The Eroding Character of the American People

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

How can the life of such a man
Be in the palm of some fool’s hand?
To see him obviously framed
Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
Where justice is a game
.—Bob Dylan, “Hurricane”

Attorney John W. Whitehead opens a recent posting on his Rutherford Institute website with these words from a song by Bob Dylan. Why don’t all of us feel ashamed? Why only Bob Dylan?

I wonder how many of Bob Dylan’s fans understand what he is telling them. American justice has nothing to do with innocence or guilt. It only has to do with the prosecutor’s conviction rate, which builds his political career. Considering the gullibility of the American people, American jurors are the last people to whom an innocent defendant should trust his fate. The jury will betray the innocent almost every time.

As Lawrence Stratton and I show in our book (2000, 2008) there is no justice in America. We titled our book, “How the Law Was Lost.” It is a description of how the protective features in law that made law a shield of the innocent was transformed over time into a weapon in the hands of the government, a weapon used against the people. The loss of law as a shield occurred prior to 9/11, which “our representative government” used to construct a police state.

The marketing department of our publisher did not appreciate our title and instead came up with “The Tyranny of Good Intentions.” We asked what this title meant. The marketing department answered that we showed that the war on crime, which gave us the abuses of RICO, the war on child abusers, which gave us show trials of total innocents that bested Joseph Stalin’s show trials of the heroes of the Bolshevik Revolution, and the war on drugs, which gave “Freedom and Democracy America” broken families and by far the highest incarceration rate in the world all resulted from good intentions to combat crime, to combat drugs, and to combat child abuse. The publisher’s title apparently succeeded, because 15 years later the book is still in print. It has sold enough copies over these years that, had the sales occurred upon publication would have made the book a “best seller.” The book, had it been a best seller, would have gained more attention, and perhaps law schools and bar associations could have used it to hold the police state at bay.

Whitehead documents how hard a not guilty verdict is to come by for an innocent defendant. Even if the falsely accused defendant and his attorney survive the prosecutor’s pressure to negotiate a plea bargain and arrive at a trial, they are confronted with jurors who are unable to doubt prosecutors, police, or witnesses paid to lie against the innocent defendant. Jurors even convicted the few survivors of the Clinton regime’s assault on the Branch Davidians of Waco, the few who were not gassed, shot, or burned to death by US federal forces. This religious sect was demonized by Washington and the presstitute media as child abusers who were manufacturing automatic weapons while they raped children. The charges proved to be false, like Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” and so forth, but only after all of the innocents were dead or in prison.

The question is: why do Americans not merely sit silently while the lives of innocents are destroyed, but actually support the destruction of the lives of innocents? Why do Americans believe “official sources” despite the proven fact that “official sources” lie repeatedly and never tell the truth?

The only conclusion that one can come to is that the American people have failed. We have failed Justice. We have failed Mercy. We have failed the US Constitution. We have failed Truth. We have failed Democracy and representative government. We have failed ourselves and humanity. We have failed the confidence that our Founding Fathers put in us. We have failed God. If we ever had the character that we are told we had, we have obviously lost it. Little, if anything, remains of the “American character.”

Was the American character present in the torture prisons of Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, and hidden CIA torture dungeons where US military and CIA personnel provided photographic evidence of their delight in torturing and abusing prisoners? Official reports have concluded that along with torture went rape, sodomy, and murder. All of this was presided over by American psychologists with Ph.D. degrees.

We see the same inhumanity in the American police who respond to women children, the elderly, the physically and mentally handicapped, with gratuitous violence. For no reason whatsoever, police murder, taser, beat, and abuse US citizens. Every day there are more reports, and despite the reports the violence goes on and on and on. Clearly, the police enjoy inflicting pain and death on citizens whom the police are supposed to serve and protect. There have always been bullies in the police force, but the wanton police violence of our time indicates a complete collapse of the American character.

The failure of the American character has had tremendous and disastrous consequences for ourselves and for the world. At home Americans have a police state in which all Constitutional protections have vanished. Abroad, Iraq and Libya, two formerly prosperous countries, have been destroyed. Libya no longer exists as a country. One million dead Iraqis, four million displaced abroad, hundreds of thousands of orphans and birth defects from the American ordinance, and continuing ongoing violence from factions fighting over the remains. These facts are incontestable. Yet the United States Government claims to have brought “freedom and democracy” to Iraq. “Mission accomplished,” declared one of the mass murderers of the 21st century, George W. Bush.

The question is: how can the US government make such an obviously false outrageous claim without being shouted down by the rest of the world and by its own population? Is the answer that good character has disappeared from the world?

Or is the rest of the world too afraid to protest? Washington can force supposedly sovereign countries to acquiesce to its will or be cut off from the international payments mechanism that Washington controls, and/or be sanctioned, and/or be bombed, droned, or invaded, and/or be assassinated or overthrown in a coup. On the entire planet Earth there are only two countries capable of standing up to Washington, Russia and China, and neither wants to stand up if they can avoid it.

