Question of the day, July 22

Sanctions against other countries, good / bad?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 22, 2015 9:27 am

Sanctions almost always lead to misery, suffering and disaster for people who have NO political power. Phat cats twiddle their thumbs while the plebs bleed. Moreover – they often lead to war.

Sanctions are the foreign policy of tyrants who can’t get away with dropping bombs – yet. The best foreign policy is one of armed (heavily) neutrality. Think the Swiss…. nobody messes with them and they don’t mess with anyone. Simple.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 22, 2015 10:24 am

Russia broke Carter’s Sanctions off in our tukas.

Erasmus le dolt
Erasmus le dolt
July 22, 2015 10:25 am

I love this new book on CUBA.
TARGET CUBA by John A Cunningham

Cunningham warns Cuba to avoid ‘Normalization’ like the plague. Totally unnecessary as embargo will be terminated anyway as U.S. citizens will and are now demanding right to travel there without the government getting in the way. CUBA CAN THEREFORE AVOID CONFISCATION COMPENSATION AND AVOID ENDING UP LIKE GREECE. NO TO NORMALIZATION SHOULD BE CUBA POSITION NOW.

July 22, 2015 11:13 am

Sanctions ARE an act of war … especially if the sanctioned item is necessary for the country’s survival or well being. So, if the question is rephrased — “Are acts of war against other countries, good / bad?” .. well, VERY BAD.

Not to mention that sanctions are rarely effective, except in the short-term, sometimes. It surely worked to topple Fidel Castro!

Of course, The Head Nigger In Charge uses sanctions merely as a reference point of a supposed accomplishment — “Hey, look, my nigger! I AM DOING SOMETHING!!”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 22, 2015 11:16 am

Can anyone give an example of when sanctions against another country truly benefited the USA!USA!USA! ?

July 22, 2015 2:17 pm

against, in pretty much every single situation they have been applies in modern history, especially by the US. All they do is hurt the common people in both countries.

July 22, 2015 3:12 pm


Carol Burkhard
Carol Burkhard
July 22, 2015 3:16 pm

CUBA SUCKS. Well it shouldn’t suck the USA. Stand on your own TWO f..king feet and tell those conspiracing assholes to stick their long term Rothschild plan where the sun don’t shine. Greece was just a taster.

Erasmus \le Dolt
Erasmus \le Dolt
July 22, 2015 4:04 pm

Cuba is a Totalitarian Communist Military Dictatorship. The Cuban people currently live on $20.00 a month and dine on pork fat and beans…all of it rationed. They will not be happy about being saddled with billions in debt to pay off confiscation claims for Cuban Americans who have been out of the country for nearly sixty years. Raul Castro will face an explosion. Yet, this is what the USA is already demanding in order to end the Embargo. This will turn Cuba into Greece.

Compensation is an integral part of the ‘normalization’ program planned by the U.S. It can be read in the recently published Peterson Economic paper on the subject and the paper the U.S. will base its policy on. Cuba should avoid ‘normalization’…just ignore it. The gene is out of the bottle and U.S. Citizens are on the verge of heading to that island whether or not the Helms/Burton act is still in effect. That will give Cuba the financial base it needs to lift its economy and without the hindrance of responding to USA demands that will only place a huge burden on the Cuban people.

Cuba is now in a very delicate and high risk state. Change is coming but change will easily turn to disaster if the U.S. starts to demand unrealistic change to the government and its economy.

Check this out…Russia recently forgave $35 billion in defaulted bond debt that goes back to the 1980’s. In return they get permanent mooring for their warships at a new harbour just east of Havana. Oh, you didn’t hear about that in the press. Can’t imagine why? But you can be assured that’s a big reason why ‘normalization’ is under way now. Forget all the Obama bull shit…Russia is about to teach the US a real lesson.

Anyway, doesn’t that sort of set a standard? Should, but now when powerful lobbies are baying for billions and Rubio and friends will happily represent their demands. Good luck Cuba.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
July 22, 2015 4:50 pm

Bea, that was my point of asking the question.

July 22, 2015 4:52 pm

Well, our scumbag President said that sanctions were bad and do not work when announcing that Cuba and the USSA were now like peas and carrots again. Then the cocksucker turned around and almost in the same breath, imposed more sanctions against Russia.

My parents made effective use of sanctions: Clean your room or you’re not going out to play. Do your homework or we’re not going camping.

I think sanctions are bad because we shouldn’t be getting involved in others business in the first place.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
July 22, 2015 5:00 pm

Bingo I.S. Trade with all, entangling alliances with none!

July 22, 2015 5:36 pm

You’re back in WY?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 22, 2015 6:20 pm

No, did a poor job of logging in. :*)

July 22, 2015 7:35 pm

Not good or bad, just plain stupid. Why is one country (or a group of countries) think they have any position from which to “sanction” other countries, other than using sophomoric bullying tactics. That’s what the U.S. and its vassal states and become….a big bully.

July 22, 2015 9:43 pm

Sanctions against Cuba were just symbolic. Europeans and Canadians and everyone else traded with them. Cubans problem was that they don’t produce shit so they can’t buy much. Math just messes up socialism.