The Anti-Politician

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

At the declaration by Donald Trump that he is a candidate for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party, media elites of left and right reacted with amusement, anger and disgust.

Though he has been a hugely successful builder-businessman, far more successful than, say, Carly Fiorina, who has been received respectfully, our resident elites resolutely refuse to take Trump seriously.

They should. Not because he will be nominated, but because the Trump constituency will represent a vote of no confidence in the Beltway ruling class of politicians and press.

Votes for Trump will be votes to repudiate that class, whole and entire, and dump it onto the ash heap of history.

Votes for Trump will be votes to reject a regime run by Bushes and Clintons that plunged us into unnecessary wars, cannot secure our borders, and negotiates trade deals that produced the largest trade deficits known to man and gutted a manufacturing base that was once “the great arsenal of democracy” and envy of mankind.

A vote for Trump is a vote to say that both parties have failed America and none of the current crop of candidates offers real hope of a better future.

The first book in Arthur Schlesinger’s trilogy about FDR’s ascent to power was “The Crisis of the Old Order.” That title is relevant to our time. For there is today a crisis of the regime in America — a crisis of confidence, a crisis of competence, a crisis of legitimacy.

People are agitating for the overthrow of the old order and a new deal for America. For there is a palpable sense that the game is rigged against Middle America and for the benefit of insiders who grow rich and fat not by making things or building things, but by manipulating money.

Americans differentiate the wealth of a Henry Ford and a Bill Gates from that of the undeserving rich whose hedge fund fortunes can exceed the GDP of nations.

Trump says America is becoming a “dumping ground” for mass immigration from the failed states of the Third World, that Mexico is not “sending us her best and finest,” that China is stealing American jobs, that invading Iraq was a blunder.

Politically incorrect and socially insensitive certainly, but is he entirely wrong?

Was not the Iraq war a disaster for which our foreign policy priesthood and journalist-acolytes never paid the price that would be exacted in other societies were thousands of soldiers to die and tens of thousands to be wounded and maimed in so predictable a blunder?

Is it not true that among the millions of illegal immigrants who have broken into our country the great majority has illegitimacy rates, delinquency rates, dropout rates, drug use rates, crime rates, and incarceration rates far higher than those of native-born Americans?

Is Trump wrong on this, or simply wrong to bring it up?

Has not mass immigration brought to America old diseases we once stamped out and new diseases we had never heard of?

Do Americans not have the right to decide who shall come to our country, how many, and whence they shall come?

Is there no correlation between a decrepit Maoist China rising to become the greatest manufacturing power Asia has ever seen — and the $3 trillion to $4 trillion in trade deficits we have run with Beijing — and the disappearance of a third of all American manufacturing jobs?

Who negotiated those deals? Who paid a price for the misery they brought to Rust Belt America?

There are precedents in U.S. history for outsiders — Norman Thomas and Henry Wallace on the left, George Wallace and Ross Perot on the right — to enter the presidential lists. And across the pond a similar crisis of the old order is calling forth new people and new parties.

As in America, dominant parties like the Tories and Labour in Britain are losing loyalists to the “a-plague-on-both-your-houses” dissident parties.

Millions in Europe now want out of the EU. Old nations are coming apart. Leftist parties like Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain have arisen to defy Brussels and Berlin.

The Scottish National Party is of the left while the Independence Party in the U.K. is of the populist right. In Southeastern Europe, there have arisen parties of the extreme right.

This endless proliferation of parties, like the welcome being given to Trump, testifies to the new reality: Everywhere, including here, old parties are losing the people in whose name they presume to speak.

And the specter of Republicans, who just won an historic victory by promising to do battle against President Obama, colluding with Obama to surrender Congress’ right to amend trade treaties and sign on to a Trans-Pacific Partnership pact that looks like another transfer of jobs and factories to Asia, has re-enforced these sentiments.

If Trump wants to stake his claim as a different kind of Republican, he will go to Washington and pound the Boehner-McConnell Congress until it gives up on Obamatrade and fast track.