For whatever the reasons, not only Americans but most of the world as well accommodate Washington’s evil and are thereby complicit in the evil. Those humans with a moral conscience are gradually being positioned by Washington and London as “domestic extremists” who might have to be rounded up and placed in detention centers. Examine the recent statements by General Wesley Clark and British Prime Minister Cameron and remember Janet Napolitano’s statement that the Department of Homeland Security has shifted its focus from terrorists to domestic extremists, an undefined and open-ended term.

Americans with good character are being maneuvered into a position of helplessness. As John Whitehead makes clear, the American people cannot even prevent “their police,” paid by their tax payments, from murdering 3 Americans each day, and this is only the officially reported murders. The actual account is likely higher.

What Whitehead describes and what I have noticed for many years is that the American people have lost, in addition to their own sense of truth and falsity, any sense of mercy and justice for other peoples. Americans accept no sense of responsibility for the millions of peoples that Washington has exterminated over the past two decades dating back to the second term of Clinton. Every one of the millions of deaths is based on a Washington lie.

When Clinton’s Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, was asked if the Clinton’s regime’s sanctions, which had claimed the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children, were justified, she obviously expected no outrage from the American people when she replied in the affirmative.

Americans need to face the facts. The loss of character means the loss of liberty and the transformation of government into a criminal enterprise.

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John Angelo
John Angelo
July 23, 2015 9:53 pm

My grandfather fought in the U.S. Army in WWII. He received a Purple Heart in 1945 when a mortar exploded, sending shrapnel into his leg in Germany and he didn’t come to until he was in a hospital bed in England. He told me, and I’ll never forget this, that what scared him most when he got home was he realized it wouldn’t take much for Americans to become like the Nazis. I’m only 33, but I feel very much like a stranger in a strange land, a feeling that has grown much stronger of late. I guess that’s not such a bad thing given the times and I know this world isn’t my home, but I hate to see it nonetheless because I care about people in general, yet so many cause needless suffering. Prayers for justice and mercy as I go to rest this evening.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 23, 2015 11:54 pm

I think we are almost there and the Useful Idiot hysteria for Hussein will explode when the dollar is crushed but he promises a free car and house to everyone in his FSA.

July 24, 2015 12:13 am

Americans have always been brainwashed idiots. Haven’t any of you fucks read H.L. Mencken?

July 24, 2015 12:14 am

@John Angelo

The fact that you realize this means you are already ahead of 95% of the people out there. For example, I see the police and the authorities no differently than a person would have seen a NAZI official in some occupied country during WWII. I know that the rules do not apply to them and I know that they can and will do whatever they want. Knowing this, I act accordingly.

It is possible to live in an occupied country and get by without being a collaborator. The silliness that we are seeing can not go on forever and the pendulum will swing the other way as more and more people simply withhold their consent.

Withholding consent is not enough – you have to remove yourself from their cross hairs. First, they have advanced legal mechanisms for stealing your property so the best thing to do is not have anything they think is worth having. That doesn’t mean you do not get to have nice things but just things that have no value on paper. Trust me, they’ll choose an easier target with property that is easy to snatch.

We are dealing with parasites here – nothing more.

July 24, 2015 12:19 am

In 1998 a book come out written by David Wells ( a theologian from the reformed Presbyterian church)Called …. Losing our Virtues … (Character ) as a nation. He was spot on in his predictions about the consequences for the nation. He said we would continue to sink further down into depravity until we lose our freedoms due to the government imposing some type of police state. I think that’s how America will finally end.In a Totalitarian Police State.

July 24, 2015 12:26 am

Nickel Thrower. That’s armed PARASITES .Armed not with advanced technology but advanced militaryweapons.A while back I read an article that said there are 16 different government agencies that can take your personal property without court orders .All they got do is accuse you of a crime. That’s it.

July 24, 2015 12:38 am

If any of U want the definitive book on the Nazis, read “Rise & Fall of the 3rd Reich”.

I’ve taught history & the USA has taken on elements of the most evil failed states such as the USSR, East Germany, Nazi Germany – all rolled into some distorted lumbering fascist beast. The majority of the population could care less what happens.

July 24, 2015 12:43 am

Everytime I read the honorable Paul Craig Roberts or Ron Paul, I feel smarter. They may be modern day prophets.

July 24, 2015 12:52 am

Nickle, that’s a great post. Spot on

July 24, 2015 7:10 am

BB, thanks for the suggestion. I recommend Reclaiming the Future of Christian Education by Albert Greene. It explains how our moral fabric is being torn apart thread by thread through the educational system.

July 24, 2015 7:59 am

All good shit! And now we have two female “doctors” that were caught on tape discussing the sale of aborted baby parts which is totally against federal law. Any bets as to what our fucking “justice” department will do?

July 24, 2015 10:37 am

If you want an example of the immoral evilness of prosecutors, then look no further that the work of Project Innocence … the organization which exonerates wrongfully convicted people.

