015 11:27 pm

If you use your imagination, you can blame SOMEBODY ELSE for everything!

Your not that important, Tucc.
I’ve tried blaming others but I find that I prefer the sense of control over my life when I blame myself. I’m serious, grow the fuck up and quit playing to the racists for approval, be a fucking man for once.

February 25, 2015 11:40 pm

“… I prefer the sense of control over my life when I blame myself.”

Hm. Roman Catholic (parochial school) guilt-trip upbringing, or simply passive-aggressive personality disorder? Might could be both.

Fortunately, you’re not that important.

El Siete
El Siete
February 25, 2015 11:58 pm

Naw, not RC. Funny you think religion plays a part in being responsible for one’s actions. Makes sense though, I recall that ‘mea culpa’ confession of Mass.

February 26, 2015 6:26 am

“Naw, not RC. Funny you think religion plays a part in being responsible for one’s actions.”

You don’t? Though it’s less a matter of how religious beliefs affect one’s moral philosophy (suchever as yours might be) than of how religious conditioning imposes consistent effects upon one’s patterns of thought and behavior. Thus the strategy of Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta (Francis Xavier, S.J.) behind his “Give me the children until they are seven and anyone may have them afterwards.”

That’s the purpose of all top-down “directed” and “structured” education, whether it descends from the cathedral schools of Holy Mother Church or the nominally secular Prussian-style “Progressive” government-run compulsory “meatgrinder classroom” hell-holes of Horace Mann’s perverted vision which receive the majority of American larvae all over the republic.

The exploitation of a purposefully imparted and carefully cultivated personal sense of guilt has always been a key element in the Roman Catholic Church’s management of the chandala, exploited by the temporal powers to draw the critters’ focus from the ways in which those peasants are very, very much the victims of malevolent connivances aimed at the huddled masses’ pittances and perspiration to deprive those folks of their lives, their liberties, and their property in the temporal sphere.

You have been gulled into a tendency to think you have personal control and therefore personal responsibility for the depredations imposed upon you by malefactors exploiting the machinery of authority, and therefore you are less inclined to perceive and assess those diddlings.

Ever heard the expression so common in military operations analysis regarding adverse outcomes?

“Once is the thing itself. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

How long has it been in your life since the majority of those most severe adversities you’ve deceived yourself into believing that you control had become -quite obviously – concerted enemy action?

El Siete
El Siete
February 26, 2015 8:26 am

Many times.

You speak of external inculcations but I admit to many internal demons also.
For the record, I never attended parochial school but my grade school teachers were not far from that morality, being as they were southerners.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 26, 2015 8:46 am


You say “being as they were southerners” ?? Southern Cali? How are you so chatty at 5:26am?

El Siete
El Siete
February 26, 2015 9:07 pm

The Tushi was trying to trip me out with his psychology. He’d have to attend KB’s mindfuck seminar to get me going.

Anyway, I went to school from ’60 to ’73 in beaner town. Very few Yankees in Texas back then.

February 27, 2015 5:45 am

“….trying to trip me out with his psychology.”

Diagnosis confirmed, eh? Well, when there are hoofbeats like yours – not to mention your reek of horseshit – it ain’t no great feat of inference to reach an equine appreciation.

Never given any genuinely lucid thought to those alleged “internal demons” of yours (which you’ve been conditioned to regard as “thoughtcrime“) rather than festering in unwarranted guilt, have ya?

February 27, 2015 8:51 am

give a stupid bitch a soapbox …

As Millennials—Millennial women in particular—grow in power, they seek to transform society into their personal hugbox. Their preferred method for doing so is the social media witch-hunt: targeting “racist,” “sexist” or otherwise un-PC individuals for Two Minutes Hates; getting them fired from their jobs, and worse. Pax Dickinson, Justine Sacco, Gavin McInnes: the list of social justice warriors’ victims could fill a phone book.

The flames of left-wing outrage are fanned by a battalion of websites for whom indignation is lifeblood. Gawker, Buzzfeed, xoJane, and other clickbait sewers make their ducats from catering to the worst instincts of Millennials: hypersensitivity and impotent anger. Thanks to the efforts of media moguls such as Nick Denton—the William Randolph Hearst of the Internet age—even legacy outlets such as the Washington Post have sensationalized their content in pursuit of views.

Let’s call it what it is: iMcCarthyism. Crowdsourced witch trials. The sheltered upbringings of Millennials have merged with modern technology to create a generation of monsters. Every underemployed bookstore barista is Cotton Mather, raining down moral condemnation from the safety of her smartphone. Each cry of “Wow, just wow, I can’t even” is a Hail Mary for these latter-day Puritans.

It’s a shock for those accustomed to youth revolting against their parents to see Millennials begging authority figures for approval. The Baby Boomer mantra of “Don’t trust anyone over 30” is deader than Jim Morrison, as is the cynicism of Generation X. Left-wing Twitter witch-hunts are powerful precisely because young women are desperate for a mommy figure to pat them on the head for being good little girls.
