Hell Unleashed

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This is what the arrogant morons who comprise the US government have stirred up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrSzCnz9Sic#t=2141 Watch this video for its entire 1 hour 20 minutes, and then ask yourself if Washington is making a good decision by driving us into conflict with Russia. (You might have to use your cursor to push
the circle with the dot back to the beginning of the video.)

Americans, being an insouciant people, are unaware that it was Russians, not England’s Wellington, who defeated Napoleon. The Grande Army did not return from Russia. The loss broke the back of French military power.

The German Wehrmacht, which in a few days overran France and drove the British off the continent, was destroyed in Russia by the Red Army. The allied invasion of Normandy encountered only a few under-strength German units deprived of fuel. The German army and all available resources were on the Russian front.

Americans played a small role in the war against Hitler. Eisenhower cleverly waited until the Red Army had defeated Hitler, and then invaded long after the tide had turned against Germany. Today Washington claims credit for winning a war in which Washington’s role was small.

The US has not won a war since the defeat of Japan. The US was defeated by Third World armies in Korea and in Vietnam.

After 14 years in Afghanistan the US has been defeated by a few lightly armed Taliban. After 8 years, half of Iraq is in the hands of the militant Islamic State. Washington has squandered trillions of dollars on wars that Washington has lost, while the US economy and living standards declined as a result of the trillions of dollars wasted on futile wars. The neoconsevative warmongers responsible for this disaster still control both US political parties. These crazed warmongers are driving America to America’s final defeat.

I worked with President Reagan to end the Cold War and to established friendship with the Russians. The George H. W. Bush administration and its Secretary of State James Baker held to the agreement. But all subsequent regimes have violated it. The neoconsevatives displaced the old Republican Establishment and the Reagan Republicans. The neocons have also prevailed among the Democrats, so there is no political competition. Warmongers control US foreign policy.

American police apply the same gratuitous violence to the American population that the American military applies to foreign populations. Abroad the violence has swelled the ranks of those Washington sought to quell. Within the US police violence is turning Americans themselves into enemies. Defeat abroad and at home could be Washington’s future. Violence begets violence. Demitry Orlov describes “America’s Achilles’ Heel”:

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May 14, 2015 6:54 am

Who the fuck is he trying to fool. The reagan administration backed the “al qaeda” against russia in thefirst place. Fuck you paul craig roberts. Piece of shit. Fucking trickle down economics Iis what really started ruining the country and economy for good, and started the wave of government bailouts. My memory is too long for this shit.

May 14, 2015 7:40 am

Nope knucklehead , unsound money and central banking is what destroys the economy then turns us over to world war. Ronald Reagan did not create central banking.

May 14, 2015 8:06 am


Thanks for the morning laugh.

May 14, 2015 8:10 am

Posters – article is addressing the U.S. war machine, not the economy. I don’t have time for the links provided, but essentially the author is spot-on. The U.S. has turned from a beacon-of-hope to a completely distrustful political machine regardless of Party and a Big Bully to the world.
The police state started with Ruby Ridge and Waco.

May 14, 2015 8:54 am

The US has not won a war since the defeat of Japan. The US was defeated by Third World armies in Korea and in Vietnam.

Wow… oversimplification much Paul?

In Korea, it is true we were on the defensive in the beginning, but our head fake – the invasion at Inchon – cut off the North Koreans from their supply lines and we mopped the floor with them. We were well on our way to pushing them back to the Yalu river when China shit their drawers and committed troops to fight for the North Koreans.

We mowed them down like grass, but they were following Soviet human wave tactics and pushed us back after heavy fighting. Truman didn’t want a direct confrontation with China – even though Mac knew we could take them – because whupping the Cinkes meant meant Russia would get into the fight…

So, we backed off, negotiated and then established the line at the 38th paralle;

Not gonna get into Vietnam… we’ve beaj

May 14, 2015 8:55 am


Should be “We’ve beat that subject to death”…

May 14, 2015 9:03 am

Whose PCR kidding? Our modern day military is gearing up to take on the old and tired tradition of all male combat soldiers.The Russians are so behind the curve on this , that the Pentagon no longer considers them a viable threat.

as soon as we lower the Ranger standards to admit snowflakes, then and only then will our diversity mojo be strong enough to take on the mighty bear…gggrrrrrrrrilll power!

