Hispanic Student Asks; “White man, why are you giving away your country?”

This is one for the hard drive, folks.



White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?

Christopher De La Viña, American Renaissance, April 23, 2015

A Hispanic student wants to know.


As a child in public schools and now as a graduate student in history, I have learned one thing to be true about the United States: It is a white country. The founders were white, white men established its core principles and political system, and white men and women built the nation into what it is today.

Even before I became aware of the importance of race, I never thought this was “racist” or unfair; it was simply a fact. America has always been a white country and always should be. Why, then, are white people giving away their country?


Immigration and assimilation

My maternal great-great grandfather had a saying in Spanish about the immigrants who began coming to the United States after the 1960s. In English it would be: “Their stomachs are in America, but their hearts are in Mexico.” This perfectly sums up the attitudes of immigrants from most Third-World countries.

Immigrants are pouring into the United States, not for the American dream, as many politicians, both Democrat and Republican, like to say. They are coming to exploit our economy, with no intention of embracing the culture, adopting the language, or considering themselves American. When asked, most will say they are proud Hondurans or proud Nigerians–proud nationals of the country they came from.

American Dream

When I lived for a time in a border city, I saw how many American citizens were really nothing more than anchor babies, born in the U.S. but living in the neighboring Mexican city their wholes lives. They had American birth certificates, but they were wholly Mexican. They had no allegiance to this nation; their stomachs were in America, but their hearts were in Mexico.

Unchecked immigration should by far be white America’s most urgent concern, but for white politicians, getting elected to another term is more important than securing a future for whites. Both liberal and “conservative” white politicians and pundits take a soft stance on immigration, careful not to offend anyone or to appear “racist.”

Only whites are afraid of being called “racist.” The Japanese don’t care what non-Japanese think of their immigration policy, and Mexico does not hesitate to deport Central Americans. Only in white countries are people afraid of name-calling.


Whites continue to elect politicians who do not represent them. As a Hispanic, I cannot understand this. There is not one white congressman in Washington today who actually looks out for whites, at least not openly.

If I were a Hispanic activist or a member of La Raza, I could run as a pro-Hispanic candidate, exclusively on the issues and concerns of the Hispanic community. I would probably win, especially if I lived in a border city or border state. However, if a white wanted to fight for the issues and concerns of white people, he would be branded a “white supremacist.”

The double standard in American politics is obvious. White politicians have to represent everyone of every race, but non-white politicians can openly represent only their own people. No one seems to find this strange or unfair.

So I repeat my question to you, white people: Why do you continue to vote for moderate Republicans and “conservatives” when they do not care about you? The average American politician would much rather win an election with a million Hispanic or black votes and zero white votes rather than lose with ten million white votes and not a single non-white vote.

Some white Americans still hold the belief that mainstream conservatives will one day advocate for white interests, but the truth is that politicians will continue to pander to non-whites, particularly Hispanics. Politicians do not care about your vote; they care about my vote. Your vote will matter only if you start running pro-White politicians who are willing to fight the establishment.



Culture sets nations apart and gives its people an identity. The European-influenced culture of the United States is disappearing under the weight of immigration. Indeed, America is experiencing a rapid Hispanicization.

You white people now have two options: You can go along with Hispanicization and eventually become a minority whose ancestral culture is erased and replaced, or you can stop Hispanicization and help keep America the way it has been essentially since the days of the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown.


I have grown up around Hispanic culture, and as rich and vibrant as it can be, my ancestors left Mexico for a reason. I am at least a sixth-generation American, so I can be sure my ancestors did not leave Mexico to take advantage of American welfare. The system that can be so easily exploited did not exist then, and the American dream actually meant something. My ancestors understood that American culture was far superior and offered more than the culture of Mexico.

Today, even third- and fourth-generation Hispanics have not fully abandoned their ancestral ways. Spanish is the dominant language even for many who have been here for several generations.

Many expect society to learn Spanish, and it is clear that Spanish has become a second unofficial language in America.

Many Hispanics still do not value education. I am lucky to have a family that does value education, and I attribute that to both genetics and at least a century of assimilation. Half or more of the Hispanics I know don’t care about education, and many end up in gangs. This seems to be particularly true in Southern California.


