
Man Keeps Dogs Actually Bears

cactus plant on pole above garden

six or twelve inches of pleasure subway sign

sepp blatter not corrupt will go to heaven

reeses peanut butter cup costume fail

bus driver name sign anass rhammar

stripper sign daily nude

doug died newspaper obituary

panorama splits swimming guy into pieces

woman hits store manager with vcr

water bottle recalled ecoli

insert one capsule per vagina

legs sunburn look like Neapolitan ice cream

pizza slice in fridge with sunglasses

new show estimates thousands at gay marriage rally image

budlight boat challenge

knife wrench kit

fireworks,FAIL,fourth of july

fireworks,FAIL,fourth of july

fireworks,FAIL,fourth of july

fireworks,FAIL,fourth of july

fireworks,FAIL,fourth of july

pizza hut firing sign

pinterest nest hair style

asthma cigarettes old advertisement

selfie of selfie face

fast fitness program promises

See more at the Fail Blog


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July 10, 2015 3:43 pm

The Reese’ Pieces costume looks from the 80s, probably was seen along with the ET costumes. Those vinyl/plastic face masks haven’t been used in a long, long, time. Funniest things is I remember not a peep about the racist costume back then. My bet is that if the costume was brought back, the company would be shamed out of existence.

And I want, want, want, a set of those Snap-On knives! That isn’t a fail, it is uber cool. If that is a real product it is going on my Christmas wish list.

Wow, moral to the very last Admin posted picture, don’t piss off somebody that has access to a pickax.

When, oh WHEN! will the insanity and mangled car lives be halted and WDC grow some balls to take those threatening weapons out of our hands! When!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 10, 2015 4:10 pm

“12 inches of paradise” Someone must be a Confederacy of Dunces fan.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 10, 2015 6:37 pm

Always good for a laugh. I admired the tenacity of whomever was wielding the pick. Nice grouping.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
July 10, 2015 7:11 pm

I really cannot see a problem with the Progesterone 100mg capsule label.

1. Route of administration is perfectly acceptable – we also use Metronidazole tablets p.v. pretty routinely.

2. Quantity? one repeat gives the extra 3 weeks’ supply

3. Allergy warning? Probably mandated, and since the vagina is mucosal, the risk (allergy / idiosyncracy) is just as significant as per oral. Bear in mind that the text on the warning labels is mandated (i.e. controlled), so there well may NOT be a “do not insert . . . .” variant.

So legally and professionally, absolutely no problem, at all.

July 10, 2015 7:19 pm


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July 10, 2015 8:05 pm

Phil – how many vaginas per woman in Oz? Most places it is just one.

July 10, 2015 9:55 pm

“I am not corrupt and will go to heaven one day.”

“I have a golden cross that has been blessed by Pope Francis.”

This is the mindset of nearly all “Christians” I’ve ever met. Hell, I have a Pope John Paul II beer bottle opener that was blessed by JPII, guess I’m a goin’ to heaven as well. Southern baptists were the worst offenders…….lie, cheat, rob, commit adultery, embezzle, rape and murder Monday thru Saturday then abstain on Sunday’s and Jeebuz Saves all. I think some muslims have a similar mindset because according to them, Allah is only watching on certain days.

Religion…………Git Some!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 12, 2015 12:28 am

IndenturedServant says: Southern baptists were the worst offenders…….lie, cheat, rob, commit adultery, embezzle, rape and murder Monday thru Saturday then abstain on Sunday’s…

I hope the Reverend Trump doesn’t hear of this.
Speaking of which, he is quite a celebrity on his SW tour, Whites and Mexicans cheering for the Yank.