Body cam footage from June 2014, recently released, shows two Dallas police officers fatally shooting 39-year-old mentally ill Jason Harrison after he exits his home carrying a screwdriver.

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March 22, 2015 11:32 am

Folks, one wonderful thing about that cantankerous old fart, Billy, is that if you ask him for his opinion to explain something, he WILL take the time to do so, …. often a lot of time and effort. He is a real asset to this site.

Thanks, Billy. Great writeup … quite informative!!

March 22, 2015 11:46 am



But it’s times like this when I miss AWD. He would have been the guy to ask…

Dude was a genuine MD, right? Patching people up and putting them together gives a person a unique insight into where the most vulnerable parts of the body are… his knowledge made what little I know look pathetic..

If it were me wanting to go at three armed and armored guys with a toy screwdriver, the first thing I would aim for would be the trachea or the big arteries on either side of it. Failing that, go for the eyes, then the groin/femoral artery… but then, that’s just me.

And a screwdriver still isn’t a knife…

March 23, 2015 9:42 am

This thread both leaves me shaking my head with dismay at the hero worship and myth following, and the intelligence, rational and love of a few of my earthly co-dwellers.

Billy gets extra props for “Infinity +1 Screwdriver of Doom” that is a classic, then out of left field he hits me with the Dread Pirate Roberts.

And Bea’s “prepare to die.”

This is what I know, a jury of my “peers” would probably prosecute, and throw away the key, if I went to a neighbor’s home after the mom called me to help with her ill son, and I shot him because he wouldn’t put a screwdriver down.

I have no doubts that I would be charged and convicted.

The cops were at HIS home. What in the hell has happened in this country when people that I believe think they believe in the Constitution feel this is justified?

They could have stepped back, brandished tazers, reasoned with him, “dude, you KNOW I can shoot your ass and get a paid vacation for my trouble, put the fucking tool down man.”

But NO, cops are SO much “more” people than the rest of us. So much so that freaking politicians are passing laws that harming K-9 dogs can bring more time than killing your freaking spouse.

Do you defenders of this behavior UNDERSTAND what the Sam Hill you are defending?

NO rights to privacy and protection of your own freaking home. NONE. And a free pass for your future death when it is decided YOU are a risk.

We are all one blood sugar problem away from being “helped” to death by the ever encroaching, never to be slowed, state.

Fuck you all.

And, if I wanted ya’ dead, I could do it with a pencil or ball point pen. Won’t be long before those will be registered weapons too.