Man Is Not Always Blind

Man Is Not Always Blind


These words (which I picked up from Abraham Joshua Heschel) are true, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Humanity may be blind – willingly blind – for sickening lengths of time, but mankind is not always blind.

Our present government/corporate culture – the loud, flashing, vapid cloud of distraction and fear that surrounds us – not only promotes blindness toward anything outside of itself, but requires this blindness for its very continuance; this is true.

Still, man is not always blind.

Back Then

I will begin making my point with an old example:

Would you expect thousands of peasants, in deepest medieval France, to walk for scores or even hundreds of miles, through early 12th century mud and wilderness, and to sleep outdoors, just to hear a philosopher teach? A man who was rejected by Church and secular authorities, and who was mutilated beside?

Regardless of how implausible that may sound, it happened. The teacher’s name was Peter Abelard, this is how he described these events:

Forthwith I sought out a lonely spot known to me of old in the region of Troyes [in north-central France], and there, on a bit of land which had been given to me… I built with reeds and stalks my first oratory.

No sooner had students learned of my retreat than they began to flock there from all sides, leaving their towns and castles to dwell in the wilderness. In place of their spacious houses, they built themselves huts; instead of dainty fare, they lived on the herbs of the field and coarse bread; their soft beds they exchanged for heaps of straw and rushes, and their tables were piles of turf.

This happened. These people grew tired of being blind. Then they did something about it.

And Now

And even in our age, which beats out the 1950s as an age of abject conformity, thousands of good people are breaking away from it.

There are people who can see and feel and think independently – or, even more horrifying to the overlords of the age – people who can and do act on their heretical beliefs. These people don’t show up on TV, of course, and seldom on radio, but they exist all the same.

New branches of civilization are sprouting, and the people of these branches care about seeing. Voluntaryists, Bitcoiners, homeschoolers, cryptoanarchists, hackers, makers, religious non-conformists… Such people are sick of being blind; are sick of living a hypnotized, acquiescent life of chasing symbols and illusions, while being systematically reaped by a corrupt system.

The extent to which such people have broken out of the Western Autopilot Life is greater – far greater – than any I’ve seen over my lifetime. Furthermore, the very number of them is greater than any I’ve ever seen.

And not only that, but to a larger extent than most of us realize, this is flowing into the low spots of mainstream culture. During my youth, politicians were held to be important men; wise and virtuous men. And that is simply no longer true. I don’t think there is any place left in the West where the phrase, “Politicians are liars and thieves” would fail to garner general agreement at a bus stop. That is a big, serious change.

For all of our lifetimes, we’ve been living through a perfect storm of authority. Authority has benefited from a group of temporary conditions and has gone, in stock market terms, through the roof. But this will not last forever, and it is thinning as we speak.

Authority has become brittle and fragile. It remains in place, but the people who still believe in it are those who are least-informed, least-awake and least-alive. The more informed the individual, the more likely it is that they hold authority to be stupid and abusive.

I haven’t space to go through this in length here, but those so inclined can find it in issue #40 of my subscription newsletter.

What Fuller Knew

Among the people who I’m sorry to have missed in his lifetime was Buckminster Fuller. So, I’d like to conclude by quoting a few passages from Fuller’s last book, Cosmography, published nine years after his death:

The dark ages still reign over all humanity, and the depth and persistence of this domination are only now becoming clear.

I find it very interesting that Fuller says that the depth and persistence of life’s domination on Earth is “only now becoming clear.” And he is entirely correct – it is only now becoming clear to us. Why that should be is a question I will not touch today, but the statement is both true and important. Domination is abuse, and its vileness is only now becoming clear to us… but it IS becoming clear to us.

Man is not forever blind.

This Dark Ages prison has no steel bars, chains, or locks. Instead, it is locked by misorientation and built of misinformation… We are powerfully imprisoned in these Dark Ages simply by the terms in which we have been conditioned to think.

And that’s really what all our efforts are about: Changing our minds and seeing the vile conditioning that has been imposed upon us; cutting life free of its constraints and letting it flourish, unhindered. Once we do that – and ignore the medieval thugs who seek to keep us chained to their chariots – our dark ages will end.

Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete.

It’s hard to add much to this passage, aside from a hearty “amen” and “we’re not nearly as far from it as we may think.”

Press forward and savor every bit of progress you see.

Darkness will not reign forever.

Man is not always blind.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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July 8, 2015 10:21 am

That was a brief, nice, and uplifting article. A drop of hope in a sea of darkness.

I guess that’s why no one is commenting. Are we so addicted to fuckin’ DOOM?

July 8, 2015 11:06 am

Most of the posters at TBP agree with the article (not blinded) – the problem is the hordes that are blinded, by every gov’t supported catastrophe, gloom and doom, etc. The sheep are easily moved by emotions and political affiliation – they become wedded to the hysteria.

Muck About
Muck About
July 8, 2015 11:21 am

Nice smooth and brief statement of truth. We didn’t have the technology back in Peter Abelards’ day to do a complete extinction event as we do now. Back then you could wipe out a village, small town or even a modest township but one was limited to the destruction that could be done by weapons available.

The game has now changed while the influence of radical religion and stupid humanity has not.

I doubt it ever will until we are superseded by AI, although why AI should be “good” as opposed to a shit head escapes me. After all, we are creating AI in our own image (why engineers insist on putting arm and legs, hips, thighs and head on “robots” also continues to escape me). Such extra clutter does make for ever more complex software to run it but a robot on treads or a rolling ball that can go in any direction is just ever so much more simple and efficient.

I think “doom” is built into anyone who can think and perhaps draw conclusions which may or may not be correct. Couple that with modern media that covers only things that go bang and bleed and the middle to lowside IQ of the vast numbers of human beings and what else do you expect to get?


July 8, 2015 11:26 am

The unintended consequence of the progressives taking over the public schools. Home-schooling and private schools are in a major growth mode. Where does that leave most public schools? They are full of village idiots for teachers and students full of useless information. The only job they can get is a gubbermint job.

Home schooled kids and private school kids are respectful, well educated and for the most part have learned how to learn. Take a well taught kid who has learned how to learn and he will be able to do almost any job and run a business. Why? Because he knows how to learn, how to study, how to read and gather information etc…

The useless sheeple only know how to regurgitate information. And can barely do that.

July 8, 2015 1:56 pm

@Constman54, sadly the government jobs are the only good jobs left.

Insanity, authority and incarceration through “experts” are the world we live in.

If you so much as question something like fluoride, or giving a 10 pound infant 21 shots meant to lower and destroy his immune system in order to “protect” against some things, you are labeled a “nut case,” or a Luddite.

If you question welfare, social security, pensions, yep, again, “nut case” or Luddite.

There is NO way the people I live amongst are going to “wake up.”

They LIKE being told what to believe, what to do, where to go and how to do it.

They LIKE not having to learn things.

They LIKE it, hell, they like it so much they will force me to play too, even when I DID take it upon myself to learn that I don’t want to.

I wish I had a modicum of hope for our current paradigm and society, but I don’t.

This baby is going down, the only question is are you mentally prepared (for 95%, no, not at all)?

July 8, 2015 7:46 pm

Right as usual, T.E., of the folks I know the one doing “well” economically are all government employees. I have 2 kids working at the P.O. and another couple I know are LEO, livin’ large.
And as far as being told what to do is concern, people like it because it’s a “trend” and they like to be “trendy”. Kinda like when we were kids and wanted to be “hip”.
Hard times are a ‘knockin.

Mike in CT
Mike in CT
July 8, 2015 7:58 pm

Get a Gov. Job…Only growth industry left in the USA….mike