Female Soldiers Fail to Pass Phase One of Army Ranger School

May 14, 2015 9:04 am

The police state started when the first police department in the United States was established in New York City in 1844.

Police brutality started almost immediately with the working class and immigrants especially hard hit and targeted.

By 1857 there were two police forces — the state-sponsored Metropolitan police officers and the Municipal police force — they hated each other, and rioted … against each other.

By 1877 there was massive corruption and scandal in the police department, The entire department was “restructured”.

Wherever copfuks are … there is evil soon to follow.

BTW ….. by the turn of the 20th century, five out of six NYPD officers were Irish born or of Irish descent. As late as the 1960s, even after minority hiring efforts, 42% of the NYPD were Irish Americans

May 14, 2015 9:07 am

“So, we backed off, negotiated and then established the line at the 38th parallel;” —–Billy

In other words ………. we lost.

May 14, 2015 9:19 am

Stucky , we didn’t lose .We are still in a state of war with North Korea. Only thing that was achieved was a ceasefire agreement that has lasted because we have nuclear weapons

May 14, 2015 9:59 am

In other words, we lost. – Stucky

China was committing massive numbers of ground troops. The Soviets were supplying fighter aircraft – complete with Soviet pilots!…

We were hardly fighting the fucking Norks… we were in a defacto state of war with the Soviets AND China…

The fuck you want us to do? Turn it into WWIII? We did the only thing we could do – back off and offer an honorable settlement that allowed everyone to save face and pretend the Big 3 weren’t squaring off, using the Norks as a fig leaf…

May 14, 2015 10:04 am

You can always go further back in time to find where “things went wrong.”

The system of government for which people died in the Revolutionary War lasted only until 1787, by which time the usual political swamp-creatures rolled back liberty in favor of a strong central government.

Lincoln destroyed the notion that the states were a voluntary union.

The Spanish-American War was the first clear-cut case of American Empire-building.

In 1913, the final nails in the coffin of long-dead Revolutionary spirit were driven by:
A) Establishment of the Federal Reserve.
B) Direct election of senators, destroying any sense that the States had any power at all.
C) Income Tax, which openly revealed that any property citizens retained was at the benevolence of their political class, who openly now have 100% ownership of all wealth in the nation (they just don’t stamp their names on every title——but they could if they wanted to.)

Life has been good these past 102 years (as long as you didn’t die in a foreign war, indulge in unapproved behavior and get dumped into the prison-gulag or run afoul of some powerful person) which is a testament to the fact that life under tyranny doesn’t have to be horrible.

OTOH, as this 4th Turning plays out and the tyranny becomes open and explicit, life under tyranny may not be so pleasant anymore.

May 14, 2015 10:13 am

Billy, why did anyone care whether North Korea invaded South Korea, except the Koreans?

In the 1960’s the USA “cared” if Indochina’s population got sucked into Marxism…yet even after the Marxists established successful rule, Hanoi now has a frigging STOCK MARKET!

Is China even marginally communist?

When are people going to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that all these things are temporary. Marxism is just a modern word for something that has been tried (and failed) time after time after time in human history.

Every rationalization for EVERY war beyond the borders of one’s own lands is a lie. A LIE!

Even within one’s borders, the rationalization for the Union’s attack on the Confederacy is a laughable excuse for a lie. Yet people suffer mightily and die pitifully by the tens of millions over time, because people are (in the whole) too stupid to see the truth, or too blinded by a desire for violence to consider their own mortality.

The greatest risk each of us always runs is the risk posed by the powerful people who wish to rule us. It’s not the gooks, the huns, the chinks, the towel-heads who threaten us; it is our own rulers, drunk with power, and their intercourse with the demon within each of them.

You know the quote from Hermann Goering, and don’t claim you haven’t seen it. Do you understand it?