There is no greater culture in the world than European culture. I can admit it because it’s true. I enjoy living in a First-World nation shaped by people of the same stock as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Picasso, and Galileo.

Have whites decided that their people and cultures are no longer worth fighting for? Is Guatemalan or Ethiopian or Vietnamese culture better for America? Whites must believe this, because why would they otherwise let a great nation’s culture be replaced with that of Third-World immigrants?


I cannot understand whites. Time and again, I see white university students who are happy to watch not only their nation but their genes disappear. They say they would be happy not to have children or to have children with non-whites.

When I try to talk about race with my white classmates or coworkers most are totally apathetic or sometimes even hostile. Blacks and Hispanics are much more race conscious. They know race exists, and that they have interests as a race. Whites are uncomfortable even talking about race and may try to scold me when I say something honest about it.

Sometimes I meet a white person who appreciates my understanding of white interests, and, even if he does not fully understand the implications of race, he is at least not ashamed to be white. This is a good sign for white people, but these people are rare.

America cannot survive without whites. It will not survive when whites are a minority. If any remnants of Western Civilization are to persist on the North American continent, white people will have to begin to care about the future of their people. My people cannot accomplish what yours have accomplished in the almost two and a half centuries that the United States has existed.

Only crazy or highly indoctrinated people would hand over to immigrants the nation their ancestors built. I don’t think you whites are crazy, nor do I think you can be so easily brainwashed.

So, why are you are giving away your country?


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 15, 2015 7:58 pm

El Coyote , I have been very busy. A lot of loads going into Canada right now. The internet mobile signal doesn’t come in as good as in the States. It is very beautiful here in western Canada.

Billy , is right about it being to late.To many people from to many cultures doesn’t work very well.Pluralism , Multiculturalism , diversity from the beginning were seen as weapons to be used against traditional Christian society.

August 15, 2015 8:02 pm


I saw a list a long time ago… 1998? 99? It was a list of every country on Earth and a small breakdown of their demographics.

Nations that were either 100% homogenous or damn near were at complete peace. The greater the population of “other” in a country, the greater their problems.

The magic number seemed to be 40%. Once the population of “other” reached that, the country was either at open war with itself, or being ruled by a totalitarian government/Tyrant.

The population of whites in the US currently stands at 64% +/-….. not good.

August 15, 2015 8:04 pm

Stucky , I would prefer bit kitty status in honor of little bb.Thank you in advance.

August 15, 2015 8:19 pm

Anyone thinking a future conflict will be fairly cut and dried – “Them vs Us” – needs to take a look at this to realize how fucking confusing it’s going to be…. thanks to the Elite shitbirds who are engineering this shit… damn them to Hell for creating this mess…

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I do not want, and never have wanted, open warfare on American soil… that is a horror I would not wish upon anyone. It’s one thing to have personal likes and dislikes. It is completely another to want my country destroyed and burned to the ground – because that’s basically what’s going to happen…

Our Elites are engineering this future catastrophe – both here, and in Europe. The Europeans, not wanting another conflict, are also inadvertently sowing the seeds of a very nasty future war by not stopping this madness now, while they still can…

August 15, 2015 8:39 pm

— “Cuz Billy is right … and I believe you agree with him…”

Yup. I might think it was more by design than Billy does… or maybe not. Dunno!

Only thing that really happened in here is Billy fired his pistol a bit too soon and is now trying to squeeze out some Clinton worthy technicality to justify jumping the gun. 🙂

Will be back to take the first part of Billy’s most recent reply to me and shove it up the last part.

August 15, 2015 8:54 pm

Fuck you, raz,

You jumped in where you weren’t needed nor wanted, got bitch-slapped using your own words, then try to claim you’re an ally, that I went off on you too soon…

Nah… ain’t buying your bullshit. Go on and redefine some other words to keep yourself from being held accountable… Heh, you even project what you’re doing – “depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is” – on me by referencing Clintoon…

Fuck you, you weasel piece of shit. I don’t care what your ideology is at this point, you’ve got no fucking character whatsoever. Fuckstick dirtbag motherfucker that you are…

You dug your own fuckin hole – I just pushed you in it.

Now you’re bitching from the bottom of your hole, wondering how you can dig it deeper…

Don’t let me stop you… here, have a shovel.


August 15, 2015 9:27 pm

…. and were off!

