A Houston, Texas cop was recently caught on video illegally detaining protesters and threatening them with his department-issued assault rifle. His reason? Protesters were spouting what he called “Constitutional bullsh**.”

The video was recorded by Open Carry Texas and uploaded to their YouTube channel after a recent peaceful assembly where they advocated for “Constitutional Carry,” which is already legal in Texas when it comes to rifles of any sort (scroll down for video).

The group passed out flyers and pamphlets at the protest, in order to inform locals about the Constitutional and state-acknowledged right to carry firearms for self-defense. The group wants to see Texas allow open carry of handguns as well, and they are actively working to promote legislative changes to accommodate Texans who chose to carry openly.

Texas already permits carrying concealed handguns with permits, but in spite of the state’s reputation, Texas law does not permit carrying pistols unconcealed.…

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March 7, 2015 1:13 pm

Walking down MY streets?

Tha fuck? Who voted him fucking King? Arrogant piece of shit.

“Constitutional crap”?

Yep… all sorts of upholding the Constitution right there…

“I’m part of the III%…”

Bullshit. If you were a III-per, you wouldn’t have fucking stopped him, nor tried to intimidate him with your issue AR, ya fucking jackbooted goon.

They’re not YOUR streets, motherfucker. They’re OURS. You simply use power we delegated to you to patrol them since we do not have the time to do it ourselves… bet you’re one of those shit weasels over on PoliceOne who refer to us Citizens as “mundanes”…

Stupid shaved head copfuk thug…

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 7, 2015 2:53 pm

911 caller: “There’s somebody walking down the sidewalk with a rifle!!

911 Dispatcher: “Is he threatening anyone?”

911 caller: “Uh, umm, no…but I’m SCARED!”

911 Dispatcher: “Sorry sir, but it’s perfectly legal in Texas to have a firearm in public. Call us back if he makes any threats. Have a nice day.”

That’s how this police call should have been handled. Maybe let the cops on that “beat” of the 911 calls, but don’t dispatch to the scene. However, it’s disturbing that the cop says “Constitutional crap”–yet tries to be on the rifle-carrier’s side throughout. But that comment shows his true colors.

Given all that, in most other places this could have gone down a lot differently.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 7, 2015 2:55 pm

meant to say this:

Maybe let the cops on that “beat” of the 911 calls, but don’t dispatch to the scene.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 7, 2015 2:56 pm

Maybe make the cops on that “beat” aware of the 911 calls, but don’t dispatch to the scene.

March 7, 2015 3:28 pm

Mrs Nora..go bite a big one

March 7, 2015 3:29 pm

Billy..nice rant…1000 thumbs up.

March 7, 2015 3:37 pm

They also had a “Ghost Gunner” milling machine to finish 80% lowers. On the steps of the capitol. I need one!

March 7, 2015 10:33 pm

I’m losing patience with these thugs who think because they have a badge they can fuck over the civilians. Time to push back.

March 8, 2015 12:03 am

Biggest issue is if the powers that be are not following the constitution , then um , what fucking duty is there to comply ? Oh they have a weapon ? well so do you lol grow a pair and refuse to comply