“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

May 14, 2015 11:12 am

“You can always go further back in time to find where “things went wrong.”” —- DC Sunsets


The War Of 1812 changed America for the worse …. probably as significantly as the War Of Northern Aggression.

Would you agree with that?

May 14, 2015 11:18 am

“The fuck you want us to do?” ———- Billy

Well ….. we should have never entered into that war in the first place. I’m sure you agree with THAT.

We did give it the good old college try though. “American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea — that is, essentially on North Korea –including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the ENTIRE Pacific theatre of World War II.” Wow!! I read somewhere that something like 90% of ALL North Korean villages and cities were turned to rubble.

May 14, 2015 11:20 am

I get the feeling some here approve of trickle down theory. Didnt we just see a cartoon about that right here this week? Or are you just reagan lovers? Or al qaeda fans? And central banks have been around in one form or another since before christ. I just pick reagans time since he handed the economy back to wall street. Or maybe you approve of that too.

May 14, 2015 11:23 am

Not to mention that MacArthur wanted to nuke N Korea ………… with FIFTY nukes!!


bb is correct … technically and legally, we are still at war with N Korea

May 14, 2015 11:25 am

generalchaos make a curtain call. (And it ain’t even Funny Friday.)

Good stuff!!

Keep ’em coming!

May 14, 2015 11:32 am


what do you take issue with friend? What am I actually wrong about?

May 14, 2015 11:39 am

I did nt even bother to go into iran contra which resulted in the crack cocaine epidemic and the cia running blow into california. Of which barry seal was connected too and of course the mena cocaine cartel and the clintons meteoric rise. And still theres more.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 14, 2015 11:42 am

Russians were also in the thick of it in Nam, though you rarely hear anyone speak of it. Big thanks to PCR for this article, these things need to be set straight and truth be told.

We should not worry about the strength of the Bear according to Stucky, they are a paper tiger.

May 14, 2015 11:55 am

“We should not worry about the strength of the Bear according to Stucky, they are a paper tiger.” —- Bea Lever

Goddamn right, ya dick!!!

In fact, they’re PUSSIES!!! (I attempted to find an appropriately funny pic by searching for “Russians are pussies” …… my, oh my!!! … a page FULL of hot snatch!!) Soooo, I’ll go with this one instead.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2015 12:00 pm

“@STUCKY — what do you take issue with friend.”——– generalchaos

Paul Craig Roberts is ONE OF THE BEST anti-war pro-liberty writer on the blogosphere. To call him a “piece of shit” is pure blasphemy.

You call us “al qaeda fans”, and other insults.

Are you suffering from menstrual cramps?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 14, 2015 12:02 pm

Stuck- HAHAHA, you picked a good one.

GeneralChaos- You are 100% correct at your 11:39 post, that is da truff.

May 14, 2015 12:03 pm

The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.

People either can’t read Goering’s quote, or they lack the capacity to understand it. (head-scratch.)

It beats me. Of course, those same people agree with the silly notion that, absent the USA’s intervention in Europe’s 20th century wars, we (the people of the USA) would be speaking German now.

Words do not do justice to describing how phenomenally stupid is that belief.

But thank GOD we invaded (X), because otherwise we’d all be (living like the people in X).

I often wonder if it hurts those who are so happily used as sock puppets, to have someone’s arm jammed so high up their ass that the hand can work their mouth directly.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 14, 2015 12:08 pm

News Flash…………………………….

Another train derailment in Pittsburgh this time……..10 cars involved.

May 14, 2015 12:13 pm

@dc, I just love how your mind works. Thanks

Enjoying the comments, and @general much you say is true, you just have an issue with this writer.

Haven’t you realized yet that the world is now so complex nothing can be stated as 100% truthful?

Have to look at everything/every person in an “overall” light. Do I mostly agree, or mostly not.

After all, there are things on both sides of the aisle I agree with, there are also things from both I could not be more against.

Overall PCR is right on the money in trying to shake the Statist, average, awake. I may occasionally, or more than occasionally, disagree, but wouldn’t resort to tantrums and name-calling to make my point.

To call us Al Queda is simply mind boggling, words have meaning and impact, what in the hell did you mean by that?

