Stucky Question Of The Day #2

Shouldn’t Rand Paul just go Full Libertarian …. and if he doesn’t, shouldn’t he just SHUT THE FUCK UP?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 23, 2015 7:29 am

Who’s rand paul?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 23, 2015 7:39 am

Stucky, first I won’t say I’m pissed that you stole my format, it is what it is. But, simply, he can’t. We saw what happens with that 4 years ago, the “establishment” will lie, cheat, obfuscate, double vote, close polls, refuse to seat delegates, and change the rules 1000 times to ensure he loses. They are either A. morons, or B (more likely) prefer to lose as it’s easier to raise money with a demoncrat as president.

The other reason he can’t is there are a lot more dumbass republicans out there who live & die by Fox news that need to be swayed. He’ll get the libertarian vote anyway as we are smart enough to see he is bullshitting them.

July 23, 2015 7:51 am

Enough humor. I did my own research, and found that rand paul is the most popular name in the united states for pet gerbils

July 23, 2015 7:53 am

He won’t go full Libertarian because the system is built in such a way that the Libertarian candidate could never be elected. He won’t be the nominee because the GOP bosses won’t allow it.

If you believe Rand should shut up and not fight against the warfare/welfare/surveillance state, then shouldn’t we all shut up and close down this site?

Ron Paul didn’t shut up and still hasn’t shut up. He’s inspired millions, including me, to wake up and see the government for what it is.

July 23, 2015 7:54 am

starfcker still living out his Trump fantasy. Isn’t that cute. He’s adorable when he’s at his most delusional.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 23, 2015 7:59 am

Waiting on starfuckers response to my question today.

July 23, 2015 8:06 am

Jim, just playing on rand. I beat on him from time to time, but I like him, and I like his dad. Just frustrated by his timidity, and don’t like his strategy of cozying up to mcconnell, though I understand it. Mike, what’s the question?

July 23, 2015 8:11 am

One of the biggest problems for any vote-worthy candidate is media coverage. What needs to happen is for some creative minnies need to create the next generation internet based media company with impeccable standards that gives legitimate coverage to anyone and anything. I think the country is starving for some truth and common fucking sense. They won’t care where it’s coming from but they will recognize it and I’m of the opinion that “if you build it, they will come”. Crowd source fund it if at all possible. Offer investment opportunities that pay dividends straight to your student loans, mortgage or other debt to help people shed debt.

Our owners will NEVER allow truth to go out over their traditional airwaves. Create that kind of independent news medium and we might be able to get some real people elected.

July 23, 2015 8:28 am

Rand Paul should move to Israel so he can give them fellatio full time at the base of the weeping / apartheid wall, then he should take his pink .22 rifle and “make Russia pay for their aggressions”, then he should get 200 vaccinations in his flip, flopping pussy ass while he tries to understand how he will never be 1/100th the man his father is.

July 23, 2015 8:29 am

The more questions the better.

Mike and Stuck come at the world from different viewpoints, so the questions will be diverse.

Keep them coming.

July 23, 2015 9:19 am


How many libertarian party members in the Senate?

I don’t know what Rand truly believes.

The thought in the back of my mind is that he could be using the Trojan Horse strategy of pretending to go along with required Republican doctrine in order to get the nomination. In reality he believes 90% of what his old man believes. He is probably the only Republican candidate who could attract moderate voters.

It shall not be, because the GOP elite hate his guts.

July 23, 2015 8:44 am

Stuck, but he was one of only two or three repugs to vote against fast track. Little feller does do some really good things. But you can’t be a leader if you’re not comfortable leading. And that means sometimes you have to make other people feel you.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 23, 2015 11:18 am

Quality acting is quality acting…………continue on Rand. Who would be better at playing the controlled opposition? Just sayin…..

July 23, 2015 12:41 pm

Agree or Disagree?: Rand Paul Should Go Libertarian or Go Home

Nick Gillespie

A recent Los Angeles Times story by Lisa Mascaro argues that “After sagging in fundraising, Rand Paul 2.0 reboots campaign.” The thesis is that the Kentucky Republican is failing to gain traction with GOP conservatives and is consciously trying to re-align himself with libertarian-leaning voters.