Glad it is moving over here, the kaboom thread got so long it would crash my browser…..

August 15, 2015 10:44 pm

“bb is moving up the pecking order ….. he was one of those little yappy rat dogs …. he’s moved up to a medium sized dog with an OK bark …………….. but, he has a long, long, way to get to Big Dog status.”

“Stucky, I would prefer bit kitty status in honor of little bb. Thank you in advance.”

Bb takes care of his mom. Drives a truck and likes his cat. Don’t see a whole lot of wrong with that. Do any of you?

Never been impressed with people assuming the “Big Dog” label, for which I am totally unqualified. Don’t know what it means. Am I a frequent visitor, big mouth, blowhard, and general pain in the ass, yeah, I can live with that.

Big Dog? Piffle.

August 15, 2015 11:03 pm

SSS said:
“Never been impressed with people assuming the “Big Dog” label, for which I am totally unqualified. Don’t know what it means. Am I a frequent visitor, big mouth, blowhard, and general pain in the ass, yeah, I can live with that.”

I was told I am a big dog several times. Excellent summation and my thoughts exactly.

August 15, 2015 11:12 pm


As far as I’m concerned, the towers in Noo Yawk Shitty are ancient history. A bunch of fuckin Saudis crashed those planes. The buildings came down. The End.

If there was some sort of shenanigans going on, we’ll find out about it in 50 years or so, after everyone involved is long dead…

One thing I found curious about the whole 9/11 thing was the whole “13 consecutive miracles” thing of the Pentagon…

Sec Def goes on TV on 9/10 and announces a shitload of money missing.

On 9/11, an airplane smashes into the Pentagon, demolishing the one section of the building where the accounting takes place… oops.

Checked out the footage of the Pentagon. Nice smoking hole, about 12 feet wide before fire collapsed that section.

No airplane bits that I could see… no wing bits, no engines, no seats strewn around, no luggage, no bodies… some “airplane”… every single image of airliner crashes, no matter how horrific, there was always something recognizable – seats, bodies, clothing strewn around, engine parts, recognizable bits of the tail, wings, something…

The crash at the Pentagon apparently defied the laws of physics and vaporized the entire jetliner on impact, leaving nothing recognizable whatsoever.. (/sarc)

Not saying what it was or wasn’t. Just saying that the images that I saw – that you can still pull up today – don’t look anything like any freakin’ jetliner crash I’ve ever seen… I suspect the “official story” is a bunch of green shit.. .but I got no proof… so I usually keep my trap shut about it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 16, 2015 12:00 am

Two of the most rational statements by EL Billy are at 8:19 and at 11:12.
Like T4C said, Billy knows his shit when he isn’t going bonkers over Niggas and Dykes and Beaners and Kikes.

August 16, 2015 12:11 am

1) The twin towers were designed to survive the impact of a Boeing 707 (the largest jet at the time).

2) The gross weight of a 707 is slightly greater than a 757 http://planes.axlegeeks.com/compare/439-458/Boeing-707-120-vs-Boeing-757-200

3) No high rise building before or since has ever been brought down by office fires, with or without jet fuel.

4) The joos did it, in collusion with Saudi muslim extremists. What you say? Who is treating wounded muslim extremists today from the civil war in Syria? Israel. Who has a defacto alliance with Saudi Arabia? Israel. Who benefitted from 9/11 and the aftermath? Israel.

5) Neocon Joo Richard Pearl’s Operation Clean Break. Two down, one to go.

6) Who counsels establishment favorite Jeb! on foreign policy? Neocons. The same people who brought you the greatest foreign policy disaster in US history (for us).

Admin asks how the many people involved in such a conspiracy could maintain their silence after 15 years. Who came forward to tell the truth about the USS Liberty coverup? Who has came forward to tell the truth about Israeli occupation of the US congress today? When in human history has a shitneck little country ever dominated the politics of a superpower to the detriment of the superpowers’ own national interest?

August 16, 2015 12:16 am

The communists are waging demographic warfare against the white populations of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and western Europe.

August 16, 2015 3:08 am

El Coyote’s nationality is Quesadilla.

August 16, 2015 3:10 am

bb is what people call a dumb cracker. GOD forgot to give him a brain.