May 14, 2015 12:16 pm

Sooo, my previous comment gets misconstrued as support for the Korean War…

What a bunch of fuckin’ dooshnozzles.

1) We were involved in the Korean War. WHY we got involved is not germane to the discussion.

2) We were getting our asses kicked, until Mac pulled a head-fake and we got our shit together.

3) We shoved the Norks back almost to the Yalu River, when China shit their drawers and sent.. well, pretty much everyone over the border to help their buddies the Norks.

4) At which point, the Soviets get involved and start sending fighter aircraft and experienced Soviet pilots to support the little yellow bastards.

5) We get shoved back and fight all three – the Norks, the Soviets and the Chinks – to a stalemate.

6) At which point, Truman had three choices:

– Commit to all-out war against all three, which would involve all of Europe again, since NATO troops had been on the ground in Korea the whole time. Given that we had already nuked Japan, and that the Soviets had their own nukes by this point, it would have gotten… unpleasant.

– Withdraw and leave the South Koreans to their fate, which would involve admitting all the lives lost and blood spilled was for nothing.

– Seek honorable terms that everyone involved could agree to, never admitting that the Chinks or the Soviets were involved, which is pretty much using the Norks as a fig leaf to cover the subterfuge.

Stucky agrees with the OP, calling Korea a “loss”, when in fact it was Truman preventing both a total defeat and a nuclear war.

I point out, using the above, that Stucky and the OP are wrong and you stupid fucks dogpile.

Live in fucking ignorance. I give two shits… fuck all y’all.

May 14, 2015 12:36 pm

“Stucky agrees with the OP, calling Korea a “loss”, when in fact it was Truman preventing both a total defeat and a nuclear war.” ———— Billy

Twisted logic …. are you feeling like a pretzel today?

I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “lose”. Shall I ‘splain it to you, Lucy?

May 14, 2015 12:37 pm

I believe “we” lost because we’re playing Libertarians’ code of war which is to play nice and let the enemy walk all over us except in direct conflicts. In other words, if the U.S. didn’t have to worry about the bad press of civilian deaths then whenever a terrorist group hid in a village the U.S. could wipe out the entire village. Knowing that having a terrorist group in your village meant imminent death the villagers would quickly want nothing to do with terrorists quick smart.

May 14, 2015 12:45 pm

“Another train derailment in Pittsburgh this time……..10 cars involved.” —— Bea

Freight train …. no one injured …. all the derailed cars were empty

May 14, 2015 12:48 pm

Gil, so if a murderer is living in my neighborhood (well, someone in some High Political Office CLAIMS he’s a murderer, anyway) then you think the cops should start dropping Mk 82 500lb bombs on him despite the fact that I am well within the 100% casualty radius of such a munition?

I guess the fact that the USA has troops in practically every country on Earth, and blows more money on “defense” than most of the rest of the world combined, must mean the USA is a bunch of pussies who fight like girls?

I find it hilarious when people espouse the notion that “we” should be as vicious and bloodthirsty as necessary to make everyone else on the planet fear us so much that they will do whatever we tell them to do. To say that such thinking lacks depth is to call the current POTUS a direct descendant of Mother Teresa.

Gil, what happens to vicious bullies in the school yard?

May 14, 2015 12:51 pm

I want everyone who wants to “kick ass” in foreign countries to buy a plane ticket, buy an AR15 and a couple thousand M855 rounds of ammo, some MRE’s and go knock yourselves out.

Stop telling me I’m a no-good libertarian for thinking this is stupid beyond description.

I hope said foreigners give you the same reception I’d give an Iraqi, a Honduran or an Israeli who rolled into my neighborhood with the same plan. Sadly, those folks rolling into my neighborhood are here because the clowns to whom I’m forced to pay tribute (taxes) invited them WITHOUT MY CONSENT.

May 14, 2015 2:39 pm

I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “lose”. Shall I ‘splain it to you, Lucy? – Stucky

I don’t think you understand my last sentence.

Here, I’ll repeat it for you. Just slower.

Live in fucking ignorance. I give two shits… fuck all y’all.

