Thousands… Millions… of Whom the World Is Not Worthy

Guest Post by Paul Rosenberg   
Thousands… Millions… of Whom the World Is Not WorthyAll of us have partial views of the world. We can only see and hear so much. At our best, we take in only a slice of the whole. Still, I’ve been noticing something that seems widespread and worthy of comment. Here it is:I see an increasing number of people who are markedly better than the world around them.

My title for today’s dispatch comes from the book of Hebrews, where the author lists great men and women and concludes by saying, of whom the world was not worthy.

Yes, yes, I know that we can all complain at length about the stupid, brain-locked, and obnoxious people who surround us. And most of those complaints are true. But there’s another side to this:

Humans are inherently biased. We focus, probably at a ratio of at least two to one, on the negative.

Try asking people what they want. In most cases, they’ll start listing the things they don’t want. This negative bias masks most of the good that happens in the world.

And right now, there are millions of people who are becoming qualitatively better.

Why this should be so is a great question, and while I’m not going to dig in to it today, an increase in understanding has to be a central factor.

You Are Better

I obviously can’t know all my readers, but I do pay attention to them, and I think I have a pretty good feel for them. So while what I say here may not apply to every reader, I am sure that it applies to most. And what I want to say to you is this:

You are better than the world around you. Perhaps not better than every individual you know, but better that the enforced mentality of this world; better than its rulers; better than its great men. BETTER.

You see, we live in a time of rising contrast: millions of individuals are becoming better while the ruling systems of the world are becoming worse. Saying “of whom the world is not worthy” isn’t that big of a statement just now.

And I’m seeing people—old, young, male, female—who are, by nature, better. They display more kindness. They’re interested in understanding and improving. They are truer to themselves, and from thence are truer to others.

I think you should take this seriously. Compare your virtues with those of the world’s ruling systems. Find the truth of the matter and accept what is true.

Is “Better” Defined by Rules?

You’ll notice above that I said these people were better “by nature.” I did not say that they were better because they were good rule-keepers.

Keeping rules is precisely how not to become better. We’ve been trained to define “good” by comparing ourselves to rules, but the great thinkers of the world have been more concerned with transcending rules. First on the list of such people was Jesus, but I devoted an entire issue of my newsletter (issue #44) to that aspect of his philosophy, and it’s far too much to repeat here.

But I will give you two ancient thinkers. The first is St. Paul. He writes in one of his letters about people who:

doing by nature the things contained in the law… are a law unto themselves.

And this was not just a Christian concept. A few centuries earlier, Aristotle had said nearly the same thing:

This I have gained by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.

So, if both pagans and Christians in Greece and Asia Minor could do this between 2,000 and 2,300 years ago, is it crazy to think that modern people are capable of it too?

Here are more modern thinkers who had more or less the same thing in mind:


He who regulates everything by laws, is more likely to arouse vices than reform them.


Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law” because law is often but the tyrant’s will.

James P. Driscoll, writing on Carl Jung:

From whatever aspect we consider the command… it is the most dangerous single element in the social life of man.

Gustave Le Bon:

Armed with a small stock of formulas and commonplaces learnt while we are young, we possess all that is needed to traverse life without the tiring necessity of having to reflect on anything whatsoever.

Now, let’s go to the second part of this discussion: Who makes the rules?

In our time, that would be politicians. That is, the same people we condemn as liars nearly every day. Are we really supposed to take rules made by these people as definitions of “good?”

Furthermore, rules can be purchased from these people. Are we really supposed to surrender our moral natures to that?

Love, kindness, courage, integrity, understanding, and empathy: these are things that make people better. And they stand wholly apart from rule-keeping.

In the current world system, rules define who is punished, not who is good.

Fear of Being Better

People fear being better, and not irrationally. Let’s be honest about this: good people suffer mostly for their virtues, not for their vices. In our current situation, above-average virtue is often punished.

So there’s reason to fear being better. Not only will some people resent any type of positive difference, but the hierarchies of this world need their masses to be weak, intimidated, and confused. The problem with better people is that they grow out of those characteristics, even though they’re pressured to conform.

The system’s answer to this, as we all know, is to pile more penalties and pressure on these better people. It’s all they have; it’s all they know; it’s what they are.

So to you who are better, I have one primary piece of advice: Learn to accept the fact that you are better, and that you may be punished for it.

Is This Too Radical?

Before anyone gets the idea that these observations of mine are too radical to be taken seriously, please allow me to pass along another quotation:

That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

Did you get that? If something is high and glorious among men, if it enjoys status—if it is authoritative, powerful, and feared—God is disgusted by it.

Now that is radical.

You wanna take a guess who said it?

Yup, that’s right, it was Jesus. That Jesus. The rabbi from Nazareth. Get a concordance and look it up.


Actually, there is no “so” in this case. This isn’t a prescription for conduct. I’m writing about internal acknowledgment, not outward actions.