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June 19, 2015 6:48 am

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June 19, 2015 6:58 am

Buchanan is the best

June 19, 2015 7:29 am

I wish there was a box to check that read: None of the above, that would send a stronger message.

Not going to vote for prez anyway. The party picks the candidate and the electoral college picks the prez. Why bother with the show?

June 19, 2015 7:55 am

Card, look at europe. The anti-globalist parties are far left AND far right. They are getting wise to the right/left circus, and don’t care. They are just gravitating to the nationalist, without regard for the other stuff. That is how this will change.Trump may be our UKIP. Trump may be our Syriza. Trump is very nationalist. Hear him out.

June 19, 2015 8:12 am

Normally I agree with Pat, but the concept that Trump is an outsider is just nuts. As American serfs, that’s all we get to choose from – insiders. If elected, Trump wouldn’t do a single fucking thing different than any of the previous oligarchs.

June 19, 2015 8:13 am

Perception is everything. Trump speaks and creates the perception that he is a straight talker and has principles even if you don’t agree with him. He gives the impression that he is just a little cleaner than the usual creepy slimy scum that floats to the top of the politics in USA.

He just might get some traction because we are sick of the rest of the asshole sellouts.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
June 19, 2015 8:33 am

My friends, I do not know Mr. Trump personally but I know something about him from absolutely reliable sources. Yes, his hair is wild, he has a tendency to make extreme statements and he is something of a blowhard. Yes, he made a lot of money and we can assume he cut some deals we would not approve of. But Donald Trump is a 100 percent American patriot, a kind and decent man, and a person with the guts to tell these phonies like Jeb Bush, Rubio, Walker and the rest to go piss up a rope. Perfect? No, but better than anybody else we are likely to get. The fact that the liberal establishment and the Beltway parasites hate him is reason enough to give him a chance.

June 19, 2015 8:34 am

TC, wrong answer. This has nothing to do with insider/outsider. That’s the way you’ve been trained to think. This is nationalist vs globalist. America first, or the world first? Maybe our Nigel Farage is full of bluster and wears a blonde racoon on his head. So what?

June 19, 2015 8:44 am


One word…………….SUCKER.

June 19, 2015 8:48 am

Buchanan is full of shit. His Trump fellatio is embarrassing.

You believe Trump would be a good president because of what he SAYS?? ANYBODY can say ANYTHING during their sales-job to become president. Remember Obama? Or, literally any douchebag president in our lifetimes? They promise you the moon before the election … and basically deliver a shit-sandwich afterwards. Yet you people continue to fall for it. Un-fucken-believable.

And suddenly star(mother)fucker says it has nothing to do with being an insider. I’ll be laughing at that all day as I continue my 3rd consecutive day of yard-work at my parent’s house.

June 19, 2015 9:06 am

As long as the House / Senate are controlled by the Republicans and Democrats, Trump doesn’t have a chance of getting anything done. Or anyone else.

This is why we are fucked. For any real change we have to replace the entire Congress.

June 19, 2015 9:20 am

He can’t even run his company without declaring bankruptcy. Yeah … but he can lead a country. LMFAO


Why he is the best:

1. Trump speaks his mind.

Trump doesn’t mince words. He tells it like he sees it and said during his announcement that he would take no outside money to support his campaign. The ability to stand on his own two feet and speak his mind is the mark of a true entrepreneur. The autonomy Trump enjoys is the primary reason I cite when cautioning entrepreneurs about taking outside money.

2. Trump understands branding.

Witnessing Trump apply the same principles he has used in building his own empire to the United States brand would be a fascinating experience and may be just what the country needs to repair its tarnished image outside our borders.

3. Trump isn’t afraid to lead.

To lead, you must be sure of your direction. Trump is always sure of where he is headed and he leads with confidence. This trait is expected and desired in the person who takes the Oval Office.

4. Trump is focused on jobs.

To sustain the current economic recovery, jobs must be the underpinning. While Trump may not have the political background of the other candidates, his empire is responsible for the creation of thousands of jobs–a sorely needed aspect of the current U.S. economic situation.