You call my post “twisted logic” without exactly explaining WHY you think it’s twisted logic.

No proof? Then fucka yoo… with a brick.

I’m done with this.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 14, 2015 3:09 pm

Stucky- Glad there are no injuries but we have two in two days……….is that normal or is sumpin up?
Trains don’t just fall off the tracks PA every day.

May 14, 2015 3:20 pm

Well, the Russians don’t seem to see any reason to have their troops prance around in high heels, like the Pentagon does with US troops.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2015 3:38 pm

BILLY: “we backed off, negotiated and then established the line at the 38th parallel”

ME: Well, that means we lost.

1) The goal of the war was to contain communism. Was communism contained as a result of the war? No. No meeta da goals = no winna da war.

2) Countries that win wars do NOT “back off” and “negotiate”. You know who be doin’ dat? LOSERS!!

BILLY: NO motherfucker, ya Derp eating schlongmeister! We entered into an “honorable settlement”. That means we won!!

ME: WTF???

BILLY: 6 points of blah blah blah. Followed with this DERP statement — “it was Truman PREVENTING both a total defeat and a nuclear war.”

ME: Twisted logic, Mr. Pretzelman

Note: The USA!US!USA! ummmmm FAILED to meet the war’s objective …. NOTHING was gained except shitloads of dead on both sides ……….. but “total defeat” was prevented ……. cuz they forced us to the negotiating table …..
————————————– therefore, BillyLogic 101 = we won! we won! we won!

BILLY: Fuck you! Live in ignorance! Dumb shits! I’m done here! Motherfuckers. WAAAHHHH. I’m taking my ball and going home. Cocksuckers. All of you. (PS. Can you please explain why I use twisted logic?)

ME: See above

ME: Go fuck a duck.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 14, 2015 5:21 pm

So Billy…. I get the feeling you are a little pissed.

Help me understand how you look at history and you see us as “winning”.(not being snarky)

May 14, 2015 6:02 pm


Paul craig roberts was the co founder of reaganomics, thats why I called him a piece of shit. Never woulda guessed you didnt know that, thus questioning your al qaeda et al affiliation (lol). If you can still like the guy after reaganomics, then I dont know what to say. I can judge that man by his actions, not by what he writes. Actions speak louder than words, no?

May 14, 2015 6:04 pm

Billy’s right about the Korean war. There’s a big difference between losing and choosing to end something before it gets bigger. We did the same thing at the end of the 1991 Gulf War. We certainly had the military power to wipe out Iraq back then – but HW Bush was more cautious and/or wiser than his idiot son. The problem, of course, is that a terrible thing postponed often comes back to bite you, and here we are dealing with the aftermath of various wars that were settled in truce, not all-out victory. Arguably WWI was handled the same way and directly lead to WWII.

In any event, there is no good reason for war with Russia, or China, or …. but I suppose it will probably come, since we are ruled by psychopaths who value their own aggrandizement well above the lives of other people, or even the survival of our so-called nation.

My 2 cents – get far, far away from the DC-Boston megacity, and stay in California only if you like corruption, pot and everything Chinese. Find somewhere else to live and be ready when it all starts burning down on the coasts.

May 14, 2015 6:14 pm

Only one way to win a war. Get the advantage and force the enemy to abandon the field of battle. Cahse them down and kill a lot of them with previous results. Kill some more of them. Take all their stuff fuck their women and sell their children into slavery. Then for good measure kill some more of them or preferably all of them. Then you won the war.

USA is not willing to do that; therefore, we will continue to lose wars.

May 14, 2015 6:24 pm


“fucking their women … and selling children into slavery”??? If you mean that, well, all I can say is you are SERIOUSLY fucked in the head. Badly fucked. Totally fucked. Massively fucked. Fucked like a tsunami in your brain fucked. Seek counseling immediately.

However, Conan The Barbarian agrees wif you. Please watch this 30 sec clip, and shout “Amen!!”


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 14, 2015 6:42 pm

If Russia and China were to invade the US , you can rest assured that they will violate our women and kill every male in sight. Russian Mafia would sell your children into the sex slave trade in a heartbeat. These people will not be kind and that is not fucked in the head thinking…..it’s called being realistic.