What matters here is that you accept a fact: that the ruling systems of this world are less moral than you, and that you’re not crazy to think so. Whatever change that spawns in you will be to your credit.

But please, be better: Live with more love, more kindness, more courage, more integrity, and more empathy.

A Free-Man’s Take is written by adventure capitalist, author, and freedom advocate Paul Rosenberg. You can get much more from Paul in his unique monthly newsletter, Free-Man’s Perspective.

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March 13, 2015 10:32 am

Government – and the expansion of rules. I see it in my job as a software developer – every day. The rules really began to expand exponentially around 1990 – when computers became commonplace.

Our government now passes more and more laws (such as the 2400 page ACA) that REQUIRE sophisticated software. Same for Sarbanes-Oxley, and many, many others.

A house of cards.

March 13, 2015 10:47 am

[imgcomment image?oh=5917046cea3140fae40de713a4485ade&oe=5576426B[/img]

March 13, 2015 11:05 am

I’ve known that I’m better for quite some time but I tended to think it’s because everyone else was becoming worse. I certainly don’t feel better than the people of my grandparents and parents (Silent) generation. In most ways I feel inferior to them. However, compared to Boomers and beyond, I have no doubt I’m better. I’m surrounded by the chronically and intentionally stupid.

All my life I’ve sought, as friends, people who were older than me because they tended to be smarter and wiser. I think it was a subconscious effort to better myself through observation and osmosis. At age 48 I’m finding that to be increasingly difficult.

March 13, 2015 11:25 am

@IS, how funny, I am nearly 48 and see the same thing.

Everywhere I look, in nearly every age, socio-economic status, race or religion, I see the same thing, statism rules. As long as we get “what is ours,” we don’t care whom is destroyed to pay for it.

The “radical” from the 70s and 80s, are either trying to overwhelm the system, or suck from it (more likely).

What’s a middle-aged (I HATE that, but ’tis true) girl to do?

Oh, that’s right, throw off the veils of marketing department propaganda as facts, and war is peace and safety, and nature is always less and wrong and only man is god of health.

Somedays I curse waking up to the corruption, but then pull on my size 4 pants, scarf down a chocolate shake made with whole milk and thank God that I did.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 13, 2015 11:42 am

IS and TE

If everyone in this country was on the level of and cut from the same cloth as you two, I would sleep like a new born babe at night. TBP is a great example of what the “better ” folks are thinking.

March 13, 2015 12:04 pm

IS ,you are inferior and you suffer from delusions of grandeur. Psychologists call what you have as Manic depressive attention distress disorder. First your foot now mental illness. You do have problems.

March 13, 2015 12:14 pm

I am beginning to believe there are “old” souls, and brand spanking new ones.

My soul is old, always has been, I’ve known that most of life.

Others show with their spreading of hatred and vileness the youth and misspent energy of the immature.

Sad they seem to outnumber the learned ones.

Thanks @Bea, feel the same about you, and others, too.

March 13, 2015 12:18 pm

Not only am I better than the world at large, I am better than all of YOU. I am the best of the best.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
March 13, 2015 2:03 pm

Thanks Llpoh for sharing that.

March 13, 2015 2:36 pm

There is only one person that each of us should strive to be better than:

the person we were yesterday.

March 13, 2015 8:25 pm

TE, I probably have such a shitty attitude about it all because I don’t have kids. Even with no skin in the game it still pisses me off that something with so much potential for real good has been co-opted and is being destroyed by greedy fucks for their own gain. It pisses me off just on principle!

Bea…….thanks. The only thing that scares me more than the current idiots in charge is the thought that someone thinks I might have a better idea. However, you have the benefit of not hearing voices in my head! 🙂

March 13, 2015 11:04 pm

@Dutchman: A lot of these extra “rules & regs” are designed to drive small companies out of business. The big companies demand it from their paid off politicians for competitive advantage, and they don’t follow the rules anyway-that’s what the “legal team” is for.

@TE: Size 4 ‘eh? Good for you! I always knew you were a hottie. Far as old souls go, I was told once I was a Viking in a previous life. She said she could see me leading my warriors into battle. Probably horseshit, but I’ve always been curious about the Vikings. And my NDE was a mindblower. From the wisdom of your comments I’d say you’ve “been this way before” (as if I’m any kinda judge).

El Coyote
El Coyote
March 14, 2015 12:08 am

Jesus told this parable to certain people who had convinced themselves that they were righteous and who looked on everyone else with disgust:
“Two people went up to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed about himself with these words, ‘God, I thank you that I’m not like everyone else—crooks, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week. I give a tenth of everything I receive.’ 13 But the tax collector stood at a distance. He wouldn’t even lift his eyes to look toward heaven. Rather, he struck his chest and said, ‘God, show mercy to me, a sinner.’ 14 I tell you, this person went down to his home justified rather than the Pharisee. All who lift themselves up will be brought low, and those who make themselves low will be lifted up.”