August 16, 2015 6:44 am

Econman , I am a redneck not cracker. Damn man .All those years of teaching Keynesian economics really messed your head up.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 16, 2015 8:30 am

That’s the magical thing about the interweb. It can magically turns uh 8 foot tall goober that freeloads off his old lady and has a serious case of untreatable verbal diarrea into the leader of thousands.

All hail thee Cap’n Noodle Dick, the straw that stirs the drink.

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
August 16, 2015 8:40 am

So I repeat my question to you, white people: Why do you continue to vote for moderate Republicans and “conservatives” when they do not care about you?

The new term is “cuckservative”. Please try and keep up.

August 16, 2015 8:54 am

Hey Stuck, serious question :). Do you ever have a problem getting through doorways with a head the size of yours?

August 16, 2015 9:16 am

Two of the most rational statements by EL Billy are at 8:19 and at 11:12.
Like T4C said, Billy knows his shit when he isn’t going bonkers over Niggas and Dykes and Beaners and Kikes.
– El

Country’s being overrun and according to El, not only are people like me not allowed to say anything about it, we’re not allowed to even get mad about our country being turned into a 3rd world shithole…

He howls ‘racist’ – because that’s all he’s got – and when I push back, I’m called “irrational”….

Nice how that works.

Hey El, this guy a cousin of yours?

Illegal kills 3 in Florida triple homicide. Suspected link to El Coyote.


[imgcomment image?ve=1&tl=1[/img]

Oh, wait… maybe it’s not.

See, that would be guilt by association… something you’re quite familiar with. As well as other things you do – making shit up out of thin air, slander, hurling pejoratives, accusations with zero proof, etc… you know, your normal scumbag M.O….

August 16, 2015 9:37 am

FYI… reading shitfests is just as entertaining (probably moreso) than entering the fray. However, I am compelled to offer thanks for the Matt Bracken cube which I have downloaded to share with my family of families group to share and discuss at their next monthly meeting. The FF have big dogs too.

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Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 16, 2015 2:55 pm

Back in the good old times ya had ter work hard and understand the psyche of men hardened from real work to truly be a leader. Now you just need someone to pay yer bills and a laptop.

Go Stucky GO!!!

August 16, 2015 4:38 pm

— “Fuck you, raz,”
— “You jumped in where you weren’t needed nor wanted”
— “Fuck you, you weasel piece of shit.”
— “Fuckstick dirtbag motherfucker that you are…”

I’m sure some feminists would be happy to setup a safe space for you so you won’t be so easily triggered.

You know the truth.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 16, 2015 5:03 pm

You crack me up, Billy. A person can’t offer you a compliment without you tearing his arm off. I meant that I liked and approved of your comments. Shit, your one tough hombre.

And , no, Econo man – I’m not a Quesadillian, I’m a beaner. Damn man. All those years of teaching Keynesian economics really messed your head up.

August 16, 2015 5:11 pm

— “Translation: When called out for trying to redefine “voting” so you’re not wrong…”

Feminists get angry when people say that the definition of feminism has nothing to do with the reality of feminism. You’re acting like a feminist.

The voting system is demonstrably fraudulent full of people who say one thing and do another. Therefore… when the original article states that white people are voting in the bastards who are implementing these policies… it is making a mistake.

It is a Hispanic blaming the average white voter for the outcome of a fraudulent system that is proven to wind up with the same results no matter *what* white people vote for.

— “resort to insults, because that’s always fun.”

For you it clearly is.

— “Well, being as you say “will be gerrymandered next election..”… unless “next” doesn’t really mean “next” and you’re wanting to redefine “next” so you’re not held accountable here either?”

“I caught 15 fish three seasons ago. The next season I caught 30.”
“When I voted in that election 10 years ago… the next election was rigged.”
“When I throw you the ball, the next thing our team does is run.”
“When we, the Oligarchy, lose an election, the next thing we do is gerrymander.”

— “It’s that, or you expect people to be able to put a giant Swami hat on and read your mind… ”

Do I expect people to understand that my comment could be summed up as “When the Oligarchy doesn’t get the results they want, the next thing they do is manipulate the system so they will the next time”? and understand it as a practical description of the method used to ensure that people can’t ever really vote in the people they want.

— “avoiding reading your gibberings is the least I could do.”

But because you have self control issues, you don’t.