May 14, 2015 6:52 pm

@Stucky: there’s a reason that war is considered obscene. Several reasons actually. Overthecliff accurately lists one of them. War is not won through sporting rules. There’s a reason that the US hasn’t been conclusively winning wars in a very long time.

May 14, 2015 7:17 pm

Ever heard of the Geneva Convention? Even if not followed, at least IN PRINCIPLE men / nations have agreed that some things ought never to be done …. not even in war.

To even suggest that America isn’t winning wars because we didn’t rape enough of their women, or didn’t sell enough of their children into slavery, or whatever other immoral horrible atrocity your minds can come up with is a strong indication that you who believe this way have lost your moral compass.

May 14, 2015 7:19 pm

@general, so what you are saying is, if you eat a bad steak, you are going to swear off beef forever?

People can’t form new opinions when new information, or a change of mind, occurs?

What a black and white world so many live in.

Which is a big part of the reason we are so messed up and guaranteed to implode.

@Persnick, maybe that is why the US shouldn’t be entering, or creating, foreign entanglements.

The truth is that the winners are always the same no matter how many of my cousins and loved ones are killed.

Atonement is going to be a bitch for oh-so-many.

May 14, 2015 7:23 pm

Only Stucky could misconstrue “We didn’t lose” as “We won”.


You can’t do it. Know why?


Three options.

Win. Lose. Stalemate.

Jeezus H. Khrist on a bus going to Bingo… fucking Stucky can twist some simple shit up and try to make it fit whatever he wants…

I’m not making this shit up – it’s part of the historical record. We didn’t fucking WIN you stubborn assed Squarehead galloomping schnitzel eatin’ Derp…. I said “We didn’t LOSE”… that is a very different thing than saying “We WON”…

What is this? Be A Dickweed Day?

May 14, 2015 7:25 pm

@Bea, re: train wrecks

Also another one in Minnesota (I believe). THREE this week (thus far).

My best guess is it has something to do with the NTSB demanding the railroads return some federal funds and install some new thing they think will fix everything concerning speed.

Railroads just announced they were upping lobbying on not spending the money and not complying with the new rules that go into effect at year end.

Watch a new “safety” program, more than likely run by the likes of Boeing or GE, with graft for all and maybe, possibly, a safer trip for us.

But I won’t bank on that outcome. The connected will get richer, the already siphoning from the public tit railroads will get more billions (Buffett thanks you all for your continuing capitulation to his thefts), and more than likely the system will never work correctly if it even gets installed.

Business as normal in these United States of Oligarchy.

May 14, 2015 7:33 pm

So Billy…. I get the feeling you are a little pissed.

Help me understand how you look at history and you see us as “winning”.(not being snarky) – Bea

Because… I hate when people make shit up, then say I said it..

PCR: “The US lost the Korean War”.

Me: “Uhh, we didn’t lose. Here’s why”.

Stucky: “Billy you dumbshit, we didn’t WIN the Korean War”.

Me: “Read what I wrote. Here’s what happened”.

Stucky: “Herp derp herp Billy said we won the Korean War derpy fuck derp”.

Me: “No, I didn’t say that. You just made that shit up, then said I said it. You fuckers are Sto0pit!”.

Bea: “You mad brah?”

Mad? Sort of, yeah. I hate it when people make shit up out of thin air instead of reading what I wrote, then say I said it. Which is fucking retarded.

Stucky has to be doing this shit on purpose. Or getting paid for it. Or both. Because nobody can be that fuckin’ derpy…

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
May 14, 2015 7:37 pm

Oh mah gawd. Billah back from the dead. I swear to ever one here I saw him dead in the table, with uh 18″ plumbers wrench stuck straight up his anus. Billah Jr said Odin came over and did the lubing up, and things went bad, and there ya go, Billah dead. Billah Jr took over the BJ shift at the truck stop an I started cookin the meth. The Billah above is an imposteratin sumbitch. I hope yew git bungholed by the biggest negro I ever had.