Why he is the worst:

1. Trump is out of touch.

During his announcement, he told the crowd that he was “very rich” and that he wanted to the country to be very rich as well. Trump has been very rich for a very long time, with a staff of people to do his bidding. The disparity in backgrounds, education, intelligence, and desire that exists across the country makes it impossible for all to achieve this goal and a serious presidential platform must take this into account.

2. Trump is accustomed to moving quickly.

Trump is notorious for getting into–and out of–real estate and business dealings at a whim. As an entrepreneur, this is a good thing. Fail fast, fail often, pivot to something new. The country can’t move quickly enough to follow this philosophy. It will take much more time than Trump has the patience for to see if an initiative is working and he will be tempted to change midstream.

3. Trump needs a major lesson in foreign affairs.

One of the most striking aspects of Trump’s announcement speech was his promise to “build a wall,” which he is “very good at doing,” between America and Mexico–and getting Mexico to pay for it. No matter what side of the immigration battle you fall on, this approach can’t possibly be the best solution.

4. Trump is new to the political game.

Trump is used to calling the shots and getting what he wants. Regrettably, politics just don’t work that way. Trump will struggle with the bureaucracy and his “great ideas” will be mired down–something that he is not used to and will not tolerate with the grace expected of the office.

Final analysis.

Trump entering the race is a distraction and will take votes and attention away from candidates who are truly in it for the long run. Trump has played this hand before, and while it would be nice to think he is serious this time, I am doubtful that he will see it through.

June 19, 2015 9:25 am

A country that would vote a movie star in for President or Governor might actually be retarded or deperate enough to vote for Trump.

Right now the US is simply disliked and not trusted by the rest of the world. Obama is a weak sister.

Might as well be laughed at for real. What a joke that his name is even considered.

Go to the mirror, whisper the name Trump, and then start slapping your face until you black out. When you wake up you may have come to your senses.

Trump is a fucking crook that feeds off of other people’s money. Oh yeah, that is the definition of a US politician, isn’t it?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 19, 2015 9:39 am

A lot of what Trump says is true. He could never get the nomination much less win the election, just as the other fringe candidates Buchanan mentioned are mere footnotes in history. Trump would serve one good purpose if he would stand there at a debate and force the other candidates to declare whether they would or would not build a compete fence along the US-Mexico border. I remain convinced that whoever makes “seal the border” their #1 issue would get the GOP nomination. (Note that I didn’t say “more border security”. Trump even screws that issue up, though, with his disingenuous (yet crowd pleasing) claim that he’d “make Mexico pay” for the fence. If there’s anything worth paying for by the US federal government, it’s a real, complete border fence along the US-Mexico border. It could be complete before the 2018 midterms.

June 19, 2015 10:04 am

If Trump builds a wall across our southern border and deports the illegals, I don’t care if he clubs baby seals… on the White House lawn… with a softball bat from Target… on Pay Per View…

June 19, 2015 10:17 am

Funny stucky, all 4 of trump’s bankruptcies were reorganizational and corporate. All 4 involved atlantic city casinos. That business model was crippled when clinton gave the indians casino rights. Now your boy expert holtzclaw, his bankruptcy was personal, and chapter 7 (liquidation) . Nice try.

June 19, 2015 10:28 am

On a serious note, stucky, bankruptcy in business is quite different than personal. All business ventures are speculative in nature, and some don’t pan out. Creditors often insist on bankruptcy, so the courts can protect their senior interests, or the disposition of the assets that collateralized the loan. It’s just how it’s done

June 19, 2015 11:02 am

Admin: ” It is critical to note, however, that his father’s success, which granted Donald Trump such a great advantage, was enabled and buffered by governmental financing programs. In 1934, while struggling during the Great Depression, financing from the Federal Housing Administration ”

So why is this a negative. The housing was needed, some one had to build those homes.

Same can be said for all the industries that grew from the demands of WWII.