“Out of necessity he’s moving back to his base, which is a sign the strategy he adopted was the wrong strategy,” said Aaron Day, chairman of the New Hampshire chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus, a nationwide libertarian-leaning organization within the GOP. “He needs the grass-roots — and they know this now.”

That’s something Paul’s people say just isn’t true:

Rand’s campaign denied any rebooting of his message or positions, and insisted that he never intended to replicate the campaigns of his father, the former Texas GOP congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul. “There has been no change, no pivot,” said campaign manager Chip Englander. “He has the same view he’s always had.”

As a matter of fact, on a bunch of recent issues, Paul has been very close to other, more-consciously conservative Republican candidates than to any vision of libertarianism. His response to the murder of a San Francisco woman by an illegal immigrant, for instance, was to denounce “Sanctuary Cities” and support an onerous surveillance program. He’s against the Iran deal. While he was quick to call for yanking the Confederate battle flag from public grounds, he was slow-to-never in challenging Donald Trump’s moronic view of Mexican immigrants as mostly criminal or to issue a statement about the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage (he eventually said he wants to privatize marriage). Earlier in the year, he supported more defense spending than a couple of GOP hawks (albeit, Paul wanted to pay for the increases with offsets elsewhere in the budget).

Which is to say that despite his clear libertarian-ish leanings, Paul is hardly covering himself in glory when it comes to being a consistent champion of libertarian ideas and policies in the GOP presidential race. Many times, he seems to be the sixth or seventh or 10th candidate in a crowded field to come along with a pretty-conservative take on an issue of the moment.

This is doubly frustrating for those of us pushing for “Free Minds and Free Markets.” First, because we want a champion in the GOP (and the Democratic Party too) that is unapologetically socially tolerant and fiscally responsible. Second, because Rand Paul will never rise to the top of the heap by being a distant echo of awful big-government conservatives rather than a clear choice for voters sick of the past 15 years of screwups and overreaches by Republicans and Democrats alike.

Paul has always been at his most interesting not just to Reason readers but to the American public exactly at the moments when he is most unabashedly libertarian—standing against unrestrained government surveiilance and executive power, questioning Obama’s bombing of Libya and attempts to attack Syria, reaching across the aisle on sentencing reform, pushing for hemp and marijuana reform, saying that “we will find a place” for immigrants who come here and that the GOP must become a broader, more-inclusive group. His response to Ferguson—he was the first national politician to say the police’s militarized response to initially peaceful protests was fucked up—contrasted sharply with his jokes about being glad his train wasn’t stopping in Baltimore during Charm City’s riots.

From Mascaro’s LA Times piece:

Nick Gillespie, editor of the libertarian, said Paul does best when he stakes out classic libertarian positions to distinguish himself from the other candidates.

“All of the moments where he stands out — where he captures not just the political imagination, but the public American imagination — are the most libertarian,” Gillespie said.

Simply from a marketing angle, it seems to clear to me that Rand Paul would do better in the current campaign by offering a clear alternative to the uninspired stew of reactionary social positions, hawkish defense posturing, and lukewarm promises to fix the economy via tax cuts rather than cutting spending that characterize his competition.

Far more important, harping on a clear libertarian alternative—regardless of its effect on Paul’s run—would massively improve the national conversation we need to have about the size, scope, and spending of goverment at all levels. We’re all strung out from the failures of conservative and liberal regimes to succeed on their own terms. Surveys consistently show large majorities of people interested in candidates who espouse a generally libertian worldview in which the government does less in the economic realm and doesn’t push a particular set of values. That’s the world we’ve been building for ourselves in the sharing economy and an America that is manifestly less racist, sexist, and xenophobic than in the past.

Yes, yes, politics is “a crippled, lagging indicator” of where we’re heading as a society, but it’s damn nigh time we get a top-tier major-party candidate who reflects the overall direction of the country and maybe even speeds the trip up a bit.

What do you think?

July 23, 2015 4:38 pm

Rand Paul has gone full neocon. Here is proof:

In senate hearings today with Sec. of State Kerry, Paul quoted Khamenei as saying the agreement did not prevent Iran from getting a bomb. “The americans say they stopped Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” Khamenei said. “They know it’s not true.” What Paul omitted to say was the rest of the quote, “We had a fatwa, declaring nuclear weapons to be religiously forbidden under Islamic law. It had nothing to do with the nuclear talks.”

Fuck Rand Paul.