Specifically, pay attention to what prosecutors say AFTER the person has been found innocent beyond a shadow of the doubt … most often via incontrovertible DNA evidence.

They STILL cry out — “No! He’s Guilty!!”.

No amount of evidence will sway them. Truth is COMPLETELY irrelevant. “Winning” for the State is the ONLY thing that matters. Ever. Period. No exceptions.

And this is where evil copfuk shows like “Law&Order” (and, countless others) do so much damage. They mislead American morons into believing that prosecutors are after truth, and that when they discover truth, they will reverse course and let the person they are accusing go free. Bull fucking horseshit!!! They will continue their vendetta even when they absolutely know the person is innocent. As PCR states above, they don’t get raises and promotions based on The Truth. For the millionth time … if the State prosecutes your fat ass, you’re fucked six ways to Sunday.

Fuck America. Fuck the land of the un-free. Fuck our owners. Fuck prosecutors. Fuck ALL lawyers. Fuck Court. Fuck judges … THE chief king of evil cocksuckers. C’mon Russia and put us out of our misery … I’m willing to help ya!!!

July 24, 2015 1:02 pm

@ John,

“I’m only 33, but I feel very much like a stranger in a strange land, a feeling that has grown much stronger of late.”

You’re not alone. We are pilgrims in an unholy land. If you’re only 33, you’re ahead of the game. I’m not overly religious – and if you’ve been following what I post, you know why – but the abomination the US has become cannot be allowed to stand. Remember your Victor Hugo:

“When the earth is suffering from too heavy a burden, there are mysterious groanings of the shades, to which the abyss lends an ear.

Napoleon had been denounced in the infinite and his fall had been decided on.

He embarrassed God.”

We have denounced the Infinite… and thus, our own fall is preordained. It is inevitable… what the direct causation of our own fall is not important – only that our own fall is a certainty.

The only real concern is “when”…

July 24, 2015 1:48 pm

” If you’re only 33, you’re ahead of the game. ” ———- Billy

Really? I’d say the opposite. He’s got nothing but fucked-up-ness waiting for him.

My parents are ahead of the game. They’ll likely die before the shit gets fucked up and shit. THAT’S where you want to be.

July 24, 2015 7:34 pm

Really? I’d say the opposite. He’s got nothing but fucked-up-ness waiting for him.

My parents are ahead of the game. They’ll likely die before the shit gets fucked up and shit. THAT’S where you want to be. – Stuck

You’ll pardon me if I don’t agree with your assessment…

I’ve never been one to duck out and miss the party – I’ve always been one to be in the thick of shit. Well, if we’re being honest, “being in the thick of shit” so long as it’s not our own country.

This time around, it will be us… and I’ve already expressed my views on this before – my son’s generation are the ones who will rebuild. Hopefully, a better world than this. It’s not my generation’s job.

I just had a thought Stucky… the Boomers are sticking future generations with a tremendous debt load – so long as they get theirs, fuck everyone else. Now what you’re saying is that the “best place to be” is to buddy-fuck future generations by literally being dead and sticking them with the disaster that’s sure to come.

Yeah… sorry if I make it a point to NOT buddy-fuck my son’s generation…


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July 25, 2015 10:13 am

“I’ve never been one to duck out and miss the party ….” ———– Billy

Good for you. You like a good fight …. from your posts, it seems at times you even look for it, but I could be wrong. Nevertheless, you are full of machismo bravado … willing to kick the fuck out of anyone and everyone who fucks with you. This is terrific. Really. I’m not like that, I don’t even own a gun. Sure, I would LIKE to kill a whole bunch of motherfuckers!! But, who am I kidding? I’ve beaten the living shit out of just three people in my entire life … ALL before I reached the age of 25. Sooooo, now suddenly Ima gonna kill bankers, the FSA, copfuks, and possibly military folk? Yeah, right. I ain’t no hero, and I know it. You be the hero, Super Billy! You’re the badass Army guy who rebuilds guns, packs his own bullets, and can build a tank from spare F-150 parts.

” … the Boomers are sticking future generations with a tremendous debt load – so long as they get theirs, fuck everyone else.” ——— Billy

So, you’re gonna play the Boomers are responsible for fucking up America card? No one else? No other issues? Just Boomers? Never thought I’d hear that from you. You, who makes no bones about not feeling guilty for slavery (a correct view) because YOU didn’t participate in it and, because laying blame on an individual for what a group did is total bullshit … now STUCKY is responsible for fucking up America? Blow me.

Neverthless, this Boomer (me) has fucked up the country thusly; 1) the GI Bill paid for a large chunk of my college (BTW .. college was CHEAP in 1975, so I didn’t use up that much money) and 2) I collected unemployment for maybe a total of four months. Maybe you’d feel better if I sent you a check for those services?
Lastly, thanks for giving me a certificate saying I “lack values”. How about you go suck a diseased donkey dick, you crippled piece of shit.

“SB” — Super Billy !!! Ready to diet fer Truf, Justice, and ‘Murika …. by sitting on them.
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