Via Townhall

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April 29, 2015 7:34 am

All helped by W H just like Ukraine.Cia had a hand in it imoThen comes the propaganda push.

April 29, 2015 7:53 am

The president of the Baltimore City Council apologized for calling rioters “thugs” at a press conference Tuesday, calling those responsible for the violence “misdirected” youths.

April 29, 2015 8:02 am

Portions of an article from a website called Radical Faggot. heh heh


Smashing Police Cars Is Logical Political Strategy

As a nation, we fail to comprehend Black political strategy in much the same way we fail to recognize the value of Black life.

We see ghettos and crime and absent parents where we should see communities actively struggling against mental health crises and premeditated economic exploitation. And when we see police cars being smashed and corporate property being destroyed, we should see reasonable responses to generations of extreme state violence, and logical decisions about what kind of actions yield the desired political results.

I’m overwhelmed by the pervasive slandering of protesters in Baltimore this weekend for not remaining peaceful. The bad-apple rhetoric would have us believe that most Baltimore protesters are demonstrating the right way—as is their constitutional right—and only a few are disrupting the peace, giving the movement a bad name.

This spin should be disregarded, first because of the virtual media blackout of any of the action happening on the ground, particularly over the weekend. Equally, it makes no sense to cite the Constitution in any demonstration for Black civil rights (that document was not written about us, remember?), but certainly not one organized specifically to call attention to the fact that the state breaks its own laws with regard to the oppressed on a nearly constant basis.

But there is an even bigger problem. Referring to Black Lives Matter protests, as well as organic responses to police and state violence as “non-violent” or “peaceful” erases the actual climate in which these movements are acting, the militant strategies that have rendered them effective, and the long history of riots and direct action on which they are built.

I do not advocate non-violence—particularly in a moment like the one we currently face. In the spirit and words of militant Black and Brown feminist movements from around the globe, I believe it is crucial that we see non-violence as a tactic, not a philosophy.

We need to clarify what we mean by terms like “violence” and “peaceful.” Because, to be clear, violence is beating, harassing, tazing, assaulting and shooting Black, trans, immigrant, women, and queer people, and that is the reality many of us are dealing with daily. Telling someone to be peaceful and shaming their militance not only lacks a nuanced and historical political understanding, it is literally a deadly and irresponsible demand.

Black power, Queer power, power to Baltimore, and to all oppressed people who know what time it is.

full article —> https://radfag.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/in-support-of-baltimore-or-smashing-police-cars-is-logical-political-strategy/

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 29, 2015 8:57 am

“We’re here. We’re queer. We don’t want any more bears.” – Homer Simpson

April 29, 2015 9:08 am

vibrant urban youths in the act of being oppressed.

[imgcomment image?oh=48ef7aaa29540c5a4c6d94434fae41cf&oe=55CC0837[/img]

April 29, 2015 9:10 am

safe area and unsafe area in Baltimore explained in one pic.

[imgcomment image?oh=f6f68e774565866aae7c04ed71f9d416&oe=559AE11C[/img]

April 29, 2015 9:31 am

when governments use ALL manner of violence to get what they want,that is ok ???


when individuals do the same thing,they are criminals ???

we’ve accepted the “fact” that is ok for violence in unlimited quantities to flow downwards


when it flows back up?

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 9:46 am

Bo Dietl stated on Fox News that there were numerous special ops military in the crowds of rioters stirring the shit. White guys with bandanas over their face would seem a little out of place in the middle of all of those oppressed yutes.

April 29, 2015 10:04 am

@ Satori,
People desire order. They will endure slavery or the worst of tyrants in order to have order.

Those producing chaos, for whatever reason no matter how “justified” you can make it, will sooner or later be mowed down like blades of grass in a field. Look to history and find a single instance where this is not so.

I’ll aver there are paradoxes to this: When the desire for order becomes too large, it becomes its own cause of disorder. This is why Peak Politics and the Peak State are now creating disorder. Progressives pushed their “we can make people better by using the sledge hammer of political governance” too far. It was always evil and wrong, but now are reaped the crops of that poison seed.

April 29, 2015 10:04 am

Like these animals are going to follow the direction of a white guy with bandana over his face in an out of control crowd. How fucking stupid is that?

April 29, 2015 10:11 am

I wonder about all this.

On the one hand, spasms of disorder generate calls for statist crack-downs. On the other hand, it is the embedded seeds of the welfare state and economic stagnation of limitless political bureaucracy that generate all the disorder in the first place.