” If it were not for the collective effort of all banks and parties involved in that 1990 deal, Trump’s business would have gone bankrupt and failed.”

I see this as a positive. He was able to negotiate a deal with the creditors, and eventually they were paid. Large real estate / property companies have these types of problems all the time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 19, 2015 11:09 am

Admin- Good luck getting these fuckers to see the light. Make no mistake, that 1990 bailout of the Trump Organization came with a lot of strings attached to TPTB and they pull his strings when they need him. Failure to understand that baffles me.

June 19, 2015 11:21 am

My bad, jim. I knew atlantic city has been decimated by indian gaming and thought it all fit. Just read up on it. I had forgotten that boat he got from the sultan of brunei. I bartended a couple of years at the pier 66 hotel, big yacht place, we saw all the biggest in the world in the course of the year. Trump’s was so big it wouldn’t fit through the drawbridge

June 19, 2015 11:24 am

He had to dock it at the best western and get carted across the street to the hotel. It was big, standing on the dock you were looking up. He had to sell it in that first disaster.

June 19, 2015 11:35 am

Look jim, trump is a rainmaker. It is always in everybody’s interest to keep him floating, his deals are where ROI comes from. Prior to counterfeiting, guys like trump were the goose that laid the golden egg. I’ve used the same guys to finance me for 20 years, I’ve had big problems twice, noone ever proposed pulling the plug, we just worked it out. Chapter 11 without the courts. And then got right back to it. That’s how it goes.

June 19, 2015 11:54 am

Neither did Monty Brewster.

June 19, 2015 11:57 am

Here is part of a nice little interview he did with mark halperin and john heileman. I think he is serious.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 19, 2015 12:00 pm

Admin says- “He has no intention of getting elected president.”

BINGO !!! It’s all for show………Oh shades of Ross Perot, another ringer.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 19, 2015 12:02 pm

And let me just add that he will probably be the ringer that puts that fucking Hitlery Cankles Clinton in the WH. Fuck Trump.

June 19, 2015 12:07 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 19, 2015 12:10 pm

Stucky says: Buchanan is full of shit.

I said the same thing last time and got clobbered. Buchanan is a marvelous propagandist and if you don’t have your thinking cap on, you will fall for his facile impressionist description of reality. He doesn’t lie, of course, but just taking bits and pieces of evidence, he could paint Mother Teresa as a threat to the security of the United States.

June 19, 2015 1:55 pm

card802 said:
“The party picks the candidate and the electoral college picks the prez.”

Close. The bankers approve one or two candidates. The party makes it look like the sheep have some say in the matter and the electoral college does as they are told by the bankers.

Fixed it for you!

Federal level politics is all circuses for the majority who WANT and NEED to be told how to vote. Mostly it’s a big cash cow similar to one of those swirling cash grab machines.

June 19, 2015 2:00 pm

The sign should read: PRESIDENT WANTED! !! EXPERIENCE~ BANKRUPCY, RESTUCTURING AND DEBT DEFAULT’S, ABLE TO HIT THE GROUND RUNNING! Now who looks more qualified out of the group?

June 19, 2015 2:23 pm

Trump is way, way too likely to beat Hillary to get the Republican nomination (But he could come up with some really neat slogans such as “We shall overcomb!”).

IMO Jeb! is most likely to lose to Hillary so he will probably get the nomination.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 19, 2015 3:14 pm

Does Trump’s mouth ever engage with brain before opening? I think not.

June 19, 2015 4:58 pm

Why the fuck are you guys wasting time and energy even talking about Trump? Gimme a break.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 19, 2015 5:35 pm

Westy, Pat’s article has got more holes in it than a women’s prison. It’s like reading a Garcia Marquez short story or novel. You have to fill in the blanks because he leaves a lot of details out.

Any of Pat’s articles will seduce you. They look good from far away but on closer inspection, they are glib generalizations that prey on your superficial prejudices. At least in a women’s prison you get seduced and laid.

June 19, 2015 6:54 pm

Cthulhu For President !
Screw the lesser of 2 evils