Songs From The Heart For T4C

Since T4C didn’t stick around for the Kumbaya moment on the “kaboom” thread … I hope she sees this.

T4C — I’m sincerely sorry for using the “c” word, and other shit.


T4C …. don’t give me an achy-breaky heart.


T4C … this is the SECRET to surviving TBP shit-fests and the cretins that start it.


T4C … the are more reasons to be HAPPY with TBP, than there are reasons to be mad. (start at the 29sec mark with the laughing baby).


T4C …lemme sing a song, just for yeew


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 13, 2015 3:04 pm

Now, Stucky admit it. You were just trying to bait us with all that 911 bullshit, weren’t you. Trying to get over 100 posts. Because you would have to be pretty ignorant of the facts to believe airplanes took down the towers when the lobby blew out long before they fell. C’mon you don’t really believe that shit.
And now you want to say sorry? I too hope T4C comes back, but I wouldn’t blame her if she said “FUCK OFF STUCKY!”

Heywood Jablowme
Heywood Jablowme
August 13, 2015 3:11 pm

Sad day when T4C is treated this way and Bea lever too. They are the only reason you got all of those comments along with some others, very sad.

  Heywood Jablowme
August 13, 2015 3:17 pm

It’s a sad day when TBP becomes a site for pussies with thin skin.

This 9/11 thread is fluff compared to what used to happen when Smokey and AWD were around.

You people need to grow some balls.

If you want civility and politically correct dialogue go the fuck someplace else.

August 13, 2015 3:20 pm

I love Franzl Lang. That dude can yodel.

August 13, 2015 3:22 pm

Personally, my favorite thing about TBP is how like two dogs going for the throat, later in the day its all cool. You just don’t find that, and the people posting passionately about a subject, anywhere else. Oh, and boomers still suck ass.

August 13, 2015 3:25 pm

Franzl Lang still alive at 84, its got to be the yodeling.

August 13, 2015 3:31 pm

There is no other comment section in any other website that I have read where it is a true free for all. Anyone can rip anyone. True as Admin states above when Smokey and AWD were here there was a particular incendiary style that is quite hard to replicate, but it is still fun. Big dogs, little dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, smart dogs, stupid dogs they all get to run in the pack, it’s just some will get nipped in the hind quarters a little hard once in a while. you have to learn to find your place in the pecking order and enjoy it. Thanks much Admin, it’s what makes the site so fun, oh and the yodeling thing.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 13, 2015 3:51 pm

Is there some kind of rule against using the “c word” now? I recently resolved to use it much more – especially when yelling at other drivers. Stucky, do you have pangs of guilt for calling a guy a dick? Of course, calling a guy a cunt is even better, as it can add the element of surprise.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 13, 2015 4:04 pm

Hey Stucky. I talked to yer wife the other day and she told me that when she tries to gently mention that she don’t actually like paying all the bills while you alternate between TBP and Jerry Springer yew go apeshit and so she was wonderin if I would ask you to call Arby’s and see if they’ll let yew have yer job back.

August 13, 2015 4:51 pm

T4c – you have jo idea the bloodbaths around here.

Stuck and I have a mutual admiration society.

But there have been times it got nasty. Real nasty. Way nastier than the stuff you mentioned. Personally really ugly and inflammatory and heated and with all levels of nasty our intellects could generate.

Those were indeed glorious days.

Gotta harden up.

August 13, 2015 5:27 pm

Here ya go T4C! Not exactly a chainsaw but more than adequate for the job.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 13, 2015 5:31 pm

What Stucky thinks it will take:


What will actually do the job:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 13, 2015 5:32 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 13, 2015 5:46 pm

Down fret T4C Ms Freud did that years ago 8^}

August 13, 2015 6:55 pm


Glad you’re ok now. But I don’t blame you for your anger because everyone here has a threshold of pain, no exceptions, even Admin, who operates mainly on a threshold of ignorance and stupidity. Stucky is now aware of yours.

Way back when, our dearly departed AWD hit my threshold when he posted a picture of “my hero.” It was Heinrich Himmler. That did it. I let him know that his shit was in a sling if he ever did that again. And I let him know WHY. He never went down that road again, even when we disagreed.

Get back in the ring when you’re ready, T4C. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. Your voice carries weight here.

EL Coyote repeating himself
EL Coyote repeating himself
August 13, 2015 10:11 pm

Stuck, what the fuck?
You were the one who jumped all over my ass over a minor offense I commited against Mags and T4C and Billy even. Then you were Moses on the mountain top, proclaiming your disgust at my bad behavior. I actually bought into it and felt appropriately chastised by a big dog. Now you ccome out of the closet as just another asshole.
You called the Grande Dame of TBP a cunt. Wow. You out-Billy Billy.
There are no words I could apply against you, You used up the best guilt trip anybody could deploy against a supposed woman beater, I have nothing but disappointment.
I don’t mean to dicourage you. I certainly detest controllers who try to tell me what I can and can’t say here. Fuck those fucking fuckwits, I say. They don’t put tortillas on my table.
Still, I would rather not see this kind of mistreatment of women on this site, persons who have endured and overcome the basest of language. How much longer before you are calling the rest of the ladies here, bitches, whores and cunts? Of course those words have no bearing on their person but they disnitegrate your person, every word like that is like an erosion of your person until you crumble to dust in everybody’s eyes.
Dish out the truth but don’t mix it with slander. You are better than that. You could be.
None of you fuckers had better not tell me nothing about what I say, because I will not buy it, know whut I’m saying, Stuck?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 13, 2015 11:50 pm

Stucky’s wife told me that his dick was of medium length, but it’s girth was like about as big as a pinky, and that when Stucky tried ter git aroused it looked like he was trying to strangle a 5″ earth worm. That’s dersgusting. Give me Billy Jr’s tiny but proportioned weiner any day.

EL Coyote who is not only noble but chivalrous
EL Coyote who is not only noble but chivalrous
August 14, 2015 1:27 am

T4C says: And if you ever call me CUNT again I will fucking cut your dick OFF.

It won’t be long now, Stuck. So solly. Might as well start picking out your Caitlyn moniker and re-start your female hormones treatment.

August 14, 2015 8:43 am


August 14, 2015 5:44 pm

Stuck, when it comes time to kill yourself just head on over to El Assclown’s house, cut your wrists and do jumping jacks in every room of his house until you expire. If you still have presence of mind when you collapse, write REDRUM on the wall in your own blood. Let him explain THAT to the copfuks and his wife! That’ll learn him to hope you kill yourself! His innerwbz privileges will likely be curtailed after that.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 15, 2015 8:44 am

Oh mah gawd Indented Sphincter. Yew are a comedienne of the highest caliber. The word pictures you draw are so outta this world HIGHLARIOUS I just wanted ter let you know I find reading yer posts to be uh little like scraping 10 day old dookey off Billy Jr’s back after we ferget ter hose down his cage fer the week.