Here, at Peak Politics and the Apogee of the Central State, more political actions will have the perverse effect of adding chaos and disorder.

All roads lead to trouble, and trouble spreading.

April 29, 2015 10:17 am

Once again, the lesson is “Those who trust their elected politicians to see to their protection forget that those politicians are forever and always recalculating which constituency ‘matters more today.'”

As the conflict between races/social classes/etc. intensifies, if your politicians identify with or are dependent for re-election on a subgroup to which you do not belong, expect to be abandoned to your fate before those in the subgroup that “matters.”

Those who trust their fate to those with whom they share no love are fools. Throughout history, they rarely survive times of great tumult.

April 29, 2015 10:18 am

The U.S government and it’s minions are an incompetent bunch of buffoons. Why so many people believe that it’s an organized thinking body of competent individuals capable of organizing and caring out some grand plan of gradual enslavement of the people is beyond me. Everything and anything a government agency touches turns to shit.

April 29, 2015 10:22 am

PS: On a national level, what subgroup of people is that which politicians identify, and on whom are dependent for re-election? Are you in it? When their interests depart from yours, what will happen to you?

That is the entire message of this blog, is it not?

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 10:29 am

Sensetti- The point was that special ops were there to elevate the riot. The mayor takes a powder from her duty to stop the yutes from destroying millions and millions of dollars of property…….interesting. Ghetto property don’t matter. White property matters. This shit never happens in the rich white neighborhoods.

April 29, 2015 10:30 am

The Our Government has borrowed itself into oblivion and what you are seeing are the fruits of that incompetence. It’s not a conspiracy it’s a natural progression, you go in debt you go bankrupt. And as this government continues to walk the road of financial ruin those dependent upon the government for their daily bread will riot in the street. There’s no conspiracy there’s no man in black suits walking around organizing the stuff it’s a natural progression.

April 29, 2015 10:33 am

Why would special ops want to elevate the riot? You wanna elevate the riot cut their EBT cards 5% a month and before the card hits zero they will burn the entire city to the ground.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 10:51 am


What is your opinion as to why military special ops would be there in the midst of the rioters? For what purpose?

April 29, 2015 10:58 am

Sensetti, it is an axiom of human existence that all social systems based on violence can only produce bads, not good.

We have had 150 years of rising belief in the efficacy of improving our fellow man by using the state, the monopoly repository of “socially approved” initiated violence, and anyone with eyes can see what a shitstorm has been produced.

Paraphrasing Bastiat, there are but two ways to obtain what you need to survive in this world: 1) Production and trade. 2) The “political” means, AKA robbery, extortion, cages guns and tasers.

April 29, 2015 11:01 am

” …. your opinion as to why military special ops would be there in the midst of the rioters? For what purpose?” ———— Bonz Eye

See — “Who is really behind the Baltimore and Ferguson ‘race’ riots?” … here as one POSSIBILITY;



April 29, 2015 11:04 am

Sensetti , governments are very good at planning War.Very good at planning genocide.

April 29, 2015 11:05 am

On the other hand ….


Bringing down the false flag

Of all the nutty beliefs I’ve examined over the years, the one that I have the hardest time understanding is the whole “false flag” thing.

The idea here is that the government (usually the United States government, although other countries have been accused of this as well) manufactures calamities in order to distract the citizens (“sheeple”) from what they’re really trying to do. Their actual aims usually involve establishing a fascist dictatorship, disarming everyone, rounding up and executing civilians, and other special offers.

The fact that none of the latter ever happens doesn’t seem to matter much. Each time there’s a new tragedy, raving wackmobiles like Alex Jones start yammering on about how it never really happened, it was just a staged event with “crisis actors” designed to divert your attention. Maybe they really think by making all this shit up (what they would call “focusing your attention on reality”) they’re preventing the Bad Guys from killing us all. Maybe they picture themselves as the dam holding back the flood, that without their brave reporting, we’d all find ourselves in FEMA death camps.

Or maybe they’re just loons. I dunno.

So, here are a few things that are said to be “false flags:”

The Sandy Hook massacre
The Columbine shootings
The Boston Marathon bombing
Hurricane Katrina
The Bali bombing
The crash of Malaysia Airlines Flights MH17 and 370
Hurricane Sandy
The recent Ebola outbreak in Africa
The riots in Ferguson, Missouri
The riots and looting in Egypt following the fall of Hosni Mubarak
The entire situation in the Ukraine

Yes, you’re understanding this correctly; to the false-flagazoids, either (1) these events never happened, or (2) they were pre-arranged and orchestrated by the government for their own purposes.

