The Racism Experiment That Will Change The Way You Think About Racism Forever

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July 22, 2015 11:34 am

ya really why is it only racist if its whites? blacks are very racist . im sick of the discrimination against whites ,it is outrageous !

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 22, 2015 11:49 am

I once heard that chickens don’t warn the next generation about KFC and I’ve gotten a lot of use out of that quip. So it goes with people, especially people who tend to think in groups instead of for themselves. Most folks just tend to go with it, whatever “it” might be.

I’ve always been deliberate about being able to consciously and winsomely defend my faith, political beliefs, sense of style, or hobbies and interests. I’ve never been someone to unconsciously go along with something, regardless of how genuine a person might be about their cause. For this reason I don’t like management, as I prefer to *cooperate with* people like myself than oversee others who mindlessly go about life.

All that said, if you want to watch an interesting movie about people escaping bondage, check out The Way Back (2011) about prisoners of a Soviet Union labor camp flee their Siberian Gulag and journey across thousands of miles of hostile terrain. Excellent film.

July 22, 2015 12:01 pm

The more I see these videos, the more I know we as a nation are past the tipping point between intelligent life and absolute maroons. No hope.

Here’s one on which bigot said what about gay marriage.

July 22, 2015 12:02 pm

I will admit to being an immature, stupid asshole when I was young. But, (not in any defense of my being a certified asshole) I did not have the information and technology and media available that exists not only today, but for the last 25 years,

I am continually astounded at the younger set today that is completely devoid of any learning. Just mindless zombies that can be talked into anything.

July 22, 2015 12:03 pm

Watch how every time the blond in the TuTu is asked a question, he leans over and almost takes the mic in his mouth, as if it’s a natural reaction to a hard object near his mouth.

July 22, 2015 12:15 pm

Note that the guy with the mike refers to the photos as those that are bigots cuz they consider ‘marriage’ as between a man and woman. Of course he is in a setting of ‘Flames’ so he implants the ‘bigot’ word as a confirmation bias to the flames.

Well, I am not a bigot (IMO, but marriage is only between a man and woman – they should have called it another name for the deviants, but gave them the same benefits as married folks.

If the above offends anyone, well Fuck You.

July 22, 2015 12:20 pm

John Angelo – saw that vid and agree.

You might want to check out ‘Valhalla Rising’ and Van Diemiens Land’, both 2009 releases.

July 22, 2015 12:25 pm

Johnny boy ,

State ( be deliberate) your faith ,your political beliefs ,your way and why of life. (Be specific)

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 22, 2015 12:28 pm

@kokoda Thanks for the film recommendations. I’ve not familiar with either, but after looking up both I’ll definitely have to check them out.

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 22, 2015 12:43 pm

@bb Thanks for the shout out. My family and friends call me Johnny coincidentally. My beliefs will be revealed gradually over time in response to various posts. I have to use an iPhone to make comments, hence the grammatical issues with some of my posts (my apologies). The short of it: I’m a believer in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, have conservative (but not neo-con) beliefs flavored with libertarian points of view, and I like to be simple, direct, and value the honesty of the contributors to this site and message boards. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

July 22, 2015 12:43 pm

Watching that video didn’t give me any more information than I already had, and it certainly didn’t “change my mind” about raaaaycissssms!

Anytime the Marxists cite some “study” or whatever, you can guaran-damn-tee it’s fraudulent. That goes for most of the shit the NeoCons put out. Both sides make shit up to support their own political agenda.

This is news?

As far as “raaaaycisssms!” is concerned, who fuckin’ cares? Quit being a fuckin’ butthurt little whiny bitch about shit and let the rest of us get on with our lives… seriously, I would pay some of these ‘whitey beez raaaayciss!’ fucksticks real money to shut the fuck up…

July 22, 2015 12:48 pm

[imgcomment image [/img]

July 22, 2015 12:50 pm

Oops, too slow for the toad, but here’s the link if others want to use it.

comment image

July 22, 2015 12:53 pm

What does a random toad have to do with the OP about raaaaycisssms?

July 22, 2015 1:02 pm

Personal dislike of toad replies. Apologize for missing the opportunity to reply correctly.