— “Sure. Just go back upstream and read your whiny bitch posts… ”

Your toybox is impressively limited.

August 16, 2015 5:17 pm

“Do I expect…”

There is a missing “Yes” at the end of that paragraph.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 16, 2015 5:21 pm

Raz, I shall forever remember your dissection and destruction of Billy in this thread as – The Razzle Dazzle.

Beware the counter-assault, though. Your loyalty to country and allegiance to the flag will come into play.

Race traitor, faggot and many more terms of opprobrium will be aimed at your psyche. May the force be with you.

August 16, 2015 8:14 pm

— “Your loyalty to country and allegiance to the flag will come into play.”


What I find most interesting about this topic was how readily people lapped up some more subconscious white guilt just because it was wrapped in some supportive words. The way the article rejects the brain washing and indoctrination as being absurd lays it on thick the subtext that since white people aren’t crazy or indoctrinated… they must just be stupid and ineffective.

The dismissal of the indoctrination aspect is the signature of where this was really coming from… even if the actual author has good intentions.

This is how easy it is for the devil to whisper sweet nothings in our ears while slipping some bugs in our underpants. This ranch isn’t going anywhere… the over-burdened white slave is just going to have some of the pressure removed by being promised all the things being said around places like TBP in order to help instill the control structure that has been planned since before any of us were born.

There won’t be any dramatic collapse… that’s just a different savior carrot to get people to wait and wait and wait… the ranch is too valuable.

August 16, 2015 8:26 pm

IMO this entire issue of “race” is moot when what we’re really talking about is illegal immigration. Personally I believe there are people we would want to encourage to move to the U.S. but it’s not what we’re seeing sneak across the border and coming through H1B visas. All this crap needs to stop at the least, and all those here illegally who commit crimes need to be sent home with a bill to their country of origin. We need to start enforcing the law and start shooting at border crossers. Wouldn’t take long for word to get around that the border was CLOSED! One thing we could do is formulate a list of companies that import and hire H1B’s to do the work of laid-off Americans, then boycott the shit out of them. And that most likely would include Apple, Microsoft, Disney, and Socal Edison to name a few.
That at least would be a start. And yes, I’m waiting to see the first National Association for the Advancement of Middle Class White People (NAFTAMCWP or “Naf-tank-Whip” ™ open in my neighborhood. That’ll be never ’cause I’m in Socal, the great culture mixing experiment that’s one beat away from utter chaos.

August 16, 2015 9:59 pm

EC & Razzle:

In addition to what’s coming next for raz, don’t forget “douchecanoe,” “oily anal discharge” “libtard” and probably something like “rip off your head and shit diarrhea down your bloody stump.

And the coup de grace, “I’m too busy working, so fuck you. I have better things to do with my time than fuck with you.”

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 16, 2015 11:42 pm

Oncet there was chieftains and knights and general Patton and whatnot. Now we get Stucky and his 250 posts uh day. He’s at the very top uh the heap. He runs shit fer Admen when he’s gettin lickered up at the shamrock, er waiting in traffic down there in Jane Goodall land.

Good gawd I can’t wait ter see yer shriveled up noodle dick come october. I’m gonna put you in a scissor hold and pop that acne scarred noggin clean off yer shoulders.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 17, 2015 12:06 am

razzle says: What I find most interesting about this topic was how readily people lapped up some more subconscious white guilt just because it was wrapped in some supportive words.

That is why I said, the writer of this article may be a plant, a troll, he rakes his own people over the coals and blames the white man. Shurrrr…. That is why I said you are awake to see thru the nonsense of this article.

There was a similar incident back at work, our Q was carpooling with the ops manager, he liked to irritate the ops manager by telling him that we ‘got over’ on him. They got you again!, he would say. Little fucker was just stirring the pot and getting our ops manager riled up, making him own our every slip, whether intentional or not.

White guilt is shit. I was at the Craby Joe’s in downtown LA, a dive of dives, a drunk dropped a liquor bottle and the barkeep heard the clank, he came over with a cut off cue stick and hit the drunk over the head. That’s the way you should deal with lawbreakers, brown, black, whatever.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 17, 2015 12:29 am

BW sounds like some kind of Rachel Rouse, might be worth it to go to the shitfest just to see Stuck and BW in a mudfight.