But what about eyewitnesses, you may be asking, not to mention victims?

That you’d even ask the question means you’ve “drunk the KoolAid.” The so-called eyewitnesses and victims are either government plants, or else entirely fictitious.

And the conspiracy theorists work fast. Whenever a story hits the news, you can almost set your watch and time how long it’ll take before false-flag accusations start hitting the conspiracy websites. It’s only taken a day or so for the two current tragedies — the Nepal earthquake and the Baltimore riots — to be declared false flags by these crazies. (Don’t believe me? Go here and here, if you can stand to.)

So as I’m considering this whole bizarre phenomenon, the thought crossed my mind; do these people believe that nothing bad ever happens unless it’s caused by the government? Or maybe that nothing bad ever happens at all, given that they seem to think that most of the awful things in the news were invented by the media?

So it occurred to me that maybe this was the common thread. If you believe in false flags, it gives you a number of comforting fictions to fall back on:

Most of the catastrophes that get reported aren’t real.
Even the ones that are real were staged by the government, so there’s always a faceless entity there to blame if you don’t like what’s going on.
Because you are aware of the ruse, it means that you are in the know, i.e., you’re not a “sheeple.”

But I think there’s a fourth underlying cause, here. If you attribute everything down to your hangnails to the Evil Illuminati, you don’t ever have to look at the underlying causes of the things that could be addressed. If Sandy Hook and Columbine were fictional, then we never have to discuss the American attitude toward guns. If Ferguson and Baltimore were staged by the police, then we can avoid talking about race and the enculturation of privilege. If 9/11 was an inside job, we never have to consider the role that American foreign policy has had in the instability in the Middle East, nor our support of the repressive theocracy in Saudi Arabia because of our reliance on oil.

And if we disbelieve in Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy and the Nepal earthquake, we never have to confront the fact that the world is a big, scary, chaotic place, where terrible things sometimes just happen for no apparent reason other than the steering currents in the south Atlantic and the movement of tectonic plates under the Himalayas. It means we can avoid dealing with our own fear, accepting our own mortality, understanding that we’re always insecure, always in danger, and that none of us is going to get out of here alive.

But the blindness comes with a cost, and it isn’t just the terrible cost of buying a lie instead of seeking the truth. The worst part of all of this is that is absolves us of the responsibility of doing something to offer aid to the victims of these catastrophes. We can sit back, secure in the superiority of our false knowledge, saying that we don’t have to reach out and help anyone, because there’s no one there to help.

To which I say: fuck that. I haven’t been able to find anywhere to which you can donate for the victims of the Baltimore riots — there may be campaigns started in the next days, so keep your eyes open. But here are two to help the victims of the Nepalese earthquake — an IndieGoGo campaign to raise money for shelters and medical aid, and one of my favorite charities, Médecins Sans Frontières. Please consider donating to either or both.

Because despite what the conspiracy theorists would have you believe, compassion and love will always beat suspicion, hatred, and fear.


Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 11:13 am

Correct me if I am wrong but in the youtube Stucky posted, that woman in both photos has the same tat just above the ankle on her right leg. Now that would really be a coinkydink if that were two different women….right?

Oh and Stucky…. how do you know i have a dick?

April 29, 2015 11:18 am

Updated List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks


April 29, 2015 11:24 am

“Oh and Stucky…. how do you know i have a dick?” ———— Bonz Eye

Well, I assumed. Bonz Eye sounds like a dickish name … like something a Jap kamikaze pilot would scream just before his demise.

Shit!! You’re a female??? Damn … I apologize. I do NOT saying shit like that to our lady-folk … except SAH. So solly!

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 11:33 am

No thin skin here, insult away. Cankles has huge balls so I guess it is not impossible.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 29, 2015 11:38 am

“Because despite what the conspiracy theorists would have you believe, compassion and love will always beat suspicion, hatred, and fear.”

You could go and take the entire article on a point by point basis, show proofs- Reichstag Fire, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, Gladio, etc. or you can just ask this single question- is the authors conclusion above, truthful? Does compassion and love ALWAYS beat suspicion, hatred and fear?