July 22, 2015 1:50 pm

“What does a random toad have to do with the OP about raaaaycisssms?” —- Billy

In HF’s “let your life” thread … sweet little Maggie gave bb an EPIC FUCKIN BEATDOWN OF THE AGES!!!

Pasted here for your reading pleasure.


@bb… let me tell you something you self-aggrandizing, no talent, poorly educated moronic and pathetic little toad. If you had been my brother, you would have had that belt wrapped around your neck so tight you would have been begging for mercy and it wouldn’t have come from the place your self-righteous pseudo-religious core belief calls for help. And since Admin can’t seem to find a way to get rid of your annoying and malicious nonsense on the wonderful pieces he offers for his truly intellectual readership, I can only point out to everyone that you are not only a despicable troll, you are nonsensical in your arguments. You are an idiot sycophant hoping that if you hang out here long enough, someone will actually think there is more in your tiny little pea brain than envy.

There is not. Why do I waste my insults? Honing my skills, toad.

July 22, 2015 1:52 pm

In other words, an up vote for Toad = a down vote for bb.

Vote according to your conscience.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 22, 2015 2:12 pm

@John Angelo: I liked The Way Back, too. Big Colin Farrell fan.

July 22, 2015 2:20 pm

Maggie , since Mongolia is you new uncle I’m you new older brother. Like I said before I may have to spank your ass every other day but it’s all good.Love always your new older brother.

I still believe women should have never been given the right to vote.This includes you little sister.

July 22, 2015 2:27 pm

Johnny , glad to meet you also . Sounds like we have very similar world views. I do like to play around with these knuckleheads and I probably do it to much but I can be serious.

July 22, 2015 3:50 pm

Maggie: The HORROR! Here comes Beeb from…

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 22, 2015 4:05 pm


We already know most people are idiots (MPAI.)

The fact that MPAI does not in any way alter what I already do in my life (which among other things assumes all the people I encounter are idiots, and that almost everyone who votes for the political system du jour are idiots.)

FTR, I also assume that air is about 80% nitrogen but that, too, doesn’t matter to my daily life.

July 22, 2015 5:22 pm

The term “racism” was invented by communists, and is used to destroy cultures and defuse (and render impotent) those with differing points-of-view on “racial” issues.

That being said . . .
True “racism” is desirable as it merely cements cultural and social bonds that are necessary for a society to function and flourish.

True “racism” merely denotes commonality of purpose and advancement within each respective racial group.

Blacks have the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha, Jews have the $PLC, ACLU and ADL. These are all “racist” organizations that serve to promote the interests (and political power) of their respective races.

It is only whites who are castigated and threatened for attempting to show any signs of racial solidarity.

Let’s look at what us “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections, (Ask “Attorney General” Loretta Lynch about that).

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites possess an externalized altruism that no other races possesses. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of the white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

I blame those of the “greatest generation” for selling out our birthright with the passage of the “Civil-Rights Acts” of 1957 and 1964, and the “Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965”. . .

July 22, 2015 5:28 pm

Dice must have some sales training, ’cause did you notice how he hands the pen to his marks as he’s bullshitting them? In the world of sales technique, that’s called closing and if they take the pen, they’re as good as DONE!
That being said, Americans are a stupid bunch of sheep, are barely paying attention if at all, and that’s a big reason why things are “fucked up and shit” *Note to Admin, you should file a service mark on that phrase before someone else does 🙂

July 23, 2015 2:14 am

upvoted you anarchist I really want to know where the fuck my white priviledge is cause I sure as crap cant speel when I got a few beers in me lol . just read a zerohedge article on why people leaving the liberal cities and a lot of fukcing people said it was due to the low iq pavement apes .
a suprising amount of posters were absolutely sick of niggers shit /and pretty much called it like it is .
one poster tho blamed whites but he forgets that blacks sold blacks into slavery . didn’t think to mention blacks in the usa that were slaveowners and completely missed the boat on blacks still have slavery in Africa … gm afb when does the hypocrisy end? tho it is encouraging that so many see thru the msm lies and propaganda