Via Zero Hedge

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June 13, 2015 1:00 pm

Employees are the Rodney Dangerfields of the business world, they don’t get no respect. This trend will bite companies in the butt one day. Consumers have to be earners to buy their products/services so as earning plummet so goes consumption. Most upper management can’t see the forest for the trees.

June 13, 2015 3:04 pm

I’ve worked with a bunch of morons over the years who were less valuable than carbon paper. Most management falls into this category as well.

June 13, 2015 3:07 pm

Your WORD is your most important asset in business … and, life.

True story. This is business in Amerika.

Our driveway looks like shit … needs to be torn up, and a new one put in. We got two quotes so far. And it was like PULLING teeth. Just getting someone to answer a fucking phone, or return a fucking phone call was a full time job. That was a few weeks ago.

We decide to go with the more expensive bid. The guy just seemed more knowledgeable and it’s local business that has been around forever. Checcio Paving in Scotch Plains. For two motherfucking weeks we’ve been calling him to let him know we want him to do the job. Not one motherfucking peep out of the fatassed dago.

One of Ms Freud’s friends … the ex-Israeli military babe … gives us someone she used and was very happy with their work. We called him yesterday. Answered on the first call. Showed up today .. two guys actually. Spanish speakers. One guy speaks no English whatsoever, the other guy so-so. I talk to them a good 20 minutes … exactly what will you do, why do you think I have a sinkhole, etc etc. They seem quite knowledgeable.

How long will it take? Two days, they said. How much notice do you need? One or two days and we’ll be done in two days, they said. Oh, and the quote is just over HALF the dago’s quote.

They are from Linden, a town with many Hispanics. I know what’s going on. It’s likely I’m gonna have a shitload of illegals doing our driveway next week. We were more than willing to “Buy American”. The American wasn’t willing. Fuck him to hell and back! The new Amerika, Señor.

Oh, we went to Target. Garbanzo beans (for hummus) were 60cents a can. Three very thick center cut pork chops for five bucks. The place was virtually empty … on a Saturday afternoon, in crowded central Noo Joisey. The new Amerika.

June 13, 2015 3:34 pm

Stuck, spring, summer and fall are the busy times for pavers/concrete contractors. They are drowning in work right now after starving all winter. They can afford to be picky. You want to schedule these kinds of jobs for late or early winter.

I’m not familiar with your sinkhole problem since I know nothing about NJ soil but you could have a clay pocket in that area and if so, the only fix is to dig it out completely. The pocket could be right at the surface or several feet down.

June 13, 2015 4:04 pm


Sure enough. The dago told us he was booked solid through July. I understand. What I won’t accept is being treated like a leper. Have the goddamn courtesy to return a fucking phone call. I wonder if the dago’s business is so good that he can afford negative word-of-mouth. I wrote about it here. I told our neighbor, and my parents, and sister. Ms Freud told her son and daughter. If it ever comes up in conversation I will be sure to warn others “Don’t use Checcio Paving!!”. I hope that cocksucker goes out of business.

Anyway, the sinkhole …. the pavers suggested it might be a buried oil tank. Or, a tree stump that finally rotted … when this house was built there were huge trees everywhere and the builder might just have left the stump in to save money. But, they did correctly state that they won’t know until they dig deep enough to see with their own eyes.

June 13, 2015 4:13 pm

Stuck said:
” I wonder if the dago’s business is so good that he can afford negative word-of-mouth.”

Actually, it probably is. My former boss told me he could never keep up with all the calls he got during the busy season but year after year business was booming. It’s a lot like AC repair guys in the heat of summer or furnace repair in the depths of winter. They WANT to help you out but can’t. BTW, my boss was a dago!

Try and be home when they dig out your sinkhole. If you see clay, make them remove it and backfill with gravel. Clay is never stable unless it is bone dry.

June 13, 2015 4:19 pm

“Try and be home when they dig out your sinkhole. If you see clay, make them remove it and backfill with gravel. ” ———- I_S

That’s excellent advice! I will do so. Thank you very much.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
June 13, 2015 4:43 pm


Yer gettin old. It’s time ter let some uh this stuff go. If he’s booked thru July he don’t care what an 8′ tall aryan goon tells his tiny little circle of friends. He likely could tell yew could potentially be one uh them whiny bitch customers that ain’t worth it, ergo, not worth calling. Have you tried yoga?

June 13, 2015 5:05 pm

Used to be “Human Capital” was a valued part of the business equation. With unbridled illegal immigration, and barely legal H1B visas; not so much anymore.

June 13, 2015 5:16 pm


June 13, 2015 5:17 pm

Link won’t work, so here’s one of my favorite all time “Employee” posters.


“Just because you’re necessary doesn’t mean you’re important.”

June 13, 2015 5:19 pm


They can and will be mostly replaced by robotic AI’s in the next ten years.

Think your job is above that? Think again, most of those that think they can’t be replaced are the ones most likely to be replaced unless you’re, maybe, running a leaf blower – illegal aliens are still largely cheaper than robots.

Vince Checcio
Vince Checcio
June 13, 2015 5:22 pm

We can fit you with cement shoes in late July or you can wait til August for your driveway. Your cherse, Momo.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 13, 2015 5:37 pm

Anon, illegals save you money because the licensed providers cost more. They are not cheaper than robots. I know a kid who was doing plumbing work without a license. Illegal aliens making as much money as el coyote, who is as legal as legal gets because he was born in the USA.
Their selling point is that they hustle. Are robots going to hustle or will they unionize?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 13, 2015 5:38 pm
June 13, 2015 6:25 pm


Indentured Servant is probably correct. A high clay content in the soil can be a real problem, even in a place like Tucson, which averages 12″ of rain annually. The clay swells up with water, then it contracts when drying out. Wrecks havoc on things like walls, which can crack or separate, and driveways.

Also, while I know that you are vey fluent in German, aprende unas pocas palabras de Espanol …… es muy facil. Buena suerte.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 13, 2015 7:13 pm

El Stucko will pick it up easily going to the Texas BBQ place.
Spanish speaking Chinese woman said Chinese is easy as Spanish.
Someone else said it is very hard to learn to speak a new language after age 10 because of the different syntax rules.

June 13, 2015 9:56 pm

I cannot believe that any sane person does not see that this economy is a bug looking for a windshield. With all of the debt in all of the world in all of the households in all of the countries, how can this NOT end in collapse? Is the world held in a zombie mind control cyberspace? Wake the hell up

June 14, 2015 5:00 am

“I’ve worked with a bunch of morons over the years who were less valuable than carbon paper. Most management falls into this category as well.”

You sure got that right…
Should be laws against idiots being in charge of anything.

June 14, 2015 7:14 am

Stucky, be careful with the illegals. Guys like that generally have license and insurance issues, and may not understand code. It’s all going to look nice on the day you pay for it. Maybe not so much a year down the road. A lot of contracters eho survived did it by stripping down to the bare minimum. The guy you want to chat up is probably buried, and gets 200 phone calls a day

June 14, 2015 7:21 am

Do the math. If he spends two minutes on each call, it would take him more than 6 hours a day, just to answer the phone. I haven’t done any contracting in 15 years, I get calls every day from people who can’t find anybody. Not me. Noone is ever happy anymore. Computers have destroyed realistic timelines on anything. I have all the knowledge the world has, in my pocket, and I get frustrated if the bitch takes 10 extra seconds to load the browser.