Tens of millions of civilian dead in the last century might take issue with that kind of Pollyannish POV. We didn’t defeat the Japanese with hugs and kisses, we beat them with a level of violence directed at the civilian populations unprecedented in history.

Governments have historically always been the world leaders in mass murder. That’s not a conspiracy, its a fact. People who blindly follow the orders of their leaders have always been the instruments of these mass murders expressly because they do not and have never challenged the world view and ideologies behind these mass murdering schemes. They believe what they are told. They follow orders. They do not think for themselves.

I cannot happen but notice that the author uses several phrases that are lifted verbatim from Cass Sunstein in regards to “conspiracy theories” and how to debunk them. In fact he even replicates the exact order of these rebuttals. That in itself might be cause for a conspiracy theory, that the author is likely being paid to write this type of thing to dissuade the average reader to give a wide berth to any story that does not fit the official version, but It’s just as likely the intellectual laziness and a penchant for plagiarism that defines so many modern “journalists” these days.

Read the original by Cass Sunstein, here-


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 29, 2015 11:46 am
Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
April 29, 2015 11:56 am

As I see it, citizens of Baltimore are protesting their militarized police force. When 64% of the population is black and the population is protesting, it is no longer a minority issue. It has become a populist movement.

April 29, 2015 11:58 am

Hardscrabble Farmer

Cass Sunstein also known as America’s Goebblels is a eugenicist of the first order. He is dedicated to genocide along with his buddy in the Obama depop posse, John Holdren.

Sunstein is a pox on humanity.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 12:05 pm

Above was my post.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 29, 2015 12:29 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 29, 2015 12:45 pm

Geraldo Rivera loses it on live TV. What a duechebag. Why were the media still there after the curfew?

As to military spec ops or crisis actors being there, I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t put it past our guv to do that (although that video of the supposed ‘crisis actors’ isn’t very convincing–the pictures could have simply been 5-10 seconds apart which would explain the entire sequence).

However, WH acknowledged that Obummer was in contact with the black woman Baltimore mayor as was Valerie Jarrett, so those stand down orders from the mayor may have come directly from DC. Jarrett is pure evil, bent on “payback” (her words spoken in 2008).


April 29, 2015 1:32 pm

Definitely peaceful .That crowd just help burn down part of city but it was peaceful.

April 29, 2015 1:42 pm

Bonz Eye says: Sensetti :What is your opinion as to why military special ops would be there in the midst of the rioters? For what purpose?

Bozne, I can’t say for sure but I know what I wish they were doing. I would hope that they were laying eyes on the target and setting up GPS markers for our Jet fighters to find their target, we can’t have a stray bomb hitting an actual tax payer.

April 29, 2015 1:42 pm

Twas I above

April 29, 2015 1:43 pm

Special Ops among the protesters? I don’t think so! There are only about 300 black Seals and SF. Combined. Out of a total combined force of 8,000 or so. I think you’d have better odds of finding Obongo, Holder and Lynch at a Klan meeting than finding a Seal or SF trooper at a CAT 5 chimp out like this one.

April 29, 2015 1:51 pm

Stephanie Shepard says: As I see it, citizens of Baltimore are protesting their militarized police force. When 64% of the population is black and the population is protesting, it is no longer a minority issue. It has become a populist movement.

The whole fucking town is black, the cops are black, the mayor is black. All Dimocrats to boot. This is no movement. A populist movement for what, to burn, rob, steal, and pillage. WTF.

April 29, 2015 1:53 pm

Finally Ragman brings some common sense to the discussion.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 29, 2015 1:56 pm

Here are 2 crisis actors from the Boston Bombing hoax. Jeff Bauman has received over $800,000 from his gofundme.com donation webpage. Those people who enriched themselves from this hoax, with the help of our hapless media who don’t research or verify anything, makes my blood boil.

The people who donated to these fakes should sue for their money back. Or perhaps those are fake webpages as well…


Boston Marathon Bombing Cowboy Man Exposed: Crisis Actor Carlos Arredondo

This is a long vid, but just watch the first 5 minutes to see how stupid and gullible we are:


April 29, 2015 2:00 pm

Just having camera crews there is enough to get them to chimp out. No need for anything else.

April 29, 2015 2:09 pm

Cops killed more whites last year than blacks sooooooooo why aren’t whites in the street burning down their own neighborhood. You wanna know why? If cops puts a bullet in some white meth head resisting arrest no white person gives a shit. Most decent law abiding whites are not going to run from the cops. Except for the occasional outlier most of the whites that get arrested around here drugs and or alcohol is involved and most have long records, everybody in town knows they are trouble. If one of them takes a bullet by cop no one is going to protest what’s been long expected. On the other hand in the black neighborhood a thug like Michael Brown with a history of being in trouble robs a store assaults an officer and the blacks take to the streets talking about what a fine young man he was with such a bright future, what a bunch of non thinking, animalistic, low brain functioning parasites.

Populist Movement, LMFAO.

April 29, 2015 2:16 pm

Sensetti, amen

April 29, 2015 2:26 pm

Let me talk to you conspiracy theory nuts. I don’t spend one second of one day worrying about that shit. The Government is not what’s going to get you so why waste time and energy worrying about something that’s inconsequential to you. If I’m wrong tell me point by point how Uncle Sam is going to get me and what I should do to avoid the situation. The only thing Uncle Sam is going to do is carry us to a major war and will draft and send Minnie’s to die by the tens of thousands, other than that, help me out, fill in the blanks.

1. Threat………………………solution
2. Threat………………………solution
3. Threat………………………solution

I have to go trim a couple of my horse’s but I will return later today to absorb the wisdom I’m sure is to follow. Peace

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
April 29, 2015 2:30 pm

Sensetti- If 64% of a town was white, the cops were white, and the mayor was white; protesting against a militarized police force would be seen as a populist movement. It would be seen as an uprising.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 29, 2015 2:32 pm

Sensetti says:

Let me talk to you conspiracy theory nuts. …The only thing Uncle Sam is going to do is carry us to a major war and will draft and send Minnie’s to die by the tens of thousands,…”
That sounds like a conspiracy theory, Sensetti.

April 29, 2015 3:07 pm

Steph, those people are in a hopeless situation, no question. But the flashpoint for all this turmoil has been lawlessness. Obama on down, they would rather pit neeg against cop then let the real issues surface. Rioting isn’t a movement. See john angelos’ comments

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
April 29, 2015 3:19 pm

starfcker- They are in a hopeless situation and there is no denying it. We all know the black communities live in the inner city. We all know “urban” means “black”. We all know the typical black family is living in poverty. We know the average black family is raise by a single mother often on government benefits. We know most black children grow up without a father. We also know most black men are the most economically disadvantaged group in America. They are most like to be in jail, most likely to be in gangs, and most likely to be killed by violence.

We also know black men are the least likely group to have an advance degree or be employed full time. The non-recovery of the economy is intensifying these statistics. But everybody acts surprise when black people start protesting their situation. Black people are not wrong in being pissed off at the economy nor the militarized police state. People get offending they burned down a CVS, but ya know what is across the street from most CVS stores- a fucking Walgreens. In every neighborhood there is either a CVS or Walgreens. All offering part-time minimum wage employment. It wasn’t a huge lost to anybody but CVS.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
April 29, 2015 3:45 pm

Rise Up

Sensetti truly believes that hundreds of rioters showing up in Ferguson with the exact same expensive professionally printed protest signs etc are perfectly normal. No .gov fingers in the pie, it’s all just happening in a natural progression.

Last night the protesters were just tired, no longer angry, had to wash their hair/hoodie????? What??? Same as in Ferguson, staged rioting on designated days over months and months. The passion that drives angry mobs who destroy massive amounts of property can’t be turned off and on like a faucet unless there is the hidden hand.

April 29, 2015 4:28 pm

and please explain why its a white mans burden for me to pay them for their own cultural failings?
Blacks sold blacks into slavery . when the civil war started their were blacks who had slaves . I have no guilt over the crap that happened in the past when I was not alive . a black group when discussing the death in WW 2 told the jews to get over it . When are the blacks going to get over it? they are largely a low IQ race . Regardless of what the circumstances where that got them to this state they are in ,it is not my fault and im tired of having to support these worthless animals .Lincoln wanted to ship them back to Africa ! Im sick of the discrimination towards whites . I watched the movie Amistaad . It was good . But a black group paid money to keep the original ending out of it . Why? Because they sailed back to Africa and went into the SLAVE trade. I will not be apologetic that some races are smarter or stupider than average . If blacks were equal to other races umm wouldn’t it have shown up by now? omg they didn’t even invent the wheel ! every other race did ! rant off read history and get educated whites are the most innovative productive race in history .
Also ,if whites riot ,they HAVE to call out the army ,because we are the baddest mfs in the jungle